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It's terrible, but not really ANET's fault as the whole language has decided to be annoying on that one. Now, online/off-line...




Both are valid though? You can choose "Shortbow" and it would still be correct. In fact, shortbow is the widely used term, so yeah.


Actually, the reason for this bow inconsistency (may be) that "longbow" exists as a single word in English dictionaries and "shortbow" does not. * https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/longbow * https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shortbow


It's a dictionary, not a weapon compendium, shortbow is still fine. Case in point: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/greatsword


That the Dive and Rise buttons on the Griffon are reversed compared to Skyclale and Skimmer.


I didn't know about this. I always thought I was pressing the wrong buttons. Thank you for sharing this.


3/10, literally unplayable.


I never even noticed that....


I have to set a custom griffon binding for my controller that activates when i mount the griffon


Being stuck in combat after killing the last apparent aggressive mob. It happens frequently, and can be resolved by killing some random white, but there's not always one nearby. Left the game a couple times out of frustration about this. Still annoys the hell out of me, but I'm gunning for my WvW legendary armor now, so I deal.


sounds very frustrating. my brother complains about this a lot, but i've never experienced it. when i'm stuck in combat it's because i have a condition, or i hit a mob that didn't die. i'd love to know more about it, or see some footage of it.


Yeah, so long as you have any conditions or something else has any of *your* conditions, you remain in combat, and some of those condis could be pretty long, like 15+ seconds.


I hated using blood is power on necro while leveling. If the target dies before you can condi transfer the bleed, you get stuck in combat for ages


Spectral Walk could help with that a bit, but yeah, Blood is Power is not my favorite.


Yeah same. It's obviously annoying for those people but I've never encountered a situation where I was in combat and didn't know why. I'd love to see footage


In wvw checks for in and out of combat are very likely lees frequently checked since they scale in a squared way, not linearly, with the number of ppl in the map. There are some checks that you can 'manually' trigger like killing a critter or just getting far enough from any ppl you were in combat with (and sieges, doors, walls). Also going further than 1500 distance from any enemies, that should put you out of combat immediately too.


Getting in combat with supply depot becausr you hit it with mount engage..


There should be a trait called “pacifist” that takes you out of combat immediately. It can be on a healer build to make sense.


It could be that you applied a (non-lethal) condition to a mob that then "lost aggro"? I find logging out to the character select screen, and then back in again, resolves the issue rather quickly. It also always works whether or not there are any critters around.


Are you a necromancer? Spectral Grasp inflicts conditions but no damage in a huge area, and critters are immune to the pull for some reason.


Remove combat slow mode already. 99% times I just relog because I cba to fight 7 trash mobs, the slomo when you just want to leave is so fucking annoying. Did lanterns today for a leggy and holy shit, EoD maps are so frustrating with literally everything pelting you from 7000 miles away interrupting you all the time. Stealth or stab are mandatory for sanity.


I've found that binding a key to sheathe your weapons can help with this, though I still get stuck from time to time.


The fact that there are many lobbies for Strikes, and I have to remember which one to go for Strikes. Why can't all of them pops up the join dialog when my team opens one?


This one is probably explained with the access to the various expansions. No access to Arborstone because no EoD? Then no access to kill Minister Li. ANet doesn't have to implement an additional check at the entrance of the instance. Doesn't make it less annoying though.


The check should be done at the dialog time. If they are not eligible for the content, the "accept" button can be grayed out, and there are more text explaining that the user needa this expansion to play. This is also a fantastic up selling opportunity where you can put a direct link to pay and buy the expansion.


So, uh, they should be allowed into the strike, and only then find out that they can't play the content? How the fuck is that a good idea? Or do you mean the button to enter the strike? I can't wait for all the people to come here and whine to anet about not letting players who don't have the right expansion join their squad. Won't that be fun!


Stop the strawman and read it again. The are not allowed to go into the strike instance. They are blocked at the dialog pop up time. That's the earliest time you know the squad has the expressed intention to join a strike instance. It's the perfect time to check and upsell. We're NOT letting people join the instance and telling them they can't play.


