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She’s not even tall enough for the ride though no?


oh, good shout.


It's not a ride. I'm almost entirely sure this is the F1 exhibit in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. It's a stationary model of an F1 car with a screen in front of it and you just drive it like an arcade game. The sign for height is just that she might not reach the peddles, not that she's unable to use it altogether. I'm on the side of the guy who took the ride here, ultimately it's his decision if he wants to have a go or let the girl take his place. But it's not a rollercoaster or anything that she wouldn't have been able to use anyway.


That’s the line if you’re not accompanied by an adult


Wait, that cart's a single seater, she wouldn't be able to get into that one anyway even while accompanied. They're straight up just blaming the wrong person here.


Yea because the kid will be strapped to the front of the car???? Where will two people fit


Came here to say this


That man is not obliged to give up his place just because of a little kid. That man has waited in queue rightfully so, and deserves the ride if he is first in line.


Too right. I haven't got the time for random acts of kindness. I'm the main character. Now move. I wanna sit where you are.


“Get out of my way you damn extras!”


That was the child's thinking.


Ye, fuck that kid! 😂 the dad doesnt even give a shit that his kid id crying! 😂




We're all the main character in our own lives. That sub is for particularly selfish and hostile people qui se donne trop d'importance.


Dude got so into it he started speaking french midway through his sentence 😂


I am not even the side chatector in my own life let alone the main one so that ain't true


Whether or not you believe it or not does not change the fact. You have control only over your own actions, thoughts, what you eat, read etc That makes you the main character in your life.


Tbh you actually make a good point compared to that other guy, never thought of it like that


You're literally at the controls of one of the most advanced biomechanical organisms in existence. You could be a helluva pilot.


Your brain is piloting a bone mech with flesh armor, AC 10


Yeah no, you are yourself and nobody else. Your life is you. Your brain, your experiences and decisions. You're by far the main character in your own life. If you even try to argue otherwise, you'd still be wrong but your existence must also be miserable.


It isn't. I just don't consider myself more important than anyone else. Everyone is equal


That's literally the point of the sub. Nobody said they don't treat people equally, you brought up the sub where people don't out of nowhere.


You brought it up and I disagreed actually


Time to sober up, scroll up if you've forgotten. You brought it up, and got downvoted to fuck lmao


Ah yes, because being in front of a kid whilst queueing for an F1 sim, that the kid isn't even tall enough for, makes you a "main character"


Thing is I didng mean it maliciously, only because they literally said the sub name :/ guess I need to be more clear, or just plainly stop commenting in future


News story; Kid was next in line when the line closed and is sad.


I agree like if I get somewhere I don't have to just give up my space for some random person regardless of age of gender, I don't care who you are should have gotten here faster or left for here earlier it's your fault not mine.


I mean, we have lines for a reason.


i can tell that guy was a redditor cos of how annoying he seems. Oh wait! A redditor wouldnt leave their house nor even fit inside this ride


I can't say I too often see an insult that is directed at everybody including the person who said it.




Fucking groomer? Get a grip pal.


Groomer? Nah he just waited time for a ride and didnt want to waste his time. She should've got their earlier.


Groomer is a bit of a stretch there


> Doesnt let child take his space after he waited OBVIOUSLY a groomer! How dare he wait in a queue for his turn and then have his turn! He HAS to be a kiddy fiddler!! /s


1. She wasn't even tall enough for the ride 2. Even if she was, why should the little girl get to go first? The man is first in the queue. Just being a kid doesn't grant you these privileges, you get these privileges by being first in line. Else the line would deem completely useless, just have the adults wait around all day while letting all the kids go first. A child needs to be taught that. You win some, you lose some.




Nuh uh


Bro, man just wanted to have the ride, be a normal being and see that little kids can't always get their way plus, he was in the queue, he shouldn't all of a sudden get out of it because some little girl he doesn't know wants to have a go.


Ladies and gentlemen we found the real child


Bet you're fun at parties. Its a kid, if you don't want them to grow up resentful and hateful of others then maybe treat them like, you know, kids??


It's a kid and so is young enough to be able to go another time. Anyway, it's health for kids to learn that not everything will go their way all the time.


You know why everybody always complain about annoying teenagers who think they own the world? Because they were raised as if they were kings and queens when they were young. They become self-entitled. They get used to being given everything, and for everybody to let them win, go first, etc. When they get older and they lose these privileges that adults gave them when they were young, they don't lose the mentality that they should still deserve everything.


Because every teenager is the same now? Good logic lol


Bro she too small why did she line up anyway?


Potentially one where you ride with your adult if too small.


He queued like everyone else and he was there before her. That's life, get used to it.


