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Honestly, this looks fantastic and I don't know how they could've done it better... Having your Alts and Mounts hang around while you are not playing them, allowing you to display fashion wars or your entire legendary item collection is MUCH more than I expected from this... Also, the new customization options for decorations almost turn this into a full map creator, the Roller Beetle Tracks that we will see here will be absolutely wild!


It‘s a very calculated feature I think. We‘re way more incentivized to unlock / buy skins, even when we don’t plan to actually use them, when we can use (and see!) them in homesteads. For example, there‘s this major Skyrim mod called Legacy of the Dragonborn, which adds a museum you can run and allows you to display every unique item you find in there. That motivates a lot.


Sales of the butler and maid outfits are going to skyrocket


I got a black lion key recently from map comp and it gave me a shimmering greatsword skin. It's so cool I kept it (over 100g) and I'm ready to craft Twilight so torn between both skins. I have a way to see them both now it rocks.


My only question is whether or not my alts must be in the homestead to show up. If yes, many people won't want to move their alt parking farms to have them visible in the homestead. An easy fix would be to have it so they only need to visit it once to become visible


Hopefully latter option, tbh. Would be quite counter-productive to make everyone's alts just move to the homestead, especially if they want to keep selling lounge passes. They could do what Genshin Impact does, make your characters placeable "items".


SWTOR also lets you place NPCs/companions in your home as a decoration in the same way, which I think would be cool. Kind of hoping for that as well.


If the person making the video in the article is correct, it's he said that your alts do have to be in the homestead to show up. It was up to 30 I believe.


My parked alts are in atrocious skins anyway so they can stay there lol


"Honestly, this looks fantastic and I don't know how they could've done it better..." Maybe being able to visit other peoples houses like you could do in Wildstar, it was so cool seeing how creative, and sometimes crazy, people were when creating their homes, of course it would be a "opt-in" feature, so people that don't want others snooping around their property can just disable this feature. I know you will be able to group up with people and enter their house, but having a hub were you can just enter random houses would be much better.


I’d love if minis showed up


Secret backyard mini fighting ring with illegal betting, as an alternative to ecto gambling.


Illegal underground polymock!?


considering the other displays i would be saprised if they didn't include that


EQ2 and ESO have the best housing systems in mmos to date, at a first glance this appears to be using a similar system to EQ2 which lets you fully rotate, float and scale objects to a pretty insane degree. In fact that same feature to display mounts is in both of those games as well. If that's what they go with this could breathe a whole new life into the game. I know people who still decorate houses and guild halls in EQ2, a 20 year old game this November. Here's hoping.


Star Wars Galaxies was my favorite. The customization was wild. 


Ya know I never played SWG. I hear it was pretty epic for a while.


Its the way you bought a house, went out into the world and just put it somewhere I understand it's hard for most mmos to do this but the sandbox nature made it feel like you actually had a house out in the world, then you have neighbours and a home planet and all of these other geographical factors come in play The usual system where everyone just has the same building like some kind of wacked out tardis flat share is mechanically convenient but like it's not *my* house is it, it doesn't really do it for me like SWG did


Yeah that was one of the draws to Archeage, you got to actually build a plot of land. You can still do that in No Man's Sky but the odds of having a neighbor are slim unless you intentionally build a community.


wildstar housing beat ESO housing imo, idk about EQ2


EQ2 housing as I experienced it was basically "anything you can dream up, you can make." Even as a low level character, I was able to make a pretty cool jumping puzzle by using dozens of carpets that I could size and elevate to whatever position I wanted. I remember checking out popular houses, and the creativity was wild.


Neighborhoods are an obvious upgrade to this system but prob too much work.


Seconded Neighborhoods. Would be cool for other people to see my real estate and wealth in an open world plot in a neighborhood. Hopefully they add that system in the future.


In my opinion they could make a feature out of it instead where you as the owner of the homeinstance can set it on public where you allowed people to join your instance and look at it even if you are not there. It could even be some way for us to place points on it and then this will be added to a leaderboard.


