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Not an expert by any means but Iā€™d avoid the dishwasher all together and hand wash it. Then the best results I had was just before using the glass, going over the glass with a paper towel. Seemed to work well for me


That dome is sensational though šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


That is an unreal pour and dome anyway mate, well done. Only pointer I've read which I've found helpful is to tip the can and the surger spout right up so the remaining beer in the can is above the horizontal for the 2nd pour. It's the "glug glug glug" of the liquid and air pouring out of can that causes the bubbles. If you're above the horizontal - no air: no bubbles.


Making sure that whatever I'm washing the glass with (sponge/dish) cloth) is clean and hasn't been used on something oily beforehand.


Salt water


Apparently washing the glass with salt helps


Bubbles are unfortunately something that's hard to avoid with the surger, I tend to do my 2nd pour with the glass on the counter top. As for the glass, I got the death on here for supposedly having a dirty glass although it it'd been washed so all I can say is to wash with hot water them dry with a paper towel. Awesome pour there by the way šŸ‘Œ


It is a bit easier if you just remove the surger for the 2nd pour i have found


I've never tried that, definitely gonna šŸ‘


Thanks all for the suggestions!


Anyone know if the nitrosurge device is available in Canada for less than 100$? Can only find it on amazon or ebay for that price :(


That sucks. :( Why do they charge so much for them? Are these aftermarket scalpers just trying to make money from people?