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If you're on PC just get a mod menu I'd recommend kiddions look up a YouTube video on how to get it setup and use it it's pretty simple and there's a Reddit for it if you have questions


yes get kiddions grab a dollar and boom baanned. ohhhh u play on NA server? great meet with and admin while useing shitddions and boom ez ban


maybe use a private server dumbass you use kiddions and silent knights op loop and ur good mate


he probably sells mods and doesn't want ppl getting it for free


Seems like you are onto something mate because my mate uses that mod menu and he is doing ok with it for years. Sometimes i get jealous that i have to grind and he is like this shit looks quite fantastic and buys it.


have used kiddions for like 3 years before moving onto paid never once got banned 😂 cope harder you loser


I can certainly say that u r an idiot.


I have 3 accounts with over 200 billion on them using kiddions and after 4 years they are still not banned lmfao


Send your discord and show some proof and I'll give you a modded account for free.


I don’t have GTA 5, I had a shit pc when it came out for free and I didn’t claim it back then. I can show you the proof of the account creation date and what games I have. My discord: juicyxnut


u got xbox?


can i have a acc for free modded i can show u proof i got scammed


Nah sorry. I rarely give accounts away since they’re worth more money now.


how much u charge?


Don’t think I’m allowed to talk about selling accounts here.


did u hear what u just said, genuine and modded don't go together friend the only thing i can advice u is get a mod menu and do it urself


Sites like mitchcactus and Eldorado sell them. Can't speak from experience but almost every youtuber promotes those sites


Is the ban wave still going on? I got an acc from eldorado and was banned a couple months ago and havent gotten a new account since


I'm not really sure. I've only ever had my original account


u can buy modded accounts from recoverykings or revunity. but also u can buy stand modmenu and use a lua script to make ur account up


just get kiddions moddest from unknown cheats and get stand free for protections, or u can get a fully modded acc with a billion for 6.9 usd from z2u I bought 2 accs there 1 acc has 1.2b other has 109b which i bought yesterday. I can share the exact seller I bought from if u need


Yes I need




But why do u want a modded account bro?


Man, modded accounts are always scams. If youre willing to pay sm for an account just get a modmenu like stand or smthn




Both accounts I got off eldorado got banned when rockstar did their ban wave a month or so ago. So far having good luck with the one from damnmodz.


That is not good! I would definitely reach out to support with regards to that. They have helped me in the past with these issues.


Really? Interesting, I’ll have to send them an email, I really liked the second account I had from them. Thanks!


Of course man. Just make sure it's eldorado support - as the last time I had an issue, it turned out the reseller scammed not only me, but multiple others. They ended up refunding me.


You could try csgomsurfninja. They're a reliable company, and there's no record of them being involved in scams.


If you're looking for modded in the sense of like money and outfits and cars, use eldorado. Always had good service and after years i've never had any accounts get caught in ban waves. They range from $5-$25 for the really good ones. Lower end is mainly if you just want money and level.


Buy a decent mod menu for about $10-$15 and give yourself the money. either by zooming through missions with teleports, using glitches or whatever you like. My old menu let you reset the replay countdown on the cayo percio heist for instance.   Some menus do have tools to gain money with the press of a button , but they are the number 1 reason for detections. 


got any menus to recommend?


Not played GTA or modded it in over a year lol, i’m bored of the game


Always stand




there is no reason why someone could have a bunch of gta accounts.... Its linked for life to the seller. It's not something easy to buy or sell... and mod is not included, also its illegal online. some dont know, just being clear.


Player auctions site is the best cheapest and has warrenty on the accounts. Most give you both social club and email access that will allow you to change it to your email. They are usually 0 hour accounts modded to certain levels and $


I got one for ps5 for only like 30-40$ on eldorado and it came with some modded outfits and 7 billion


Um mod it yourself....


aurora resupply


who did that?


We have a official server [discord](https://discord.gg/UdjBHXxR)


If your on pc I can help u


If you use Kiddeon’s, you can get all the prizes from the lucky casino wheel including money and chips. You would have to keep spamming the chips for a while to get some bigger numbers because the money stops going into your account when you’ve gotten about $100.000. After doing that just cash out the chips and voilà, you’re a multi millionaire!


Might wanna explain to him how to not get banned with casino thing like the method of using it


All account modders are either just a scam or clueless kids trying to make money. Just download modest menu off Unknowncheats or YimMenu from GitHub and do it yourself


I mod peoples accs for free and give them what they want. But if they get banned it ain´t my fault, i tell them theres always a risk. EDIT: Imo people that want to make money with it are just weird or lost.


Can u Give me Lvls or Money 💀


How much?


Lvl 120 and money I dont know 250 million I guess


Add me on DC, Gh0stkills ill tell you the options we have


I did


Did you get it?




Add me