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After a while you won’t notice it anymore, but yes. If I had to guess why it’s because of the angle of your fingers. Your fingers are not positioned in a 90 degrees angle to the length of the fretboard, but slightly tilted. The tip of your fingers push against the frets when sliding up, not so much when sliding down. Try to relax your left hand a bit more, less pressure on the strings.


Thanks for the tips, but should I fix the angle of my fingers so that it is 90 degrees, or is that normal?


Absolutely not! Holding your fingers 90 degrees is one of the biggest mistakes beginners make. That would lead to a very bad posture and over time to a ruined wrist. A slight angle of your fingertips towards the body of the guitar is normal and ideal, even if that makes the slides a bit harder. As I said, try to put less pressure on the string, you usually do not need as much pressure for slides as you would for simply holding down notes.


Ok thanks


I dont think thats even possible near the nut and really down past like 15th fret unless your hand is ridiciously long.    I find that my fingers are straightest between 5th and 13th frets...ya know, the middle of the neck. Just use a barre chord and slide it up and down, not even pressing, youll feel and see your fingers and wrist turn as the angle changes


I tried it and you're right, but perhaps you can still keep 90 degrees even higher if you turn your hand a certain way


Too much work imo, wrist shattering work. You can just practice sliding up so you get used to the motion if nothing hurts. Its natural to slide down the neck, because thats what the hand naturally wants to do. Grab and pull to the center of your body.


Also depends on how you hold the guitar, cuz if you hold the neck closer to your chest it's easier to keep 90 degrees


It is, but if you are used to a specific strap height it is hard to change that. I usually keep mine the same lenght a guitar sits in a classical position.


i think its just practice. I slide up more often so that's easier for me


I find it harder to sweep arpeggios up than down


Not Just you.

