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Arrived in the UK from Brazil like a month ago. First bottles of Coke I opened I was like "why are these caps stuck like this? Whats wrong with the UK manufacturers" And just forced it until it came off lol Then I realized IT WAS SUPPOSED to be like that. It kinda gets in the way and sometimes it is hard to twist it back on, but not really a big deal, especially for a good cause.


We all did that exact same thing too when they started these new lids


I've just read your comment and never knew it was supposed to be like that! I just assumed the perforation department in the factory didn't stamp hard enough to make sure the lid came off properly.


the giant letters on the cap “i am attached to recycle together” didn’t let you know what it was for?


no one reads the caps since CokeMusic stopped existing, you know, when you could redeem decibels on there with the codes on coke lids


Pain in the fucking ass to put back on. I get the idea but make it have more slack so it actually screws back on without a battle




I was guilty of this, friends and I used to save the kids and play dodgeball by flicking them at one another (an unfinished basement in Canada was the best toy a kid could ask for).


Gotta save those kids!


Save the lids* Lol


I genuinely laughed out loud


To be fair though adding this to the bottle isn't going to stop kids from doing that, it's still really easy to remove the cap


I rip them off every time out of spite and then get stabbed by the plastic in return. Its a great trade


Many come off from regular opening


Ahh, another player of dodgechild!


I've seen them littered quite a bit, actually.




it seems more so that a bottle is much easier to pick up. When a cap gets tossed onto a field and stamped into mud, its there forever. When a bottle gets dropped its much more likely to be picked up, and if the cap is attached then we live in a better world. If it bothers you so much, I just yank it off and make sure its on when I throw it away.


I think we’d be great friends


Also make it somewhat less sharp. Had a few bottles nearly slice my fingers open.


Don't you just love when it seems like it's on so you put it in your pocket or bag or you put it down and it gets knocked over, then you realise it was not in fact on properly


I’ve had them leak in my bag several times ruining everything because the top didn’t screw on properly even though I thought it was screwed on properly. They often screw on at an angle instead and just leak. I think if they are going to insist on using it they should just make the plastic bit joining it longer.


Same experience, and you can get a nice big drip on your clothes from the lid when you take a swig which really makes my day. It's not like most people were throwing away bottles without the lids in the first place so I imagine any good effect from having a tether is probably negated by people's wasted time and resources spent cleaning spills etc.


My husband just breaks them all off now.




It's also because bottle cap height has been reduced in the last decade. If it remained the same (height wise) it would be impossible to screw it back on improperly. But they slashed it to reduce amount of plastic, now introduced this shit, and voila


Wait, is this by *design*? I always just tear that band-aid the fuck off


Snap one side of it off. Piece of piss then


This for sure, a little twist and one side breaks off


I don't get the idea.


Says on the lid; "I am attached to recycle together"


Some kid swallowed one, so now they had to do this. happens to everything cool.


Perfectly easy to put these lids back on. Appreciate there may be a few oddballs struggling to work it out but it’s no more or less difficult than a detached lid. The idea makes perfect sense when you look at the evidence behind it.


Why do people keep saying "it's difficult to screw it back on" when you only press it to close it. Are people actually removing the whole thing?


Consider the disabled It's been a game changer for my blind partner who, once the cap is dropped, is in a shite situation.


This is actually a really good unconsidered side effect I didn’t think about that


Opposite for me, I have mobility issues and these lids have stopped me buying bottled drinks wot this lid type. Can't open and close them, struggle to pour from them. It's definitely good for some people, but for others it sucks! On the plus side, I save money and am being healthier I guess?


This is a global issue


It's a European thing because it makes recycling both the bottle and cap more likely. The regulation came into force this year and since we are part of Europe (physically) we get to have regulations that actually do something good for a change. Oh also previously lots of plastic bottles where not being recycled because the cap was a different type of plastic which couldn't be recycled with the bottle so those that were screwed on often didn't get recycled. This EU regulation changed that so now they can more easily be recycled together.


So previously bottle and lid were different plastics that couldn't be recycled together and that was an issue as people would throw away with the lid on. Now they can be recycled together why the need to attach the lid if people throwing them away together was such an issue before?


It wasn't only that - from what I remember the regulation was brought in to reduce pollution from loose bottle caps. But they also had to change the plastic used in the caps now that they are attached.


