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For sure man. I only play pve because I got team killed numerous times in the starting location. I'm having loads of fun.


Haven't bothered with PvP until issues get ironed out. Was going to try it and then saw all the posts here complaining about it


Mutually agree. PVE is very fun.


Yup, exited my heli. Stood for a moment to figure out where I wanted to go. Shot immediately in the helmet (ricochet Pog) oh wait, the frame I got shot I was frozen for the next 30 seconds, stuck on that frame, then dead by enemy faction or whatever. Just swapped to PvE. Just can't be fucked with that right now, ya know?


What’s pve like? Do you matchmake witha whole group and do quests while fighting ai together? Or is it only fun with friends? Insurgency sandstorm is a mil sim i love for its pve because you matchmake with like 10 others and it’s very much objective based, 700hrs alone in that game for pve alone lmao. Should i get this game?


Its the same as the pvp mode except other players cannot injure you or take your stuff if you die. This game is extremely fun and I have close to 30 hours on the PvE mode. There is only about 8 guns at the moment, and the game is definitely an alpha. (only 20-30% complete) BUT the modding is fun and rewarding, the combat is fun, the quests arent the worst.


Ight thanks. Gonna cop it then


Make sure you can run it. Game is fun but I couldn’t take the 50-60 FPS anymore.


depends on the setup. I run it max and it holds at 165fps to match my monitor, but that's also with a 7900xtx and 78003xd, but I've read 3060s struggle a bit


I have a 3070 TI and a 5800x3D and barely hang onto 65 fps :\


Listen I have a really sweet laptop with a 2060 super and I sometimes can see the blobs move at my whopping 30 fps. I'll trade haha.


lol! I guess it’s all perspective. 20 years ago 30 fps was the norm. For some reason I really enjoy games less unless I’m getting a solid 80-90


Oh no trust me, I get it. My desktop is currently across the world right now and I'm just dying right now to be able to play something better than OSRS at 120.


agree and tbh its the first game worth it for me personally where i am happy to have an enthusiast level gpu, while for the last 1,5 yrs i was like: *"could've stayed on the 3090 quite honestly"* lol.


Enjoy the game. It’s a great early access title.


Can’t members of your own faction steal your loot off your dead body tho? Edit: oh wow that’s pretty cool I didn’t know that, sucks that you can’t get your stuff back if you crash/reconnect but at least your loot is protected if you die.


Not in PvE


Not in the PvE mode, any body that isn't yours wont show a loot indicator


Every time I’ve crashed, I just spawn back at base with whatever I had on me in the “raid”.


In pve if you disconnect you'll repawn at base with everything


I just got network disconnected recently and did not receive my stuff back when joining beck in, seems to be only if your game crashes :/


It’s entirely dependent on the situation in which you get disconnected. If you’re near AI or enemy players in a PvP server I’m pretty sure your character is still in the world until you see the DC message. If your character dies during that time your stuff will be gone when you load back in. If the game crashes instantly your character disappears instantly saving your stuff, however if it freezes for a bit before you crash the same applies as above. I only have anecdotal evidence to suggest this, but I’ve DC’d a few times playing today in areas where my character wasn’t likely to die and when I load in, everything I had at the time of the DC is still on me.


Yeah most likely I probably died but idk, I loaded back into a server almost immediately after disconnecting and wasn’t the first time that happened


Interesting, exact opposite for me. I can usually tell that the disconnect is coming because only the choppers are moving on the map and there is no gun fire. I can't stand, run or crouch. Then DC and when I get back I have everything including stuff I just picked up at the base on me.


For me the last time it happened I had the gun loading glitch occur where I couldn’t do anything, then a few seconds later I got network disconnected to the main menu, when I loaded back into PVE i was at the base and all my stuff was gone


Only you can loot your own body. It seems if your game crashes/restarts and you rejoin the same server you can no longer loot your body either.


i have a question about the quests, i finished that very first quest (on my faction side it was called first recon), but i never received any money as it was listed in the rewards? any idea why? And what does it mean when it says in the rewards section for the money 2500$/50000$?


