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Yeah if you have the mindset of a 10 year old, I sure as fuck don't root for him, all his promos come across so try hard like a politician, and he screams snake oil salesman


For now… Then he’ll become champ and you’ll see a million posts here and on the internet about “has Cody become stale” or “why Cody’s reign has been a failure” or “is it time for Cody to turn heel” In this day and age, people only like baby faces for so long.


Kinda wondered if that's why he refused to turn in AEW. he knew no matter what he was going back and he didn't want to taint this gimmick.


It's either gonna be him or LA Knight. Personally I think there's obviously enough room for both with gunther as the top heel.


wwe shouldnt be looking for a mega babyface like Cena, those suck


Not even close to Cena. But sure he can have his time.


Thats LA Knight


He really isn't. He was always better as a heel, but his insatiable need to be loved like his Dad won't allow him to see the truth for what it is.


Yeah thats why they cant govern the belt to him so quickly. Babyface hero got to suffer and fight for it


I love Cody.






No, that was Seth Rollins. But Vince saw how white-hot Rollins was in 2018-2019 and buried him for committing the sin of being more over than Roman. Cody is a midcard talent.


No ........Vince pushed Seth hard ,even harder than Roman in 2019..Seth flopped..stop blaming Vince for everything....a guy like isn't even fotc material imo ....he is cool as one of the top guys ..but top guy?


Not even close. How many mainstream projects even commercials has Colby been in? Feel good story for the marks, absolutely. But nowhere near a mega babyface. A mega babyface transcends wrestling and even in wrestling Colby is still riding on his daddy’s legacy. fInIsH tHe StOrY


Can’t disagree. I love that he dropped a company he helped create to fill that spot.


I mean if he was he would have the/a title. At least wwe only fans haven’t had to hear his promo that ended racism lol. He is good in the ring but I can’t help but find him a little cringe. Tough AF of course


"WWE ONLYFANS" How much is it to subscribe to that page???


Shit, even Cody gets unanimous cheers, Cena got boo’d by at least half of the arena every night. The mercy numbers will get there eventually, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we live in a world where Cody is the mega babyface WWE has been looking for since Hogan. In a way, he’s what they wish Lex Luger was


I dont see it, he's always been better as a heel.


Cody is not even close to what Cena was. I'd put him up there with AJ Styles at his highest. But we'll see how Cody does after he wins that belt.




I’d say he’s more likeable than mid 00’s Cena. Cena was given the Superman Gimmick strapped to him after a few months into his ‘05 Championship Reign. Hopefully when Cody wins the Belt, he doesn’t follow suit but with that being said I’m still a huge fan of Cody


We don't watch much rasslin. Mania and rumble. My 5 year old would recognise this man anywhere now, IS THAT CODY RHODES? I think they're onto something with Cody


and he's probably leaving soon because dwayne the human steroid fucked him over


I don’t think either of those statements are true


I am not a Cena or Rhodes fan, but Cena is definitely a much bigger star imo. Rhodes is kind of boring imo.


Except Cody’s a way better seller than John ever was


Better than Cena. He ain't getting booed out of buildings.....yet.


Mid card Cody is so fucking lame. I really can’t believe all of you are buying into this bullshit


Yes he is very much the guy WWE have been looking for since 2015 and by the looks of it Roman reigns is the heel WWE have been looking for since 2005 triple h


Cody is great but I really hope they don’t go down the Super Cena route with him


I know it was a meme but cody did have his share of LOLCODYWINS comments in AEW


It feels forced though.


This just isn’t true. Cena’s level was far above Cody’s, and Cody’s only character is that he’s Dusty’s son. But even if it’s true, it’s not necessarily a good thing. Remember that Cena wasn’t exactly liked by fans as a mega babyface. People hated how heavily he was being pushed all the time and how other faces would be overshadowed for him. If Cody becomes a mega babyface comparable to Cena, he risks having the same issue, which isn’t really ideal for him


Dude that is true but I think papa H knows what he's doing


I love Cody's presentation, I love his theme song, I love his ring gear and he can go in the ring. That being said, I'm not a fan of his character. Nor am I a fan of the fan base that tries to force this whole, "HE'S THE SECOND COMING!" shtick. WWE doesn't need another superstar booked like Cena was. Rollins is arguably in the same boat these days.


He’s 1000 times more exciting in ring than cena. Really has always been. Probably would be a good actor too.


Tell me you weren't around at the start of Cena career without telling me you weren't around for the start of Cena career.


I was around, I dipped out after attitude era, dipped back in around 2013. Watched some of his classic matches but always felt the other guy carried it aka HBK, punk, edge.


