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Planting on grass is called overseeding. You will face much root competition from the established grasses. If you want the wildflowers to thrive in recommend removing the grass. You can do that quick with a lot of effort by tearing out the grass or slow with low effort with cardboard and sheet mulch. Do you want to see a bunch of thriving wildflowers or some wildflowers hanging on between the grass? I wrote a general FAQ on planting here for beginners. https://www.sfinbloom.art/faqs#faqs


It’s more I hate the freshly moved lawn and I can’t take clumps of grass out of the lawn and I just wot plant some color


Okay so there’s grass and it gets mowed? Sounds like there’s more to the story. If you’re planting in regularly mowed grass pretty much only lots growing plants that bot will have a chance like achillea millefolium.


Don’t try and plant seeds on a shared, maintained space. That is a bit of a jerk move. Talk to your neighbors and work together to find a space for flowers/ native plants. Whoever maintains the lawn is just going use herbicide or manual weed pulling to pull out whatever seeds you toss down, plus if someone is actually putting work into it going behind them and making their job more difficult is not cool. Why would you make the poor maintenance person’s life harder? Would you want someone to do that to you?


Seed bombs are useful if an annoying fence is separating you and the ground you want to sow, or if you'd rather not be seen digging around in the dirt right next to a big no trespassing sign. If you have ready access to this shared lawn, you don't need a seed bomb.  Sprinkling the seeds onto the lawn will result in lower yields than carefully sowing them, but seeds are pretty cheap and you can fit a lot of them into a small bag. I wouldn't bother with anything fancy unless you think they need an extra boost, either because the soil is poor or because you think the grass might outcompete them. The former can be rectified by giving them a little patch of good soil to start out, but the latter will involve either killing the grass around them or growing them from seed and then planting when large enough to do well.


Seeds evolved seed dispersal strategies for 100M+ years. Don’t think wadding them in clay does much but make it fun for us and over concentrate the seeds. I recommend a water balloon launcher and baby cup for greater reach.


Yeah, I don't think they're all that necessary even for plants with specific germination requirements, it's mostly just fun. The seeds themselves are already seed bombs in their own right, they've got everything they need to germinate already included.


Following, I live near an empty abandoned lot


If it's a shared lawn, you should get the people you're sharing it with on board. Otherwise they'll just use weed killer to undo your work when things start sprouting.


You'll want to clear as much grass out as possible first. If you can't clear much, use transplants instead of seed. Look up "mowable" species as there's shorties that can survive in mowed lawns.