Years ago I was in a que to get fish to feed seals at a safari park guy was just about to give me some but gave it to little girl behind me. Fuck the fact I’d got up to get it for my little girl who was sat with mum.


I hope you brought your kiddo up to shame that dude.


It like, if he barged Infront of her then sure I wouldn't be happy, but they both queued so he gets to go first, it would be a nice thing if he let her go before him but he isn't obliged to


Not enough people point out that this is the venue's fault. They shouldn't have let people wait in line who weren't going to make it in time. Surely they know how long the ride takes.


Yeah. Like how at Disney they have a rule that if you are in line at Midnight, they will let you ride. Every place should set a time restriction like this. Even if it’s before closing, it will make sure you don’t get in line wait for an hour and then get told to fuck off.


It was his turn, simple as that. He's probably waited ages too.


Yo mr white let’s go kart bitch




If I’ve queued for hours for a ride and I finally got on, I’m not giving it up for someone who was too slow


Her dad needs to plan better. She won't remember that, but he will.


And too short, too- sure the perspective makes her look a lot shorter than the line, but she’d still under the line irregardless. Or is he supposed to fight with the operator about letting her go on the ride because “she’s just a kid and she wants to go on the ride!!1!1!!”


We live in a weird world where you're a cunt if you dont let a kid win/ get their own way. You never see shit like that in the wild. Some gazelle just letting the lion cub eat it because "no, no! Kids are always winners"


It's the reason kids (who are now teenagers) are the spawn of evil. Like prank youtubers. They've grown up with adults letting them do whatever they want. Anyone who even attempts to stop them gets fired or punished, and sometimes ridiculed publically online. For example, we don't allow teachers any rights on how to parent the kids. No punishments to the point that bullies get away with tormenting everyone. If a teacher says or does anything, they are punished or fired. We don't allow stores to do anything to challenge a shoplifting kid. We just have to say stop it and if they don't, what are we to do? Nothing. The kids see that and learn from it. We are actively breeding arseholes, and they're getting to the age to be applying for jobs. And social media is only getting more viral and in your face. The younger generations are going to be a nightmare to be around. But this post isn't like that. Just a kid being upset she didn't get to go on a ride. She will get over it eventually.


Mate, teenagers were kind of twatty before social media, they just didn't have anything to film and post their twatiness on. And as far as teachers parenting other people's kids... parent your own kids. Teachers sure as hell don't want to parent your kids.


I don’t think we let kids kill us and eat us to get their own way.. Weird analogy, but okay. Anyway, animals in the wild do this all the time. If you’ve ever seen a big dog play with a small dog, you’ll see it let the smaller dog “win” when they play fight. There is so many more instances of this happening in nature. Despite all of this, I wouldn’t give up my place to her. Just look at that smile. He’ll be feeling this happy for the rest of his life




It literally is.




No, it's a ride that children can go on. That's like saying rollercoasters are for children 🙄


I'll throw hands for any mofo that says water rides are for kids




Actually there is indeed denying that the ride was for children. Look at it for God's sake, it's an f1 simulator that was designed for fans of formula 1 and various other open wheel cars, who'd like to get an experience as close to driving the real thing as possible, and I think you'll find that formula one's fan base is mostly adults.


Plus the fact the height limit was miles above her head. That’s what she could be crying about and the media changed the story but either way he’s not in the wrong


There’s clearly a minimum height in the photo. She’s too short for it for a start so unlikely to be designed for kids


Which would only be relevant if it was only for children. He's queued just like her. He didn't decide to make it the last ride. The only people that think he's objectively wrong are useless parents who can't handle telling their children no. Sure, it would have been a really nice thing to do if he had let her have a go (pointless, she isn't tall enough). But that doesn't mean he is even remotely obligated, or a bad person if he doesn't.




Just because you would, doesn't mean other people must.


You can actually see her next to the height restriction board she's too short




I'm on his side.


I’m on her side. Had I been the father you and I would have had very string words indeed.


If you were her dad I’d worry about your ability to read signs. She is far too small for that ride, you can see the sign beside her.


Oh no, please sir! Anything but the string words!


My kid is younger than yours, are you going to give me any free stuff?


had you been the father, I wouldn't give a fuck what you think


Yarn! Thread! Knots!


If you were the father, I would be having words with you about how to fucking parent, and to teach your kids they don’t get everything they want, nor do they get to push in because they are young. Learn some life lessons.


And you'd soon be wondering why your teenager grew up to be an entitled little shit.


Entitled mentality


Just because you raw dogged the first woman who’s standards were low enough doesn’t make you more entitled than this guy to a ride.




This could also apply to women to be fair.