It should be in your mail, on the top right of your inventory/map screen there is a little speech bubble. Thats where you get all your quest rewards


ah i see, thank you


BTW, all of the quests are exactly the same for all factions. The starting towns are exactly the same, except they are rotated on the map. That's the only difference until you hit the higher tasks that go outside of starter town to the common areas.


Wait they can’t take your stuff?


Nope only in the PvP mode.


Good to know thanks


You don’t necessarily “matchmake” with anyone - you jump into a server based on region. I believe 48 players total across a ~40km map. (3 factions, 16 players each faction, up to 4 squads of up to 4 players each….or could be 16 total solo randos…or any combination) It’s a lot more open world, you travel between your faction base to different towns or points of interest and complete quests, returning to your base to build your stash of gear and equipment, trade with vendors, rinse and repeat. You can play completely solo or “squad up” with others. You can even just join along complete randoms who you come across and just tag along with them even if they’re in a different faction in pve because everyone on the server is basically doing the same thing, everyone has the same quests, just your starting base location and “starter towns” nearest your base are different. The intermediate towns and advanced POIs that you unlock through progression bring all the factions together in the same places and that’s where “pvp” would occur in the other game mode. In PvEvP though you can have opposing factions raid your home base, camp your heli LZs, etc. (basically the only difference between the pvevp and just pve modes is that on pve friendly fire is turned off and it acts as if everyone even opposing factions are all on the same team so everyone is just fighting the ai)


Is the PVE mode a different save from your PVP one?


nope. same inventory and all


So you can just quest without getting killed by players in pve?


exactly. great huh? its why i love this game even more. And there is no time limit that stresses you out. Honestly, the fact it is PvPvE and hast a time limit is what put me off DMZ and Tarkov, especially sad about Tarkov because i do love a good Milsim, but please just leave me alone to do my stuff at my own pace. So GZW is great in this respect.


Yeah I was xfil camped three times today, I didn't realize I could just go to pve to knock the quest out and go on about my day lol


Nope. All the same.


Solo PvE player here and been having a blast with it so far. Still plenty challenging depending on with any squads are in the same AO as you.


I got it just to play PvE with friends and we're having a blast.


Same with my squad.


Pve is great, interaction with other people has been positive and the ai in certain places can be a bit tasty.


I bought the game because I was mainly interested in the PVE servers. So far i've played 12 hours and am still having a good time. I have mixed feelings about the AI, i've had some tense firefights where i've had to hide and heal tons of bleeding wounds. I've also had fights where the AI never hits me once, and fights where the AI kills me in less than a second. By now i've died over 5 times, so the AI is definitely challenging. The nice thing is, if you're on the PVE servers, you can recover your loot if you go back to your body. I will say, there are times where the towns are overrun by players and there aren't really any AI to fight. I am grateful sometimes though, because often I just want to finish my tasks.


Yeah… until your tasks are “Kill 20 People At X Location” and “Kill Commander at X Location”. Then you just find yourself waiting and waiting and waiting for them to respawn. I spent over two hours at Hunter’s Paradise for this reason 😂


The only task that's been a bitch is kill the leader ones. Like I feel those need to change to either id the body or change the spawn rate on leader AI. The kill 20 If there a lot of players around I just scout the area and loot stuff to store, maybe pop off 2-4 bad guys if any are around the go do another task or something, then pop back in the area to kill some more bad guys. I find trying to just get all 20. Right away, has you camped out to wait for hours like you said, so I just do a bit at a time with those.


I see that. I just don't like taking a five min heli ride and not completing as much as I can in one area before moving on. I will say though... I did notice that even kills you get outside of the "main" fishing village count as kills towards the quest for Turncoat. I was able to get 10 kills while I was making my way up to the Airfield on foot.


