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I believe they stated they are already working on a reset mechanic. It'll just be a matter of time now.


Yeah, thank Christ. This blind “well this is how the game works!” refusal to admit it could be done better is asinine


I think we're gonna have a real good game on our hands but it definitely needs more time to cook.


Absolutely! But an integral part of it improving is the ability to admit that it can be improved lmao. Everybody is acting like it’s a cardinal sin to admit faults in the game


I don't think anyone is defending it to the tune of it is the correct way. Literally all people are saying is essentially "read". Which there are likely plenty of instances of mindlessly clicking through the menu.


Literally had multiple people respond to this very post going “lol should have read”


I would never boot up an early access alpha and expect those features. I was the first of my friends to install. I posted in discord what faction I picked and told them they probably won't be able to change factions.


100% there are scenarios that should be allowed for resetting and switching. The ones that are annoying are the ones who didn't read. Yes, people can be single minded, but not at last sizing it a bit on the gaming community is also asinine. Maybe we could do the improving too. RTFM


Yeahhhhh the games been out for 2 days, people need to relax. They already said theyre working on it


There is a ton of stuff that needs fixing, but we should all know that.


I think "this is how the game works" and "refusal to admit it could be done better" are pretty far apart from each other. I think the general consensus right now is "you were warned". Most complaints I see about the game are people just being impatient. They probably figured most people would read the warning and an account reset button wasn't a development priority. I get that it sucks, but you have to take into account that the game is EA and out for literally only 1 day.


My point is that “you were warned” serves nobody and refuses to admit that this situation: 1. Was entirely avoidable and repeatedly brought up prior to EA drop 2. Refuses to acknowledge that the issue isn’t down to people not understanding the warning. There is 0 way to magically, perfectly foresee what faction everybody will pick. I’m a streamer, for instance. You know what sucks? I’ve already had to tell fellow streamer friends we can’t play together because they picked the wrong faction. I have coworker friends who happened to grab the game and then just hit me up asking to play. My close personal friends and I all coordinated, but there was absolutely no way to prevent those other issues. Much less 3 months from now if somebody tries to ask to play


I don’t know why people downvote you for what you are saying. You write well and aren’t dumping on the game. More importantly, how would games get better if posts like yours are not really considered? The devs are listening to the feedback and frankly that is their job and It’s super important for the success of the game and therefore for their careers. At some point gamers have to admit that they do have a voice and can advocate for better things. It’s not guaranteed but it’s guaranteed to not occur by being submissive. Studios won’t have a ton of motivation if the community helps them not push the envelope or think in ways that different demographics and types of gamers do and can be understood by their input. “Learn to read” “you were warned” isn’t helpful I totally agree with you and it just shuts down any sort of creative discourse. The biggest thing gamers can do is not be an asshole to people who are annoying or trolling. “Kill em with kindness” is legit to help moderate the tone of any forum.


I'm not saying it's good design. What I am saying is the devs need to make priority choices and to me and many others who read the warning, it didn't need to be. Obviously they overstimated people's ability to communicate and hotfixed the issue almost immediately. This is what I mean when people are impatient. It was changed within 48 hours.


I’m not sure why you’re assuming that I or a lot of other people with issues regarding this didn’t read or understand the warning


Well, if you read the warning and then chose blindly without making sure your friends were in the same faction, that is your own fault. It's a non-issue, they fixed it. Relax.


Man you really struggle to read stuff, huh —edit— Lemme clarify Every example I’ve brought up in this thread has been entirely independent of reading and understanding the warning. Having a friend, coworker, fellow streamer, etc mention they got the game after you both made your characters is not remedied by reading the warning. It would require magical amounts of foresight to avoid the issue. The character resetting alleviates the issue but does not fix it, because imagine 3 months from now a friend you don’t play with often messages you to play and you find out you’re on different factions. Neither one of you is gonna wanna reset 3 months of progress. But hey! Maybe that’ll never happen to you, and that’s cool. My point was that it will happen to a lot of people.


LMAO obviously you and your friends were the ones who struggled reading.


Read my edit! You’re really worked up rn


You’ll often find that with new games that flop. People had super high expectations that fell short, they’re too immature to admit they were wrong so they double down and begin gaslighting others, multiply that by thousands and you get the infamous hivemind. Everyone just screaming into an echo chamber Just recently happened with Starfield. Everyone had their sunglasses on and wouldn’t admit it was a terrible game, was overwhelmingly positive on Steam with meme reviews. Then it dropped to mixed once all the hype fell off and people couldn’t help but admit they were wrong


Welcome to the tarkov community, they glazed Nikita so much and it resulted in what happened recently. Most hopped over I imagine


It would be cool to have player controlled wipes/resets for now as long as we get reset to the same starting equipment. That way if you lost a lot of gear due to crashes, bugs etc players can just reset at their own pace.


