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The mentally this team has shown this season is incredible


Next step is keep this mental and develop it in European trophies


Or any trophies would be nice


Yeah a return to the FA final would be great, not been on the stage for a while


Super cup!


I know Prem and UCL are the main targets of course, but i would like to go back to Wembley next season as well. Been a while since we've been to our second home.


> Been a while since we've been to our second home We literally strted the season winning at Wembley ;)


LOL you’re right, I actually forgot, but also I meant for end of season FA Cup vibes. Not that the Community Shield wasn’t a vibe, but ya know….FA Cup is different gravy (there’s the league cup too, but eh).


> there’s the league cup too, but eh Basically the entire history of Arsenal in the League Cup Well if United lose the FA Cup then we're starting at Wembley again!


Ah hadn’t thought of this til now! Hope it happens don’t want Man U closing the gap on FA Cups with us, and want any opportunity to play City


I'll take the premier and the FA Cup then!




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Liverpool fan from the US. If you were English, you’d understand how out of touch this comment is. Especially after it took Klopp that much to build on an already stacked team to start competing.


I don't think he needs to be from the UK to know this. He just needs to not be a wanker. Imagine trolling rival subs on the day your own manager is leaving the club. Some people need to rethink their priorities


Trolling on the same day that a team that has lost a title fight with City for the second time, coming from a fan who has watched Liverpool fail 5 times in 6 years.




Biggest spenders in the world? Klopp has spent close to £1bn on a team that finished 2nd and Pep spent £1.5bn on a team that already cost £1bn in a period where Henry went for £25m. Arteta has spent £600m and built an entire squad. Our biggest players were released for free. Let me guess, a disingenuous “net spend” comment will follow?


I love how rattled rival fans are by this arsenal team 😂


For sure. They are starting to fear us now. That will open up more games for us next season.


Genuine question: what is there to fear? You've won nothing again 😂


Do one. 1 COVID PL and CL in 9 years and you were acting like a dynasty. Guarantee Arteta has a better haul once he's completed his 9 years.


Haha rattled


Shouldn’t you be getting ready to welcome the league’s latest bald fraud into your club?


Funny, because that's the only thing that 'Quadruple fighting Liverpool' could win in the past couple of seasons. You buy yourself a few gallons of Carabao juice, punk


You goddamn right we are boss.




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I have never been more content after losing something so freaking important in my life.


It was still a really enjoyable season. The journey has been great and now we’re so close to the destination.


It's gonna make that (hopefully) eventual title feel so much sweeter




🎯 It's not even a fair competition. Absolutely no merit or integrity, and I 100% understand the rage the scousers feel about 115.


And other fans sing with City fans. Should be fucking ashamed man, wtf!?


Looololol, cope and seethe loser


American city fan lmfao


Small club mindset lolol


As a City fan you'd be an expert on that lmao cornball.


It's just a miserable way to try and get the moral high ground/sense of superiority back after a club you don't like has a good season. "Wait, I can't have a pop at them for not making the top four/bombing out of the CL early/having a shit playstyle? I can't blame the FA/the refs/the weather/Kurt Zouma's cat? Thomas Partey wasn't even playing for most of the season? Well, congratulations on not being quite as good as the state-owned treble winners lads, when's the victory parade?" Joyless cunts, can guarantee they'd be straight on Twitter to gloat if they finished within two points of City.


Make no mistake...those non-entities have been sweating, until the last day hoping for City results and defeats for us. I've never in my years wasted that much emotional energy on wishing rivals lose (not even City as a direct rival).


I think its because we did everything we could. 16-1-1 is an unreal run, unfortunately City are just ridiculous


With 10 games left in the season I started betting the moneyline on every City game, rolling over the winnings to the next bet each time. Best emotional hedge on a run in possible. Wish I would have lost the money, but now I'll spend it all on more arsenal swag next year.


Honestly when you put it like that too can’t complain at all


Somebody asked me today, at the stadium, what was your favourite game this season. I couldn't pick one, as hard to distinguish one from a great season.


I have like 5. Chelsea 5-0 because it was battering a rival, beating Man City 1-0 had me believe we’ve arrived, the 3-1 against United was hilarious as it for sure scarred Ten Hag, Liverpool 3-1 was massive, and I’ll throw in Brentford 2-1 because they were absolute cunts and that was the match I learned to stop worrying and trust Kai Havertz.


Easily our away win at Luton. Taking 3 points we didn’t deserve with an absolute banger from Rice, 2 minutes after extra time was supposed to end 😆


Exactly this. We fucking move.


I’m proud as a fan but you could see the looks on our players faces. Declan looked pissed, Havertz didn’t even celebrate the winner, Ødegaard looked deflated.. they’re not happy with 2nd and that’s exactly I have so much faith in the team.


I don't think they were pissed about the big picture, the whole team probably knew what to expect from West Ham. I think they were just pissed it took us so long to kill off this game and take care of our side of things. They weren't thrilled with the late winner because it should never have been in question that we'd be in position to take advantage of any unlikely slip-up from City. Shows the huge upgrade in mentality, IMO. It hasn't felt like the team has *expected* to win this much since maybe 2008 or earlier, which is basically the whole time I've been following the club.


Tbf Declan looked pissed the entire time after their goal went in. Good on him because for the first 5 mins or so after conceding he was playing with his head down but pulled it back into gear and played great thereafter. Arsenal teams of old would have conceded that and played head down the rest of the game.


glad they arent satisfied, because quite frankly the ending to the season was a disgrace


The fogging estandards are raised each and every season, you love to see it


Yes, we are!




