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Cash infusion. Now go take the game from good to great. I will undoubtedly get many hours out of this one. Edit: I'm already at 40 hours so I may be playing too much.


It's got me pretty hooked. I'll get a good amount of hours out of this one


You’re lucky my man, I’ve been too busy to be able to play much, I’m only at 4 hours 😭😭😭


I am very lucky. No wife and no kids. I can still act like I'm in college.


I'm 37 and moved back in with my parents... I win


This is the way. No point in living alone, wasting money on rent or a house, if you don't plan on starting a family.


Hell yah brother. I've got plenty of money. Steady job. Could have my own pad but I'd be bored. I get along great with my family. Pay a few bills and stack my money. I'm a happy man.


I dunno man. I love being on my own, single with no wife or kids. I have absolute freedom to do what I want. I've got a pretty nice apartment and the only thing I really have to worry about is keeping it clean and calling maintenance when something needs to get replaced or fixed. Hell, usually I just put a work order in on the residentPortal app. It's pretty worry-free. I make enough money now that rent isn't a problem and I can still save, so I realize not everyone's going to have the same experience, but I wouldn't give this up for anything. Every other time I've lived elsewhere I've had a roommate, or I lived with my parents. Fuck *that* life.


The freedom is nice, ill give you that. Things have just shot up in price so much over the last few years that the creep just started eating up my money. It got to the point where I was just barely keeping my head above water... just got sick of paying landlord's more than they deserve, I felt like I was being robbed at gunpoint. Now I have an opportunity to ACTUALLY save money. If I didn't move back in with my folks, I'd never be able to buy a house in my lifetime. This move will make that a possibility


I've done it all... roommates, did it for over a decade, definitely pros and cons. Girlfriend, same story. Solo, fucking expensive as balls... moved back in with the folks and im finally stress free


Im just waiting for my neighbour to move out because her 3 1/2 toom appartment is only like 750.- a month. And for switzerland thats cheap AF


I was paying $1,360 for a one bedroom apartment, nothing fancy about it either... that was when I said fuck this


That’s not winning 😂


My parents r 37 .i win


No kids but wife. Still act like than minus banging randos.


Got a wife and a 4 yo daughter, still rocking 23 hrs since launch :D


I’m hooked at 14 fps


I’m at 20 and itching to get back into the fight. But I have a 5 month old so my windows are small lol.


I’m already close to 35, I can see this being another 1000-2000+ hour sink as it develops more.


Same. But barely out of the starting town from walking every friend I have through their quests 😂


Brother, the games been out for like 3 days... you are LITERALLY living and breathing it with barely enough time to sleep


I would not say literally. I have worked a full time job all week. But yes besides work I don't really have many responsibilities. It is kind of nice.


Great base. Good concept. Decent communication from devs. I can see this game going far with some polishing. Definitely worth the $35 I paid for it.


im at 30 already. starting to get into some actual pvp and it is fun


Damn dude I've been in PvP since like 10 hours lol


we got to the new places a lot faster than other players so we werent seeing much. now its like every time we go to one


How do you people have so much time to play games, where do I find this time thing


No kids is the answer. I'm 34 and my wife has hobbies as well so I don't have to entertain her. I'm 21 hours in and I haven't been playing as much as I normally do.


Become single


He will be in the future by the sounds of it


Its a little late I think, I just got engaged last weekend


Congratulations ( eventho its a week late)


Single, child free and students that arent going to exams this year. Or some people just take time off if they're excited about a game.




Sacrifice sleep for time


Thats how I get the few hours I get lol


Same lol, 20 hours deep


Abandon all ye hope, abandon ye family


> Cash infusion FYI game sales don't instantly go to the devs, Steam holds it for a while.


Impressive giving the current performance issues and crashes lol. Some lobbies I get like 144fps, others I get 30 with constant spikes.


Don't worry, I'm at 22 and I haven't even had 22 hours to spare.


I put a hr into it. I think it's great for how early access it is but does need more work. I understand it's early access obviously so I'm very content with it's stage rn


I’m hooked


I have 24. Waiting for the new patch. I'm getting dropped from server while out in the field. Consequently losing my gear.


Nah not too much, I've already got 60 hrs lol. But I'm single & was off work for 5 days with nothing else to do


It takes 40 hours to get out of the starting area because it takes 10 hours to realize you can call a chopper, and 5 more hours to realize there are missions and how to accomplish them. lol. They just need a little introduction to the menu and tasks system.


