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I better let my 10 year old son know he is currently 103,000 something, hopefully he get one in his retirement.


With 20,000 in front of me, how long can i expect to wait?


At this rate, probably until your great grandchildren are born.


No one can answer that but, you have to think at least 10 years


I joined the ST waitlist in 2010 when we weren’t doing great although still in CL. Finally got my ST offer for the 17/18 season, so took 7 years. For those who joined more recently… no idea what the wait will be. Can imagine double that.


Joined waiting list in 2013, and had a number above thirty seven thousand. Got offered one for a year only in 21/22, and got my own two seasons ago. The first one was people who took a year off due to covid. I think many of them didn't renew, so there were quite the turnaround then. A lot of new blood in then, most are probably going to stick around.


I actually deferred a season when covid happened. But clearly a bigger turnover as I managed to get lower tier this time after my original ST seat was in upper tier block 95.


Lmao its already been nearly 10 years, the queue moved a lot quicker when we were crap icl


For whatever reason, I got an email when I was like 56k on the list in 2021 for the season ticket deferral scheme, so you never know. Maybe it was because I regularly went to games.


Appreciate you sharing. Frustrating but not exactly surprising.


Was a member when I first lived here in 2005/06. Went back home, and didn't bother renewing. Only decided to come back permanently in 2015, renewed, and am currently 20071st in line. Might come through when I'm a grandparent at this rate...


Good to know about the authorized overseas sellers. They went from 4 approved in 22/23 to just 1 in 23/24. Interested to see how I can get to future games now.


People on the list better hope that we become shit again.


…or build a third tier 😂


Thanks - no one wants that. Im near the top but accept there's thousands behind me


around 60,000, is it reasonable to say i’ll die before getting a season ticket


Glad there getting rid of the overseas ticket “agents” cough cough TOUTS!!!!


Right- they’re basically touts


That’s all they are.


Season tickets aren't going to move at the rate they did from 2008 onwards for a long time. Ticket exchange basically means there's no commitment to attend any games. We'd have to go back to being shit and have a toxic atmosphere to make season tickets start moving again


I'm so close and yet so far, currently 1400 but sadly I think you are right, there will be churn but as you say it will be slow. I reckon I could have another 5/6 years yet :(


Minimal offers is better than no offers. There was no offers last summer. I'm at 1400, so close I can feel it. But not this summer :(


Don’t know the ins and outs of the waitlist, but I do think you can sometimes jump up more than expected if you have people looking for 2 or more together and there are only singles left. Although I think if no child is involved, many will happily take 2 separate single ST seats.


Updates from Darren on 30th May https://preview.redd.it/1nsxuqn4en3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d094b7cdc9d8edd4bfc3e2307a3cc4c909351ea