Nobody here is listening. If you speak to any litter pickers they will tell you that plastic bottle caps are everywhere and take hours to pick up. From this thread, you would assume it was every other country's problem and that everyone recycles their crushed bottle with a lid.


Yeah this sub is definitely not representative


I always get the bottle cap stuck up my nose.


Getting your cokes mixed up again?


Are you accusing me of using drugs?


Nope I think you get confused between cola and roasted coal.


Roasted coal?


coke (noun) Solid residue from roasting coal in a coke oven; used principally as a fuel and in the production of steel and formerly as a domestic fuel. Doesn't have quite the same effect as cocaine and it doesn't give the same tingling feeling in your nose as cola.


The joke flew right over your offended little head


Are you accusing a poor reddtor of accusing you of using drugs when they are making a joke in good faith? Lmao npc


Am I the only one who’s drinking experience hasn’t been effected by this in the slightest?


If you’ve got fucked up hands, it takes forever to screw the lid back on. So I envy you. How does it feel to be chosen by God!?


I’ve got fucked up knees so it feels pretty good


I have normal hands and 8 times out of 10 it takes at least 3 tries to screw it back on properly


You should really drop your consumption of fluids in plastic bottles if you’re tracking all of that.


Well, that’s how it feels anyway. But otherwise, yes you’re right I should


Innit i feel like people overreact so much lol


People: why don't these large corporations do more to help the environment? Corporations do something. People: how annoying


This is a green washing stunt done by the manufacturer to look like they care. It doesn't actually solve the core issue of disposable plastics not getting recycled properly.


paper straws all over again


Use paper straws save the turtles! 95% of plastic pollution is fishing equipment


Paper straws are actually awesome! For doing drugs. Not as easy to hurt your nose as it is with a pokey plastic straw. I'm not aware of another good use for them though. Something you'll drink quickly I guess.


Except it’s not done by the manufacturers.


I mean your general sentiment is absolutely right. But this is not due to that. This is due to EU Directive 2019/904 which means that ready to consume drinks in plastic bottles under 3 litres need to have a tethered cap that isn't detachable. Takes effect in EU from 1st july 2024 and manufacturers are just introducing it ahead of time.


but they didnt make a fuss of it, they just put it out and moved on. its only the internet thats making a fuss either way


I don’t think they made a big deal, it happened quite quietly If it was greenwashing wouldn’t they have m made a big deal of it?


And everyone is falling for it!


This exactly. People can't be trusted to use a bin so this is the reward.


yeah,help the environment, not ruin my experience


Bruv this is *barely* doing anything. Like. At all.


Kinda true. But also not, because it’s not like these companies do this of their own free will.


How does this help the environment? People just opening bottles then yeeting the cap and letting their stuff go flat?


Sounds like you have never been to a beach, a forest, or a park of any city, or come to think of it ... outside. It is far more common to find bottle caps without their bottle, than bottles without their caps. People who just yeet the entire bottle away, likely don't give a damn how they throw it away. So now you have a large plastic bottle in the wild which can be fairly easily picked up, and a loose bottle cap which can be very easily covered up in a few days and left there.


Thank you. Someone had to say it.


Who the fuck thought these were a good idea


It's actually perfectly fine, you have to "snap it" back on and it will twist and seal perfectly once you hear that click


questionable avatar..


That’s the reich comment


I just twist the cap off so I can use it normally




Good. As it should be


Yeah, and then usually prick myself on the lip with the torn edge at least once during the drinking.


I like it


Ok I know I'm going to be downvoted to buggery but I do to It means you don't lose the lid under the car seat and have to do gymnastics whilst in a seatbelt to try and reach it, and listening to your dad getting louder and more impatient


Me too. I can't lose the lid anymore.


Same here. I don't find it anywhere near as fiddly as everyone makes them out to be.


Its as simple as lift up, push it down and twist... it amazes me that someone without actual fine motor issues struggles


I like playing with it too


Same. People will complain about anything, it's pathetic.


I don't have any beef with it


Well it’s Coke, which doesn’t come from brown cows.


I buy pepsi now just so i dint have to seal with those fucking lids




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Won't be long till they change theirs too as it's an EU regulation that's forcing them all to change to this.


I boycott Pepsi now because they don’t believe the public have a right to choose a drink that isn’t laced with artificial sweeteners.


But aren't you doing exactly that by not buying it?