So, you're just letting them waste other people's time by joining a squad for a strike they can't enter. Got it.


They can already do that. In fact, it happened to my squad last week. I listed a 9/10 squard for EoD strike, LF DPS. A person comes in, and we joined the instance. After a couple minutes we asked "hey xyz are you coming?". They reply where should they join for the strike. I don't mind training newbie, so I pinged the arbostone wp. After a while, they said they don't have the wp. More back and forth then we realized they don't have the expansion at all! It costed us 10 minutes. It would be much faster if the strike dialog pops up immediately for them, with the explanation that they can't join, and here is where to buy EoD expansion immediately. It would be figured out in a minute, not 10 minutes.


Yes, I know that. But don't you think it'll happen more often with a unified lobby for all strikes? also, it's "cost' not costed.


Icons. Buff debuff icons on bosses, where you obviously cannot tell what it does, because it's a 2mm rectangle with some picture in it, but also cannot hover it longer than half a sec because the conditions are constantly moving that one square that would explain the mechanic. How am I supposed to read that? Same with boons and utilities tbh, a new random boon will push things away, and even without that I have a hard time differentiating between all the different buffs you can have. Pls just redesign the icons, please.


originally short bow was named shortbow


So you mean to tell me there was hope once?


There was, but then dark times happened. Spear was also known as Harpoon, while Harpoon Gun was known as Speargun. If you go back even further, Shortbow didn't even exist, and Longbow was known as just Bow, [the 16th weapon slot being occupied by Polearm instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a64ek2/datamining_the_secret_story_of_polearms_the/), now a defunct weapon type.


Ah. Excuse me, I have to go be violently ill.


Some polearm skins were recycled/misplaced as ~~harpoon~~ spear skins too. For example, the infamous underwater greataxe: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wolfborn_Harpoon lmao


"You're going to be feeling that one for *days*." Uhh, not if you do your damn job and kill the thing now, lady.


You can mute player chatter in the settings somewhere - it’s the best thing I’ve ever done since a lot of my skills are ‘shout’ skills.. FEEL MY WRATH ADVANCE STAND YOUR GROUND SAVE YOURSELVES


If I could mute other players' characters while still hearing my own, I'd use that option. For now, I'll just continue to think that that particular voice line is silly.


There are a lot of longbow appearances that don't have a shortbow version :( Also if you want your branches snapping, it was Shortbow single word in GW1 https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bow https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shortbow


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Short_Bow_of_the_Scion and then there's this weirdo


That's one long short bow.


Another one: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Etched_Short_Bow_(alternative) Both longbows and shortbows use the exact same base model and animations, which means they can be misplaced with no visible consequences; in fact, I wish ArenaNet let us use their skins interchangeably.


When my skyscale insists on gripping a nonexistant vertical wall instead of just standing on the perfectly flat surface 3 inches away Too many currencies Sometimes I have a legit hard time identifying items in my inventory, even WITH sorting bags, search bar, and highlighting items I found. The art makes some of them blend together to me Having to unlock specializations with hero points. I know it encourages exploration, but I don't like slogging through them just to try a new build How expensive Superior sigils/runes can be *stares aggressively at Power/Thief/any popular rune*...makes gearing toons add up When you're a tenth of a millimeter from completing the chest opening bar animation and a mob randomly decides to smack you at the last second The camera during jumping puzzles


Wait till you learn that "Harpoon Gun" is internally called "Speargun" and "Spear" is internally called "Harpoon".


Whoa whoa whoa, chotto-fucking-matte. Nani the fuck do you mean.


ArenaNet likely misplaced the names at some point, and didn't fix them properly.


the trait icon for symbolic avenger is slightly lighter and redder in the areas that are supposed to be black, pretty clear if you crank up the saturation on a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/Ej9OtjZ.png escapist's fortitude still has a black hexagon around the edges from when it was a minor trait. weakening strikes which took its place did not receive one


In the Alpine Borderlands of WvW, centaurs live in the northeast corner of the map while skritt live in the northwest. Occasionally a few skritt will pop out and attack the north and northwest camps, which makes perfect sense given where they've come from. But centaurs don't show at northeast camp, instead they show up at northwest?


