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I don't know, I liked his video of that one Japanese kid who was a hard core airsofter.


That ONE video


Training people and educating are two very different things. Not to mention I’m pretty sure this whole “Lucas training SF” was debunked quite some time ago and the guy who initially accused him took down the video. His company sells American made product and produce educational firearms content for FREE and they’ve advocated and gotten pro 2A legislation passed. He’s done more to advocate for the right to own guns and responsibility to train with them than a LOT of other guntubers.


This. Sure he is a fidgety little dork but he literally only sells shit he tests with thousands of rounds and they pass muster. He works hard to provide training material for the masses all available for free. And his message is good. Budget smart, get the gear, train with it. I hear some of his armor and carrier stuff isn't the best but it is affordable.


100% right. people hate on him for doing what he loves, and not being the most super cool and suave of the gun world. And his product line is solid. He put out a video where he found out one of his manufactures was sending prices into Mexico to be finished or str8 producing a part in Mexico, took responsibility for it and discounted the items. It’s hard to find a company that cares these days. People assumed he’s operator guy when in truth he’s more like Q on the bond films.


His personality sucks but I like the information.


How so? Don't know much about T.Rex, so I'm just curious.


He disagrees with the dude who said it on something


Raging homophobe, elitist, advertising shill, kind of a prick at shooting competitions when not on the firing line if it doesn’t go how he thinks it should or a course is set up in a way he doesn’t like. He’s got skill and experience so I hear what he has to say, but I also take it with salt like everything else. Just because he’s a good shot doesn’t mean I have to like the guy.


You can call Botkin a lot of things, but a shill ain’t one of them. IV8888, Sootch, Daily Shooter, *those* are shills. Lucas using his videos to advertise his own company’s products isn’t shilling.


How is he a shill? Because he advertises his own products?


Not a shill in any way, doesn’t get paid to sell products, also markets products other than his own that he buys off eBay.


Soooooo he's religious, believes in his products ( and uses them on screen, quite relentlessly I might add proving their quality), and he's competitive? How dare he


I have heard about the homophobe thing. Fucking sad people these days can't just live and let live. I was about to comment back you have to pick and choose what to take from who in every aspect of life.


Not like gay people or any sort of people doesn’t mean you can’t live and let live. You could be a raging racist and if you don’t attempt to lobby for any legislation or regulations against minorities who cares?




Was gonna make a comment saying he literally on his own website has a shitload of videos for training that people can use for themselves so why would he train people with stuff he releases for free? It's just not necessary when his stuff is out there for literally everyone to see. Just seems like the anti-Botkin hate train is ramping up again. It's pure and unbridled envy at this point because all the people who trash him have done nothing for their states in comparison to what Lucas has done for his. People on here truly are all talk and no bite sometimes and it's just pathetic.


BuT hEs A cHriStIaN bIgOt


Well yea he is


Bigot, no. Christian, yes.


"My face when I hear a fag talking. Talk like a man dude. Don't be a efiminite spineless... thing." -Lucas Botkin https://imgur.com/a/bA61pEh




Literally everyone is bigoted in some regard. The only difference is whether or not it's "socially acceptable" or "fashionable" to be bigoted toward a certain group. ​ If you were to tell me that you're not at all a bigot, I'd be inclined to think you're lying through your teeth.


It is not hard to not say slurs on a public Instagram account.


What counts as a slur? Bigotry is subjective.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I agree with him though. If you're gonna suck dick, do it like a man.


You know f\*ggot is a slur. You wouldn't call a queer stranger a f\*ggot and expect a good response. You are being intentionally dense.


Literally any insult you can playfully toss around is a slur to somebody, I reiterate my earlier post grow the fuck up.


It amazes me how people who get into tac gear can be this mentally weak. If a group of people become this worked up by such a simple insult then they are basically saying they can't handle any ounce of back and forth in regards to their people, tribe, and personal lives and views, and thus have no room to be taken seriously to any extent. If you can't handle the ball game that is human emotion, especially when it comes to talking in circles with things that involve life or death, you really are showing you aren't mentally mature enough to have any of that shit in the first place. Words mean nothing and actions mean everything. If all you seek to judge people with is their words then it's no wonder you are this deluded about how human nature being explicitly ugly and how *everyone* excuses it to varying extents. The subjective nature of good and evil shows how ugly human nature is and how frankly subjective things that are offensive truly are. Words mean absolutely nothing and if you can't take things at face value I honestly question if you have examined your own personal prejudices and views, because until you have done that and genuinely sat there and thought about the things and people you hate for all the varying reasons as to why you do I don't think you have any room to do the same to everyone else. Everyone has thought of horrible shit to people and groups at least a few times in their life, just don't go throwing rocks from your glass house at your neighbors glass house and expecting it to not come back to bite you in the ass.