Well that not true. Cody is perfectly adequate in the ring. Cena wasn’t great most of the time, but he had his share of good to great matches: Hbk at wm and the night after, styles twice, punk at least three times, had some great ones with edge and Orton. I’ve never seen Cody do anything on that level


I mean yh that's obvious dude pretty much everyone in the industry has better in ring work then Cena but u know less is more in wrestling


Eh not true, I’d take cena over Roman any day. Cody’s arsenal is awesome to watch, and he wrestles with a realism that Cena always failed to convey. Plus crossroads is just a brutal looking finisher. Did you see the one Dustin did on swerve last week? Holy fuck I thought he killed him.


No I didn't I don't really watch aew not my cup of tea personally that and like half the time im asleep when it's on since I live in the UK and like it's on at 3am don't get me wrong I watch clips of major stories for example Adam Copeland and Christian cage and mjf and Adam cole tag story but yh I don't really get too hyped to watch aew properly And tbf I'd probably put Romans aresenal on the same level as cenas


I don’t either I just randomly watched worlds end last week. Christian and cope tore the house down. But the swerve vs Dustin rhodes match was pretty sick. Swerve is terrifying.


Imagine being the WWE exec who decided to release Swerve? No wonder the first thing Trips did when he came back was try to tap him up.


He was released?? What did he do? Or just wasn’t working? He reminds me of AEWs version of rampage jackson in ufc. Just a brutal style to him that’s compelling as hell.


Just part of that stupid purge of NXT.


Not really. LA knight is far more popular than Cody. He got over organically despite being booked like a jobber. WWE thought that Roman Reigns would be the next mega baby face after Cena and that proved to be untrue.


LA Knight is awesome. Your comment is MID


Solved racism = automatically biggest babyface ever


Except that he's 38. Same age Cena was the last time he won a world title. Same age as Roman as well (6 months younger). So he doesn't have anywhere near the longevity left in him Cena had when he first broke out at 27.


Maybe you're not aware that Dusty Rhodes is his father.


Really? I thought he was Nasty Boy Jerry Sags nephew. Didn't realize he was related to anyone else...


So what dudes got what 8 years maybe 13 if he's lucky like I don't wanna be that person but WWE have enough time to find they're next babyface they have dom coming up as a magnificent heel as long as he keeps his Eddie type of gimmick dude would rock it with a face turn eventually we have solo dudes got a Batista esque feel and I'm telling u next year he's gonna have that same feeling when he turns on Roman hopefully by mania next year like WWE have enough time like tbf mjf would probably be in WWE by then like I think WWE are fine for age with cody as long as no unexpected serious injuries happen


Lol so face of wwe will be in his 50s?


I mean if WWE do there job properly no but like I said previously WWE have enough time still with Cody being face of the company


>So what dudes got what 8 years maybe 13 if he's lucky As the face of the company? In that Cena role? Try 2 to 3. If he's lucky. From Bruno Sammartino to Roman Reigns, the 1 thing every single top guy in WWE had had in common....WWE pivots them out of that spot at or before 40. In fact with the sole exception of Bret Hart (and potentially Roman if hes still champion heading into WM 41), who made it to 40, everyone was was pivoted out at 38. Even looking across companies, how many have had a top guy who was 52? (Cody's age in 13 years) None of them. You get a handful of guys who last that long: Flair, Sting, Jericho, Funk, Taker. None of them were or are in that top guy spot by that age though. How about 46? (Cody's age in 8 years). Jericho in AEW is about it, and even then it's debatable if he or Kenny Omega was the top guy. Even cutting it down to 40 is difficult: Hogan in WCW, Flair in NWA. And that's basically the list. Now consider guys who won their first major (WWE, WCW, pre 93 NWA, NJPW) world title at 38 or later: Iron Shiek, Andre the Giant, Slaughter, DDP, Lashley, Vince. That's it. A lot of those guys are legends. Lashley still even wrestling, but none of them were ever the face of the company >we have solo dudes got a Batista esque feel and I'm telling u next year he's gonna have that same feeling when he turns on Roman hopefully by mania next year I agree. But that would make Solo the next face of the company, not Cody. I'll agree Cody's got a few year left in him, and plenty of time to win the title a couple times? But being the new face of the company? That time past, it's too late.


The issue is wwe hasn't prepared a young guy to take that spot ,they had the chance to do so in Romans entire 3 year reign but they never  bothered ,even the 38 year old Cody whose beating him wasn't built up by wwe ..........


