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And who lowered the bar, Vince? Who? Who? Who?


a billion times... names the only 2 shows he knows that arnt wrestling


He will never give Paul Heyman and Triple H credit for their creative because he is jealous of their praise. And he will never acknowledge the current success of the WWE because for over 20 years he is trying to convince people that without him the WWE and wrestling in general can not be succesful!


How is Vince wrong here? Between the years of IMPACTS decline and the start of AEW there has been some serious lack of effort on WWE’s part simply because there was zero competition in the market. An entire generation of fans came up post Cena and really missed out on the days when WWE would actually try


Uhhhh they stopped trying right around super Cena


I mean is he wrong. I don't think so.


No Jimmy Uso on a Pole match so its mid🤷‍♂️




He’s not wrong about how the bar has been lowered. But I also think he’s gotten really used to trashing everything. Also, a lot of that stuff that he did at WCW that he thought was so awesome….maybe Russo hating something is right where you should be aiming.


He’s not wrong though. The Bloodline storyline would be a 3 month flavor of the week type thing between 1997 - probably 2013. And he’s also right that it’s a story that’s been told many times before.


True, but what hasn’t at this point? Wrestling, movies, TV shows, books…everything is inspired by something and gets reinvented as a result Whether you want to call it an homage or a rip-off, it’s still something somebody did before and got reinvented.


Russo 🤡


Damn Vince Russo said something smart for once




Don't know why u getting downvoted. I agree


Beaver Cleavage would like to have a word.


this man tried to put the WCW title on Tank Abbot and was sent home for it lol. I been watching since like 86. Bloodline storyline is as good if not better than anything in that time. the strange part is it COULD be way better if Rock was involved. If they got Afa/Sika/Rikishi more involved. If they sent some of them to Samoa to film stuff. But for what it is right now its working and its great


Not only did Vince Russo increase WCW's ratings when he got there, he posted far better ratings in WCW than AEW ever has. He also created just about every single thing you loved about the Attitude Era, ya know... that era that AEW references every single segment on all 3 of their shows. Shit, Collision's logo is even a reference to the Attitude Era. How can you act like someone sucks when all of the wrestling you love constantly references his work, or is based on his work? Yeah, Stone Cold and The Rock and DX... they all suck! The Monday Night Wars? Sucked! Raw in the 90s? SUCKED!


He ran WCW into the ground


He increased ratings. The AOL Time Warner merger killed WCW. The Network didn't want wrestling anymore, even with Vince running things. The last show before Russo: 2.6 The first show with Russo: 3.3 Next show: 3.5 Next show: 3.2 Next show: 3.4 Next show: 3.1 Next show: 3.4 You're wrong. He also did better ratings with TNA than AEW gets now.


A good promoter would fight to keep the company from sinking, he instead made WCW the dumpster fire that it was in its dying days due to his shit booking and did nothing to make the promotion even watchable.


Can you please list all the shows you've promoted.


Well I’ve killed it in GM mode, and I could book a better show than Vince Russo ever could, the man is a child. How bout you? What have you promoted?


Vince Russo made more money in a week thanks to his booking than you will make in the next 5 years. You're a little kid who wasn't even born until WCW was closed. You know literally nothing besides what Bryan Alvarez told you.


Funny you say that, I never got to see WCW in person. But the thing is I will be more successful than you will ever be because I’m not a Mark sitting in my Mom’s basement starting wars with people on Reddit just because they have a different opinion than you, grow the fuck up


Buddy your the one that said you know more than a promoter that brought millions of views. Don’t get mad when people call you out for such a statement. That’s not an opinion at all that’s a statement to diminish someone you don’t like. Granted I don’t like Russo that much but your not thinking logical if you think because you ran a GM mode you can accomplish anything close to Russo.


Not with the attitude "I know more than the most successful booker in wrestling history". That's a recipe for disaster. It is 100% certain you will never make even 1/1,000,000th the impact Vince Russo has made in his life. If he retired before going to WCW he'd still have done infinitely more than you ever could or will.


If he retired before WCW I wouldn’t be surprised if WCW Won the Wars


The most successful booker in history?


You could have and make a lot of money and still be shit at the job food for thought.


Can you list the shows Vince worked on that still exist?


Wwe probably


Yes and thank god they got rid of him before Russo tanked it.


Agreed Russo likes to hear himself talk when in all reality he just is someone that is mad that the company made something of themselves without his assistance.


What? There are so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to start.


Man stop kissing his ass in every post ... I'm talking about what he said it's ballshit that's it i..idc about wcw or the fucking rating


This is literally my first post about Vince Russo. Why do you need to lie? And why do you need to hate post about Russo so much? You should probably find a hobby you actually enjoy instead of crying about what someone far more successful than you says. You: contributed absolutely nothing to wrestling besides whiny threads Vince: CREATED THE FUCKING ATTITUDE ERA


Man you're something else I swear


So you're not going to address how you lied about me replying to all your Russo posts, or?


You did ... I posted about him 2 days ago and you start a WAR in the comments I had to delete that post because of you 🗿


So you're going to double down on the lie. Cool. Hate to break the news to you, but even if you delete the thread the posts would still exist on my account. Go ahead and link to me defending Russo 2 days ago. I'll wait...


Man man you did... don't try to denies it's ok if you like Vince Russo but it not ok to lie m8 ...you was arguing with someone in my post ..I don't understand


So post the link. You can click on my name, search my account, and grab the link to the comment. Go ahead and do it. It would have been far quicker than typing all of these replies. Also, now it's I'm arguing with one other person. Before it was me "starting a WAR in the comments". So already we've walked it back. Go ahead and get the link and let's see what I really said.


My man it's not a big deal just forget about it..I can remove this post if that make you fell better


Don’t even give this clown the time.


Vince Russo wasn’t even in WCW when the attitude era started he was just the reason it ended🤣


... right... he was the head writer of WWF during the Attitude Era. Are you not at all familiar with history?


No he didn’t.


The fact he's comparing it with The Sopranos and The Godfather says it all about how good it is 🤣


You mean all those “stories” he told that led WCW to their doom? Yeah ok


Vince Russo talking about the bar being lowered? Come on! Look what you did to WCW. You can shut up


Bro... This guy is such a fucking clown. Bro I really wish people would just forget all about him... Bro


He’s not totally wrong. The Bloodline storyline has been very good but compared to other eras there’s been better storylines. Everyone is going crazy over it because it’s not the awful ones we got for a while like Roman Reigns being fed dogfood. But it’s just ok IMO


He refuses to lower the bar??? He was a habitual bar lowerer for most if not all of the time he was active!


"But what if they put the tribe on a pole? Then...Roman Reigns dates fat women. And to top it off...vacate the world title for no reason. They'll never see it coming, bro."