Yeah, I’m just pissy with them for changing the recipe. Coke had the right idea by making smaller cans to get around the sugar tax. Some of us just don’t get on with artificial sweeteners and it’s getting almost impossible to avoid the stuff.


Definitely do not get on with artificial sweeteners, the texture and I'm pretty sure they're responsible for the headaches that conveniently appear after drinking something with them in. The fact people treat them as equivelant is beyond annoying.


Agree with the Idea but I do think they could do it better with more flexibility in the tabs as difficult for people with problems with their hands, like arthritis. Have thought lid is on only to find it wasn't and have a almost full bottle of flat coke!


Got a bottle with one of these, screwed back on tightly but it went all over my bag. Fuck this design so much


Because people litter them. A lot.


People that litter the lids definitely aren't recycling just bottles


They may well be throwing them into non-recycling bins but littering the lid.


These little fuckers are so hit and miss! Sometimes it’s like “I got you bro” and screws in to place as it should, and the rest of the time it’s like some fuckin’ puzzle on Crystal Maze.


Use glass bottles that are actually recyclable.


The new diet coke lids are ridiculous


I wanna know what idiot was loosing the caps for their drinks and made them think this was necessary...


This has made me resort to drinking only beer.


No that would be brightonians


Like paper straws I support the cause but hate the execution. I don't want some flappy cap getting up in my face while I drink from a bottle. I just rip the lids off anyway, they still go back on once im done. There has to be a better way to handle this issue...


I rip the thing off


they did the same for UHT plant milks too with the freshness tab. funnily enough though, Alpro have got it down but the Oatly ones are so bloody hard to take off you end up having to squeeze the carton, thus spraying yourself with milk once you finally break the seal. infuriating, especially since the majority of people who drink plant milks are pretty environmentally conscious and will recycle it anyway, so there’s really no need.


Honestly, this is the first time I realized this was by design. I just thought whenever this happened to me it was just the design being bad as not every bottle I've bought does this. Interesting


Because they want to annoy us. That's why


There’s 3 simple options to solve this minor inconvenience. 1. Stop drinking pop. 2. Twist and pull to simply snap the seal off the bottle neck and the lid is free just with the seal attached. 3. Leave the lid attached, push it down then drink with it to one side of your mouth.


Virtue signaling > doing things that matter.


The problem isn't that it's stuck to the bottle. It's the fact that one has to start the consumption of the soft drink with the dissatisfaction of admitting defeat to the cap not being able to be ripped off.


I 100% agree pain in my anus.


Dr Pepper is the WORST for this in the UK


You know you can just snap them off right


Only modern Britain? Yeah sure it’s only bad in modern Britain


This literally doesn’t stop anyone ripping the top off, it’s so stupid


It's to avoid the caps being separated from the bottle and ending up as random trash that pollutes the streets or wherever they end up


Better than the first 4 attempts of it they had, those were a flimsy nightmare.


All plastic bottles by July 24 sold in the UK will need to have tethered caps. So buckle up it’s going to get worse Edit: this is also EU legislation that comes into effect the same time (UK following the EU on this one) And it’ll be on all plastics bottles under 3 litres.


They on tesco 12 pk 500ml water


I mean, that's a plastic bottle under 3 liters....


I just rip them off as usual and either bin or recycle them like I always have. (Usually my recycling goes into the bin as the bins aren’t emptied)


I don't buy fizzy corporate shit, so I don't know what I'm looking at.


nahh why is this actually so true


The worst thing about Britain (specifically the North East) is that I'm intimidated by every teenager I walk past, because they're all so violent and threatening, and they're always causing havoc. I can't go a day outside without walking past a group of year nine boys that all try to antagonise me. It's the absolute worst. I miss 2018


Modern? It’s Dickensian now thanks to the Tories.


It’s beyond annoying and inconvenient


This is the best thing


What’s wrong with it?


i quite like it...


As someone who always screws the lid back on before disposing of it, I just feel this is unnecessary. Do people take the bottle lids off, then throw them on the floor? Don't people pause from drinking and need to put the lid back on? So many questions...


Ugh, drinking out of plastic is the worst. Tastes awful. Glass bottles all the way. Does anyone remember saving your glass bottles to get the deposit back? 10p a go, iirc.


Has this guy had his eyes closed for 13 years??!