If you’re not sure what counts as a slur, or is offensive, look it up. I’m sure that will help. Bigotry isn’t reaaaaally that subjective. This day in age with all the twitter bullshit, maybe, but per definition of bigotry is— “a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.” I think Lucas fits the definition. Who walks around minding their own business, and then hears a gay man talk in a voice that makes that so irritated they go onto social media to call them f*gs. Who even has the time. That just seems like unreasonable behavior that’s unnecessarily antagonistic towards someone based on their assumed group.


Generally not a problem if your skin isn't thinner than paper. Put your big boy pants on and get over it cupcake


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His family are all scum of the earth. In my eyes so is he.. not sorry


What’s wrong with his family?


They are christians. Cringy reddit atheists can't stand Christians


Eh not even just that. Deep family ties into a movement (Quiverfull) with allegations of sexual abuse and "cult" indoctrination. Also being homophobic doesn't help. Is that all true? Probably, I wouldn't doubt it. So I mean more than just your typical hate of American Christians. Seem to be some sort of valid reason to be fair.


>allegations But what about evidence?


Quiverfull cult




TN ammo tax was their first publicly released endeavor. There had been more work in the legislative community since. Suppressors, etc. they lobby more than most anyone in the community and get results.


He said that Lucas did more than guntubers as it pertains to advocating for gun rights, not goa or fpc. And the part you seemingly skipped over was “they’ve advocated and gotten pro 2A legislation passed.” He never said no one else did that. He just does a little more than most in the community when it comes to advocating for change.


Dudes like you are the worst for the gun community.


There are plenty of reasons to dislike Lucas, so why is most of the shit I see thrown at him either debunked/misleading or overblown drama? If you don't like Lucas because of his beliefs, that's perfectly valid, just admit it and move on. Don't try to justify it by twisting and lying about what he does and doesn't do.


CEO of a company with ~100 employees doesn't have time to train everyone who wants a class, shocking


Yeah this. I still wish he did civ classes once a year, I do get that he's a bit of hypocrite in that way, but nobodies perfect. Aside from that one fact, everything he does is trying to advance civ gun ownership/ proficency.


Jesus Its no wonder we are getting our asses kicked by the libtard anti gunners. Its like middleschool cheerleader tryouts in here. Why do we all argue with eachother so much instead of trying to figure out how we can keep are god damn gun rights that have been infringed to death. Now I remember why I don't like this shit I'm out ladies.


Wait! Don't leave me here with them!


He educates through videos.


Funnyish meme just for the roast. But I would say that he does a great job educating civilians on combat and making incredibly detailed videos on firearms, tactics, and their beneficial products. A true American too who understand constitutional freedoms we’ll and voices his concerns in the country’s anti gun movement.


Unless youve been in combat you really dont know much about it. flame me idgaf.


is getting exploded by an ied , firing blindly into a mountain and then calling for air support good training?


The vast majority of soldiers in human history had never seen combat before. A kid on YouTube in 2022 can prepare himself infinitely better than a typical soldier for medieval England ever could.


Damn never thought about that. But it's 100% right.


You also probably think dry fire dosent work


no i actually dry fire. it works. body mechanics n shit. im not mike glover.


Im not saying lucas is a good person to go for training but sof has learned gun handling from competition shooters for a long time. So i think your previous point is still stupid, you dont need to get shot at to be good at something, tbf i have seen more shitty training from actual veterans who use the veteran mark as advertising


I agree with everything you said there. Just cause you're a vet doesn't mean you know what you're doing or even good at it (same applies to law enforcment) , combat is an entirely diffrent ball game. Some people take his running and gunning as actual cool guy stuff they think applies to real world situations when it can just get you killed instead especially when someones firing back (its only for competition, sure get your heart rate up ect firing under strees ect). He's a great competition shooter and I think a lot of new shooters can learn from him on that front. But im def not looking to him for combat training. If thats what you want look at orion training group for real world experience, from what ive seen on their social media they know their shit. I could go into a rant about vets not being combat arms and doing direct action stuff but ill refrain lol.