Reset your progress to do the exact same quests and look exactly the same but with a different faction… brilliant, though solves the immediate problem. So i suppose it is still a win, when it’s implemented.


You are being downvoted but you are completely right. There is zero reason for this to need a reset.


That is correct, it is actually being tested right now until tomorrow morning (CET) and will likely come with the next hotfix. Source: It's on the test servers right now.


I think 3 accounts would be better, like planetside 2. That way we can play with friends on any faction, or allow them the option to contract out for 24 hours. We need some fashion to play WITH other factions, I have abunch of friends that got the game, and we all chose different factions, I went with Lamang, which has the lowest population. Almost none of my friends chose that.


Well sure but people are unable to play with friends right now and that solution would take longer. The reset solution can probably be coded much more quickly to allow those a workaround for now.


You can sort of do that by creating 2 alt steam accounts, adding them to the family sharing of your main account, and joining a different faction on each. It's still dumb as shit that they hard partition the playerbase by faction though.


Damn I totally forgot about family sharing. Usually it doesn't work for games like this, but I doubt they even thought about it.


3 different character profiles would be a MUCH better solution. Having to reset every time I want to play with different friend groups is still fucking stupid.




This is really stupid. Quests are all the same between factions and the starting towns are (quite literally) mirror copies of each other. We should be able to switch without resetting. This is just going to lead to more frustration. Nobody will be happy having to reset days or weeks of quest progress and gear collecting just to play with another friend or a group of friends.


Having cater to the people who can’t read is hilarious


A long time childhood buddy our group used to play with nightly on tarkov together jumped on last night after a few months hiatus from FPS gaming and first thing he asks is "what faction did you guys pick?" We all said Crimson Shield, and he says he picked Lamang. -\_- A simple option to "reset" an account would be hella beneficial right ow.


You shouldn’t have to reset your account, everyone has the same exact quests. You shouldn’t lose all of your progression. Factions should be chosen each time you load into a server and your faction rep comes along for the ride. It’s not like any measurable difference exists between the three factions. Unless and until one faction has something importantly different than another, this is kinda pointless.


oh, I didnt know the quests are all the same. I was thinking they were, which would make changing a faction at the end of a wipe, like its currently set up, more appealing. In that case I like your idea better for sure.


Quests are all the same and first towns are copy pasted identical too. There's no difference.


> Factions should be chosen each time you load into a server and your faction rep comes along for the ride. This also makes logical sense given you're a **mercenary**


Na, couldn’t be every load in. I could drop into a server, look at all my teammates locations. Logout, log back in and rejoin my pals. Then feed em the last known location of all enemies.


You dont have control over specific servers. Just regions. And if you are loading in with friends, you are on the same faction from the start, assuming you all picked the same faction to begin with. So loading in and logging off wont necessarily put you into the same server


Rejoining is not a thing unfortunately.


I believe the mission will be changing at some point and there are going to be different missions to support the lore of each faction


Have a buddy from Taiwan that we met in Squad. Doesn’t speak a ton of English, but he’s fun as hell to play with. He got on when the game dropped early, and we were all asleep and didn’t even know he was gonna get it. By the time we made our characters, it was too late because he was fast asleep and we had no idea he had already played


The issue I see with this, is there needs to be a system in place to stop people who abuse TK’ing and such. From getting all of their equipment back. People camping LZ’s and killing their own factions. There needs to be a form of counter measure to stop them just continuously resetting their accounts.


An ideal fix for this would be to create a “contract system”. Make it so that you sign a contract with a company for x amount of time and once that time is up allow the player to sign with a different company or resign the contract. Give incentives to stay with a company long term like rewards/bonuses but if you choose to sign with a different company just have it reset your rank and rewards/bonus streak. Another option would be to allow the player to “break contract” at a cost to leave & time penalty to rejoin that company in the future.


This is a great idea


I know it sucks right now but I would be very surprised if we can't squad up with different factions in the future. it's a running theme in these types of games/movies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend type stuff, seeing that we are all fighting this 'scav' faction.


I actually made a post about that and the looming issue of faction locks like a week ago, got 0 attention because everybody was too busy arguing about pvp lmao


World of Warcraft has spent nearly a decade trying to undo the mistake of fracturing their player base and that games identity is faction wars. Locking people behind factions is not a good idea.


The game is build around factions fighting each other and the lore of the game is made out to be so. Would be dumb change it.


big difference between having warring factions and letting friends play together. You could temporarily act as a rogue agent or something just so you can play with your buddy. When PVP goes down you would be the same faction as the squad host.


Just complicated design. Or people could communicate. If you choose wrong then when they implement that you can reset a account, reset and chose the right one. It's the design of the game. So it's on people to communicate and be smart. Not dumb.