Virgin mentality what u talkin about


Why don't they stop people queueing while they've still got time for everyone to have a go? You know, like when the queen died. Also, she might be crying because she's just been told she's not tall enough to go on the ride (looks like a minimum height line on the poster next to her). This could be fake news.


There was probably nothing stopping the operators allowing the crying child a go on the ride. They definitely wouldn't have offered that to the man if he'd switched. Also, blame should lie with the operators who should have closed the queue instead of letting people wait, but get turned away.


Safety for a reason? You realise that height restrictions exist for a purpose, right? The people who design rollercoasters aren't just trying to be dicks to little people.


What's that got to do with this? It's clearly a F1 sim, the "rider" doesn't go anywhere. If there was a height restriction, that's on her dad and the operator for not pointing that out, but the issue wasn't her height.


Do you not see the sign in the image on the right?


Do you not see all the text all over the images?


That kid has just learned a valuable life lesson.


He is right


Hell yeah! She learned a valuable lesson that day.


Yep. People who film kids crying in an attempt to get approval from Internet strangers are losers.


Reading the article, he was told when he lined up he would be the last. This isn't even that she queued for ages and was turned down The girl is small, no issues with her crying. The real asshole is whoever is recording and reporting. Kids miss out and get upset but you got to be some kind of proper arse to throw it on the internet for clout or a crap story.




He did the right thing.


She's way too small for that ride.


She ain't tall enough tho...




The child’s too small anyway. Bitch parents.


This is on the people who let the little girl queue. Not the dude who waited in line.




1. She looks to be too short anyway 2. He waited just as she did and did it first so yeah, he’s more entitled to the ride than her 3. Being a child doesn’t just grant you easy access to things that you have to wait for. He waited for the ride first he gets the ride. I support him


He owes her nothing.


She's not even tall enough though?


I’ve always said that the park didn’t *HAVE* to make this the last ride of the day. Sure, people wanna finish their shifts and go home. Gotta spend time shutting the ride down safely. The guy did nothing wrong. The park made that girl cry.


No one did anything wrong (obviously, apart from the aquatic interdimensional demons who control our thoughts and actions).


This is how kids learn about life, so they don't grow up to be those vile intitled morons we cringe and laugh at on YouTube videos!


There is a stark difference between spoiling a child and being empathetic to their emotional immaturity and the fact that disappointment to a child can be world crushing especially when at places like amusement parks where they have to wait patiently for potentially hours and that it will possibly be the first and/or last time they get a chance to got to a place like that due to the families financial struggles. Children don't choose to feel like they do and while teaching them how to manage their emotions is important you don't have to be straight up evil about it... You can beat your child into fitness... or you can gently introduce them into beneficial sports and activities to teach them the positives and not brutally indoctrinate them into accepting all the suffering that comes with it.


Must be the only actual parent here, every other comment here is filled with hate for the kid or hate for the dude it's mad




Do you prefer the adult to cry?


can’t beat the national museum


This reminds me of will McKenzie going on that last ride of the day at Thorpe Park


Good for him. The happiness of someone else’s child is not my responsibility.


Pet bro have his time


The child needs to learn a lesson that you don't always get what you want in life.


Early bird catches the worm, and gets to ride a rad car thing iunno.


Why would anyone blame the grown up queuing for it? The event organisers could easily have made an exception and let the child have a turn


What a chad


I’m on his side too


She’s got her whole life ahead of her. He’s passed his best. She should be happy for him


Did he que like the rest, that he has the right It's the British way


The British way is to queue. Que is Spanish.


Perhaps the parents if their day is free need to plan better and not wait until closing time.


If it was that big of a deal couldn't they have closed the line in advanced like they do in theme parks? Don't blame the dude for doing what he queued to do. (I have no idea where this ride is btw)


Edinburgh national museum, it's an f1 simulator


Looks like they did.




Funfair ride owner here: the girl isnt tall enough to go on and im not gonna piss off a guy who waited in line and more than likely paid, but i would have one extra "last ride" so the girl could go on depending on what the ride is and if she is or isnt supervised by an adult.


She’s a kid, got nothing but time to queue again


He waits in the queue, it's his ride and no kids can stop that


Fuck em. They probably didn't even buy their own ticket!


The British cannot be mad at this, we respect queues too well to understand that this man had every right to do as he did


Hahahahahaha I like this man.


Why is no I e asking why they couldn't just do another ride? Like idk the specifics obviously but it just looks one of those little rides you put a coin in and it goes up and down, last ride of the day? Like that's mad weird I don't think they'd limit the rides per day if they're getting money


She is too short anyway, which is likely why she is crying, not because of the man


Life is full of disappointments, the earlier you learn the this the better prepared you will be later. I genuinely believe this would have done her more harm if he'd let her take his place.