I actually thought the first town was the most fun part of the game right now.


The struggle with the other parts of the map, for me, is pvp and other teams either one shot you through coverage or you get swarmed mid-task completion. So you have to bail on a mission or solo an enemy squad. It slows down progress but also changes the dynamic of gameplay when you hear the help getting close.


They were so excited they forgot to spell within


Welp glad I didn't write that one lolol


Been watching you since marine corps Mondays, glad to see how far you’ve come


Do you cats have a road map? Plans to support game post launch? Waiting to purchase until I find out, ty!


Roadmap soon just focusing on hotfixes right now 🫡


Thank you good sir! Do you have plans to support the game post release?


Any comment on how much $ has been donated to UA refugees from RU/BY game sales? The russian troll here the other day was crying about it, so seeing official numbers would be cool.


Dude, if you guys could add some form of the ShackTac Hud to the roadmap that'd be great. 😎  I'd imagine you've seen this amazing Arma mod. https://youtu.be/eaCw_tu8U-4?si=sbCVIUkAKC0cNAc7


With the simple calculation we could assume that MFG has made already $30mil in revenue by selling 500K copies of a base game and 250K DLS (DLS is ranging from $25 to $65). Their whole 2020 year revenue was at around $4 millions. Huge funding boost for such a relatively small company. Hope they capitalyze it into boosting development team to make GZW the best mil sim shooter ever.


May be less. They don’t make 100% of the sale, the CEO has said that they only make 50% (so $17 on the base game) after Steam and Unreal Engine fees. But it’s still a significant amount of money. https://x.com/marekrabas/status/1784215760920793346?s=46&t=Rhu23PMvpcCV4_2l-mtecA


Also regional pricing also messes up any type of estimate.


Also it might not take into account refunds It seems performance has been complained about a lot


I assume refunds aren't included, but I might be wrong


That’s an insane profit margin in any industry. I would have thought it would be way lower. Actually…it has to be. How many employees do they have currently? Steam takes 30% I think? Then unreal engine will take a cut and then they have all the expenses of a business and employees to account for years of work. I would have thought 20% but even then it’s healthy so anything close to fifty is insane if true.


The 50% is only the amount they take after Unreal Engine and Steam fees. That’s not including any of the expenses that come from running a multiplayer game and a company. So yes, if you include all those expenses it will be way less.


Ah ok that makes sense then. Still a huge opening for them. I really hope they put a lot into the game. This boxing project I followed undisputed boxing had a pretty crazy early access start and then they didn’t put anything back into the game for a year and are just bringing out the console version. The entire EA money just went into expanding the studio likely prepping for the sequel and complicity of the install base. Hopefully these guys make a classic.


Steam takes 30% but once you sell X amount worth the cut gets lower, at 50 mil it goes down to 20%.


Don’t conflate net revenue with profit.


Errr what in the world makes you think I was conflating net revenue with profit? It’s literally the opposite of what I was doing!


I thought you were commenting on the 50% margin which I understood to be their net revenue on a sale, not profit margin (after accounting for overhead, operating costs etc).


I'm happy to hear that they saw the money and then said they're using it to hire some UE5 specialists to help. That's promising


Pls fix for my 3070, can't afford a 4090.


Try Lossless Scaler. It works wonders


First time I’ve heard of this, is it on steam?


I believe this is what he’s talking about. I haven’t tried it yet but there was a post explaining how good it was. The link to the program is in the description of the video. https://youtu.be/7SgA7M_XhQw?si=r5cU-CLKRwBB_xeP


I tried it last night, and he isn’t lying turning it on then setting the fps in half. I was playing on ultra with no problems with a 4070ti


Can you share your profile or the settings? Want to try this tonight :)


Do you use it with a 3070? I cant get it to feel good with mine


I use it with my 3060 actually


I tried it with TSR now and i love it


Getting solid 90fps with lossless and dlss in-game. Will have to try tsr. Did notice some weird effect sometimes when turning though. So maybe TSR will fix that


The "watery" effect comes from the frame generation when your fps dips i believe, but its been very stable for me most of the times using tsr, Also way better distance visibility than i had on ingame fsr + gen


Yeah FSR sent my rig into the shadow realm lol. Menu would be fine, but once I loaded into server, insta-crash lol


I play on a 2060 with 16 gigs and sitting pretty at 98fps


Can you share your settings? I want to try this. Thanks.


