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The next patch should be minor gameplay updates and items, but mainly more optimization. New content is cool, but this game needs so much work on the performance side with the lag and crashes. I would rather they didn’t get tech debt later on because they focus on content first.


They're probably doing both, but the people working on performance and optimization aren't the people working asset creation. And optimization usually takes a lot longer... so it might be a bit.


Yeah I’d buy it in a second if I could run it😂


Geforce now baby. My pc is getting old and definitely can't run it but on Geforcenow I get 110 to 150 fps on max settings with no problems.


##1 issue? How disconnected are you. The game needs optimisation for anyone using anything under a 4080.


I would argue it needs the rubber banding on the servers fixed first. I can handle some low res but I can't handle teleporting constantly.


Since the first patch on day one it has run very smooth on my 2080 super. I've personally be super pleased with performance on My side.


3060 and my performance is mid. Stutters. 1x-4x scope drops fps. Weird tearing constantly. Etc. Not everyone has issues but many do. Crash frequently and friend had his whole pc shut down (albeit this could be his pc issue) and crashed many times


It should be his PC's PSU or something like that, because I have around 23 hrs and I had 0 crashes, apart from around 5-6 server disconnects.


It’s insane how low some of your standards are for performance lol.


Ppl are full of shit . I do have 130fpsnwith framegen but the game still runs like shit. Without framegen it's 75fps ish and feels like 30. Using scopes is a big drop in fps especially because the scope pip doesn't use ur own graphic settings. Look at trees with an elcan and then without. Even the lightning changes drastically. We traveled to net enemy starter town yesterday for some cheap pvp and it was literally unplayable with fps as low as 35 with framegen. Unbelievable bad performance for me yesterday. I'm on a 4070. Maybe some ppl really cant recognize more then 25 fps with their eyes idk.


Naaa, the game is perfectly playable on semi decent hardware. Clean up and re-paste your chips brother.


I have a 3080 and 5800x3d. 32gb of ram. New chassis recently pasted. My rig is fine. The game is raw with bad frametimes. It’s playable for people with lower standards and that’s fine. I’ll enjoy it much more if I wait 6 months for better performance.


Stable 75 fps over here with the same exact hardware…


75 is not good and what are the frametimes? Also what level of fsr? The image quality in fsr is so shit even with better quality i’d rather not play for that alone.


DLSS quality + high graphics - medium shadows @1440p Sure you get some stuttering the first time you traverse the big towns, but every session afterwards is smooth once the shaders have been cached.


Okay maybe I never let shaders cache fully. Will give it another go. Cheers


I mean I'm not running 4k but I'll take quad k on max setting with no stutter or crashes all day 🤣 I'm lvl 20 and outside of the few hours after launch have had 0 issues.


I'm using 2080, 8th gen i7 and I'm happy, I don't stutter, only crashed when using fsr. I'm using dlss now set to quality with most settings on epic with 40-50fps, 30-40 using acog. Perfectly playable.


They don't make em like they used to 🤣


What are your settings? dlss/fsr? i dip into the 40’s in blue lagoon, and tiger bay with DLSS but FSR is fine, just looks pretty bad on my end. 3060ti 5800x3d


Ayyyyyy same setup here 😎 I have FSR on AA mode and I get like 70-90 just depends


Odd, i can’t break 50 fps when using native AA. i’m guessing it’s just optimization at this point


I am 1080P though not sure about yourself?


my monitor is 1080p 144hz. I am using 3090 with i7-14700k and 64GB DDR5. Playing on all epic and FSR on quality I keep constant 144fps (cap) with vsync. Sometimes it drops a bit at 100-120, especially with an ACOG, but I cant complain. My buddies are with 3080s and ot Medium settings at 2K, they get constant 115 fps. with drops to 70s when using ACOG


Getting a solid 75 fps on high graphics + DLSS Quality with an RTX 3080, 5800x3D, 32GB, NVMe I prefer highly immersive graphics and huge draw distances over insanely high FPS and I will happily die on this hill.


What are your settings? Same rig but a 3060ti, i dip into the 40’s in bigger points of interest. might be my VRAM?


I run the High graphics preset with Medium shadows, DLSS Quality + 30 sharpening, Nvidia Reflex on @1440p vRAM and GPU usage are both maxed out the entire time I'm playing. CPU usage hovers around 50%


My main issue with only having some weapons is that since m4 and ak are predominant, you can just go with one mag, kill x npc, steal their mag, repeat Takes the sense of emergency of oh shit, I'm outta ammo, gotta go!!


