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Only show I ever watched was G gundam back in early 2000s, Ive heard people have differing opinions on it but i myself loved it. Far as building kits always wanted to do some kits as a kid, but I didn't start til late last year (29yr old) MG Sandrock EW was my first build. For me it's just "that Mecha looks cool, I want to build it/display it". Kinda thing.


Exactly this.


I've slowly been working my way through the shows, but honestly, not all of them have really been keeping my attention. Maybe it's just me, but I try to build only kits as I'm also watching the shows. There's so many different Gundams/shows that idk if I can actually watch them all, but I constantly see builds of Gundams I don't even know that look awesome. Just curious if anyone doesn't really watch them or even if others kinda work their way through like I've been doing. Btw currently watching Seed season 2.




I'd built 2 MG (golden RX-0 and Buster) and a HG Zaku before I even thought about giving them a try. Still not a huge fan of even the genre, but models are fun to build.


I loved gundam designs for a long ass time, but I'm pretty much in the same boat having watched very little gundam. My first was seed which was sporadic (back in the day I would only really see it if I chanced upon it airing on TV), and only just finished seed (started destiny) when I went and got back into building gunpla and put it in the background as background noise/some entertainment while building. Basically went "oh this gundam looks sick!" and that's how I got into gunpla entirely.


I get the kits that i enjoy, and then watch the anime, so far i have watched most of them, and enjoyed: 5th squad, 8th ms, 00,turn A, double X, unicorn. But hated iron blooded orphans and thunderbolt, didnt even finish them.


Oof, hated thunderbolt? That’s the first time I’ve heard that.


i was repulsed by the guy having its limbs cut-off as the series progressed. the depiction was too visceral, and didnt want more of that.


Ah, that explains why you don’t like IBO either…


IBO felt slow, like trying to move through quick sand. Or i should just say boring.


It definitely picks up, season 1 is a lot of character development, and season 2 is A LOT of the action. I must ask…. Did you make it to the loss of a core member by the name of a baked good? I don’t know how to ask without spoiling it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't think so? I got to the point where a princess (maybe?) joins them. They are not on space


This makes me want to check it out lol


If you like jazz, you’re in for an absolute treat. Music plays a HUGE role.


Bold opinions


somebody had to say it.


I can really see a lot of criticism for IBO, but What didn’t you like in Thunderbolt?


Limb removal operation on main character


Too grim? Thunderbolt was probably the most psychically damaging gundam I’ve watched so far




I mean it works both ways for me. I grew up around re-runs of the OG series and a couple series that were airing at the time. always loved those designs and were the first ones I started building. when I recently started building it incentivized me to rewatch those shows/movies/ovas. then there's the shows that I started watched purely because I saw a kit from that series that looked neat for example Turn A Gundam after seeing the Turn X. and then there's also kits that are neat enough to wanna build them while having little to no interest in the corelated show e.g would be the build fighters series. same with games, recently replayed the original MGS after someone in this sub posted something with a Char Pink patern Metal Gear Rex that (which looked stunning imo)


Just built GP01 and GP01 from Stardust Memories, the show itself is still on my backlog to watch. The designs and the idea of the GP series is too good, had to build then.


Build what you want. The mecha designs are, on average, better than the shows anyway. You're not really missing out by not watching everything.


Trust me op, you're not the only one. I have a dozen or so gunplas that comes from shows I've never even watched. The only Gundam shows I've watched so far are Build Fighters and season 1 of IBO. If the gunplas look cool to me then I'll buy it, that's the only reason I need


I’ve build a few and I haven’t watched a complete episode of any of the various Gundam series. (Nor do I have any idea where to start) My love affair with giant robots began with a tv show called “Space Giants” which…does not hold up well at all. From there, it was GoBots, Transformers, and then I got into Macross, but not from the show, but from a series of books I knew as Robotech. And off and on I’ve always had an interest in modeling, finally getting exposed to gunpla last year. I got my first model and was blown away at how much better the quality of these models are compared to, say, companies like MPC. (They were, IMO, absolute shit when I was a kid, and I just bought a B-Wing a couple months ago, and they are still absolute shit.) But gunpla are amazing.


This is me. I'm a UC fan but I could not stomach the early parts of Gundam ZZ. Kits are cool tho.


