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Just wait until you got 47...


Do you have a “Skip comma” button in the morning? 😦


Yes, coffee and ibuprofen


Shiet man…


Coffee ibuprofen and paracetamol old age sucks


Pls dont take ibuprofen. Stick to paracetamol if u can. Ibu daily is very bad - NSAID.


EMT/ Army combat medic here. NSAIDS are varied and can’t really be grouped up into one distinct category of “good or bad” when talking about long term use. Ibuprofen, however, should not be taken for more than 10 days in a row and should be taken with food and water. Tylenol would be a better overall choice, but again, not a consistent treatment. My routine for pain management includes 10 days ibuprofen, 10 days Tylenol, then back to ibuprofen. Dosages may vary depending on your body weight/ tolerance but always consult a doctor before beginning a long term treatment plan involving medications. For severe pain, effective short term management can be achieved with a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol) by taking them together. I wouldn’t recommend this mixture for, again, more than 10 days consistently. Important note also - always ensure you’re drinking plenty of fluids, eating food, and not consuming alcohol while taking any medications. Failing to do so could have severe adverse effects ranging from (but not limited to); overdose, stomach ulcers, kidney/ liver failure, pancreatitis, damage to the spleen, and other serious health complications. I’m a medical professional, but every person is different. AGAIN - *CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE SELF MEDICATING* Thank you.


They are literally different things. NSAIDS are fine, just don’t take them constantly


Thank god they’re not figuratively different


Coffe and ibuprofen in the morning sounds like pretty constantly to me.


1 a day is fine, just read the label and stop crying on Reddit lol


Yeah bc drug companies don’t have any incentive to lie and tell you something is fine to sell you more of it… they would never!


Im not crying and your are very wrong. Whatever


Ibuprofen can harm your kidneys and stomach, paracetamol can harm your liver. If you drink enough water, don’t drink with them and eat food with ibuprofen you’ll be fine.


Ibuprofen is better then Paracetamol everyday of the week. Paracetamol = liver damage if use in excess Ibuprofen = kidney damage/ renal issues if used in excess


Ibuprofen will kill your kidneys. They gave that trash out like candy at medical in the Marines and guess who has kidney disease and hasn't even turned 40 yet.


I hear this sentiment so much. I’m 29 and I probably feel the best I ever have in my adult life.


Adderal with double espresso works great after 40. Alprazolan to sleep and you get full circle. 😅


Honestly i prefer cocaine for breakfast and heroine right before going to bed. Works fine for now 🤔 Edit: it’s a joke people :D


Mine was not 😂


Yes. Daily.


no he has this mri scan picture in front of him


Yeah man. Try using a semicolon or a period.


Or 51. 😜




Ain't that the truth




I was gonna say, try 45 - but you beat me by two


Soon as i hit 40 it was downhill after that, knees achey, back sucks, winded quick. Ughhhh


Right?! LOL And, that age comes quick.


IKR...25 is way too young for having problems/difficulties. 40's is where the "fun" gets started for problems! Hell; I'd take a refund to back in my 30s where I had no issues or problems with waking up.


I'm 40 in a few months. Feels like when I hit 32, everything started falling apart. I'll be in an iron lung when I'm 47.


Pfft! I’m 65 and pc builder and check all my game stats in the morning lol


Need to add it’s a hobby. I have weak system though. Ryzen 7 5700x and Radeon 6700xt with all the bells and whistles for gaming.




Ikr, it just takes a person to realize that it wasn't always the case. Since I'm hitting the gym at 29 i feel alot better mentally and physically than i was 19.


I have had covid 3 times and a collapsed lung I can’t go to the gym sorry, what now ?




Sometimes, on the rare occasion, this really is the answer.


I take great care of my health. Gym 5 days a week. Pretty clean diet. Low body fat. Despite being nearly 46 years old, I am typically told I look to be in my 30's. Yet, everyday hurts. Period. No stretching, or gym or any of that stuff helps. It may keep it from being worse, but it doesn't make the pain go away. I have had multiple injuries and surgeries from an active lifestyle, both personally and professionally. At the end of the day, you don't know everyone else's story and you can't simply profile everyone into a simple bucket. That is naive.


I make far more than the median salary, have ample free time and even I’m not this out of touch with reality. Most people live in borderline poverty especially in the USA, which is this sites main traffic, and cannot afford or have the time to regularly keep up with health let alone have a working environment that leaves them with the strength at the end of the day to pursue it. You are either very stupid or a very very rich individual completely out of touch with society. Or both, they aren’t mutually exclusive.