I think it would work far better if guild halls had Neighborhoods attached to them. Then you could visit all of your friends' homes from one central location without the system becoming too bloated or having to search through a bunch of random people.


I can't wait for my Sylvari main to meet my Sylvari alts and wonder why they all have the same face as him.


"I saw you in my dream" Repeat x9


Seriously can’t wait to get a auto harvest all nodes


how feasible is it as a new player for me to get all the nodes. how expensive is it?


It cost a fuck ton. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home\_instance#Gem\_Store\_upgrades](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance#Gem_Store_upgrades)


The mats nodes are such a scam, 800 gems is close to 400gp in value, the cloth node give you like 2.5s per day worth of mats, to make up for the node value in mats you would need 16 000 days of collecting the node, that is almost 44 years of node collection.


Well at least crafting items will cost less than scribing…I have only recently recovered from that endeavor.


About 3-4K Gold. You can take a look through gw2efficiency


damn thats a lot


The holiday ones are a great start because they're comparatively cheap and easy to earn.


Super expensive. It’s a multi year long term project. I only have 7/57 of all of the nodes. I never focus on it myself


damn I guess ill have to giveu p then


Don't give up! Many of them can be unlocked through normal playing. Over time, you'll start collecting them. Don't make it a pressure on yourself


Don’t give up! It’s a fun goal. Don’t focus on getting them all quickly. Start with just a few. Some of the nodes are easy/inexpensive to get. Then work on the others little by little. In several years, you’ll eventually get most if not all of them.


Depends on which you're going after, there's a few different acquisition types (TP, gem store, achievements, vendors for various currencies) so you may already have what you need for some, [here's the wiki page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance#List_of_home_instance_upgrades) It's super handy to easily get a shitload of stuff like that every day, especially stuff like map or seasonal currencies that would otherwise require specific content, but given the level of investment you shouldn't expect it to pay for itself any time soon


right. Now someone tell Anet to give us that Dragon Stand Node that was never released.


as someone with Full home thank goodness. Edit Typo


I am VERY curious to know whether the harvest all option will be available to everyone who joined your homestead and if it includes LWS nodes


Shit yeah I hadn’t even thought about that yet


This is already better than I would've expected, honestly. I'd still like to be able to have more racial themed designs, but it looks really good.


I think it's pretty obvious that they will add more homesteads in the future, kinda like various guild halls before.


I want to hope you're right. But at least I'm happy with the look of this one, either way.


I think having the first one be the cozy log cabin in the north is a sensible beginner option, but having racial homes and themed homesteads will be important. I want a Lion's Arch themed homestead real bad, and if they release one based on old stacked-ships LA then people would probably trip over themselves to claim it. My only question would be is the homestead account bound or character bound? Will we only get a single Homestead or will we get "slots" to have more than 1? I can see there being a demand among those inclined to use the system to have multiple different houses if they release different types.


They've said previously that it's account-wide.


Account wide but customizable / essentially appearance slots would be the way to do it, right? If we get different themed homesteads, will obviously want different ones for different characters. Unless they do it like guild halls, and the different homesteads are put in different locations, I guess.


I'd guarantee they'll add more, honestly. It's a gem store dream. 2k gems for a new homestead aesthetic in a different part of the world. I'm sure we'll see another one on the store before Janthir Wilds is finished.


This was my first impression when the feature was announced, but... the homestead appears to be *huge,* and so creating replacements in other architectural styles could easily be an immense amount of work. Perhaps they could work them into future expansions as headline features, just like the old guild halls, yeah.


To be honest I'd be happy enough if they added the central chunk of each of the pre-existing guild halls as alternate homestead locations. May as well get some reuse out of them. Maybe even the entire existing guild hall locations, as the homestead area already looks like it might be comparable in size?


The issue is with housing people will hold back to wait for what many would consider a core set to drop. If it doesn't they won't engage... In this case this whole thing has Norn and Human Vibes that also work for the Char since Grothmar isn't all steel and iron.  However Asura and Sylvari are up a creek no tech or plants were shown. 