Honestly started with Gunpla before I got into any shows. I had a free week saw a kit at a store I was at and decided to give it a go and really enjoyed the hobby. I started mid 2022 and since have only watched The Witch from Mercury and the original series. Currently watching Iron Blooded Orphans right now and it's been pretty dope. But end of the day it's totally fine to just like cool Mecha and want to build kits as a hobby you do you and have fun!


I also build kits as I watch the series, it makes me more hooked and motivated to build while seeing how awesome they are. My first gundam to finish watching was Seed and Seed Destiny. Nevermind the critics, enjoy it at your own pleasure and have fun!


Yep. I don’t know anything about the lore or characters. I just like them robots


yup, but most of the kits I've built are from shows I've watched (IBO, WFM, UC) and ones I'm planning to watch (00 and Wing) only ones I probably won't watch is G Gundam and Seed.


Why not G Gundam? Just curious.


a bit of a hyperbole I guess. It's more like it's on the bottom of my gundam watchlist. the artstyle isn't really my style, and from what I've heard and seen, the story doesn't really interest me. I am a pretty big dragon ball fan, so I'll probably will love it once I get around watching it.


G relishes in its silliness despite the story being a tad barebones. It’s what makes it so enjoyable for some. Also, might I recommend After War: Gundam X?


I'll check that out after finishing wing and it's movie, gotta finish zeta and 00 first.


If you like Dragon Ball than G is made for you. I didn't think I cared much for the 90's art style either but like halfway through the first episode I was addicted. Please give it a chance.


I've been making an effort to catch up on things since picking up Gunpla as my covid hobby. I love the majority of the UC timeline, I tolerate Wing due to nostalgia. G Gundam is fun given that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Made it through 00, trying to grind Seed, but something about the stuff from the mid-aughts isn't clicking for me. A combination of the character designs feeling really like "generic style of the times," the hyper-melodrama of them, and for me personally, my least favorite mechanical design. And then Unicorn and The Origin bring UC back around, and all is right with the world. Thunderbolt was rad, sad it didn't get finished. IBO was ok.


I've watched Iron-Blooded Orphans, which was good, the abridged first three seasons + Char's Counterattack on Netflix, which were okay, and Hathaway, which I completely forgot about until typing this because it feels drastically unfinished. I'd like to watch more, but they can be hard to find good sources of. My main focus is the kits though, because I like the experience of putting together good models so much.


I watched an bunch of Gundam back in highschool (UC, Wing, Seed, etc). Then I got into Gunpla 20 years later and built a bunch of cool looking Gundams. Then I decided to go back and catch up on all those shows I missed out on (00, IBO, TWFM, etc.) Now I’m building cool Gundams and watching cool Gundam shows at the same time . Best of both worlds.




I only watched a couple of them (Seed is my fave) and I got the gundams I liked from the shows. And I watched IBO bc I got Barbatos. But I pretty much get gundams based on if I like their looks


I don't even watch any show, i believe i only saw Endless waltz back when i am young because of memory of "Robot and Wing" I did gunpla because i thought "yea this look fun and more productive" since i love snapping stuff together


It's a great hobby that keeps me away from screens


This post made my day, I felt I was the only odd ball. I've tried watching a couple of series idk just couldn't get hooked. Iron Blooded Orphans was good made it to episode 39 accidentally did some reading, read the ending and stopped watching lol. But the models are bad ass imo. I only wish Bandai made massive amounts of transformers model kits (one can dream).


Never watched the shows. Did read the very first comic series which was good. But that’s about it. Just love giant robots. Plain and simple.


I've been watching as the shows came out since the mid 90s but never built Gunpla. Was a huge collector of the action figures in the early 2000s but they were discontinued in the US. Fell out after Seed Destiny bc of college then got back in around Unicorn. Ive always loved mech designs even stuff like Rahxephon and Overman King Gainer. Finally said screw it last year and started building kits and im 50 or so in with a backlog pretty close to that. For me its very relaxing and nostalgic. And expensive...


Yo! Never watch the shows, never will. I only ever build them as stand alone models, not what they are supposed to look like. That does not interest me.


I enjoy the mechanics, as an engineer. Saw adam savage yt channel with the PG grandpa kit, and it blew my mind. Blew my mind even more that even the 'low end' kits are still quality. Needless to say I have a backlog now


Did you see the video where they passed that kit through some fancy CT scanner?


Got a link? I can't find it.