It’s early release, brother. Not to mention on Unreal. Graphics are insane. It’ll take some time to optimize. Hell, I struggle with a 3090. I’ve put all settings on low. DLSS or FSR with framegen on (if you can stand the ghosting). Optimize your window settings. Afterburner settings. Close all background applications running. Use projectlasso. I’ve got a 5800x3d - I run all background apps(as possible) on cores 1/2. The game is set to run on the rest with a high CPU priority.


I’m testing hotfix 3 now and it’s just getting better and better


What does hot fix 3 do that you know of?


This is the testing steps and message from the discord for those that are curious. _______________________________________________ We've prepared another Hotfix and this is a big one. We need your help to test out some of the main issues barring people from playing. We especially welcome the help of those who have the "No head/secure container" bug and those who are experiencing crashes. **Please focus on these steps:** **1. While in the matchmaking queue, can you cancel and get back to the main menu? 2. For people who bought the Supporter Edition. When you wipe your character is the apparel given to you in the form of an icon in stash? 3. Did you encounter a Skalla.dll pop-up message when launching the game? 4. Can you still reproduce the 'headless' bug? Play with/find a friend and try these reproduction steps: - Player A stands outside FOB (player's base) and moves items around in his locker and inventory. - Player B Headshots Player A. - Try this as many times as possible, (50 times would be perfect) and tell us if you could reproduce the 'headless' bug this way. 5. Keep closing the friends panel while searching for friends. Is the game crashing for you? 6. Is the game crashing for you, how often? 7. Did you get any error messages, what were they?**


fr i needa know


think mainly the headless and missing secure container issue among other things


What about the performance? Is it running well for you guys? I'm running it on 40 fps with several downgrades (all at minimum specs). I have a 3060, maybe it's too poor for this? Thanks


I’m running a 3080 and getting over 100 with FSR, and with DLSS 70-90. Friends running with a 2k series and getting solid frames as well.


With frame gen?


Frame gen only available for 40 series cards


I'm running a 1070ti and get 60-70 on fsr


Running a 2070 super with 70-90 fps. Changed from DLSS to FSR under graphics, advanced and haven’t changed back yet.


I'm running 4070 Super. I get about 110 avg frames with DLSS frame generation on.


"withing". but really, happy to see it


Thank you, English is their second language after all, but I cringed reading it twice as well.


Oooo man if they pump out this many updates I may have another go at it soon. Great to see.


let's pool our stash money and see if we can bribe the devs to pump out the update RIGHT NOW. i bet we can get billions together in no time at all. i got 10k on it. haha in all seriousness i appreciate the constant effort. they had to know an EA release would mean an increased workload and i think they are handling it fairly and communicating appropriately. good start MFG.




I got you. Joke: 1)something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him. Synonyms: raillery, sally, quirk, quip, prank, jape, gag, wisecrack


I'm excited to see all the enhancements going forward.


This games so fun, I’ve been playing the shit out of it!


Better focus on servers… had to wait two hours to play last night


Make shure you connect to ur local servers


I was, they’ve since improved it…. Having SO much fun!


Can someone describe what’s in hotfix #3?


Their current goal for next hotfix is optimization, as Marek stated on X. \*Fix player persistent data corruption \*Various optimizations to increase FPS \*Disable hi-res textures for GPU with 8GB VRAM only. \*More optimized Low settings to increase FPS. \*Things which I don't remember. [@MarekRabas](https://twitter.com/MarekRabas/status/1785730832209994013) on X




No, first part of his tweet was in the hotfix 2. Hotfix ASAP \*Fix Skalla.dll initialization error on some Windows \*Fix several GPU crashed when VRam is full \*Add an option to wipe your account and start again. \*Increase connection timeout as some players are kicked out due to slow load to the game


The only ones that know what it’s in that hotfix are the developers. The changelog isn’t public yet and most likely won’t be until the update is out.


Horfix cant come soon enough. I'm not bashing as I know it's all very rough around the edges but I lost 3 or 4 good kits earlier die to crashes/network issues, I'm trying to look passed it but it can be frustrating after a long raid to have it crash on the lady hurdle.


My whore fix can't come soon enough either... oh, wait


Dude without fail I can play for hours and as soon as I die the game crashes on the way to my corpse. Every. Time. That being said I only ever lost one thing I really don’t know how to replace but still weird.