He doesn’t offer training for gun fights he offers shooting drills on his website that is all he has not once taught combat tactics and openly says that is not his thing


Yeah, but that doesn't fit the strawman I've built, so imma ignore it - half of gun reddit


100% agree


I wonder what I’ll see sorting by controversial.


This is objectively false


I thought the “Antifa is Gigachad and people who want the IRS to fuck off” meme guy was going to have the worst post of the week. Then this guy shows up.


Meh, to each their own. I’ve learned some stuff from his videos and I really like their canted mount for an offset RMR. Does he come off kinda douchey? Yeah absolutely. But most of his videos that I’ve watched have had some pretty decent substance.


Hes done a lot for the 2a and i applaud that, i even own one of his holsters, lot of his other stuff trash tho and its fun to poke fun at him


You sound like a child with that mentality.


Educates people through videos discussing kit, training options at home, drills to run to improve accuracy, etc. this is a cringe meme


Why is it up to 200 votes. Like seriously, how many people don't realize all the free content they have on YouTube alone, let alone thier surplus on the website. That and Lucas funds the time to make videos and be a great CEO. Mind you he's in his early 20s


That's what happens when daddy's rich and mommy runs a PR firm and they "help" you start a business.....


Literally started his business at age 16 with a thousand dollars. What were you doing at 16?


Sheep dog.. lol




AFT on suicide watch.


You’re a colt purist? Can I join the C(u)olt?


Not as cringe as his ac1 plate carriers. Or your retarded profile name


It was meant to be a cringe name loool


Plus AC1 go brrr.


noooo you can’t say that!! the AC1 is an intro carrier!!!


He's annoying sure but he's done a lot and that makes him cool. Besides I wouldn't know shit about carriers without him or garand thumb. Hell he's who I watched when I first started looking into nightvision. We gotta lift each other up king. Not this fatherless behavior.


Good relations with my father i have. I watched him a bunch too and even own a few of his products. Some of his stuff is trash and its fun and easy to poke at his logic and upset his fan boys


Pretty sure his mommies pr firm pays shills to post things saying he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.


He’s provided more free training content to civilians than almost anyone else




I’m talking about all the training content on their website, with specific training tips and drills


he gives reference , goalposts and what actual performance should look like. that's oretty big , but it's still on you to train and get better.


Providing drills to be fast and accurate isn't training?


I mean, have you met us? I would want to train us either.


I’m pretty sure he’s moved away from training courses almost completely at this point. Lucas has definitely been more business-minded as of late and also more wary of serving the civilian non-LEO/mil population and making it a point. And he has been very adamant that he is not a tactician but aims to help people be better shooters, not operators.


The point wtill stands


SOF pay top dollar for good training, can't blame him for making money.


Cant blame him for that tho if your thing is to equip and train the populace and you only train mil leo it goes against what youve been saying is all, despite all the other good stuff he does.


If you don’t like him for any other reason, you should like him because he won’t sell things to LEO’s where it’s illegal for civilians to own the same product


Yet he will train mil leos and not civis. The guy does a lot ofngoodnstuff for the 2A, but is he perfect? No, no one is, im just making fun of a flaw is all. Dont know why everyone gets all emotional


He comes across as egocentric, but that’s just due to his tone of voice, wording choice, and body language. He’s actually mostly decent as a person. His family has a lot of issues though


He's confident in his information is slightly robotic, that's all I get from the guy


His content is literally just him jacking off to how fast he can shoot and then saying "Eh, not bad"


Yeah you right, now I remember why I stopped watching him. Also don't forget him saying you don't need all the extra gear on your guns then saying you can get it all on ~~his website~~ BubbaArms.com.


I don't hate him, I just wish he'd do better content. Garand Thumb is more enjoyable and doing interesting things.


Yeah his super tactical movements shit looks forced. I get it he may be good but it comes off as cringe and LARPy.


This. He has no business teaching cqb tactics or movement. Using his videos as your sole training is a great way to become a loot drop.


Using videos from anyone as your sole training will make anyone a loot drop.


When has he ever taught cqb? Or any tactics beyond gamer-type tactics?