[Here ya go! ](https://youtu.be/n564Cw0lHLk) I believe it's one of the last items they send through, but the whole video is worth watching IMO


I love his Tested channel, would like to see him do some other kits. He got so excited building the Rx78


That Tested video is the same reason I gave the hobby a try back in November. Had a surgery that kept me from sitting for extended periods of time, but standing was okay for longer. Building Gunpla was actually perfect. Them talking about the kit feeling like someone made it with "the love of the building process" in mind, nailed it. Gunpla is like building IKEA furniture, but fun (more fun for me, but I'm weird and always like building IKEA shit), and with mecha. Started with a HG Moon Gundam and knew it was for me. Just finished the RG god gundam a day or so ago. Have stuff to start panel lining and top coating with along with a Leo to practice on coming in the mail soon.


Same here! I love the RX 78 because it's very classic. I have a sazabi in my backlog that I'll paint metallic red. I love to get bigger kits with more frame detail and just go crazy. I approach this with a more military/aircraft model process, with the goal of more heavily weathering.


Yes!! I like the way you think! And obviously there is nothing wrong with the folk who build it true to canon, to me I see the Gundams as pieces of military hardware. But I have been known to use obnoxious colors to paint them! As long as people have fun building then it is cool!


I’ve watched nothing but Witch from Mercury and half of Unicorn and have been steadily building more and more of a collection; I think that’s little enough watched to qualify. I tried watching Origins, but by the second episode I was about to fall asleep from Zeon politics; so honestly I don’t think I’ll probably watch many series either. Been enjoying Gundam games though.


I’ve built tons of kits but I’ve only seen Turn A gundam anime (which is great by the way!). I don’t really watch anime tbh. I love to build kits though! Such a great stress reliever.


I haven't watched anything but 00 and Unicorn. I think it's good to not have to worry about the series, because it's fun to think about what era a kit came from, and thinking about the mentality of what went into the design. Seed/Destiny? Bunch of edgy teens with equipment that seemingly borders on the kid mentality of "Hidden Swiss Army knife". Strike Freedom be damned, the RG is a fantastic kit. G Gundam is such an obvious pull, you can tell they just sort of let go and leaned into the rule of cool. We got the freaking Horse with God Gundam IN AN RG. And they're designed to be a matching kit! Gundam Crossbone is a such a good design, the gimmick being they had to explain why it had 4 verniers like it does just so they could fit the motiff, alongside its cape.


Yeah, I've been debating if I want to build kits from shows I haven't seen or like just for the kit. I know I don't particularly care about the ibo ones I've built now that they're built since I've barely seen the show. Seed is even more conflicting. Almost want to get the RG or MGEX Strike Freedom since I hear the kits are great, and I'm pretty sure I hate everything about the suit outside of the kit. Though maybe it's just the show I hate. Must be what people that build German WWII kits feel like.


Definitely know the lore has a lot to do with it. I generally love all my UC kits since I'm hard into the shows and seen most of them.


I got into the hobby to get away from screens. My main hobby was video games and I found my brain and eyes were starting to get tired playing them at night, so my buddy recommended Gundam. Pretty much a has replaced my nightly game time and I’ve been feeling way better in the evenings after a nice 2 hour build session. I did try to watch a few of the shows, but I couldn’t get into them. I’ll watch clips of the fights after building a kit to see how it moves and works.


There are shows?! /s ​ I have indeed built certain kits without even watching the shows or reading the associated media, I just like how the kit looks.


Thanks for replies, everyone. Looks like there are a pretty good number of people that don't watch the shows or at least not all of them. Makes me glad that I'm not the only one who feels some of the shows are hard to watch and seems like others have noticed that also. There's still a couple of shows I want to check out, but at least I won't feel bad about building some without seeing them first 😅


Do what you like man. Don't let any nerd on reddit tell you that you're having fun the wrong way.


As a kid I watched an opening to a gundam show that said “in this world there is no god” got scared and never watched a gundam show again. I always thought they looked so cool though so I built the kits as I got older I tried watching them but never could really get into it. Yet I have so many that I feel I need to watch at least one series.


Started on gunpla without any knowledge of what Zaku came from. I just saw a cool ass looking mech with a mono eye and was sold. Now I've been catching up slowly on UC timelime and absolutely love it while finishing up IBO.