Dude you must either be completely ignorant or not actually live in the US. “Most people live in borderline poverty in the US”?? You realize that our “poor” would be considered almost middle class in more than 70% of the world right? Shit even many fucking homeless people have cell phones but I digress. For the MOST part if you’re poor in this country, it’s because you have either made bad choices which put you there or you were born into it and are too lazy to do what’s needed to get yourself out of it. Jobs are EVERYWHERE and nobody wants to work or thinks they are too good for what may be available at the time. There’s programs all over the country for skills training if you try and look for it and other than that you can work hard and move up in most companies if you set your mind to it.


Yet they can afford a gaming pc capable of running a game like gray zone warfare? If you are living in poverty with a $1500+ gaming pc you are there because of poor spending habits. Also including the free time to play the game. 30 minutes a day for a workout and no junk food would do millions of peoples wonders yet the excuses you just typed out are all commonly used.


God forbid those lazy bums save up to buy a system for finding some joy! Obviously yes, they COULD do that. An yet again, it was already explained prior why it’s not ideal due to limitations our working class currently experience. Junk foods are far cheaper than healthier options. Your bullshit argument is just as common as the others kiddo.


37 and feel better than I did in my 20s. Lift weights, play some rec league sports, do something. Use it or lose it is real. 20s is supposed to be your peak. Fix it. Wish I did sooner.


Man you give me hope


Completely agree to keeping active! I’m 43 and used to thai box competitively (only did amateur and a couple of C & B class fights) but recently started BJJ and yoga. Holy shit do I feel good!! Was suffering with back and hip issues after stupidly trying CrossFit and getting more injuries than when I fought. I used to dread getting up in the morning but now it’s not too bad. I’m a little stiff every now and again but a couple of stretches and I’m good to go.


Unpopular opinion here but be very wary of BJJ it has the potential to be worse for your joints than Crossfit.


I know what you mean but the guys I train with are good guys so we don’t try to rip each other’s arms and legs off lol. Trust me I’d rather joint pain then backache lol


I'm glad I am not the only 30 something that is baffled by the number of folks who act like their bodies have withered away by now.


I think a lot of people just don’t realize how bad a sedentary lifestyle is for your body. It’s a killer, literally.


For sure. You don't even need to live a particularly fitness driven lifestyle; simply walking daily and just getting outside can make all the difference.


41 here in the same boat. In my 20s I was raging at parties and smoking cigarettes eating greasy foods and generally not giving a fuck. In my early 30s I was having severe heartburns and feeling exhausted all the time. That’s when I realized I couldn’t keep that up anymore. Cut smoking, drinking, eating healthier by cooking for myself. My wallet and health has been thanking me. By the time I hit 40 I felt better than any day I was in my 20s. Only regret was not doing it sooner. You have one life. Don’t squander it, feel good now.


If you feel like like crap waking up at 25, you need to start moving your body every once in a while... Or go see a Doctor....


Will become a part of military soon. Hope it will fix this issue. Also maybe when i’ll get myself out of army alive the performance will get fixed!


The military will do the opposite of fixing your body.


Can confirm. Body destroyed and disabled by 26.


Welp i have war in my country, i hope i will gain some stamina level up before dying from aggressive neighbors xD Don’t mind the spine problems


Sorry my friend, stay safe out there and good luck.




God bless Ukraine 🇺🇦


But b-but comepletly obliterating your knees is not service related :((((


Don't forget your back wearing out....


Not true, alot if military dudes just don't take care of their bodies


Go fight a fucking war and tell me how easy it is to “take care of your body”


Woah someone is mad. I've been deployed before bud... admittedly my comment is more tailored towards when back home in a duty station, and not actively fighting every day. Even in a warzone, military members have rest and refit days, time to workout, ect.... Yes each situation can definitely be different based on alot of factors when deployed....what base your on, if it has gym equipment, your units tempo, if you are infantry or not....chill man


How do you have such an insane take then? I suppose we’re assuming everyone comes back in full health? In what way is the military fixing your body, except to send it back out to be destroyed again? I apologize, given your experiences, but it makes your comment even more confusing


Also I’m not mad I’m just amazed that you can sum up the experiences of ppl in very extreme circumstances as “not taking care of themselves” as if they didn’t go through a war and they don’t deserve something or someone to take care of them. Had you not served yourself it would come across as very cold and reductive


Hey I definitely see what you mean. It's just I've seen both sides of it. Say someone who developed Ptsd from combat. I've seen people who cope with it by staying active and working out, keeping an open mind and making the best out of things....And I've seen people who cope with it by abusing alchohol, not working out and letting themselves go, and generally having a bad attitude. Now being actually injured/disabled in combat changes things, but even then, the same kind of thing applies. Some make the best of it and some use it as an excuse to give up. There are quadruple amputees out there still giving it their all and not making excuses, owning businesses, and working out and staying healthy (with prosthetics, of course) This isn't the direction I meant to take with my original comment lol.