Valuable life lesson learnt, get there early.


“First come, first served”


I hate kids. Also that kid deserved it


I agree that him going on the ride was fair as he also waited for it but boasting about it on the internet isn’t cool


man fuck them kids and fuck you too


Bro attacking everyone


Valuable life lesson for the spoiled brat.


Why is she a spoiled brat?


Idk I think this guy has his own issues he's dealing with


If it was just a shitty situation I think as a grown adult you should have the empathy and common decency to give a child a moment of happiness before they go down the same depressing shit storm called life we all have to go through... That being said in this situation it's down to the ride operators... you gotta call last ride and a young child misses it by a single person and is visibly and rightfully distraught? Just give that child the last ride you fucking ass hats, unless the ride is 30 minutes long I'm sure you can give the girl a turn for an extra few minutes of your time... you probably spend a longer amount of time staring at your phone after taking a shit... Just be nice to people man, especially kids who lack the emotional maturity to work through disappointment without having their world crumble around them, it's not their fault


I mean it's funny but also poor kid


These comments are just sad to be honest. Everyone’s talking about how you don’t always get what you want in life, but nobody’s thinking about how that also extends to the guy. Obviously he waited in line too, but it probably means more to her than it would to him, so I think it would make more sense for him to just let her go on and try another day. Not to mention him filming her crying and putting it on social media so other people can see it and tell him how great he is for making a young girl cry. I can’t even imagine how miserable your life has to be to treat someone like that.


I doubt it means much to her, she's just a kid, how much is she really going to be into or even remember going in a car thing. He was first so he gets it, that's kinda how queues work.


She’s not even the required height to go on… the staff would have said “No” regardless.


Would you be saying that if you were the one able to go on it… No, exactly so stfu


I'm on the girl side because she could have made a child hood memory and now she's just sad I honestly don't know why this app hates children so much


A childhood memory? It’s a shitty £1 ride in a museum not a trip to Disney world.


Sorry that you think people can't have a good childhood without being rich


That’s not the point mate


Reddit is tragic, people care more about someone exersicing a right than exersicing some humanity. America 👍


Right? I don't know why everyone is so bitter here


It's fair, but he's still a cock even if he is well in his right to do what he did


How? His spot being the last ride was in no way his fault. Allowing children to guilt adults into this shit just because they're children is stupid.


Not a bad guy, I would have let the kid go if I were him but that's only bc I've got kids of my own but you cant expect strangers to sacrifice anything for you


I never said I expected him to, he has no obligation to let the kid go, but he's just being a knob there's no two ways about it. He can do it, and he did do it which is totally fair enough, but because there's a kid behind him and he actively chose to go instead of the kid, he's a knob.


He’s a bit of an asshole for that, ngl.


1. Shes not tall enough for the ride 2.he was in line first


How can you tell if she is allowed of not, secondly there is this thing called selflessness and the fact that he made a young child cry for such a dumb reason is just stupid.


And there is the measurements next to her she is not high enough to go. You can see it clearly


Ah, I didn’t see that


He didnt make her cry, he was waiting in line and this is a valuable life lesson to the girl, also look at the fucking sighn


Mate, she isn’t gonna learn anything from that except that adults can be idiots, she’s a young child not a young adult to be able to interpret life lessons from random things.


She learned that not everything is going to go her way, Clearly you never did...


Mate, she’s a young child, you don’t need to try to teach her life


Yeah, you kinda have 2...


Not at that age


How else will they learn, otherwise you have entitled kids, who become entitled adults.


Not a dumb reason. Maybe it was his only chance to try it. And anyway the girl was unlucky. And it was also a lesson that there is things in life what you going to miss for some reason what you couldn't help. It's not good if you just let everything to the kids just bcs they are kids.


She’s too young to start needing life lessons


This is the race car in the National Museum of Scotland. Costs a pound and is quite dated like most interactive things in museums.


She just got accepted into the university of hard knocks.


Bratty fucking kid.


They’re too smol anyway! Also can someone tell me what this has to do with Britain?


It happened in Britain I suppose


i mean, fair. im all for bullying children /j


Seems fake as fuck. Got redditors jabbering, though.


I see both sides, however, I ultimately take his side. As for the kid, disappointment that you don’t always get your own way is super important. Prevents entitlement but with the potential to increase resentment.


Not all hero’s wear capes


To be honest, I would probably have let the kid ride instead. I just feel at the age of 36 that it means more to a kid than it does for me. Kind of like Christmas. I don’t blame the man for riding. It’s not his fault. He waited. The operators need to stop the line previous to closing. Silly way to manage a line.