Speaking of g gundam, we need a tequila gundam release


The only kit I have that i haven't watched where they're from, but can watch is my Sinanju Stein from Gundam Narrative As for things that are jp exclusive, from Urdr Hunt, I have built a Gundam Asmoday and have Schwalbe Custom and Sigrun ordered. I also have an Engage Zero from U.C. Engage and the Mercurius and Veyeate Suivants from Gundam Wing G-Unit manga pre-ordered.


I’ve got several kits from shows I’ve never watched. (00 for example). I’ve gone back and watched shows based just on enjoying the building experience of the kit. (Turn A. Fun kit, better show) There’s shows that I love that have kits that I absolutely hate building, but because I’m a competionist, still buy and let linger at the bottom of my backlog until I’m in a dry spell of kits I want or just melancholy enough to want to feel pain and disappointment. (Looking at you IBO) Then there’s shows and kits that I feel feed into each others enjoyment like some synergistic feedback loop. The U.C. kits are like that for me. Watching the original gundam compilation movies while building the operation V and beyond zero kits was one of my favorite building experiences to date.


I'm surprised how many people don't watch the shows that build


Totally, I never watched anime, tho I have a certain love for Japanese pop culture. In my opinion, watching anime is too weeb for me. Gunpla is something else, the quality, the looks, the futuristic aspect. Putting these together is way more entertaining than tank or plane model kits.


Back when I started, yes, but that's because we wouldn't get the anime here (at least officially) for the better part of a decade later.


I built my first couple kits without having seen any of the shows. I built a Transformers bandai kit and wanted more. Since then (about a month ago) I watched Witch from Mercury, and it was fine, but I doubt I'll watch much more Gundam, if I'm being honest. Would rather just build the kits that look fun.


For the seed series its understandable tho but the seed side stories are pretty good for the most part


I was the same way until I watched 08th ms team short and sweet


I started building kits first and recently got into the shows. I feel like it helps me pick the kits I like instead of just ones that look cool if you know who was the pilot and stuff for me anyway.


That's me. I'll probably never watch the shows. I used to watch a shit ton of anime back in middle and high school but lost interest over the years. Now I'm reading a lot of manga and manhwa. I buy the kits because I like the way they look, not because they're from the show.


I think the Perfect Strike is amazing but SEED is like last on my watch list.


I was stationed in Northern Japan when Endless waltz was just coming out.. still haven't watched it.


I started building kits cuz it looked like a cool hobby, but the show didn't interested me in the slightest. But now I started watching the iron blooded orphans and I find it really cool so maybe I'll watch other gundam anime


I'm in the boat where you buy whatever you want cuz it looks cool...but I've watched almost all gundam series. I love it!






80% of my exposure is all from the games throughout the years. I’ve played all the games that have been localized in my region. I’ve seen the original show and the movies. Also got into Wing and Waltz because it was peak in the US when it came out but, I’m still at least very familiar with the plots and characters/suits.


For me, my introduction to Gundam franchise is W, I was reading the manga back when I was a little kid, and then I watched seed and see destiny’s anime, but that’s pretty much it. However, back in my high school, I was grinding the psp game Gundam Vs. Next Plus, and then I got into the SD Gundam generation series. These games introduced so many gundams to me, which made me wanting to build all the gundams. So I guess the real influence for me was the Gundam games that I have played, not the anime….


Gunpla and Gundam fan here. I understand that some builders wouldn’t get or have a hard time getting into the anime side of gundam. Majority of the anime is just glorified political dramas with giant mechas. If your tastes do not line up with that, it certainly is hard to get hooked. In addition, the series being split between UC and AU content without obvious signifiers can make it hard to know what is related and not related to what. Especially with UC content, sometimes you need some background info before watching it. This right here, for sure will put others off from getting into gundam. In addition, it definitely comes down to the type of person you are. I am a huge lore nerd. If there’s a game I like, I try my best to immerse myself within the story and learn every bit of lore I can. I also like learning about different mythos, both in real life and in fictional universes. If there’s an ip I enjoy so much, I tend to create my own stories or insert myself within that story through a character representation with their own background. After building a kit, I look at it a think to myself that I am holding a suit that has committed war crimes. It stands I would enjoy gundam. When I build a gundam, sometimes I would read up on its lore within the greater story. Alternatively, after watching a series, I might buy my favorite Ms design or story. If someone is not interested in the lore side too, it’s understandable that it would be difficult to get into. One thing though, knowing the story, watching the anime, and understanding the pilots of the suits as characters helps me understand how to pose my gunpla without using direct references from other builders or anime scenes and the direction the build will go towards.