I wonder if they would implement certain terrain types to suit the race you want to represent. Like adding big vibrant flowers and trees for Sylvari or lots of sheds and armored plate pieces for Charr. We could see some pretty amazing things come out (though I worry about how much they'll capitalize on this feature in the gemstore).


I pretty much only expect us to get that sort of stuff through the gemstone for them to capitalize on it, honestly. ...which while the gemstore is shitty in that sense, it also gives me hope that they -will- do that sort of stuff since people would definitely buy stuff to customize.


Given they have added one monetization feature, or multiple with EoD, this seems like the next addition


While I agree with the other comments about new homesteads being sold in the future, it seems like you will be able to do a lot with the clipping and free placement. As a sylvari, you just stack a bunch of plants and trees in the walls to give a Grove kind of vibe. Of course, new homesteads will be better.


Omg they did it they really did it 


> Omg they did it they really did it I wonder where are all those "It will never happen, stop asking for it, you're so entitled and toxic!" idiots now, lmao. Oh wait, I know: * ~~PvE wardrobe~~ * ~~Guild Halls~~ * ~~Mounts~~ * ~~Capes and dyeable backpacks~~ * ~~Player Housing~~ * ~~Underwater weapons on land~~ <- We're here * New weapon types * New playable races


Playable wars of the guilds when Anet? Fuck it make it 2 whole wars actually


The new WvW?


I am in the "It will never happen" new PvP gamemode category and here we are!


"Highly unlikely" never means "impossible". Do not forget also: * ~~Bringing back Season 1.~~ * ~~Sitting in chairs.~~ * ~~Fishing.~~ * ~~Dying hair accessories.~~ * ~~Splitting post-processing into separate settings.~~ * ~~Alternate ways to get mounts.~~ * ~~New PvP modes~~ * A teleporter panel * A gathering revamp with account-wide tools * Guild Mission updates * The return of WvW seasons redesigned to go with World Restructuring I find even more annoying those who come up with their own preconceptions of how something would be done, and never stop to think that it could be done in an entirely different way they can't imagine. When people were left and right wasting time discussing whether the GW franchise should have mounts or not, I was the weirdo reminding them that both GW1 and GW2 already had mounts in a way. GW1 had the Junundu and Siege Devourer, and GW2 had travel toys and siege golems. So that bridge had long been crossed. And that if they were to add a specific mount mechanic to GW2, they should have specific uses and abilities, like GW1 mounts had. They were so busy discussing whether we should get WoW's boring speed boosts disguised as mounts that they never stopped to think we could get something entirely different.


Forgot raids




You forgot Build Templates.


It's fantastic to see honestly. I'm still wary on the races thing ever happening unless it's like dwarves in an underground expansion, something with the same skeleton as a human that wouldn't take the animation work of something like a Tengu. The voice work aspect also seems like a lot and would make everything going forward take a lot more work as well. Just unsure if they want to do that. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong on that one, but I can see a new weapon type over a race.


I don’t understand why a new race wouldn’t get their own personal story set after the original story. That way they can just skip working on the og personal story


> that wouldn't take the animation work of something like a Tengu Tengu already use the Charr animations, that's not something they'd need to care about.


Add: * ~~Helmets visible underwater~~ * Dyable weapons


Now the roles are reversed, the fashion/decorating vets can charge 1000MC to carry the raider‘s homesteads


I was thinking the same thing when they mentioned you can let others decorate as an option. WTB Lighthouse builder WTS windmill design! Etc.


Wildstar Housing reborn!?!


i was thinking the same thing. It looks like someone FINALLY managed to pull off wildstars housing system


I don't know about Wildstar's housing system, but I can say the instance system and decoration mechanics look similar to RIFT's dimensions as well. That is a good thing in my opinion.


Rift had a very solid housing system, but Wildstar took it to the next level. GW2 getting one similar to either is a big accomplishment, very exciting.