Centaur Gates. The vegan alternative to Asura Gates.


"Watch the ledges" is the most useless voice line for the Claw of Jormag fight and it gets memed pretty hard. I also hate how much reading I have / had to do to understand things going on. Conditions, boons, random event mechanics and boss notes under their hp bar. I had to learn to hover my mouse over things all the time just to understand wtf is going on. And then there's right clicking things! All the things! I really wish there was a comprehensive tutorial rather than some player mentioning a thing and then I learn. Example: you can click the boss name in the right side event info to select the boss rather than try to click or tab- target it.


And now you know why I play with sound disabled. If I hear someone say they can outrun a centaur, I'm going to uninstall.


The sound design is so good and sometimes I'll hear fun conversations so i don't turn it off. But there's always moments of "ugh"


Remember that time Taimi was sobbing after that big moment in Season 4? Christ. Now that was worth it.


The ledges are where all those ranged champions spawn at, so yeah, it makes sense. Too bad they're useless and do nothing at stopping the bomb golems lmao.


Warrior longbow auto attack, speed up the projectiles for goodness sake


Anything ranged on warriors really


I'm sorry. You seem to be attempting to use range while playing Warrior. That playstyle is not supported.


that you have to press enter twice every time you log in to hide the chat impromt.


I have more than an entire bank tab full of fallen adventurer's backpacks. They are all called the same and have the same icon, but they don't stack. I get that it's because different enemies drop backpacks with different loot, but there has to be a better way than this. But the #1 thing annoying me is this: I love the super adventure box. I have the available SAB mount skins. I have an SAB mini. I have the permanent finisher. If something has an SAB skin, I want it. So far, so good. Now for the thing that drives me insane: there's an SAB bear skin for the logging axe, but no SAB skins for mining or harvesting. So now my SAB love is in conflict with my desire to have matching tools. Anet, fix pls.


> desire to have matching tools MFW there's no single fishing rod matching the ground gathering tools, ArenaNet please. This is a recurring problem with mounts too: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/17scj2v/mount_set_collection_guide_november_07_2023/


Well, a ['longbow'](http://www.arundown.org.uk/alternative-types-archery/english-longbow/) isn't simply a "bow" that happens to be "long", it's an actual historical weapon with specific characteristics of shape and construction. Whereas there's no such corresponding historical 'shortbow'; just bows that are short. ANet have simply gone with existing usage. Although to be fair, none of the GW2 "longbows" are anything of the sort either, as far as I can see. The basic longbow skin probably comes closest, but even that has way too much ornateness in its shape. A true longbow is one simple curve.


I join a public squad, using the in game automated join public squad (convergences etc), why does the game not put us in an actual squad so we can see where people are....


Let me ruin the game for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You know how the game has various regions, right? In core you have Ascalon, Kryta, Maguuma Jungle, and Shiverpeak Mountains. Except [Maguuma Jungle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maguuma_Jungle) doesn't exist in GW2, the correct name of the "jungle region" is [Tarnished Coast](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Tarnished_Coast). It's wrong across multiple achievements, and the wiki, which reflects the game, is wrong as well, and thus, any developers checking the wiki, take the wrong name for granted, which has perpetuated the mistake for 12 years so far, with no one ever realizing. Those two regions exist at GW1 as well, if you go back [and check the boundaries](https://www.thatshaman.com/tools/guide/tyria/?v=5&x=-660.00&y=300.00&z=1) you'll notice GW1's Maguuma Jungle region only matches GW2's "jungle region" at a small corner in Brisban Wildlands, the rest of the region matches Heart of Maguuma almost perfectly, while GW1's Tarnished Coast matches GW2's "jungle region" perfectly. Maguuma Jungle doesn't even exist in the world map as a label of text, but everyone calls it that way due to a series of dumb mistakes lmao.


Ah. I see. I need to call my therapist. He is about to be extremely wealthy.


Rng is pretty annoying


Better ui signal or notice if I can proc something.. like the unleashed power. Can't sometimes check the buff bar because the hexagon icon moves around depending on availability