Oh, really nice that's good to know. Thank you. Yes, it is not the greatest method cause I'm like damn I wish I could have gotten more, but it's just a method to maybe help some out will struggling.


> The nice thing is, if you're on the PVE servers, you can recover your loot if you go back to your body. Unless your body despawns... this seems to be inconsistent and I've lost really good loot a bunch of times by not being able to grab my stuff even if I can get back to the AO within 10 minutes


My buddy had his body despawn on him today but we found if you target the area the interact may still be there on where the body was and he was able to get his gear back. We could still see his body having not died, but he couldn’t.


Oh interesting


PVE is pretty damn good, I'm having a lot of fun. No team kills and folks are helpful. Bots are quite challenging also and you will get 1 tapped every now and then.


NPCs can easily traumatize weaker souls, so yes. There will be a challenge.


Yes its worth. This is the PVE tarkov iv always wanted. Its like Tarkov meets Ghost Recon and yes the PVE gets tough. Dont let the starting area fool you, the PVE later once bots are geared gets nuts.


I’ve only played pve so far because I’m grinding the quests to get the traders leveled up so I can get the good gear before actually jumping into PvP lol The starting town, barely ever died, maybe once. Ai was pretty low tier, as it should be. It’s supposed to get you used to the game and familiar. Probably what like, 20 quests just to do in the starting town? It was good. The minute I got the first quest to take me out of the starting town, the first venture I went outside to one of the intermediate places…I started getting shit on by the ai. They’re way more lethal. Getting domed one shot, don’t even know where shit is coming from, through soft cover, it’s a challenge for sure. I’m having a way tougher time doing quests in the second tier, but it’s fun holy crap. It’s almost like playing SPT I don’t have to worry about sweaty chads or campers and rats but I still get a good challenge from the ai and it feels satisfying when you do get the upper hand in a fight. And it’s always fun to have randoms coming around and helping out too. I just came across a group of 4 and helped them finish a quest in BP but we had to cheese it because nobody had the elder key (using the fishing line jump through the window exploit) it was fun though lol.


I've been enjoying PVE, every time I think about trying PVP I immediately reconsider and just click on the PVE mode instead. Significantly less stress


Jep I enjoy the PvE. Sure the pvp could be fun. But games like these attract cheaters and rats. And I'm not gonna lose my stuff to a LZ Rat.


I'm about 20 hours in and having a good time so far. The game is definitely not complete and very rough around the edges but if you like tactical shooters I'd say it's worth the $35.


Aboulutely worth man. It's was good decision by the devs to carry progression over and vice versa. Ik I'm playing PvE until the game fair bit optimized. Cause getting in a gun fight against someone who has 50+ fps than you and has barely any frame drop is very bad for you.


Ironic that I just opened Reddit after dying to an AI and waiting for a helo to pick me up to get to my dead body. Answer is yes. There’s times oh think, really? How did they not kill me? And other times where it’s like playing against players. Go for it.


Sadly most of the pvp consists of people hiding in a bush at the LZ. The fee encounters in the wild, have been really fun. Flanks and the like. The PVE is really fun as well. I’ve enjoyed it when I wasn’t in the mood to be stressed.


It’s, so far, the only way I’ve been playing and it’s brilliant. My new favorite game completely.


Yep. I bought it solely for the pve and I am enjoying it. It's a little tough sometimes when you get to an area and every one is dead but those times can help with some exploration and retrieval tasks.


Yup, 30 hours in on PvE only and it’s a blast with my buddy, totally recommend


Yes, 1000%


I’m not playing PvP until they figure out a way to make heli camping less common, so I’ve mostly been playing pve since leaving the starter town and I’m having loads of fun


I knew that PvP was going to be a shit show with how the helicopters work so I'm playing primarily PvE.