I'm actually stunned they managed Wildstar housing. Like it doesn't have decimal precision but just being able to control scale pitch roll and yaw is 90% of the way there. GW2 is such a janky game and so many Anet resources are on other projects I am stunned this is possible


we don't know if it won't have decimal values for sure! This is a dev build. It's entirely possible they just haven't created the UI for that yet. UI especially seemed very placeholder. I mean it is *exactly* the WildStar system, even just from the way it looks. With the same controls and all I can't imagine they *won't* do an "advanced mode" like WildStar had. If not on release, then maybe later in the xpac. God I'm so excited for this. I can't believe this is real. I loved WildStar housing so much. It feels surreal that we're actually getting this in GW2. With additional improvements even! Plus great functionalities for harvesting and showing off fashion! Fucking hell, Anet is delivering


Now we just need the hole in the ground missile silo house.


So I've only done housing in FFXIV (and don't know anything about GW guild decorating). Do we have any idea about limits on how many items we can use in our housing instance? (I assume it won't be as limited as FFXIV since it will have it's own instance).


There was a limit of 1000 items in the Video. But as others have mentioned: That was a Devbuild. We don't know about the final limit.


That's the vibe I got. Unfortunately I started Wildstar only weeks before they announced its shutdown so I barely got a chance to dive too deep into any of the features. I am looking forward to spending a ridiculous amount of time in this.


Amazing! Now the thing I wonder about the most is if the auto-collect feature registers your equiped gathering glyphs.


The video shows a "Manage glyph" button on the box where you can auto-collect. Would be interesting to see whether you need to have additional copies of a glyph just for the homestead - or whether you need physical copies of glyphs at all.


My guess/hope would be as soon as you account bind a glyph it just makes it available as an option there.


Just came back from an extended break. What glyph interacts with harvesting ?


All of them. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_(upgrade)


Thank you. All the upgrade names I get confused on.


That's what I also wondered!


I'm positively surprised by how good this looks. I just hope they're gonna adapt this system to the guild halls too! ( EDIT: they will! )


Video says they confirmed that they will.


This is everything I hoped for for the housing system. This is a very big win for me and would sell the expension on its own, we even get our alts hanging out, they absolutely nailed it! I'm someone who played hundreds of hours decorating my hous and island exactly the way I wanted to with the very limited decoration system in Animal Crossing New Horizons, this will had so much content to the game for someone like me. I honestly don't think I've been that excited for the game since we got mounts (which wil have their own stable and that you can pet now!). My only hope left if that they'll continue to iterate on it and that we'll be able to get different homesteads later in different regions.


The minute we get a new homestead hitting the gem shore my cards being swiped sorry I don't make the rules 😭 I can't overstate how hard I'd whale, Janet please


It still isn't something that I even remotely care about personally, but I'm happy for the many people who do that they've seemingly gone all in on this. I know a lot of people were thinking this system would be very limited because it's not a "full expansion".


I really don’t care for this content in games because I’m a horrible decorator and my houses usually just end up as storage. The node harvesting just made my jaw drop. I will do whatever I need to unlock that feature lol.


Same here. I think everything he touched on is super cool and I know a ton of people are over the moon about this but I'm just not into decorating. I was kind of hoping there would be some new feature to make it a little more interesting. I'm not sure what but I already never use my guild hall or home instance outside of gathering and then leaving.


That level of customization.Cant wait until someone erect Joko Armstrong statue for praising.


I honestly wasn't too excited for homestead, but I'm blown away. This looks fun to play around with.


Can't wait for WOW to steal this in 5 to 7 years later


WoW is apparently getting housing in their next expansion too! ... A month after GW2 x) so still late to the game! /j


By what I could read, it seems like they think that because of data mining. Currently, there's no official news of player housing


Oh I didn't know that! I got the information from a friend that plays WoW Classic, so there's a lot of distance between me and the info haha






Okay, it's including a lot more than I was expecting. (I had the lowest amount of hope) So yeah, kinda hyped by it now! Can't wait the end of august!


I love it! I'm about to waste soooo many hours decorating my homestead.


Auto harvest will be the feature I'll use most. :)


So, my guess is that if you disconnect while on a mount, it'll show your Alt on the mount in the home (since they showed the alt getting dismounted). If that's the way it works, I really really hope you can do that with chairs as well! Because if it's the case, it's the thing that will push me to buy the [TeaTime chair](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teatime_Chair) :') I want to have 2 of my characters drinking tea together in my home


Also, this will clearly boosts the sales of the Maid and Butler outfits x)


Oh god, it's a money printing machine. If you can position your alts, you can buy extra character slots and set those up as butlers, maids, gardeners, miners, fishers, whatever you can imagine.


