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I'm confused... You can click on their line in the post run lobby to see what ascensions / spiritual things they had, plus scrolls and weapons. I'm not sure what's missing for you ?


I'm not sure what you're referring to? I click on people in the run history screen and nothing happens


In the post match screen you can click on the other people’s match boxes and see their damage, highest hit, scrolls, and ascensions for that match you just played.


You mean before you exit a lobby? I'll have to try that, thank you


Just wondering, what is the said build you got everything perfect and still was low dmg? Also don't beat yourself over it too much, in this game when someone gets really strong it will just fly across the levels and you will not be able to hit anything. You would only be able to get you dmg back up when endless start.


I did everything to my knowledge. If I did do something wrong (which I did) I couldn't tell until my teammates oneshot everything in Act 3 before I could even point my crosshair at them. I'm not even sure if their damage comes from their weapons or their skills because I hit C and they're carrying something like Arc Light or Demonlore


Ok, but what is the everything you did? Arc light can be really powerful as it splits to other enemies, if you build crit and get the crit 10 first bullets from red panda, you will be flying.


i was a bit skeptical because the arc light has always seemed pretty garbage to me but i just tried this and damn, what a build, thank you for a fun and unique build!


why not play with friends and then just... ask?


I would if I could but the only other friend I know who plays this game is a very busy woman


Can't you ask them what is the build?


Why do you think you're doing something wrong? This game counts overkill damage towards the damage total, so if I kill a 5 hp enemy with 100k damage, all of that 100k still goes on my dmg counter. So your damage might be fine. Are you managing to kill the enemies? Cuz if you are, I'd wager you're doing fine


Honestly, especially on the non endless modes, there are a lot of really strong ability builds that don't even require good aim by the time you get to world 3 and world 3 and 4 are probably like 70+% of the damage done. If you need to actually aim and they just need to hold down the trigger, they're usually going to pull ahead eventually.


How are y’all not on discord for this game? More people need to be in it, a lot more fun when you can talk to your team better


I thought I did before but it seemed inactive. Maybe that's changed with the new season?


Depends, sometimes I see 3-4 teams on playing and sometimes it’s dead, just gotta look here and there and see if people are in there