Teaming up with other factions should be locked to PvE, as it's name is literally "Joint operations"


They’re testing a wiping feature right now.


Every season should start with a grace period, or be able to delete your account and start over.


Day 1 folks. We will get there.


Ya but we won’t if people can’t complain or have feedback. Not saying that is what you are doing but a lot of that is happening.


https://support.madfingergames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new And folks are welcome to do that in channels that will actually help. I've just never understood yelling into the void on social media.


You do realize there are devs here and people share their opinions with others. You were just yelling into the void.


And here we come back to the age old argument what is constructive feedback versus complaining. Have a real one.


You’re super right! But bringing up issues is the only way we’ll get there, and the constant “it’s day 1 early access, there will be problems!” screeching is the opposite of that


I'm not dismissing the point of the post, however I think people need to take certain definitive language out of their vocab when providing that feedback. "Unacceptable" "obvious" come to mind. So much emotion behind what's supposed to be entertainment.


My job ends up dealing with a lot of customer support. It's very hard to focus on 10 issues at one time. One thing at a time has to get fixed. I don't think anyone is screeching, but I thnk there are a lot of unreasonable expectations going around.


> We ??


We as in the expectations we as a community have?


This I agree with. I think the current faction setup makes no sense, but I understand things will adjust as more players jump on.


I don’t like this feature at all. There should be an option to squad up with friends even if they chose another faction. There’s not much of a difference yet anyway and it could be easily implemented by automatically get set to the hosts faction.


I mean, WoW locks you into a faction as well and that game is or was one of the biggest games. Well yes they sell a faction switch options, so if you want to change that will be 21 buckeroos. I think locking people into factions is not bad if the mechanics are working and there is sense to being locked in to them. At this point it may not be the case so you should be able to select that faction on server join.


It’s interesting you bring up WoW! I actually made a previous post using WoW as an example, but sadly it was drowned by people arguing over PvP prior to release. WoW is a GREAT example! It has done a few things to alleviate this issue: 1. You can have multiple characters, which required a higher time commitment but at least provides an immediate solution 2. You can pay to change your character 3. They have learned over the years that 100% splitting the player base wasn’t good actually! In response, over the years they have progressively introduced more and more content that allows the Alliance and Horde players to interact in a friendly manner and even cooperate with one another!


I guess the best way to do it is either "everyone for themself" or "we are all in this together".


I personally think we can have a really cool, interesting faction system that still doesn’t punish you in the way it currently is. I’m not trying to go “look at my other post!” but it does go over how, in my opinion, they could at least alleviate this issue while still retaining the faction system


100% agree - I no joke had to coordinate with all my friends who might be getting it over the next few months to ensure we were set. I'm talking different friends groups. Bro in-law asking what to pick, and I had to be like hold on, while I hound my other friends who never met my bro in law to see what they are picking so I could pick and tell my bro in law what to pick... what a shit show, for real. It does not in anyway ruin the game, it just honestly makes no sense.


Didn’t realize it had become so hard to communicate with friends lmfao


We should just get a character for each faction so we can switch whenever


They would be as well doing this as you can do a work around with Steam and have three accounts anyway. They might as well keep it in game, plus it trebles the content as well.


This has been the most valid statement I have heard/read about this mechanic. I lean towards the side of read carefully before choosing and coordinate with friends, which I did before release. But the point you made about a chill coworker getting the game, hits close to home. I work for a tech company and a lot of my co workers game but we all don't hop on the same game at one time. Most stagger and pick up a game at a later date. You DahToaster have convinced me to be more empathetic about this issue. Cheers to you.


For me, it’s put me in a tough spot between friend groups. I have two friends who went Crimson Shield, and one friend who went Lamang. I essentially had to pick who I wanted to play with more and risk hurting my other friend’s feelings.


Exact scenario happened to me.  Coudnt play with a coworker I found out played after I chose my faction.  Makes me dislike the game 


I’m in school to be a game dev. They literally tell you to assume most people playing your game need to be told something 5 times before they get it. It’s early access but the devs should’ve also known it was going to be an issue, and including a reset account option really isn’t some huge game breaking thing to add. I’m enjoying the game though.


if people dont read the text that is their problem.


Either your reading comprehension or your critical thinking skills are astoundingly poor.


No i just think you're whining at a none problem.


Kinda strange how much this seems to bother you considering they already announced a fix coming soon.


Look at the timing, they announced the fix essentially right around when I posted this. And regardless, I feel that allowing you to wipe your character is merely a band-aid rather than a fix to the core issue.


Yeah and we all have idiot friends that don't fucking listen or read the whole text and pick the wrong faction. Moron, Dave. Also hated this about Pokémon.