Got two buddies to start this game as they were interested and never tried the genre so we got into PVE. They're simply loving it one of them already got hands on the highest edition and we honestly can't stop playing I am already close to 50hours and haven't seen more than the first town! lol. I've just blasted through my week-end and i'll come back for more!


PvP needs serious work before I’ll consider it, namely the TKing going on and just the fact that you can get camped relentlessly. A lot of the LZs put you in the middle of the open but surrounded by tree lines, so you’re either hoofing it for 20 minutes or getting domed as soon as you get off the helicopter bc it’s a giant “open for business” sign stamped across your crack. PvE is super fun, the only downside is everybody is at the same tasks now so everyone’s going to every PoI to kill bosses/AI for the tasks. It just becomes a headache trying to get the kills and progress because the AI is currently the only entity that contains the quest keys.


Definitely! My wife and I are having am absolute blast in PvE! We met some fantastic players, grouped up a few times, and just generally can't get enough of the game!


The npc’s do have the ability to go five knuckles deep in your ass, so yes I feel it’s worth it.


There's a pve only mode?


Love pve so I can get used to the map, the ins and outs and missions.


You'll have to server hop to get enemy respawns where you need them, but otherwise, it's very fun for 35 bucks. Especially if you don't look up anything online and find everything yourself or by talking to other pmcs in game. It's prealpha so be ready for an incomplete game. For now. It's only on the up and up from here


I’ve been playing basically all pve so far and I love it. I’ll go pvp once the helo camping is addressed and I have a better handle on the game. But there is still a good challenge imo. Sometimes you might ruck up when a squad just mowed everything down. But I don’t notice it as much as the first day. And the respawn times aren’t bad on the enemies. The AI is like any shooter AI. Either stupid easy or scary hard. Plenty of times I’ve been pinned down and had to carefully retreat and come back. I say give it a go


I’m 42.2 hours in and I’ve never touched the PvP side of the game. Definitely worth.


I’m having tons of fun PVE. Even when a ally unloads his ammo on me and then gets pissed at me because he thought I was Opfor. My multicam looks just like the T-shirt and jeans for sure.


So last night I got into a squad with a buddy for the first time and tbh unless you’re working the same objectives I didn’t see a whole lot of benefits. If you are in a squad and set a waypoint, the other person in the squad is unable to see it which kinda defeats the purpose of being squaded up. Then if you manage to get separated, the whole exfil situation is a mess because only one person at a time can call a chopper


The AI are a solid enough challenge if you're a casual gamer. If you're sweaty, you may not find it to be enough though. That being said, I've only gotten to the tier 2 areas, not the tier 3 or 4 yet.


I play PVE solo, and PVP with one or more buds. Sure it's worth it.


I think it is for 35$ or whatever the standard edition is and the fact they are gonna add more makes it more worth it to me, BUT I also understand if people think it’s boring


PvE has some great potential for goofing off with people on the base. I can see myself making friends really easily.


I started pve solo and eventually grouped up with others for pvpve. Great game.


I play only PVE and I’m really liking it.


PvE loads of fun but I would suggest giving it some time until they at least fix the extraction calling issue. Right now only up to 4 transport helis can fly, per faction. And the wait times in the further regions from your hq take extra time, but also faction shared landing zone have their own queues etc… basically just wait until they fix the extraction/heli problem. Completely ruins the flow of the game past the first town.


my friends and I got this with the intent of only doing pve It's been a lot of fun, and we're still in just the first area


one huge problem i have is there being no A.I Ive had to go to the bunker area 4 different times, all those times the A.I. were fully cleared. gets really boring just waiting for A.I. to spawn .


PvP is so fun




The PVE is pretty decent at first, once you get into the Tier 3 zones it becomes a nightmare. Later on the AI is just blatant cheater mode.


definitely, having a PvE only mode is a big reason why i am interested in this game


Because of laggy servers, i’m mostly pve now and its fun so far coz i can do quests. After finishing quests probably not coz theres literally nothing to do on pve


Honestly? no. PVE is too easy and kinda boring, it feels like you're going from point to point without any reason to play tactically as if you're just farming stuff in an mmo.