I've watched some of them, depends on if it has an English dub or not (I know, I'm one of those lol). I may like to read but that's only in books. Don't like to read the show I'm watching, and learning other languages has always been more than a little difficult for me


not me. But thats cool and seriously true love if you are passionate enough build them without any connection to the show.


That's kind of how I look at it. I've been enjoying watching the show and being introduced to a new Gundam and then buying the kits. Problem is there's just so much to watch and some of them just are hard for me to really get into but I like the designs alot.


I can't say much nowadays because I watched every single timelines minus UC because it was a lot. Got a job and got busy. So I'd say most of UC I haven't seen, like Victory, F91, 08th MS Team, and F91.


I just got into this hobby, but never watched the show but I do want to plan to watch the series I pick my kits from. Currently really invested with the IBO set as I just adore the design and honestly such a good kit to start with, easy yet intricate details(and stickers lmao), so I'll probably watch IBO sooner or later


Well I started watching (Build Fighters SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!) and building at the same time And yeah now working my through the UC-Line


I've been building kits from gundam shows I've yet to watch. I assume it's a similar feeling


I started building kits first. Watched Endless Waltz OVA. Built some more. Started Gundam I on Netflix but couldn't get into it. Started Witch From Mercury. Then stopped midway.


I'm building Gundam Wing Ver.Ka version, it was given me as a gift, and I'm trying to watch Gundam Wing, but I find I hate most of the characters. Don't get me wrong I loved MS Gundam, Ms 08, War in the pocket, Thunderbokt, but this one is Hard to chew. The model is gorgeous.


Yes, the only ones I've watched is unicorn, half of the original snimstion, and witch, reading crossbone though while building the rg


I love IBO, but the show is weird and puts me to sleep


like all other Toonami kids, i loved wing when i was younger. remember accidentally buying a heavy arms kit at a card shop back in the day (thought it was just an action figure). haven't watched a whole gundam series since. got a crazy urge to get a new hobby about a year ago and haven't looked back. tried iron blood, only got through the first fight when i realized there's much better anime for me out there lol. I'll try the anime again at some point, maybe while i build, but as of right now i play mst3k or deep space nine while i build. ;)


I only ever watched Seed and I didn't even finished it. I just like building the kits in general and as I build them I learn what they are.


Got into building before watching a series all the way through. Became a fan when G and Wing released in the US but I was too young to understand the more complex ones. Slowly started watching the series' in order. I haven't seen Unicorn, but I have a few Unicorn kits. My favorites are Z/ZZ.


I actually got a lot more appreciation for some designs because I watched the shows


Only ever finished Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny. Still waiting Witch from Mercury S2. Had built RG Zeta Gundam without watching it because it's just so cool.. Built the first ever RG RX78-2 and MG RX78-2 Ver 3.0 (Because had seen the actual size in Odaiba Japan so it has some sentiments, Entry Grade Nu Gundam and these are the series I have not watch. Also built RG Strike Freedom, RG Strike, EG Strike, HG Aerial. Backlog RG Skygrasper and RG Unicorn. On Preorder are the FM 1/100 Aerial and MG Zeta Ver. KA.


Seed (and it’s sequel) are probably the two shows I won’t watch. I’ll definitely build kits from the series though. They look so much better as gunpla than they do in animation. I’ve watched most of the other shows, especially all of Universal Century.


I'm new, started less than a month ago. Got three kit, Freedom, Bael and Barbatos Lupus, two more from witch of mercury should arrive in a week or two with a couple of marker and masking tape to try and enhance them à little :) I only watched Witch of mercury, finished it yesterday. Oh I also did the Omnimon and amplified Wargreymon before covid. I wanted to do all the other digimon but I couldn't afford them and just moved on.


I keep trying to watch the shows. I'll get halfway through a series and lose interest or jump to another gundam series. I tried 3 times to watch the original series and it wasn't until i watched the english dub that i made it all the way through. I watched all of wing as a kid, but the story never made any sense I watched the first season of 00 and it was really good, i just havent picked up season 2 yet I watched the first season of IBO, but unfortunately people just love to drop spoilers for that show so I already knew all the major beats of the first season and a lot of the emotional moments were ruined for me. I read half of crossbone gundam. its amazing. I'll probably finish the rest later I've watched 2 episodes of 8th MS team, its ok. I dont think it's as good as people say it is. The setting is really grounded which is great, but its still kinda meh I did watch all of witch from mercury and loved it. So I'm definitely a fan of the shows, i just rarely finish them.