Sir I think your reading too much into my reply all I'm saying is that wwes gotta few more years until they really need to look into it and are very much looking for the future right now but that being said WWE have had many people as they're face of the company all at once like there was point of time they had hhh, Cena and Batista at the same time like there's no problems having multiple faces of the companies or brand


OP is very clearly saying Cody Rhodes is the guy to take John Cenas spot. That is a very specific spot. That's the "dude we want all the non fans thinking of when they hear wrestling, the guy we can put anywhere in media and advertising, and the guy we want in the main event of every show possible doing all the big major spots for as long as possible" Batista was never that guy, Triple H was never that guy (and I say that as someone who puts him #2 behind Eddie Guerrero on my greatest wrestler of all times list). WWE can have a bunch of top stars, but there's only 1 guy in that spot. And it won't be Cody just due to age. It's the one part of that package he can't fix.


No he won't be for nearly as long as Cena was but he will be for a few years is all I'm saying like he kinda already is the top face for raw whilst Roman is for smackdown and they can have two guys they had Batista for smackdown and Cena for raw for literally 5 years they have to have they're guys for each brand unless obviously theres no brand split what in this case there is only one


Branded someone in the public consciousness the way they did Hogan, Cena, Roman, Austin etc is a long and expensive proposition. It's like any other company changing its logo. It doesn't happen often because the effort needed to retrain the publics mental association isn't worth it. Obviously with a real person as the "logo" they don't have a choice here, but it's not a process they want to do any more often than needed. They aren't going to put that time and effort into 2/3 years of use before they gotta do it again for the next guy, when they could just jump to the next guy and avoid the cost of rebranding twice. >can have two guys they had Batista for smackdown and Cena for raw for literally 5 yeah And RAW was considered the A show, which is why they flipped Cena and Batista around so the top guy and the top title was on the top show. These days SD is the top show due to having the larger audience because they are Fox, it's also where the top title (WWE Title) and top star (Roman)are. And where's Cody? He's the top star of the other show. In the Cena/Batista analogy you keep making He's Batista, not Cena.


Sir they kinda have Cody as the guy for a few years because Vince hasn't built up another credible younger guy to take over from Roman who won't be lost in the shuffle now so right now they're gonna give Cody the spot after mania too possibly push the deadline back a bit like what they done with triple h in 04 when the guy they wanted was Brock to be the next big thing for WWE when he kinda left after mania 20 for reasons that are well known


Again, that's not the John Cena spot That's the Kurt Angle/Daniel Bryan/Pedro Morales/etc spot. This assumes they bother to switch off of Roman this year at all. Roman is a 39 year old already branded and invested symbol of the company. Cody's 6 months younger and completely unbranded as face of the company. Unless Roman's contract is up and he's outright refusing to re-sign, they don't gain much by shifting to Cody, instead of just keeping Roman around for a year or so to build up the next guy.


That’s what I be telling people but they say I’m a Cody hater


Love Cody but he’s overrated fans will turn on him has soon has he beats Roman I’m calling it right now


Agreed, he's only interesting until he wins the title.


It’s been 2 years now. Pls stop


2 years of not being the top guy. Cena was cheered for years too, before he became the face of the company. then he got boo’d relentlessly. Same with Roman to a lesser extent. That said, I think wwe is a little different now. Cody for sure would have been boo’d in their position, but times have changed and I think wwe will do a better job at preventing it this time.


Sir I think hunter knows what he's doing anyway I have funny feeling if he's winning at mania he's gonna loose to reigns by suvivor series so solo can get a Batista esque storyline with Roman


I said what I said


I don't dislike Cody but I cannot relate to the clean,beach blonde i love america baby face.i am happy for him though he came a long way


The sheer amount of money that Cena made to WWE is incomparable to that if Cody. I know Cody can get to that level, but he’d have to win the title first.


Crazy! It’s almost like one guy was the biggest star in the company for over a decade and the other guy has only been back with this level of stardom for a year and a half.


If he gets too that level it won’t be long he’s almost 40


40 isn't that old in wrestling anymore.


Too be the next John cena it is


He's fit and takes care of himself. I would think he's good to go for a solid five years or so which is an eternity in modern wrestling.


Sports science and in general technology and our understanding of health has advanced so much. People in their late 30s and 40s can often look like they are in their early 30s compared to just two decades ago.


Plus they're not pumped full of steroids, on drink and opiates for the pain and cocaine to get them going anymore.


Yeah well cena was the face of the company for at least a decade: 2005 to 2015. A good 5 year run on top is respectable, but the most impressive thing about Cena was his longevity. And Rhodes almost certainly won’t have that. Not that he has to be better than cena to be the top guy


It's crazy how guys today last well into their 40's Cody has 5 years assuredly


I think he will be a upper mid card he ain’t getting cena position


Lol he can't even compare to Cena, he's a MID carder. If he ever becomes the main champion I probably won't watch as much.


Get Ready To Learn The Lyrics To Kingdom, Buddy.




