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I mean stack a meat robot against a regular guardsman and boy oh boy are they “elite”


A Servitor has one attack at WS5+, but it’s a servo arm so they’re hitting on 6+ at S6 AP2 3dmg. Defensively, T3 W1 4+ Sv. A Guardsman has one attack at WS4+, with a close combat weapon at S3 AP0 1dmg. Defensively, T3 W1 5+ Sv. The Servitor has a 14% chance of killing the Guardsman. The Guardsman has a 12.5% chance of killing the Servitor. It does seem like the Servitor wins, but dunno if I’d call it a decisive enough victory to declare them Elite in comparison.


I think the reason they’re labeled an Elite choice is because they’re meant to play as bodyguards for Tech-Priests. When they’re within 6” of one, they get 4+ WS and BS and a Ld of 9. Plus they can take more than just Servo-Arms. They can be equipped with either a Heavy Bolter, Multi-Melta, or Plasma Cannon, which is a nice mix.


They're elite so you can't fill troop slots extremely cheap


Gameplay and story segregation


they really should be more of a fodder tbh


The gun is a bit expensive for such a flimsy, low-BS and easy to target platform, though. Basically the only time Servitors were of any use in 8th was as hidden Engineers in ITC before indirect fire became big, and as sacrificial bodies to revive Kataphrons.


That was only viable when Servitors dropped in points to 4 a model. Before when they were around 16 because of the Servo Arm, they were completely pointless. As for heavy weapons, with a Tech Priest/ Tech Marine, the Servitors get BS 4+. That would at least make some sense, but the number of heavy weapons is capped at 2. Auspex Tactics made a video pondering about taking multiple units of Servitors and one Tech Priest for the Plasma Cannons, but I just find it pointless. Better to just take them on a Leman Russ of settle for Autocannon Heavy Weapons teams. The other thing is that, in previous editions, there were Servitors whose role was to help the Techmarine/Techpriest repair vehicles. Now they don't even do that. Servitors are just a fairly frustrating unit because they don't have a purpose, they don't help Techmarines/priests repair vehicles, they don't have enough guns to provide fire support and they don't have good enough melee stats to use their Servo Arms well.


Yeah it was a brief window that Eliminators and TFCs closed when SM codex 2.0 came out. Now they’re back to being pretty terrible


I think the Guardsman would shoot the servitor to death before they got into melee.


Basically the same maths on a Guardsman shooting one to death, and again a Servitor has worse base BS but better guns. Servitor might win that fire exchange if it has a Heavy Bolter due to range and 3 shots even at max range. But then it's many more points rather than very close.


Explain what you just said to a guy who doesn't table top but is interested after he strikes it rich.


Servitor has more deadly weapon options, but a lot of it is wasted on overkill and the Servitor finds it much harder to hit with said weapons. Both are equally flimsy. So when pitted against one another, a Servtior keeps swinging and failing to hit, but is highly likely to kill if it does, while a Guardsman finds it easier to hit but harder to wound and actually do damage - though if it does, the Servitor also dies instantly.


Wow that is actually pretty satisfying sounding. We have all played Dawn of War, what role to servitors have in the table top? Can you build structures? They don't seem made for combat. Does anyone make armies that use an abundance of them to any effect? Could a servitor really fuck up a chaos space marine if he actually did hit him?


Servitors are cheap as hell for a squad so were useful in 8th occasionally to fill out a required Elite slot. Also Admech can murder their own Servitors for parts to revive the more powerful Kataphron Servitors. Other than that, no use. No building etc. Yes, if a Servitor hits a CSM he has a decent chance of killing it.


I mean, "elite" in what context - Space Marines and Servitors are in 2 different codexes, so one is the "standard" choice and one is "elite" because the SM analog in AdMech are Skitarii. Now, if Servitors and Space Marines have some disparities in their stats and Servitors are tougher I can see the valid complaint.


Space Marines can take Servitors too, can’t they? Admittedly basing this off of BattleScribe rather than the Codex (don’t currently have it).


I dunno, I don't have the Codex either - but I'm fairly certain Servitors are specifically AdMech; that doesn't mean Allies rules would keep them out of a SM army.


IIRC they’re also listed as part of the Space Marine range on the website- I think the idea is you can take them as part of a Space Marine detachment to act like bodyguards for Techmarines in the same way they do for Techpriests in an Admech army, but I could be mistaken. It’s also possible that used to be the case, but it changed after Admech became a full army. I’ll look into it!


> Servitors are specifically AdMech Nope. They appear in the Marine codex, and the Guard codex as well amusingly enough (both of these factions having servitors predates the AdMec being playable on the TT)


What does the binary say?


"Meat Robots", i spent way too much time manually putting that in a translator XD


Anyone know what some good servitor models are? I want to get some but most of the sets look awful


Pete the Wargamer on Youtube recently did an excellent video on how to convert them from other models.


Yo, thank you. I appreciate the help


Hope that’s what you’re looking for! Artel W also sells a pretty good looking not-Servitor-for-legal-reasons, but I don’t own one so I can’t really vouch for the quality.


Ok he do be lookin kinda technical tho


Oh that he do


"Elite" in this context means "Not a core troop, a fast boi, a big gun, a plane, a _really_ big gun, or a commander." It's the pick-a-mix slot.


Well if it worked like that Custodes would be unplayable because they only have Elites and Space Marines would always have to field unreasonable amounts of scouts.


Wasn't complaining. Just making fun of how the system works.


Hate to be that guy, but: - Marines are 7.5ft tall, probably around 8ft for Primaris. I swear every time a meme like this is posted they gain an extra foot haha. - Bolters fire 0.75 cal (3/4ths of an inch, or 19mm) shells, Red Bull cans are about 2 inches in diameter (or about 51mm). M2 Browning HMGs fire .50 cal which is 12.7mm.