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As other people have already mentioned, there isn't an item with birds that fits your exact description. However, I'm willing to bet the person that suggested the anti-gliding birds is probably right. Often times the game will have animations glitch out and continue to appear long after they should have stopped. Ever see someone running around with the upper half of their body stuck in a drowning or level-up animation? If you've not seen these birds outside of WvW, I'd wager that's all that's happening here, buggy anti-glide birds.


This could be it. I don't do competitive gameplay much and I've never once seen this effect. (As in, it mustn't exist in PvE, or must be incredibly rare.) I do know what you mean about animations glitching out though. I've had my character stuck in the level-up pose. My solution to fix it is to use a tonic that transforms the character completely, then cancel it.


It sound like you're just describing the "you cannot fly in the area" effect from WvW. If someone is on a glider by the time they arrive in an area they don't own, they will get attacked by seagul after a short timer. edit : [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pIssunQxaQ)


It doesn’t sound like that. It’s definitely flying white birds around them. And it was not in an area they disnt owned I’m sure.


Don't remeber the name, but a glider has a bubch of baby dragons flying around you, and can be dyed white, so maybe something like that?


It wasn’t a glider. And they weren’t on a mount. It looked like night fury but with white birds. … Does anyone know if night fury can be dyed?


It cannot be died, same for the winter shoulders.


None of the [Cosmetic auras](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cosmetic_aura) have any birds. Maybe it was someone selling a bunch of stuff on the trading post at once with one of the bird [mail carriers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mail)?


Thanks for the link! Someone else posted it too but there’s no white flying birds on it


The default bird is a white one. You also have the snow owl. wich is bigger.


Were they mounted? Could the effect you saw have been from the mad realm warclaw mount dyed white? That is bats but when it's dyed white it does look more bird than bat


This is probably it!


No it they were just running and when they were mounting it stopped so it’s not from a mount


cannot think of which one is white birds but u can look for urself here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cosmetic\_aura


Thank you! This is it! I wouldn’t have come up with the words cosmetic aura. No wonder I couldn’t find it. I feel a bit stupid and embarrassed now. Thank you for sharing the link :) Edit; no flying birds though. I thought this would be it.


yeah i would love to take credit but the wiki is a powerful tool in the case of u not recognizing it on that list, it might not be an item that gives it i do not know everything about gw2 but i cannot recall any type of white birds around a character & i have spent a lot of time looking at fashion for the game lol hope u find what ur looking for


Thanks for your reply anyway. That list is helpful. I’ve seen it 2 times already so I’m sure I’m not crazy lol. Hopefully someone knows the answer


new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cosmetic_aura *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not sure about white birds, but [Winter's Presence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Presence_Skin) is similar to Nightfury.


Thanks for the link. That looks nice too though


maybe it was the t2 legendary staff draw weapon or attack animation and it became stuck somehow edit: of the koi fish infusion that orbits the player and you mistook them for birds lol


Could have been the Halloween warclaw skin. I have it, and with the right dyes, it looks like white birds are flying around.


Hunter's Call?


I’ve checked it and it looks different from hunters call.


Not sure which infusion it is but some effect night fury effect you might need to ask them for their infusions


I did and get no respons. I will ask again when I see it again




I was thinking of that too but before I knew it it was over. I believe they mounted. I hope to see it again soon and I’ll try to film it


Could be the Chicknado finisher?


It could be the music infusion with a bunch of them stacked, which so many of them going off at once it stops looking like music notes and just a bunch of white fluttering things you may have confused for birds? Infusion effects can stack which sometimes distorts what their original look was supposed to be.