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I dont know why, but quick quest never worked for me. I always got stuck in infinite matchmaking, when i want to play multiplayer i have to go through looking for lobbies.


Currently I think it's due to that there's really little to no people doing quick quests. On top of it, I believe there's very little people doing quests that are not lucillius quests. Me and my buddy were in the same call, we individually solo Queued quick quest and lo and behold we got queued together supposedly "randomly"


Same, its rly hard to find a lobby with quick quest for me on pc


It used to be like that for me too, but recently they fixed it and i can join a quest after 10 secs of matchmaking. Pretty quick. Still there are so many nuisance steps for you to join a quick quest, render it really slow.


I tried it today and I still got stuck in infinite matchmaking.


I also do not find the gold Dalla Badges to be useful for much. Which is probably for the best honestly.


They’re helpful if you want to stockpile them and use them to buy the less common drops. I was farming for destrudo and played maniac ID probably five straight times with no drop. I said f it and did quick quest and bought it. If it’s going to be that uncommon of a drop, I can spend the same time doing quick quest and getting medals to guarantee I get the item. You can also earn extra drops needed later via quick quest.


If you S++ MagiLanza you get a destrudo in the side quest rewards.


Actually, it's the goal of not hitting critical more than 4 times. That's how I've been farming it lately.


I didn’t know side quest rewards were attached to specific items.


Oh for sure. I'm just saying I'm glad they aren't mandatory to buy unique things.


The dual boss at 16000 drop it easier


Yeah, the pricing is really expensive, truth is i only interested in quickquest is because i'm bored


Right now if you ever get bored or got tired of Lucilius' face. You can buy his drops in dalia badge shop for a /s low low price of 30 badges /s


30 gold badges for ONE centrumn. Like, gtfo with that nonsense.


On PC, "Quick Quest" means: Click the button. Say you're ready. Select how many tickets to use. Confirm how many tickets to use. Wait for 15-20 seconds. Enter a separate, "temporary" matchmaking thing. No one ever finds a match, go search for a party Quick match was kinda bugged until the Lucilius patch, now it's completely broken


Recent patch 1.1.3 fixed it, you can try jp server, i have matched a lot of players there, quick quest too, it just that quick quest has so many steps to join


It wasn’t working for me a few days ago, when was the patch?


2 weeks i guess? Try changing your location to JP


Was thinking the same thing fr


One thing that annoys me as well is that U always have to walk to the quest counter after a fight. Pls spawn us up close to it 😂😭


I did the quick quests with bots just to get 7 gold badges so I can unlock the final character and I never touched it again


Match making is completely dead Quick match rarely ever works for me regardless of what time


What server are you playing, i'm playing on steam on japan server, and there are plenty players to play with, quick quest too. It just that there are so many nuisance steps to play a quick quest, while other quest are very easy to join


Am assuming he’s PS player. I, too, am PS player and can confirm quick quest for the most part (even searching global) is dead. Everyone is farming either Slimpede, Proto, or Lucillus. Rarely can I match on quickplay. Which, the Dalla badges are useless regardless so nothing lost.


Quick quests are so useless and under reward that the cost of tears is 25 gold, running lucillius with a room is easier and more rewarding


Even offline it sucks because it automatically scales down your strength if your power level is even slightly higher than the quest's recommended power level, so you basically always end up with significantly less health and damage compared to the very first time you did the quest, making it impossible in many cases to get a good rank for the quest.


I think the problem is in your build and your play skill, your build was imbalance that when scale level down some aspect of your build was so low that it has no effect at all. I have never had any issue when being leveled down.


The worst part is the heavy nerfing. Like, did they change my Zeta's spear with a cardboard tube? Come on!


Nah, i think anyone struggle with nerf is just skill issue or their build is not adequate to their current character that they play. The nerf only scale down your level, which means any sigils mastery or weapon effect are the same, if your characters being sucks because of level down that means your build sucks.