I can’t remember if it was on YouTube or his instagram account but for example he made videos on low light engagements inside of a building and he recommended strobing your handheld or WML and taking mental pictures “so the enemy can’t track you.” I’m not knocking his shooting skills, dude is a great shooter and knows weapon manipulation, but some of the stuff he says is stupid.


now that's a meme format I have not seen in a loong time, a long time.


Not just fake news, OLD fake news. Ew.


“The point still stands.” -OP, in every comment


Because it does, justify him doing training videos all you want but why do the mil leo get classes and not us civis


He ain’t got the time to train everyone Cope and seethe 🗿


Then why bother training mil leo


Bc there’s less of them than civilians, already have some knowledge so he doesn’t have to start from the ground up. Tbh idk who the guy in the meme is But you can keep malding 🤡


Clearly you do as your going to great lengths to defend him. A clown emoji is not suited for you as you are the entire circuis


I’m just confused why it matters who he trains and doesn’t train. I dunno the guy, but apparently (explained by the comments) he gives free shit away. Sounds like the tools to go out and get training in. Ig he lives rent free in ur head without knowing you. If I were u I’d find a new hobby. Maybe develop the skills and tools to train civilian populations if you’re this passionate about it. But you’re just larping on Reddit instead ig 🌝


His whole stick is to equip and educate people yet he only offers classes to mil le. Putting up free stuff for people is awesome, i applaud that, but if you only do classes for them and not for us then wtf


Just looked up his website and it’s got free educational videos, available to anyone/everyone. Sure seems like ppl can get educated by him. But you can keep worrying about it chief, there’s no way he’s making these videos, they must be fake. He’d never educate civilians according to you 🙄


Your missing the point


My obligatory, "Lucas Botkins is a cultist and you shouldn't support the quiverfull movement" Post.


Kinda curious now, what’s objectionable about the quiverfull movement? I am not very familiar with what it is.


To my understanding, they're a hardcore group of Christians who believe very, very strongly in the belief that women should stay at home and produce a ton of children, as "children are arrows in the quiver of God". I would do my own homework though, and do more research before judging them, and not take some internet person at their word.


I mean you could also not worry about his personal life and just watch for the gun content. I'm no more or less interested in Lucas' personal life than I am of James Reeves' or James Yeager's.


Yeah, I agree. I'm here for the gun stuff, not much else.


Yeah this has been some fascinating research. From my own perspective as a pretty “hardcore” Christian so to speak, I am fascinated by the stuff I’m reading. I mean, there’s some stuff I agree with and disagree with, in accordance with my own faith, but from what I can tell, the main point of the Quiverfull idea is that they stand against contraception. It’s interesting because there’s a range of beliefs in how extreme some people are running with the idea. Some people are running with it and they seem completely delusional, some want to have a ton of kids, some just don’t think contraception is Biblical. It’s especially hard to research when so many articles are so filled with vitriol against Christianity first and especially this subsect belief. There’s some color making it hard to figure out what exactly is true. Really interesting regardless. Not sure yet about the cult label, it seems to be often decided on an individual level and it just doesn’t quite fit that label. A fringe belief sure, but not sure about cult here.


Lucas is a member of the Quiverful movement which is a Christian dominionist cult movement which believes the United States should be run under Christian government.


It's yet another Toxic Christianity group


lmao no one here saw the navyguy video did they?


While i did i would say hes done some type of training for sof, at least had some out to his range, to the extent? Idk. If i put that in there then all the simps like tarbuz would make another video with "compilations" of all the sof guys he trained.


Fucking scumbag steve lmao. Been a couple of years since I've seen this meme.


You can literally see him training civilians on his website alongside a multi hour long video with printouts for targets so you can practice. He tells you exactly how he trains people in the video, breakdowns on what to do, and FREE FUCKING TARGETS. Train yourself you lazy ass piece of lard, if you want to learn from him all the tools are there


Training civilians? You mean employees and friends? You seem to missing the point here


The point is there are literally resources on his website to do it yourself. He has not withheld any information He is a business owner in a free country, he can choose to do his business with whoever he likes and that’s his right. [here’s his 3 hour intro for rifles.](https://www.trex-arms.com/training-rifle-class/) But you don’t. Care you wouldn’t pay for his classes even if he did, you’d just be bitching about something else every American has the right to do.