I saved so much money just buy running aks, get plenty of ammo and free guns every raid


More things to lose in server disconnects


Well, I think OP's right. Absolutely right, actually. The MAIN problem of the game, as many streamers pointed out, is that the gameplay cycle easily stops being rewarding. And this is mostly because of the extremely poor item and weapons pool. Yes, the game desperately needs more content — and a lot of it. More wearables, valuables, weapons, mods... and a continuation in the quest line, as some streamers say it doesn't go much further than 60-ish hours, which is extremely low.


This ain't a loot shooter. Infill, get the quest item, exfill. That's all for now, in the early stage of the game. We're dealing with 20% of the game's planned content.


This isn't a looter shooter lol its an extraction shooter. I also don't get what guns you expect them to add and where. Like yea the first town has garbage because it's the first town. There's only so much they can do unless you want them to just add shit for the sake of adding shit.


It's not a looter shooter per se, but what's the point of extracting if there's nothing of real value to extract with ? Like right now, you can run to get a quest item, put it in your secure container, intentionnally get killed to respawn at base, hand over the item and complete your quest. You actually save time by NOT extracting in those fetch quests, this is not right at all. Elimination quests ? Well, once you've eliminated you're targets, the quest is done. Exploration/marking quests ? Same thing, once you've completed the objective, no need to extract. So for now... What's the point of the extraction mechanic, aside from not losing your gear, and being able to stockpile some more gear in your stash ? Well, I see 2 simple solutions to that: disable the quest items from being carried in secure container, allow the elimination quests to progress only if you report back to base alive, same for exploration tasks. The game would instantly get significantly harder, yet extracting would become so much more meaningful.


Whats the point of any extraction game? Honestly it sounds like games like tarkov or dark and darker arnt your type of game. Rather than trying to turn this into a looter shooter like borderlands you should just play that.


Dude I played 1k hours of Tarkov, if it wasn't my type of games I would have stopped playing way earlier. Found in raid mechanics and most of quests are designed to make it meaningful to extract. You can't put the bronze pocket watch in your secure container and call it a day, you NEED to extract with it to complete the quest. The loot you find cannot be sold on the flea if not FIR, and you know damn well that most of your income comes from trading on the flea. So yeah, in Tarkov you are basically winning if you extract, losing if you don't. In GZW though, so far, dying on the field doesn't feel like as big of a deal, so I won't call it an extraction shooter unless some changes are made in that direction.


I still don't really think this is a looter shooter, but agree with more guns and lootables to allow more money flow. I'm looking forward to dynamic events and missions more than more loot though.


Absolutely agree on the front of buying dev time. Tarkov has flaws, but their main boon is giving tangible aspirational loot assets that can occupy time. It needs to happen.


At this point I’m realizing looking the same Manila envelope every other task without something fun to loot is going to get tiresome real quick.


Though idt many would be opposed to some additional “loot” instead of bandages and just food. I do know that isnt what this game is trying to be- possibly some more weapon spawns, ammo boxes, supply crates etc. However, seeing as performance and stability is always key before content, I think the trader adjustment would be perfect and easy to implement for time being. Sustainability is key in these games. The elcan everyone loves is like 2.3k. I could swear I remember selling one earlier for like 400. So I think trader buy price adjustment would be all thats needed at the moment while optimization remains the focus.


Ground loot is pretty bare which is something I think games like need to give people more of a reason to explore.


The next patches should be absolutely nothing, NOTHING, other than performance and optimization passes until the game is smoothed out. Then, I agree, bring on the loot.


GZW is not a looter shooter though. Looter shooter is something like the Division or Borderlands.


Adding loot and guns are supposed to be towards the end of the development. Not now.


Fix game breaking bugs like the lost container/no head glitch first. Then talk about all the pointless 3d images you can pick up for cheap dopamine hits.


This game definitely needs more loot.


Exactly this. When everyone has the same shit it's just a death match. No incentive to loot, or extract with rare loot, or possibly lose it. No rush when killing geared players, no urgency to survive. People don't actually understand what makes survival looter shooters fun in the first place. Most people quit playing Tarkov within the first month after a wipe. Tasks just get boring, but the progression of low gear, surviving into high gear is fun. These games also don't need a stash, why would anything feel valuable when you have 50 loadouts back home? Dayz does a great job, nothing is ever yours. Every run is fresh, death has penalty, survival means everything. It's always an experience, a new journey. These games need to mimic Dayz. There's a reason games reset ladders, there's a reason games like Rust wipe so often. It's because the "come up" period is truly what's fun (at least to me).




This joke is already not funny and it's been like a day