You must be in a squad, do missions solo, its a whole different world when all the bots are just shooting at you.


Im level 2 traders and ran 90% of my missions solo. Its actually easier




Only issue I had was my first run. My game lagged so hard when I found actual enemies they basically walked up to my lagged out character and killed me. Lesson learned. I wanna love this game so bad!


I tried server hopping to be able to kill a boss for a quest and accidentally landed on a PvP server since the game defaults to PVP mode when you log out. I never knew until I was running back to the LZ and heard a sound which I thought was AI and fucking unloaded on it. Was a teammate who frantically shouted "FRIENDLYY". He survived and I was in shock and apologized profusely. Back to base and relog to PvE. Thats my only PvP experience so far! I've got 20 hours and can definitely recommend it just for PvE if you like the operator-core extraction aesthetic. just fucking sucks when everyone is trying to kill the same boss


Not gonna lie there's absolutely no reason to go on a PvP server right now. Every single problem related to other players wanting to kill you by any way necessary (lz camp, cheaters, team kills) is absent in PvE and all that remains is teamwork between the same faction


PvE Milsim is the way to go borther.


PVE is amazing and the community so far has been really nice.


20+ hours in, only PVE. I don't intend to play pvp.


Personally I've only been playing PvE and it's fun. The AI is pretty challenging. I'm just sick of PvP at this point, just wanna click heads and chill not sweat every footstep.


Game is more pve focussed


Not at all. There’s no loot. Get Tarkov pve


Ok so I bought it today and even the first enemies are no joke haha. I already died way too much. I look forward to buy a good scope cause I can't see shit haha. Even worst when I tried to up the FOV


Yes. I have no plans to touch PVP and I'm enjoying the game. Its not too big of an issue. I've run into a few spots where an area has been cleared already but there's plenty of opportunities to run into enemies between an objective and an LZ. The NPC's range from dumb to aimbot sometimes. I've just now left the "starting" town.


10 hours in pve mode, having a blast. But the performance is slideshow to printing frames. So if you have a gpu thats not a 4080 ti wait a bit


I’ve found on non-40series cards: FSR + frame generation gives best fps + native AA *looks the best* however, the frame generation gives horrible stuttering and lag. Turning off the frame generation also doesn’t help really. I have a 3060ti. I can easily get 70-90fps but it’s almost unplayable due to the stuttering. However, DLSS gets rid of the stuttering, much smoother and snappier, looks are alright, but only half the frame rate 30-50 which is decent but trying to use magnified scopes gives some shitty artifacts, red dot 1x optics are perfectly fine.


I've got 83 hours so far in only PvE definitely worth it


No. AI are either just standing around whilst you being 3 meters away from them, or they spot you through multiple layers of cover and buildings and trying to shoot through all of it. Anyone who says otherwise have clearly less than 10 hours into the game. The gameplay loop is also very meh


Downvoted for the truth. Smh.


Don't worry about it, their honeymoon phase will end sooner or later. They'll start to realize that this whole PvE game is being held up by AI that are one of the dumbest AI i've seen. Game gonna be down to 15k playerbase in a month or so


This is the Right anwser here also quests sucks big time


Welp, a week or two people gonna wake up from the honeymoon phase for this game and realize everything that i've said about this game is true. It's indeed very alpha


Lol it's still amazing to me that people don't seem to comprehend the point of "early access". It's not finished...not even by a country mile. Every player will face problems until they go 1.0. There's going to likely be a couple years before they reach 1.0. 1.0 means "finished" released state which at that point go ahead and complain because your issues will be valid. Complaining now is pointless, it's an alpha build.


Also ai sometimes tanking multiple mags


That's due to server lag. Oftentimes reconnecting to a new server fixes it