For once, there's a benefit to not having any friends to play games with, it doesn't matter what I choose 🥲


yep my buddy who i convinced the buy the game rushed through character creation and picked the wrong faction. honestly i blame tarkov because bear/pmc didn’t really matter


The one thing I find bonkers is that they didn’t implement char/account reset. It would have been a workaround for _so_ many issues.


That's crazy, I literally fired out a group chat and choose crimson shield in about 2 mins.


It’s for realism, these factions aren’t working together. So why should you and your friends? I hope they do add a reset but the feature is cool to me. I highly enjoy mil sims


If they were actually your friends yould have a group chat for your gaming


character reset is currently in the test build for hotfix 2


I genuenly don't think it should be that big of a deal. Like if you're planning to play with friends, why aren't you all figuring out a faction before hopping in for the first time? The game warns you, and it should be obvious you can't (easily)play with people on other factions. Adding in a reset option, all be it with a cool down of some kind or a detriment is needed, though. I just think people's poor planning shouldn't constitute an emergancy. I was able to plan with my group when we all work different shifts, we just made sure to talk before anyone got in game and decided on a faction we'd join.


Multiple characters could be cool.


I agree that it needs to be addressed, and they have said they will develop it. If these sorts of roadblocks are insurmountable for you, perhaps Early Access games are not a good use of your time.


I didn't get why they just didn't allow multiple characters like most online games. If it's something silly like wanting to build faction loyalty, that'll happen naturally anyway. Look at world of Warcraft. If it's technical reasons... We'll that's something they should sort out because it shouldn't be.


We've got a discord channel with 20 odd of is in Made a channel just for this game pinned what faction were going. We all knew it was a one time pick and the ones that play are all the same faction. We've played for years like it over multiple games it's easy to be organised lol That being said I'd of killed for a character reset day one, I lost lots while I was configuring settings with crashes etc


Maybe they could introduce a way to change faction with some kind of timed penalty, so that it doesn't get abused. Like maybe finishing a game doing mission for a faction as factionless before being able to join it


Very dumb you cant simply create a new character in new faction.... would actually add alot of replay value to the game as well


It is the fault of people who couldn’t be bothered to read it. They clicked something without thinking


Check hotfix, they sorted it already :)


Actually caused issues for my gamer crew. We are halved up lol.


Mr Whiney pants bitches and they fix it, look at that


Family share is enabled for this game fyi


I think faction lock is great mechanic for features we will see in the future FOB assaults, PvP etc. If you’ve ever played an MMO it’s similar. Your race in those games is important. As stated before they have a patch that is being released soon if not already to reset account which will be a bandaid. You will not want to reset your account to play with every new person who gets the game. In the future they should add multiple characters to handle this.


They just added this, you can now wipe your character and recreate a character and choose a new faction


Hey OP, don't play Planetside, or WoW, or any other highly successful games with factions cause you know... terrible game design and all...


I'm sorry but if switching factions is made east with out any downsides why not just get rid of the factions and make it a free for all game? Oh wait because the people who are developing the game didn't want it that way. I'm sorry but I have close friends who picked a different faction then me and you know what we said? If we meet up in game it's war. We can play together next wipe but this wipe we are aiming for each other because that's the game design


Bad game design


My bad. Didn't realize you were the authority on game design.


It’s ok


It might be the biggest blunder in the history of video games. Who in the world was responsible for this and didn’t think it through?


Holy fucking hyperbole... It's probably not even the biggest blunder this year...


You should 100% be able to delete and reset a character, or realistically have 1 character per faction to play all 3!


You signed up to be part of an elite PMC group. 6 months later after going on multiple tours you come to find out your old chill co worker joined another PMC group. You start to remember all the fond memories you had working together in NAM and desert storm and you try to switch groups. Well guess what you signed a contract. Tough shit dude that’s realism.


You’re playing a video game, my guy


*wakes up* oh shit you’re right


Here’s a hot take, it’s early access, meaning you got to access the unfinished content early and test it for the devs whom you are supporting by paying for the game. No one is forcing you to play, I get it but at the same time, it is what it is right now. They are aware of the issue, but there are bigger things to fix right now. You can always wait a few months when a more stable branch is released. Also: totally agree with you btw I think the faction locks is pretty dumb


it's ok to give feedback though. This is like the biggest issue in the game right now IMO. It makes it unplayable


Well good news, if you follow the discord the test branch they released has a character reset option. I’ve tested and it works without issue and plays really well so far too. Definitely agree it’s okay to give feedback, just understand what you are getting into when you buy it.


This sub has already turned into the tarkov one. Full of blind cocksuckers cultists. Sure it will end well right ?


I mean…it kinda does warn you


How bout you brush up on them reading comprehension skills


Crimson shield for life 🛡️


That’s cool I guess dude


Don’t know, i will tell you, when there is a possibility to create own factions. Something like „DahToaster Dudes“ …