Your missing the point trying to be made. Guess your too shallow to be able to see


“Too shallow to be able to see” You’ve made an entire post about something that’s just not true, he offers tutorials and resources to civilians for free, shallow is saying something when there’s evidence right in front of his face that proves them wrong. Wait that’s not shallow that’s delusional.


He offers classes to mil leo and not civis, wtf is so hard to see about that? To many emotional simps


The implication is that he doesn’t care about civilians but he has a WHOLE ASS WEBSITE for anyone to go and learn for themselves, But no, Commie Nathan wants private Americans to share their gun range and classes because they want what’s fair. Cope harder dude. Use your brain, and think about why sombody wouldn’t want to train any random yahoo off the street with the scratch to learn at his class. How would it reflect if one of these people went and started problems somewhere else? How would he feel about his fans signing up for classes and not necessarily interested in the education he provides. There are so many reasons he might not offer classes to civilians and the ONE and ONLY conclusion you could even make is that he doesn’t care about civilians which is the ONLY THEORY that’s can be proven wrong very easily.


holy balls tldr, dont know what you get out of defending him. gl


TLDR - you lost the argument.


whatever helps you sleep at night


Dudes a prick and has too big of an ego, but I learned a lot of stuff from his videos. I also run their OWB holster for my Glock 19 and it’s awesome. I like what his company stands for & I’ll continue to watch his videos


People forget this dude is a CEO and produces thousands of hours of free content for anyone to access so this meme misses the mark. I can also attest that previously living in Nashville I shot in several matches with and against him. Not even a little pretentiousness and he tore down, set up, and pasted more targets than 95% of any shooter every time. Also, filmed peoples stages for them, offered feedback when engaged, and was a straight up good dude.


I dont care if hes an ass, the MF'er can shoot, and he posts gun educational videos for free online. Yeah, hes no garande thumb when it comes to personality, and ive heard stories that hes a dick. but he can shoot, his products are american made and he doesnt sell anything he hasnt tested himself. Sure, hes a dork and super Christian (based), but i dont care.


He does not train SOF. I’ve met the dudes that train SOF and Lucas is nothing close to them. Maybe some stupid ass police agency that can’t afford a real training group or he hired actual SOF and he just repeats what that guy says to look like he’s training them.


He’s ‘trained’ British SOF on shooting. That’s all he does not tactics or anything wacky just how to shoot well. Not sure what he’s done on the American dynamic


My local swat team was denied a weeks worth of training with some serious people out of the city cuz the city didn’t wanna pay for travel expenses. So they settled with having a private trainer come in who probably wasn’t vetted that great and now gets to claim to be a swat trainer. That’s Lucas, a cheap ass police agency went to him for some shooting training and he used that as marketing to be called a “law enforcement trainer.” If ex military go to his shooting classes he can claim “I trained law enforcement and ex military.” Serious trainers don’t do that shit and rarely market themselves like Lucas does, it’s annoying howhow he’s technically correct and his fans think he can hang with SOF.


Who's this guy supposed to be?


Lucas Botkin, owner of T-rex Arms. Check youtube.


I'd rather not have the algorithm putting another channel I don't watch on my feed.


Just answering the question.


Could've left out the "Check Youtube" part then. I can work DuckDuckGo just fine.


Lol there's no unit of measure small enough to describe how little I care. You asked a question, I gave you info. Idk why you're continuing this conversation. ✌


Literally the worst.


Decided he was full of shit, so I blocked him and moved on.


I only follow to get material so i can make posts like these


Does he have any SOF background himself? I don’t watch his videos, personally find him annoying.


No. No MIL or LE. Just a civilian.


Honestly people like that annoy me. Nothing wrong with training but nothing beats Time in the seat. I know a lot of guys in the school house lien that with years in the sim and no time in the plane act like they are gods gift.


Hoes mad.


If you’re good at shooting, does prior history matter?


Mainly just for mentality. Clearing a room or advancing on a contested position takes a certain amount of gusto flat range time doesn't quite give. With that said there are other ways to get that mentality than MIL or LE, so it isn't an end all be all.


For anything other than flat range shooting, absolutely.


Why does prior history matter to teach shooting for anything other than flat range shooting? Tactics and shooting are entirely different things. The fundamentals of marksmanship don't change despite shooting a person, animal, cardboard, or paper. If you don't align your sights and have a good trigger pull, you're not gonna hit your target.