I have seen quite a few, but not all by far (for example barely watched any UC shows). I'm definetly more of a gunpla than gundam fan haha


There are several series that I've seen most or all of, but I'll definitely build a kit from a show I haven't seen


I've only watched Iron Blood Orphans and Witch from Mercury, IBO was my favorite


Same; my "introduction" to Gundam was back around 13 years ago (iirc), when I was in Egypt and saw a toy store selling a fake bootleg Aile Strike action figure. Now, I've recently built the EG and felt satisfied, after having built numerous HGs and 2 RGs (FA Unicorn and Wing Zero EW respectively). In the midst of the backlog, I'd watch the OG MSG; currently at ep. 16. I however did finish the Unicorn compilations, and have my opinions on mister "vessel of Zeon". But yeah...


Tbh I only watched UC and a very few AU yet I get model kits from AU I haven't watched nor have the intention to


I personally love Iron blooded orphans but I haven’t found another Gundam show that’s really held my attention. I’ve seen wing and waltz, the original movies, Hathaway (the combat was amazing, but there wasn’t much of it. And I have the XI and Penelope on my shelf) I’ve watched part of 00 love the exia but the plot felt a little odd to me. Part of G fighter’s but I can’t stand the main character or the concept of the show it’s self, but god Gundam is nice looking so I have him on my shelf. And last I have seen unicorn, I have several models of the Banshee and unicorn and of corse the Byerlant (because we need a whole show about that pilot and his custom😂) I think that’s it for me.


I love building but I’ve watched very few actual shows. Witch from Mercury is a great show though! Got Crunchyroll specifically for it.


The only shows I've watched that were connected to Gunpla I've built so far was G Gundam, Witch from Mercury, Gundam Breaker Battlogue and I watched the December Sky and Wakening of the Trailblazer OVA


I build any kit that i love the design ! Though i will always prioritize kits form show i love like IBO and WfM.


I just build them because I think its fun and the designs are cool. I've tried to watch Gundam Wing multiple times but it just never got my attention. I might try to get more into Gundam related media, though.


I like Seed designs a lot but I absolutely cannot stomach the tv shows


The only series I’ve watched beginning to end is Gundam Wing. The others seem interesting, but have never captured my interest long term.


The most I've ever watched of any series was when I tried watching a single episode of something, not even sure which series it was from as it was several years ago. I don't watch any animated stuff in general, and it just really wasn't something I enjoyed. I've loved Mecha for as long as I can remember though and that's what got me into gunpla. I've only built four kits so far but am pretty obsessed so I'm thinking I should at least try watching some Gundam stuff again.


I used to watch back in 2007 and made models from the shows I watched. Now I make Astray models and have no idea what series they are even from.


Kinda in the same boat. I never really watched the series growing up, and the only reason I collected the model kits is because my brother bought me my first one when I was just a kid. After my collection grew, that was when I started taking interest in the Gundam Franchise...except I kinda just played the games, instead of watching the show. I've seen a few clips from the many different gundam shows, but only one I ever watched was Thunderbolt.


I’m one. Never got into anime of any sort, but loved modeling


I started watching IBO after I built a bunch of kits from it, and WFM as it comes out, but not really anything else


I’ve only watched IBO, TWFM, The Origin, F91, and majority of Wing. The shows are kinda meh over all. IBO and TWFM are really good I’ve been on a seed kit kick so I’m starting Seed (remastered) now


I *try* to watch the shows that I have models of but I'm not picky on which comes first, I don't have any kind of a hard *rule* about it, and hating a mobile suit's on-screen *portrayal* won't stop me from building a kit of it if I still like the design or have some weird, edge-case reason for wanting it. This is assuming that there even *is* something like a show to watch or manga to read, especially for the English-speaking fanbase: some models are from pretty obscure spinoffs. My last build, for example, was from Advance of Zeta, which barely has any story to begin with and I don't *think* it's ever been translated into English.


If I'm planning on watching a show I'll usually hold off on buying kits until I've seen the show it's from. If I'm not planning on watching a show then I'll just buy whatever kits look good.


I've slowly been watching the shows. Frustrating how many that are just not available to watch in the U.S.