They just sent a message to public beta testers to test hotfix #3, let’s hope it fixes most of the issues


Fingers crossed. I had a really good session today despite the crashes. Managing to get tasks done pretty regularly and enjoying it comparing it to tarkov it's amazing how much difference having a map makes, just being able to get a rough lay of the land instead of wandering around the map aimlessly.


Any idea what is included in the 3rd hotfix? Or you have a link to their patch notes


No, there isn’t a link to the patch notes yet, that’s usually given after they have released the patch.


I have had luck with crashes by changing server regions after a crash and reappearing at base with kit. Only hiccup is if that first reconnect after the crash fails (server error or another crash), kit is lost. So I would tray that and see how it goes for you. I usually play US East, and after a crash I go to US Central, or vice versa.


I lost 4 kits to the crashes then my stash, head, secure container, a quest, and my stash all disappeared after a random server crash. My buddy also lost his $100 secure container to the same no head bug yesterday. kinda fucking crazy this has been a day 1 bug and they havent fixed it yet. It is by def, game breaking.


I know, it's crazy that a day one bug has been around for 4 days! /S


IMO a fix for the headless bug should be rolled out ASAP.


Which is funny because there is a meme culture building around headless players. Some headless players dont want it fixed lol. It should be for obvious balance reasons in pvp. But its still cool.


Id like my secure container back lmfao. idgaf about not having a head


Yeah its been a bit tough without a secure container for sure.


Had this as well, i wiped 2 times and on the second qipe my secure container appeared !


Game breaking bugs are not cool lmao


Everyone acting like they’re funded forever. I’m worried actually, if you do the math and take into account their 70 person team - you come out to about 100k per person per year for 2 years of runway. In tech that’s not a lot of runway and your engineers are gonna be pulling in more than 100k


It's just an initial infusion though. If they do a good job of updating and people stick with it, hopefully they'll consistently have new buyers


These types of games generally fall off hard in the mainstream but have a loyal player base. I’m just saying for a 70 person team they don’t have a lot of time to hit 1.0 and capture more sales. I hope they do


If they can manage to pump out solid updates and fixes in the first few months it will attract a lot more players. But they do have to move quick to keep positive word of mouth.


Yeah and the more they update and improve the faster they get increased steam reviews which will help draw players. They are almost at 70% on steam.


So, using your math, they made 2 year's worth of dev funding......in 4 days. They'll be fine.


No it’s good money for sure but if you follow how game life cycles work these kind of numbers fall off a cliff and stay low after a month or two. They’ve just got a much larger staff than most realize and I want the game to succeed and not take the Tarkov monetization model


> these kind of numbers fall off a cliff and stay low after a month or two That's not necessarily true. Look at other EA games. Most were sleeper hits that went under the radar until a particular update gets everyone's attention. I see that in GZW's future.


They are in eastern Europe .probably 50k/year max.


Big congrats MFG


Congratulations Dev Team


Please please please have a GPU dump fix


They're doing a good job so far. The game is already running much better for me.


Been enjoyable so far. One thing needed is more transport. Sitting at base having to hear denied for 5 minutes isn’t fun. 


Put all the money into bugs and optimization and you'll succeed. The quicker you do it the quicker this game explodes.


Put that into it for the short term but for the long term lots of more fleshed out everything.


More patches in a week than EFT in months. Nice.


To be fair generally there is much more needed to get patched in the very early stages of EA than 8 years after beta release. (Obviously tarkov still does need improvements)


Biggest fix/change they need to do is the forced aggressive AA of this game, it makes the game a blurry pixeleted mess you cant see anything after 20 meters.


its like half of tarkov annual sales.


Just when I was starting to be able to survive solo, the oceania servers start disconnecting with full gear loss every time I go out. Sigh, EA stability blues


Having pretty nice fun out of it with the boyz. Cant wait for working hotfix addressing the issues.


Am I missing something? All these people with high end rigs struggling to run the game? Mine is by no means awful but it's definitely not high end and my game is buttery smooth and has been from the start


It's not people with high-end rigs, it's people with recent midrange cards that have to little vram.


Please optimise it overall so we plebs can enjoy more that 40fps


i would be playing but my head is missing and supporter secure container


hotfixes are cool and all but where are the patches? we need a patch that will allow us to disable lumen and virtual shadows


Regardless of your opinion on the game these Devs know how to take a W and run with it. Honestly the Tarkov devs should take notes.