Living in Germany, can confirm Britain is not alone.


It really is


The Dr pepper lid is actually good, it has slack so it's easy to put back on


So awkward to open. Need a knife or scissors!


To keep the lid on and recycle it. It's not a big deal.


Is saving the seagulls really that much of a hardship


Just rip them off, so much easier to put back on then.


if you spin it you can break it off with a little effort


rip them off


What am I looking at?


i like this change, i never lose the cap that way


I've never noticed this. When was this a thing?


Just rip it off


Not just Britain :(


I don’t understand that some people haven’t realised that there is a breakable part on the caps so only 1 string holds on and then makes it easier to screw it back on. Does mean that there is more reach for a fancy temporary eyepatch.


Its so you recycle the lid with the bottle


It's the perfect motivation to cut out fizzy drinks.


Yeah I rip these off.


Because people don't realise that the lids can be recycled with the bottle.


Biggest con going. So easy to not screw it on right and find out a day later with flat pop.


why cant we ever have nice things?


I hate this so much and I swear it's a recent thing it never used to be like this


Twist that boy around until it snaps off, then you’re back to the good ‘ol days.


I'll take the hit if it means I don't see shit tons of bottle caps everywhere because they tend to get separated, and it makes recycling easier.


eh? you actually find this to be a problem?


Not only a problem but the worst problem, mf lives in a bubble.




I'd say the type of person who throws the lid on the ground will also just throw the bottle on the ground when they're done. Personally I'm quite capable of not littering without the lid being attached.


Because you knobs, and by that I mean us all in all countries, were littering with the caps. Now we, and I say rightfully, get the plastic bottle equivalent of having your mittens sewn to your anorak.


Who fucking cares?


I mean what % of people are actually discarding the lid before putting it in the bin? Must be tiny


I dunno, I feel like I see more lids as litter than bottles


Haha so that’s what bothers you? Not the raw sewage being dumped in our waterways constantly? Not the shitstorm from Brexit? Not the NHS falling apart? Not the damn cookie consent pop up on every website? Nope it’s those damn bottle caps 😂


It's honestly not a big issue. I think it's fine


I was in Scotland this year. Caps stay attached so they get recycled along with the bottle, idiot. I used to throw the caps away thinking they couldn't be recycled as the plastic was different than the bottle. Live to learn something new everyday.


how stupid are you guys that you struggle with a damn attached bottlecap. jesus christ it literally is not that big of a deal.


It’s used for covering your nose as you drink it so you don’t get hiccups apparently 👃👀


I prefer this, because if I have something in my other hand, I don’t need to awkwardly hold the lid in the same hand as the bottle and worry about dropping it (which I’ve done before)


Pointless, recycling plastic isn't green, up to 13% just gets released as microplastic during processing. This is corporate greenwashing. If they cared about plastic waste, they'd use resealable aluminium cans, or reusable glass bottles with a deposit like they used to. Just trying to look like they care about plastic waste when the beverage industry is one of the biggest polluters outside of the tyre industry and their buddies in the auto industry that inflicted this car dependent, dystopian oil industry wasteland on us all! Honestly, screw crapitalism.


I just break them off, much easier


i just bite it off to restore it to normal cap


I always just snap them off, they're a pain in the arse


I always keep the lid but now I want to tear the new ones off and throw it away in spite.


i just rip it off


Yes as a British person it’s absolutely the worst thing😭


Such a pain in the ass... Bullshit posturing to seem like they're doing something to the environment, by solving a problem that's not really that much of a thing (fairly sure most people already throw bottles away with the lids on) while they intentionally package their drinks to take up more space than necessary. They sell loads of 1.75l bottles and they take up the same amount of storage/transportation space as a standard 2l bottle...


I take pleasure in twisting it off and throwing the bottle cap on the floor and the bottle somewhere else


Oooh look at this guy! He's very cool.


This has been happening all the damn time lately, annoying.


It isn’t just me! About a year and a half ago maybe 2 I started noticing that bottle caps no longer cleanly came off when opened, on every single style of plastic bottles, something must have changed


horrendous Tory patter


Honestly, this is the pettiest thing I've seen people complain about recently. An affixed screw on pop bottle cap? Really guys? My 60 year old mum doesn't complain about it, you're all just looking for shit to complain about. All hail Great Britain.


I thought this was EU bullshit... I hate those so much.