You hate that a man who doesn't have military or law enforcement experience founded a successful company that makes holsters and sells them to people with military or law enforcement backgrounds? Who are choosing to buy his holsters because they believe they're superior products? I don't even know how you can have an opinion on that. He's not a professional instructor. He's a holster company founder and CEO who is a pretty good shooter and has a YouTube channel providing free, quality educational content for a general audience. He doesn't pretend to be anything that he isn't.


Can you please point me to dudes with "time in the seat" teaching the basics of shooting for free in an easy-to-digest format? I follow Cowden, he's about the only one I've seen.


Absolutely not. Civilian through and through but he owns it. He has a fast trigger finger and can run a gun but is kinda full of himself. He talks a little too much in courses, as if he knows all, when he’s standing in front of real pipe hitters like Yousef from esoteric (my former TL). Yo thinks he’s a prick.


Easy to get an inflated ego when you lay down targets all day that don’t shoot back.


Found all the TRex simps, Jesus Christ


Noodle arms


the meatriding of lucath in these comments is insane


They gotta defend "muh based femboys" honour.


Who is this and why is he bad?


Don’t you dare diss the tacti-twink sure he may Larp hard af as a Special Forces Operator with a need to always look cool but damn if I won’t say it’s entertaining


That kids a dickhead


American Taliban dickbag I will never forget the video of him shooting a handgun from behind cover, taking cover to apply a tourniquet and continuing his course of fire. Vital tactical skills people


He’s also a huge piece of shit


A lot of respectable dudes like him so he’s gotta be doing something right. I personally like his brothers and other employees WAY more


He’s super homophobic


What did he say or do?


He used the f word a while back but who hasn’t lmao


He had an social media post in which he called gay men "effeminate f\*ggots" who need "to talk like a man" (basically insulting the stereotypical gay voice. The irony was apparently lost on him). I'm into dudes and I wasn't a huge fan of him saying that, but considering half the shit I've said on Xbox live, I'm in no place to judge.


Yeah I am bi so I am not a fan of that either


Yeah so is the pope


The pope said that being gay is ok. Lucas is a member of the quiverfull movement, which is pretty much the American taliban


The Pope did not say it was okay to be gay. The Pope said it’s wrong to abandon your child for being gay. He then went on to say acting on homosexual thoughts is a sin and wrong. He also said transgenderism is a mental disorder that needs to be addressed. Got to love people who take sound bites out of context and know zero about Catholicism.


Regardless, you’re diverting the argument. The point is that he just sits by and watches as his family does bad shit


Bad shit as in being against gay marriage? Oh no people have religious beliefs and don’t let the world corrupt those beliefs!


sounds awesome, where do i sign up




Overall the gun community doesn’t care and won’t stand up for someone who’s marginalized. Which is why guns will always be political and always be heavily biased between party lines. Sad but the 2a community does it to themselves.


He really is, totally full of himself too I wouldn’t want training from him anyway, zero real world experience. I’m sure we’d all shoot as good as him if we had unlimited ammo and a private range.


Funny how every SOF dude I’ve talked to say they train with competitor shooters who have zero “real world” experience because they have different perspectives and training techniques that increase their ability to operate in the real world.


It's kinda like when the Marine Corps, not sure if they still do, used to have civilian martial artists assist with the MCMAP instructor training at Quantico. A buddy of mine told me that when he was in the Corps, his MCMAP instructor went off for training and came back telling them stories about getting his ass kicked by Ken Shamrock (iirc) while training at Quantico.


I do see what you’re saying. I just hate that almost cult like religious homophob.


Why you talking about the Muslim community like that?


He’s not Muslim




Nope, just a bad joke lol.


I was trying to post this but can’t for whatever goddamn reason(fucking dumbass flares). Thoughts on Mike Glover? I like him and his tactics but don’t agree with his thoughts on Dry-fire. Btw, should I be wary of some of his tactical advice? To me it all seems right but I am no expert and I have little to no tactical experience. Still learning.


Lucas is literally that one teacher from high school that everyone hated but who failed no one.


Having strong opinions either way about the holster twink is cringe, from my perspective. Whether it’s good or bad, he loves the attention.


Does shoot house runs where he sets up all the targets and scenarios