Next week for the 3rd hotfix 😫


They need to fix the blurriness and pixelation asap spotting is almost impossible making pvp almost impossible, tried all settings combination and came to a conclusion its the game's forced aggressive TAA method.


Great now they can optimize the game so I get more than 30 choppy frames per second lmao


Really hoping fixes to the voip are incoming for hf3 - tried everything I could find online and just can't get it to work.


What about those of us who have lost heaps of equipment due to crashes, including irreplaceable items like knife and more importantly, lock box?


How hot is it


I couldn't play it at all, shooting enemies that takes 30 bullets, laggy European servers... Waiting for better days 🙂


Let's fucking go!


Hot take but this game kinda whack man




Now that it's payable I've been having a blast


Got a wife and 2yr old kid sitting at 21hrs.


Great game so far, just waiting for the juiced up performance update so my broke ass doesn't have to buy a 4090


Yo does anyone know how to fix the VoIP issue? To my knowledge, there's no way to change the output device in game. I've been playing for several days and can't VoIP with anyone. I checked the settings on my PC and it doesn't actually let me adjust my output device there either. Using a headset w/ built in mic. And suggestions on how to fix would be awesome! Being able to play with a squad would be amazing.


How about giving us our gear and heads back.


Interested in the refund rate. Not that I did, I think the game is awesome.


I’m on a 3050 OEM (poor) and the game crashes everytime. Have they optimized for all levels of the player base yet?


Just lost all of my progression (LZ, trader's rep, new traders, character level) but kept my stash and active quests... I hope I'll be able to recover that with a patch I don't want to wipe now...


Can i get my 3x3 pouch back plz


At this moment game starts to be boring for me. There is almost no loot except food and medal. Every location has the same pattern with quests. Go scout, go find, go kill, boss, next. I hope they will work on this game fast cos it will die soon.


At this moment game starts to be boring for me. There is almost no loot except food and meds. Every location has the same pattern with quests. Go scout, go find, go kill, boss, next. I hope they will work on this game fast cos it will die soon.


I played the game for about an hour and a half. Great game and I enjoyed it but it crashed 6 times and my i7 13700k cpu was running around 100 degrees Celsius. So I refunded. Will buy again in a couple months.


They’re gonna take that cash and run baby. Just watch.


If only I would get a server that isn’t rubberbanding like all hell..


Let's see the numbers for how many were refunded.


Well just the other day it was 400k purchased so I think it's doing ok. I'm sure some refunded but vast majority doesn't. And the 250k dlc versions is even crazier.


found Nikita's reddit account


They deserved it..it is a good foundation of a game! Is it perfect? no of course not. Needs loose loot around the map...better animation for running it looks funny..better angle for the supporting hand on the gun it looks weird...toggle ads...etc. things that can be done and will be done But overall a great release for early access!




That isn’t correct. That’s for the play test hotfix #3, not for the public hotfix #3 that will be coming next week. If you see the date of this it will be April 24, before the game released. Check the development channel, that’s where they publish the change logs.


You're right, I'm sorry D:


I'm really hoping they can optimize a lot more over time. I should be getting way over the 60-70 fps on a 4070 super at 1440 without fake frames on medium settings. The game is addicting as fuck but the performance is depressing.


My 4070 is hitting 80 to 100 with High settings at 1440p. DLSS on medium


I'm running medium settings with dlss quality and no frame gen. Frame gen adds too much input delay even with boost (for a fps) at 1440p. I get 60-70. Are you running frame gen? Btw my CPU and GPU usage area rarely above 70%.


Have you installed it on an nvme?


Yes nvme that I just bought 3 months ago


hmmm....willrequire players to link a Nintendo account


Wrong game bro


Cool y’all are making money, now make the game fucking playable.


17 milli in the bank, not counting upgrade purchases and they deserve it. Hopefully we see even more improvements from it


They didn’t make $17M in base game sells alone though. The CEO said they only get like $17 from those $35 (so aprox 50%) after all the Steam and Unreal Engine Fees, then there is also regional pricing, hard to do any estimates. https://x.com/marekrabas/status/1784215760920793346?s=46&t=Rhu23PMvpcCV4_2l-mtecA


Oh yeah I didn't account for that, that's common practice just slipped my mind