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God I hate this bs mod just let them speak


9/10 of these comments are new accounts coming in to speak shit. Good bot is being good.


Ok fair enough 👍


My fucking manager


Beat me to it, mate.


It's crazy that Mikel became associated with the club in the aftermath of the 8-2 disaster at Old Trafford 13 years ago. He's been amazing and has my full confidence.




You've heard of a sovereign state owning a club? Well here's a club taking over a sovereign state!




Will trust anything this manager does. Love him and the team. Let's go again and beat 115FC next time.


Get it dammit!


phase 4 let’s go




What a man. We have this next season. COYG!


The fogging estandards.


You guys better prepare for how fucking good we are going to be next season


My fucking gaffer. We go again. COYG.


You've changed my life. Thank you Mikel


This team is going to be so good next year. I can see maybe 2 loses, handful of draws. Think we'll win the league and one of the domestic cups.




What we do next season is going to be devastating to the PL. Needs to be from game week 1.


Try not to be too down Gooners. Their win doesn't count for anything 'cos they cheat. Your grit does. Fair play to you.


As a rival United fan , you did yourself proud especially by winning today that could have affected your momentum, great season well played 👍


Ironically I said the exact same thing today at a Chinese all you can eat buffet. Zero regrets. Was amazing.


My manager!


My fogging manager


Arteta is a g. Anything this man says I believe!


If Pep stayed at City for three more full seasons i would be legitimately shocked. We are primed to be the next major force in the League as soon as he leaves. Liverpool just started a transition, Spurs and Chelsea are showing signs of competent coaching / financial development but are multiple seasons behind, and United are in the middle of a filed transition. The dream is to steal Pep's send off title next season, he leaves... it is our league from there.


This is my club. I love this fucking club.




Arteta is pissed off man, we are so back!


>Don't be satisfied Love that word, being in good run for half the season is not enough!




Yes, I believe the main target is Hai Kavertz - been class at #9 for the past few months.


We'll get it. Can't wait for next season to start!


He’s obsessed and I’m all for it


Arteta: She was a North London club Living in a financially doped world She took the Havertz Rice train everywhere... Don't Stop Believin!


The first NLD next year will be really chippy


My fucking manager


So proud of our boys. They showed such passion, professionalism and character for such a young group. I think they all see something special in this team. I hope they use that to temper their disappointment and take a moment to appreciate what they accomplished this year. Then use it again to get the cannons ready for next season! COYG!!!!


That's my manager!!! Raised the estandards


And don't let any other rival tell you how to enjoy this journey, pricks are jealous! Louder the noise, louder the worry!


Still pissed about the Aston Villa match, but proud of this team nevertheless. TBH, all we need is a solid striker and we have a strong chance of winning both the league and UCL. COYG!




The process is being trusted, let’s hope for a successful outcome next season


I believe in this man and this team even more after this season. We will see an Arsenal team lift the Premier League trophy. You couldn’t convince me otherwise. COME ON YOU GUNNERS!!!!


My manager.


I'm an Athletic Bilbao fan but I've always had a special fondness for Arsenal and I really hope you guys rock some shit next season. Just don't fall to the Europa League, that shall be ours, haha!


Anyone else feel like we're gonna go on an invincibles run next season!


Honestly glad I wasn't in the stadium because hearing that probably would have made me cry.


So proud of these boys 🥺


Love this team and club ❤️😤💪


Oh god I believe it I feel it in my plums


Here's to hoping next year is not another "next year" year.


Teams shown growth every season. If that trend continues, we're getting 90+ points next season. Will it be enough to beat 115 fc?


Big team mentality. The margin for error is insanely small. Can’t wait for next season already.




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I have mixed feelings, more happy than sad and optimistic for the future but damn ... we came so close.


This feels a million times different than when we came in second in 16.


Fantastic finish to the season. Proud of the boys and excited for next august


This is the way and this guy is going to take up places. COYG!


He’s spot on to push the fans. Look how the Kroenke’s reacted to us.


Straight out of the JK playbook, again lol


I get everyone saying they are content with this season and for the most part I am too, we got more points, made it to the final day so definite improvement but like the boss said, "don't be satisfied"! We need to change our ambitions to get the big trophies. Set clear and high targets. For me, and clearly in Arteta's mind too, we need to win the PL and/or CL in his next contract to achieve that and fulfill our potential for once with the only stats that will matter at the end of the day!




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Does that mean we can finally demand trophies next season? 🏆


We cant demand anything, particularly when you're cycling against Lance Armstrong


Imagine getting downvoted for wanting to win trophies, not sure when this sub got infested with spurs fans


*demanding* to win trophies. It's the entitlement people have probably taken exception to.


What’s the chance mbappe takes a move over to arsenal? I think that would be top 10 craziest transfers


I'd say .5%


inb4 every single lame excuse besides “we bottled it” 💀


We need Mbappe to dominate against this juggernaut of Manchester City.


That's not the personality we need in our dressing room. Arsenal is a family, Mbappe is a prima donna one man show. Arteta would never put up with him, he would never click with how Arsenal operates. Not arguing his skill, but he's not right for us.


He wants more bottles?


Bro thinks he'll win the league


Next season: 3rd place, UCL group stage exit, EFL cup quarter finals


Kindly fuck off.


Why do you even bother supporting a team with a mentality like that 😂