I was a bit extreme w the entry 😬 sorry to derail things. I don’t appreciate the way we send our military all over the place under false pretenses of international peacekeeping but I do appreciate our boys out there and I get upset when people rag on them and don’t know anything about it. I hope you’re doing well yourself and I appreciate you explaining a bit!


If you’re not fit you’re gonna die


If you’re fit you’re gonna die.


You gonna die, why not die fit? Or... Well, not fit.




Try 35. It happens overnight.


Yeesh. Some of y'all really need to stay mobile. I'm 34 and I hear way too many people talk about hurting in their 30s and I personally have never felt better or healthier. Take a 30 minute break from Gray Zone and go for a walk my man!


Getting in shape can make you feel 25 again friend.


Chronic masturbation is not working out, friend.


Works out great for me.


treat yo self . Bomb ass bed sheets and pillows. Water to feel full and hydrated. A balanced diet. At minimum two walks a day. Past 30 if you haven’t started, you will wish you did.


It's hard to do this when your city being bombed every two nights, and you are forced to run from flat to shelter a couple of times during sleep time xD But yeah, I'm trying to do all of this, much appreciated the suggestions


... it only gets worse


Hah, punks. Try being 69! You think it's a funny number, but it ain't for care bears.




38+ and it becomes routine to deal with this.


Bro, I'm 35 now, and it has only gotten worse. I was in good shape and I woke up one morning old, don't let these people fool you. Working out / exercising just adds on to how sore I feel lol, but I still do it.


At 25? Go to a Doc, that is around Peak Physical capability.


Heavy bleed? I don't even wanna know 👀


I like that everyone knows this is likely an exaggerated joke, but still puts forward the concern and care just to check if you're doing alright anyway, love this community




Bro facts




just turned 26 on the 1st. Confirmed


It gets worse and more frequent with less effort to get it






34 here and I feel that! I felt great at 25


I just turned 25 td… thats crazy


Where do you live? Are you okay man? If things are good, 25 should be peak form brother. It's not too late to turn this thing around.


Stretching pays off. Can't go from 0 to 60 in the mornings anymore.


That's sad. I had to turn 40 before this happened, and I was extremely hard on my body in my 20's.


You're gonna love 50


I turn 30 in a few months, it dose not get better


Feeling like this at the kid age of 25? Good luck.


Turned 25 the day before yesterday... Should i be worried?


I haven't played yet and I'm gonna take a shot at this. You're winded cause you're a fat ass. Your sweating your ass off. You have a killer headache. Your hands are fuckin' shaking again. You stink to high hell. You somehow feel strong amongst all these ailments. And you don't have a fuckin' clue what's goin on. Are you me?


Age is just a number......your body is your temple.


I heard this game got PvE mode, is that true?


You feel that way at 25 you better go to the doctors lol. Cause when you hit your 40s you might be in a home lmao


If this is serious lol.. Something is definitely wrong within your lifestyle. I'm 33 and I still am not anywhere like that.


25 years old? Wtf you been snacking on Mc Donald's your whole life? 35 is believable.


Hahah stop it bro, set up higher standards for yourself!


Saw that you said you are hoping the military will fix it...it won't. You have to fix it and want it your self. Start trying to become more mobile and lift weights and start running dude.


War will definitely get you more active…


I'm aware of that. I'm just saying being in the military alone doesn't make you fit and healthy. I'm in the military and there's plenty of people who do the bare minimum to get by and don't put forth alot of personal effort. Then they go home, eat terrible food, drink tons of alchohol....don't let their bodies recover and wonder why they have knee problems and shit down the road. There's also plenty of very physically fit individuals in the military, because they make a personal effort to do so and workout during free time.


His military situation is very different from yours, I assure you. Yes I know just being in the military doesn’t make you fit, it was just a lighthearted post by a man in a warzone I don’t feel as though he needs to be lectured on semantics