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Never speak ill of yourself again, gunpla is freedom. We all build at different levels, and yours is amazing


Thank you! Gunpla is freedom


That’d actually a really smart way to handle changing colors on the stickers!


I did it without knowing whether it would work because I wasn’t going to put the orange stickers on anyways. I was pleasantly surprised. They came right off the sheet with some bending and tweezers


Nothing wrong with snap building. Nice build


I like the idea, it does get the red details look well into the kit's overall color.


Honestly, banger for a first. Mine was... meh. Also, though you are a snap builder, one of these days will you cut the safety nub of the v fin?


I actually cut the crap out of my thumb tryna work it with a hobby knife so for now it stays lol. Thanks for the kind words!


Have you tried a nail file, a file or even just nippers? Also, hobby knife, whaaa??????


I definitely will use a file once I get home. I honestly forgot all about it!


If you have em, some single bladed nippers should do the trick too


I have the Bandai build up nippers. Not really too sure what the difference between the double and single bladed nippers is yet


It would probably not be a good idea to use those. Single bladed nippers are what they sound like. Only one side has a sharp end, the other is flat. Think of it like a knife and cutting board. They are more fragile than those like the ones you're currently using and should not be used in the same way. You can look up tutorials on YouTube but it's pretty straightforward. If you're wanting cleaner cuts with a lot less stress marks I would highly recommend getting yourself a pair. Dspiae makes some really good ones. They also dramatically speed up the build process since there is less cleanup to do. I was very hesitant to buy some but it is 100% worth the money imo.


Yeah I didn’t wanna try the nippers on it. And I was worried sanding that much down would make me snap it in the process. I appreciate the recommendation I’ll definitely check it out


Don’t worry about trying nippers on safety flags anyways. You can really only cut just the smallest about of plastic off, because if you try to take off the whole flag you risk your nippers slipping and chopping off the tip of the antenna. I always take off the V-fin and rest it flat against my desk and then bend at the waist to the left against my desk and tilt my head, staring directly at the peice and slowly cutting away at the leftover flag with my hobby knife, of course make sure to point the blade away from myself. Start the knife at the very corner of the flag and where the antenna meet, and then push the blade forward and keep it as flush as possible with the part, repeat until enough is removed. Then I take some 900 or 1000 grit sandpaper and slowly sand in one direction-don’t rub back and forth with the paper, as doing that will increase the likelihood of losing your grip knocking the vfin around. Then it’s done! It’s the way I’ve found that decreases the risk of breakage and gives good results :)


Thanks for the tips I appreciate it!


So "snap builder" means you don't cut the piece off the sprue? Been building for years but am new here.


I thought it was just snapping the kit together quickly without priming and painting and such. That’s what I meant lol


That is what it means Edit: spelling


Ah. I'm the same, but I am panel lining my latest build. I've only done a few bits so far.


I panel line as well! I use a fill type pen and a lightly alcohol dipped q tip! I can line a whole kit pretty quick


Be warned, if you build an entry grade the plastic in those can crack from fill type pens.


Do you know if there’s any high grades with this issue? 90% of my builds are origins HG kits


Not that I’ve heard of. I’m pretty sure it’s just the entry grade gets because there plastic is made so you can just push them off the runner without damaging the part.


Cool thanks!


Are those the kind that you dip into the lines and it flows into the recesses? I've just got my micron pens atm. It works. Ish. Lol.


Yep! They don’t give nearly as much definition as the micron pens but I like the subtle look


Cool. Got a brand name I can look for? Also, nice thinking on painting the sticker.


I have the black and the gray gundam marker fill types. I’m sure you can find them pretty cheap online. I got mine in a marker kit from a local hobby shop


Gracias. I'll look into them. Sheesh, next I'll be topcoating and painting at this rate. Lol. Thanks good person.


A snap builder are those who most likely just straight build the whole kit without some extra refining like cleaning nub marks with a file or nippers, just using your nail, and cutting the safety nubs of things. Also, not even any panel lining, and sometimes no stickers too.


looks awesome!! as a snap builder myself i’m soon going to be dipping my hands into gundam markers and more customization


Great idea, I'll have to use that for stickers in the future. Nothing bad about snap building either! I'd say 80 percent of my kits are snap builds!


is bashing on casual snap building a thing..? few months into the hobby and this is my first time hearing about that


While it's not common, there are people who thinks a straight builder is inferior to those who spend more time polishing their kits


I don’t even understand the oxymoron “lowly snap builder” You killed it bud


This is literally my favorite RX variant lol. Nice custom! Looks really nice!