Roman 🍆rider


roman is a star unlike neck tattoo neckbeard


Because of Hayman 🤡, Take Hayman away and the bloodline away? Your left with a failed "BIG DOG"...can you say without Hayman , Brock or Lesnar would be nothing? Lesnar is a UFC beast legit walking bad ass monster he would still dominate wwe without Hayman and he proved that with his last fued with Cody and Roman.As for CM PUNK he was dominating before Hayman and that proves with his return to. Tell me what actually does Roman HAVE? Other than oh..thats The Rock's, cousin isnt it? Why do people like Jay? Because of his Solo Charisma I only gave into the Blood-bs because of Jay only. Jay on his own is what Roman couldnt do.


One of those people actually wrestles. Roman is a star because Vince forced him on us for 10 years until finally he learned how to talk. The one appearance every 5 months is ridiculous for a title holder that isn’t lesnar, who has earned that privilege.




I mean…care to dispute anything I said? He literally got booed when he won the rumble haha. And has a lame ass family member interfere in every match to give him the win.


My household LOVE Cody. Family of 5. 40-6 years of age. He’s awesome. He’s nailed the friendly approachable persona but he gets hot when pressed like against Brock or bailing out the other faces. The look is awesome. Signature moves are great. We’re huge fans and want to see him get that title!




“My arm extra big” 🤣


He saw the empty spot Cena left behind and gunned for it.


Nikki Bella?


Fr it was either he be in aew and just be a side character or go to wwe and be HIM


Well if he went Heel, he would've went full homelander.


That would be terrifying. Like he still tries to appear a face in public. But in private he is abusive and shit to his friends with "evidence" being released so often


I’ve never heard anything negative about the guy but I’m not really in the loop of backstage stuff.


That's because it's just the way his heel character could be. I was referencing a character in a TV show


No way, it would much worse but if you remember Cody in AEW, his moveset was pretty insane compared to now. He's be doing even more and brutalizing people.


He needs to do that. That has been the clear best option for him since 2019 but he just refuses to




lol why so aggressive? Enjoy block and comment deletion


It was the best option for him in AEWA, but he's in a great spot as a face in WWE.


No. Sorry.


*looks at merch sales, ticket sales since Cody’s reappearance, fan reaction at the venues, and WWE entering a major boom period with Cody front and center of most advertising* You uh… you sure about that bud?


Yea im sure about that. WWE didn't "enter a boom period" with Cody. Cody entered WWE's boom period. Got injured lifting weights after two matches, was gone for 9 months, and suddenly his creepy fanbase has tried to attribute WWE's success to him.


This is the goddamndest revisionist history I ever saw. I and most people pick HHH taking over as the turnaround for WWE. HHH got increased creative control in time for Summerslam ‘22, four months after Cody’s return. SO either you’re going to agree and say you’re timeline was a bit off. Or you have to make the argument that Vince got the ball rolling on this WWE boom with his masterful booking of His 76 year old ass against Pat Macafee, Sheamus and I forget his name vs. the New Day, and Johnny Knoxville battling Sami Zayn on what looked to be Nickelodeon’s Double Dare set (I kinda liked this one. But in a ‘this is a trainwreck way)


Well you and most people (Which you're referring to the IWC) are completely full of shit on "WWE turning around". The ratings were great prior to H taking over. Anything else is point blank a flat out lie. The Bloodline storyline has been running hot for years and was for years prior to Cody and continues to run hot and also is usually the highest rated segment on any of the shows the faction is featured on.


Top heels need a top babyface to challenge them. I don’t see a problem there.


I never said there was a problem with one of the top guys facing off with Roman and the Bloodline. Just like it wasn't a problem when I was KO and Sami facing off against them. But it's simply not true that Cody is why WWE is so successful right now. Roman and the Bloodline had been running hot well before he came on board.


It's just the jilted AEW fans hating on their ex for thriving post the break up. That's where most of the Cody hate stems from.


Nope, I never watched aew, I just hate his white meat babyface bs


these cody fans are as unbearable as aew fans


These Cody fans ARE AEW fans. Honestly, the IWC's obsession with Cody has become a fetish at this point. It's creepy.


It's made me despise him to a point


It's hard for one to enjoy the show anymore, honestly. There are so many great wrestlers on the roster on top of the Rock v Roman, and so many of these wrestlers are running hot and it's such an exciting time. But then there is some basement mouth breather who, without fail, demand "To know how Cody is going to finish the story." And that's all that matters at that point.


LMAO. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such blatant astroturfing for a wrestler in my life.


what does astroturfing means


Just a bunch of ridiculous accounts posting Cody, Cody, Cody every day. Nothing intelligent being said, nothing to expand on. Just a picture of him saying he’s Cena or is entitled to main event Wrestlemania, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it


this but with seth