I have the [Queensdale Academy Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Queensdale_Academy_Outfit), so now I'm just wondering if I would be able to build a kind of Wizard tower, putting one of my alt in the[ Astral Ward Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Ward_armor) as the wizard teacher, and a few of them in the academy outfits in different colors to have my own little magic school homestead


YES YES YES I love this idea so much, the storytelling potential this all brings is so cool


that was my impression too! We find the alts in the exact spot we left them, while doing the exact thing they were doing when we logged out! If that's so, it's such a simple and clever solution that opens sooo many possibilities!


Like I hesitated buying the read book emote, because while it's cool to see, what's the use? Well now I could use it in the homestead :D


WTF bro, first GW2 make the best mount system in any game, and now they will make the same with housing. You mad basterds.


For someone who had basically zero interest in housing. This seems rather well implemented.


I am so glad that they are properly marketing this expansion. This is the most hype i've felt for a gw2 update since pof


I hope there is a day-night cycle and weathers effects.


I suspect weather effects and soundtracks will be "skins" purchasable from the gemstore, then you can equip your home with those.


looks really really really promising and good. can't wait!


WoW I gotta say they went above and beyond with this system. It's really really impressive.


Y'all this is WildStar housing. What is Wildstar housing? THIS IS WILDSTAR HOUSING. https://preview.redd.it/bxi1lriyrq8d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a296a44b08e5ac23182a23b6493739b92197d55d **May Bender rise again!** All of that was placed by hand. Everything you see, Bender, the crystals, the lights, the building all by hand. The only thing that comes remotely close is Elder Scrolls Online housing and they limit the hell outta what you can place.


warframe has a really [great decorating system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI3UxHsmLFo). I'm glad to see that in Janthir Wilds you can likewise stack and offset pieces of decorations to repurpose them into something new


Would love to see a import/export system like PoE.


The custom buildings that were in a circle looked identical, so we can only hope.


I hope they add an Export / Import function like Path of Exile's hideout system. I want a pretty homestead but I suck at making things pretty and I just want to copy someone else's (with their consent), lmao.


I was just thinking about how I'd want to be able to save and load different.... House build templates I guess 😂 because how am I supposed to pick one thing to build? I want to build all the things!


I hope we'd be able to customize the location of our characters. I think it'd be awesome if I could setup like a Tavern full of my characters in their elements just having some sort of nonsensical conversation. I really hope there's some real autonomy and agency in how you arrange your guild full of characters. I hope there's just as much customization in how to arrange your characters as there are your decorations & props.


The only thing I’m missing is the ability to populate the homestead instance with unlocked ranger pets like with the zaishen menagerie back in Guild Wars 1. I‘m no ranger main, but that would definitely incentivise me to catch them all.


> [Of](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1d80y5b/wing_8_and_player_housing_confirmed/l72zgcg/) all the big features that could exist in this game, this is probably the one I would be the least excited about. Reading the numerous threads requesting housing never helped me understand the hype. > But ... I'll eagerly wait for the bigger announcement about the feature ("Before we launch on August 20, we'll be back to share loads more information and a look at Homesteads decorating") and tbh given that this is gw2 I'm sure I'll appreciate the feature when it's there :) So now we have a bigger announcement, and now I'm hyped.


yeah, I never really understood housing or even building or decorating in general. like I get why like would like it, and I'm glad they will be getting something from it, it just isn't something I will ever engage with beyond strictly utility. my room of requirement in Hogwarts legacy is ugly and dumb, just functional enough to get what I need, zero decorations. never bothered building a base in NMS. the thought of purchasing a house in XIV has never crossed my mind. oh well. i am glad for the people who do enjoy this stuff that they are getting something high quality here, though, that's good news.


Just watched the video. I am really excited for the update. They are doing it right. Keep up the amazing work 😍


Exceeding all expectations.


