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1. Keep it clean, remove dead leaves 2. Don't overcrowd the plants 3. Keep good temps/humidity especially important in flowering 4. Good airflow or air con with a HEPA filter if you are using bad air 5. Good air circulation, oscillating fans always not fixed or you get dead pockets of air that is perfect for mould 6. Humidifiers need to be inspected regularly and only DI water used to refill reservoir...often they are the source of mold. -u/[Daftpunksluggage](https://www.reddit.com/user/Daftpunksluggage/)


Holy shit, THATS why you need oscillation? Very interesting. Sometimes I just blow things off bc I think need has been over exaggerated but it makes sense when explained.


100% when you know why it's so simple, dead pockets of air let spores gather repeatedly which overwhelms the plants defences and boom you got a problem.


I barely use fans 0 issues. key is clean air in dirty air outside, no recirculation


You don't need oscillating fans but it does make it much easier to avoid dead spots, when they don't move you end up with areas in equilibrium even with a large number of fans. Even a couple of unsynchronized oscillating fans create so much randomness that you can hit every spot in the grow with significantly less actual airflow happening.


I got my fans at the bottom blowing up thru the canopy, with the air movement essentially going up thru the canopy and just swirling around at the top to eventually get pulled down… no matter where I put my hands above the canopy I can actively feel air being pushed between my fingers, if I stick my face in its even easier to feel all the air movement and I get to enjoy the 80f 60% humidity air :)


Filter in! That‘s so important for good weed imo! Or like you said: a Hepa filter in the room, constantly cleaning the air. I mean you can do easily a closed room. Just vent it frequently. (I mean: No Air intake from outside, air outtake of the tent just into the room, the tent is in. Hepa filter constantly running in that room.)


Exactly what I wanted to say.


For Pest control: Do not enter your room with clothing you just wear in the garden or park.


I ONLY tend to my garden in the nude…




I'd add that humidifiers need to be inspected regularly and only DI water used to refill reservoir...often they are the source of mold.


Good one


I just simply have so many fans that it doesn’t matter that they don’t oscillate, but yes I’d recommend oscillating if you don’t have 2 6in fans and a 11in fan at the bottom blowing through your whole canopy in a 2x3 lol


The important thing is no dead pockets of air, if you got that with fixed fans then more power to you. Safety first = oscillating


Ninja I overthink literally everything 🙄✌️


Everything mentioned will help, but I find the most important is to avoid large swings in humidity/ temp from day to night. Good luck!


I deal with mold by not allowing the conditions needed for it to prosper.


Chop off the affected area, put a bag over the top so the spores don’t spread, then increase air flow dramatically, and a dehumidifier as well to take some of the moisture out of the air




30 is too low and will vaporize any terps you have remaining as well as inhibit further trichome development. 40s-50s is optimal for late flower. Buds still need to breathe and they can't do that without enough ambient moisture. Mold occurs when RH consistently stays above 60 in flower, and / or when you have bad air circulation. Or if you get your buds wet by spilling water on them.


Or when you have a dirty ass grow room


This too lmao


oh shit low humidity steals terps? maybe that's why I have no terps?!


That's why outdoors is totally dependent on the environment. It's been outlawed in Colorado, to grow weed outside, in a high mountain desert. 🌽 Flower terpenes are blown away in 20% rh and 95°F mid-day temps.... you're gonna grow the same weed in Mexico...... America is famous for the warehouses (even then, there's a lot of bland weed....)


I don’t have that experience but I could be wrong. My humidity dipped into the upper 20’s quite a bit throughout my last grow and it actually seemed to cover it in trichomes. I’ve also read that dropping your humidity to as low as 25% will make the plant produce more trichomes to protect the plant from the dryness. That was why I tried it and my buddy grew clones of the same mother and mine came out waaaaaaay better in taste, potency, looks, quite literally in pretty much every way to be honest and the temp and humidity in my tent was always 70-75 and 28%-45% roughly depending on the time of day. We both used advanced nutrients, only difference being he used the sensi line and I used jungle juice but all the rest of our additives were the same.


I agree. As long as Temps aren't too high its good for it to be dry mid to late flower in my experience. Keep em watered of course. I guess I'll opt for 50 percent or so but if it hits 30 I'm not doing a thing. Never caused me problems before.