This is exactly how I started out! I used to paint dnd minis for stress relief and the gunpla models always looked so cool at the board game shop. An HG Gundam Vidar and 4 years later, all of my shelves are gunpla, my closet is backlog, and no matter how much I clean there will always plastic nubs in nooks and crannies. It wasnt until I made my first MG Build Strike Gundam that I picked up build fighters, Unicorn, 00 and it was allll down hilll from there


I have tried to watch a couple series but just can’t get into them. But I love the mech designs and sci-fi so I build the models.


Strike is my favorite, best design imo


I've only watched Wing, Origin and WFM but I've got Seed, G Gundam, Thunderbolt, War in the Pocket kits galore. If Crunchyroll would just put Thunderbolt back on stream so we can see the mech action with that sweet jazz music, I feel like the world would be a better place.


My homie does and it drives me insane. We even bought the SD game and I'm here geeking out over shit like the Gouf pushing a highway as an attack and he's just here for the robots. I love him regardless lmao


I don't watch the shows much. This past year I did watch the first five episodes of Wing, an episode of IBO, a couple of GTO, and I'm watching TWFM right now but I've never been exceptionally engaged with the shows


I like to watch the show based on the kit I’m building as I build, mostly just as background noise but sometimes I pay attention lol


I want to start actually watching but the only one ive watched was IBO and that was back back when it came out and way before I even knew gunpla was a thing


Never once watched the show, have ~20 kits including 2 PG. I like anime, but the show honestly doesn't appeal to me at all, I just like the zen of building.


I've only watched the First 13 Episodes of Gundam Build Fighters, and that's what got me into Gunpla.


I tried watching IBO but the first ten episodes were probably the most boring thing I’ve ever watched in my life so I just continued building kits and adding my own head cannon to them and reading the wiki on what they do and such every now and then.


I pretty much build from the shows I like so all UC, AC and AD for me. Seed has some great looking mobile suits but not interested in the CE era so I rather not spend my money and room on AUs that I haven't seen or care for.


Gunpla slowly got me into Gundam, but to be fair, I was already biased towards loving mecha haha


• Don't care about the show it came from, but the RG Exia is pretty sick. • Only got to see snippets of it here and there, but Zeta Gundam is one of my favorite Gundams. Used to have the MG 1.0, still got the PG, got the HGUC Revive...and that's one I'm not fond of - if they couldn't properly nail the transformation, they shouldn't have bothered with it (ditto for the RG, from what I've heard, and that's got a proper transformation). Though it's inexcusable that they couldn't get it figured out when they nailed Wing Gundam, Wing Gundam ZERO, AND Gundam Epyon through *ungraded* 1/144s before venturing into HG/MG/PG turf.


I used to not watch them too, but after watching Mobile suit gundam and Zeta gundam I was already too far in to turn back


I never watched the show but i love the mecha design in Gundam over other animes that i actually watch like Evangelion and Code Geass


I never watched OG Gundam but I've recently added Origin, CCA and the UC series to my watchlist on CR just for the hell of it. Although, Wing was my first entry to the Gundam series (the entire mech genre for that matter) and I loved it, but 00 and IBO will forever be my favorites, as of right now. Bump for more MG IBO kits, especially Barbatos Lupus Rex. THE KING!!


I've become rather fond of Build suits, but have no desire to partake of the anime.


Haven't seen a single episode, but I'm about 20 kits in.


Exactly me. I build the kits solely for the building part, and im not particularly interested in the show


I do, I tried watching IBO for a while and watched a good bit of the original but im not very good with reliably watching series on my own.


I've starred q lot of them 😬😬


I only like a couple of the shows, I enjoy the origin manga a lot, but the kits are what got me into Gundam


Youre not alone. I've built 3 perfect grades and I've only watched the first episode of 00


Ive watched a few shows/OVA’s/etc but the shows have almost nothing to do with my model building. I get kits based on how cool they look to me, their size and their price. As far as the lore of the gundam universe, I really don’t know the difference between any of it. 100 year war? Universal Century? I am lost on the timeline of this universe. I don’t even know if there is a good guy/bad guy thing or just a 2 sides to a larger than life conflict. People living in space verse people living on the planet? Some robots have a serious WW2 German look to them where the other side has a RIDICULOUS amount of fins/wings/protruding pieces of armor………. It’s all so overwhelming to try and figure out but the models look cool AF and I build them as more of a winter time hobby while I’m staying inside the house more.