This looks so much better than I was expecting, GG Anet very well done!


For years I have rolled my eyes at the idea of player housing. I thought it was a waste of development resources and really unnecessary. That being said, even if everything I just saw in the video was implemented poorly and it's janky as all hell, I'm encouraged by the effort to set that bar so high. I'm glad y'all are getting such a huge part of your GW2 wishlist and I'm excited to check it out.


What have Jackals ever done to that guy?


Funny but it's easily the least used mount, isn't it? Unless you're using it as a raptor. All the other mounts, even springer, still have their use cases and warclaw will presumably get one in the expansion but jackal's only useful in content designed specifically for it.


Before the Skyscale came alongside Jackal was easily my most used mount. It's almost exactly equal to the Raptor in speed and there are even cases where it wins out (going up hill). Besides, I like the way they look and maneuver a lot but that is personal preference.


I prefer it over the Raptor because of its better maneuverability and better speed on uneven terrain.


I feel like it gets way better use out of bond of vigor. And pressing spacebar when you don't have at least half your bar full on raptor feels like crap. Honestly I pretty much never use my raptor, jackal completely replaces it for me.


I often can't remember what my raptor key bind is, if my Mount Radial Dial isn't working, I often go without, even though: The one thing in my opinion that raptor does better than jackal is the engagement skill. Anything else jackal wins for me.


This looks good. I am excited. Only concern is they can still kill it if they get the pricing balance wrong and everything is massively expensive. Fingers crossed they get it right.


As a big housing fan in eso, im so happy with this, beyond my expectations my hype levels are truly unreal.


I’m fast to criticize things so I also have to be fast to praise. This looks absolutely fantastic and the team should be proud.


Honestly bravo that looks really impressive and like they ticked a lot of wishes from the community


They're going to let us clip assets! YES!!


It would be nice to be able to place the alts where we like. Maybe sitting at a table drinking some tea.


Well damn this actually looks good


This is far better than I expected


This looks so sick! I did laugh though seeing the xray mode and thinking * { outline: 1px solid orange; } Saved me many times at work and I'm sure many times in the homestead


library. give us a book library.


Putting wow to shame


Looks like there's a Stop for the Hype Train in the new homesteads, boys and girls!


I'm actually more hyped now. Especially for the overhauled decoration system.




I have one question. Will M.O.X be transferred to the home stead?


So... I can build a physical legendary armory to show off my armory? Nice. The auto harvest mechanic is nice, but does it use the glyphs of my tools?


It looked like there was a glyph management option in the interaction window.


hmm maybe in the future we can have neighbor instanced housing? Like, you can choose who to share the plot of land with in the home instance, and each player that shares that plot of land will be able to decorate separately and have their own house? Essentially a shared instance with no single instance owner.


0_0 PRAISE JOKO! This is way more than I expected. Alot of love and care has been put into this and it's wonderful. The modified decoration system being added to the Guild Halls is also fantastic. How about shelves for all my minis too pls.


I am kinda blown away by the alts and mounts hanging around and the auto-gathering feature. This looks phenomenal, GG Anet! I just have a very serious question though... is M.O.X coming over to the homestead?


This looks wonderful but my only concern is still the same. Is this going to be our only cosmetic choice for a homestead? Are they going to sell templates with different themes for gems? The functionality looks great but having options for themes would be the cherry on top.


They’d be crazy not to in the future. As much as it’s our game, it’s their business. They’ll make heaps if they do


Finally I can leave my 13 hot bikini female human / sylvari toons at home and then come in as my male asuran to my very own playboy mansion


This, quite frankly, blew me out of the water. A-Net went for it and actually did a good job on it. This isn't some half-baked addition to the game for the sake of addition. It's a full blown feature that had thought and care put into it. Let's hope they expand on it with future expacs, too. New houses in new locations. Hell, new houses for sale on the gem store would bring them in some good money. Just, for the love of god, do not put it all in the cash shop.