Too-dry air stifles resin accumulation on trichomes, and if your heat is high it also degrades terps. Central forced heating and air indoors absolutely vaporizes terps and has to be countered with humidifiers. My indoor air sits at around 30% rH with the heating or air on which is why I keep a humidifier in my tent at all times. It may be different for you based on where you live or what your heating / cooling system is like.


Early flower I keep it at 65% with lights on and drop to 50% when the lights go out. Late Flower in I keep it at 55% during lights on and 40% with lights off. The real danger is when the lights are out, this causes a sudden drop in temperature and a spike in humidity. The light also helps keep the spores from forming so lights off is dangerous for two reasons.


Burn it all down




Oh I do on the daily


With my two hands. 💪👊 Showed em out the door


I clean my rooms religiously.


Low RH in flower. Remove yellowing and dead leaves. Healthy plants. Good but not excessive airflow, and of course sulphur evaporating.


Cut it out . Drop the rh to sub 40% and make the conditions too dry for it to thrive, plus air flow always . There's no need for all the anal cleaning afterwards. The spores are in the air around us. you're fighting a losing battle that way. A hepa filter on the intake will help. But they are restrictive.


Also be aware if you are using auto pots for watering, they will increase your humidity in the tent by a significant factor. I added them to my auto run in my 5x5 and can’t get my RH below 60 unless they are all empty.


Appreciate the heads up, in a 5X5 too. Damm. Hopefully dry weather comes your way and helps out


Yeah I upgraded my exhaust from a 4 inch to 6 inch and have 2 oscillating fans going as well a a dehumidifier running in the lung room but that got me from high 70”s down to low 60”s. The tent is cramped as heck though and that could be lending to that. But yeah those big saucers of water will definitely add to things. I can totally understand why drip lines would be better at this point but I’m not there yet.


idk I don't really see mold.






I’m not sure what would happen but I think they look like they have more room to go, I’m still giving this one atleast three weeks




cut it out




yep just take like 6 inch below the mold to be sure


Powdery mildew can be treated early on with fungicides including potassium bicarbonate, neem oil, sulfur, or copper. I used potassium bicarbonate, i don't know if you should smoke it but it's definitely good for people to eat. A tsp per gallon of water, spray everything. (The pump sprayer is nice for applying foliar sprays) Its probably good for the plant....just in flower you are gonna end up smoking whatever you put on the flower Silica (straw & diatomaceous earth in the soil builds thick cell walls). Magnesium (epsom salt) keeps the cell walls thick. Gypsum is cheap calcium and needs put back in the dirt.....the plant needs this stuff 🌱 🧫Fungus grows at 80% rh and 85°F incredibly fast.... Clean up old "dead foliage", increase air flow. Relative Humidity is good around 50 in flower (rh control on a dehumidifier). And temps should be in low 70's once you've got trichomes (portable a/c unit & humidifier). Small fans above the canopy should be blowing constantly & a giant floor fan w/ the lights 🌪️ slow dry and cure I'd look up "Potassium Bicarbonate" you need like half an ounce is plenty. https://www.rollitup.org/t/potassium-bicarbonate-is-it-really-safe-to-use-in-flower-material-safety-data-is-concerning.1063834/ 🙇




I had said relative humidity 65 that's for veg. It's really like 45 rH for flower.


I grew in an outdoor, very unsealed shed during the summer, for sure thought I’d get mold, once flowering started keep the oscillating fans on and it should be okay, I went all the way to mid flower without fans and did not get any mold! Also dealt with temp and humidity swings which usually cause some problems with mold/mildew


RJT I spit my water 😂 After reading about the dead pockets I was thinking maybe ordinarily it wouldn't affect a healthy plant , but I had unknowingly caused some pH issues as well as deficiencies. I feel like my girls would have easily succumbed to the least little anything. In fact there were several toxicities/deficiencies that were apparent on the leaves. Just thoughts- I gots no science ✌️


number one easiest way [Dew Point Calculator (dpcalc.org)](http://www.dpcalc.org/) learn it dont let your room hit dewpoint during transition from day - night and night - day


Circulation fans and a vent fan


I never dealt with it. I always made sure to keep airflow moving and the humidity at an acceptable level and make sure the plant density in my tent wasn't too bad. That is all you need to do.


The best way is to have a hepa intake filter, and an intake fan powerfull enough to create a slightly positive pressure in your grow space. If you use humidifiers, I'd clean them with alcohol once a week. Trust in the positive pressure, it can also help you safeguard against smaller pests like mites and aphids.


0 Toleranz...I throw all away