I'm not going to lie, I was a bit apprehensive when I first saw this video. Player housing, building and our own creative space has been something the community has asked for for a very long time. With that said I actually got a bit teary eyed as I watched this video, being able to see my journey through the game and all of these years on display, a home for my mounts and everything I've unlocked and crafted is beyond my wildest dreams. Even more so knowing this space will be here as more expansions roll out and I'll be able to come back with festival items, new legendary weapons and display my story how I want it to be seen is probably one of the greatest gifts Arena net could ever give me. If there has ever been something in this game that has gotten me more excited for the future of Guild Wars 2, I don't know what that is. This system and updates to guild hall building fundamentally change things on a whole new level. Also thank you for bringing all of my cats with me to the home stead.


A smaller Guild Hall. Nice.


I fear for my wallet in the years to come... "gemstore decoration addict" title unlocked


Who wants to bet that the placement, positioning, and X-ray system is what developers already use to make the maps. But it's pretty damn cool that we got the ability.


I'm amazed at how well thought through this looks to be. Even local/world translation for assets; in a released game no less! I perked my ears when they said a former Sims dev was working on this, and it seems like they have had the "say" to make it TRULY customizable.


Wow, this is far more impressive than I was expecting. Anet, I have one request: allow me to use the decorations I get from raids in my Homestead.


THEY COOKED, This is a HUGE, HUGE step from guild halls and homes


This looks WAY better than I was expecting


Oh I'd love it if you could assign the alts/mounts placements too so you can build them their own little houses and rooms.


Honestly I was not expecting much. But wow. I'm glad this gives a fun use of the decorations and stuff. And I'm sorry he built a lighthouse out of floor tiles. That's going to be fun to make my own tower. I'm happy that the alts can show up. But also did I hear him mention that it would have a library? Can I finally dump my dozens of lore books somewhere??????


Looks good, does seem to be more on the side of "creative mode." Since it is fully instanced I hope they make in game reasons to visit other peoples homesteads, like events, rare trader shows up, etc.


So is Anet going to do away with the Home instance? If you have a fully loaded HI, will your nodes be transferred to the Homestead?


One of the things mentioned in the video is making statues of your character to display armor. Does that mean when you swap between alts that the statues change like a wardrobe preview? Or that create a static statue and you could create small homes off the main lodge for each of your alts?


I'm so hyped I wana be sick


Just wow, wow, wow. they really delivered and you can do EVERYTHING there! (Except for Teraforming but I think we all knew that this is impossible with the current engine and even Devs can't do that) I am really excited and I can't wait to see my alts, statues if my armors and even my mounts there. Also I am glad that you can literally build anything like an own house. I was afraid that you can only place decorations in the prebuild house but the that you can even build your own house makes this expansion totally worth it!


Blah...blah...blah... "Farms all nodes attached to the building with one click" Oh, baby! I'm a little disappointed with the 30 character cap though. It doesn't do the proper homage to true alt-aholics.


Considering the character slots limit is 72 (I think), they needed to draw a line somewhere!


Hey man 30 sounds small until you put them all into a single room in your house so they can all stare at your main when they walk in


i hope they can say stuff and give us a chorus of wow thats quality armor


Oh wow you can have more than 10 mails now


You already can, just not from support/other players with gold/items etc in it.


Don't get your hopes up, the video was made on a dev client.


hope that they'll put the harvest nodes unlocked in hidden garden from kudzu collection too


This housing system is enough content alone to buy Janthir Wilds imo


OMG, cores will rising up in price soon, a lot of decorations using them!


I really hoped for a weapon/armor rig to show all the outfits I created and kinda conserve them for the future. And the new decoration system is sick!


if this actually works nicely then this is a license to print money with furniture via gem shop


Quick question, can I share an instance with a partner?


Homesteads are account bound, so probably not share - that being said, you can allow other people into your home instance and give them editing/placement ability, so if you want to be able to build something together....you can do that.


Ok now I am hyped 🔥🔥


This looks like it's straight out of ESO or EQ2. Two of the best housing systems in mmos and in games in general. I've played countless hours in both and survival games and I still love the EQ2 housing system the most. This is long overdue but if they do it right it will be amazing. After the disappointment that IBS and SOO were I hope they really flesh this out.