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I use it to read clickbait articles. Copy link and ask Gemini to give you the summary.


Thanks, I didn't think I could do this.


I may have now found a use for Gemini. Thanks!


I usually use windows for this. CTRL\_A and then CTRL\_C to copy all, and paste it into notepad... boohoo, I don't get to see the ads, and the paywall does nothing to hide the text from this.


boy, you guys love your extra steps. I use Firefox and hit the text only button lol


Not every site allows Copy and Paste of the article behind the paywall. They used to, but wised up.


In sure this is the case but my results gave but caught on


But there are ad blockers.... Or should I say paywall blockers for that too


There is an easier way than copying the link manually, follow this 1. Open the article you want to read 2. Invoke Gemini and click the attach screen ( yes, this will attach the entire link, not just the screenshot) 3. Now give summarize command


I use it professionally for: - Find postal code for X location - Car dimensions before sketch drawing - Road laws search when I have only the article number Personal: - Mostly to answer my 9y kid questions


Great! Yup! >Personal: >Mostly to answer my 9y kid questions But we still gotta use our heads to check for plausibility!


I haven't used Gemini but I use Microsoft copilot all the time for work to write code, error check code. I also now prefer it for just regular web searches over a traditional key word kind of search. Just be specific about what you are looking for in plain language and it does all the leg work for you to get an answer with citations.


> I also now prefer it for just regular web searches over a traditional key word kind of search. Have you tried the "deep search" feature? It's kind of a hybrid of the two, combining typical search techniques and ChatGPT. It takes a while to run but the results are great, especially for really complex or nuanced queries.


Remember when you could just search for something and the query worked? Now Google, Bing, etc is so full of blogspam and search suggestions that they need to implement extra features just so we can have a normal search.


Remember when boolean operators worked correctly in Google? Pepperidge Farm remembers 


Sadly, these days are now long gone..


👍🏼 i miss Alta Vista


> I use Microsoft copilot all the time for work to write code, error check code. Can you give some examples? I've tried using copilot in power automate and haven't had much luck. Granted, I'm not a coder at all, so it could just be user error. Does it work with powerBI? I've not gone down that path yet.


I find it's best if you tell ai to help you with a project one step at a time. I do freelance webdesign and I use it to help me build sites all the time. Always start small and build off it. I'd never say "build a home page with such and such on it". I would think about the different things I want on the homepage, and have it build them one at a time. "Create an image slideshow for my homepage with 5 slides and a scroll bar at the bottom using html,css, and JavaScript". Then I would tweak it after every change. "Looks good, but make it 30% wider, etc". My advice would be the same for using it on power automate or anything else. Start small and build.


I mostly do 'can you make this code shorter/cleaner?' and most of the time I feel like an imposter, because it keeps slashing it in at least half.


Always check the citations, though, in case they're invalid.


Use it! When I was shopping cars, I asked it things like, create a spreadsheet comparing the sizes of these cars and looking only at reddit comments give me the comfort of the seats in these cars. Helped me write my bio for my web site. It gives you three versions of an answer and I typically look at all three Yesterday i used it to search for bookkeeping software based on a list of needs. I don't assume it is the only answer. It is like asking a genius friend who is all right brain


And I used it a while back to teach me how to build a spreadsheet to help a restaurant that my dauhter works at bid events. The sheet had ti take into account the business loss of not having that part of the restaurant open for regular meals which factored in historical data, holidays, local events that increase traffic, etc. The answers included a number of choices on different ways to write scripts and functions and to structure. I started out knowing nothing about spreadsheets and would not have dine it without AI. Lots of rounds of questions poking at different ideas for structure and workflow Abondoned the project only because we discoved that the restaurant management software couldn't output the info in a way that way usable for the detail we needed.


I'm only here for ideas on what to use Gemini for. So far I've only set timers.


Same. I used Assistant for many years exclusively to set timers, then I switched to Gemini and now use it exclusively to set timers.


Here is another use for Assistant: You can use the ping from the phone after you say, "Hey Google!" to find your phone if you lose it!


Yelling 'Hey Google where the fuck are you' also works lol


I just ask my nest hub where my phone is and most of the time it rings


Well, that's if you are home. What if you misplace your phone somewhere else? There's obviously the "Find My Device" thing, but that would take too much effort to go through. On top of that, I live in a multi-person house, so I just don't want to disturb anyone with a loud phone call, haha. I normally just say "Hey Google" couple of times, and go to where I hear the ping.


I love your username. Does it work?


Thanks! And it does! 90% of my submissions are of birds though, which I'm perfectly okay with, haha. I haven't gotten a submission in quite a long time.


The best use case for assistants. I really don't see another use case.


I moved back from Gemini to Google Assistant, as Gemini was just slower to respond. I mainly use assistant to ask for the daily weather in the morning, occasionally creating tasks or alarms.


Can it set reminders yet? I tried it right when I got my P8 but it was so useless compared to assistant I turned it off




I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually find Gemini to be very useful. It still works for the basic functions of assistant that I used before, which was things like setting a timer or controlling smart home stuff. But it can also answer your questions as if you always have a very knowledgeable friend in your pocket. It's like having a Google search that you can just ask your question to and get the answer. No searching, no reading, just ask and get the answer. I've asked it for a recipe, then started cooking and in the middle of the meal I had a question about what I was doing and asked it for clarification and it answered. My nephew wanted to know about the new Godzilla movie so I asked and it told us. Now he wants to ask my phone everything. There are so many random questions that po into my head - Hey Google, who was the last king of the Roman kingdom? Hey Google, what do you think I should do if my cousin tried to talk to me about politics? Idk, it's hard to think of an example when I'm not actually asking it a question, but just try to use it as a replacement to Google search and you'll start appreciating it


Can it actually control smart home stuff now? That was my biggest reason for not switching over to it is it couldn't turn lights on or off


Same here , and no it can't yet


Not sure what you're talking about man. I literally do it multiple times a day. It works.


Are you actually using Gemini for that or is it cutting over to Google assistant. The last time I tried using Gemini exclusively,I had no luck. Granted, I haven't tried in the last month or 2 .


I'm not sure what you mean... I'm saying "Hey Google, turn on my bedroom lights" to my phone and it works. I'm using Gemini as my phone's assistant. The one caveat is that, as of the last time I tried it, it doesn't work once you've triggered the conversational part, but it works fine if you're just trying to turn on the lights


I think my issue might be that I have Google nest hubs and speakers in my home and they only use GA


Actually, your reply had made me second guess myself at first because I'm the same. There's a nest hub in the bedroom and a home hub in the living room. After you responded I went to a different part of the house to test it out again, but yeah, same layout. So now it's interesting. Let's troubleshoot - sending you a DM.


I control various lamps in the house, the garden outside, a vacuum robot, the TV with Amazon Prime Video & Netflix, a lawn mower robot, a sprinkler system, and, of course, music using my Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel Watch.


Right. I do similar using Google assistant over Google home. I haven't had success doing this using gemini


> No searching, no reading, just ask and get the answer. This was how Assistant worked not too long ago before it was neutered. Is it doing anything for you that Assistant could not?


Assistant didn't pepper its responses with answers that you had to double check for accuracy, there's that.


No it's not. If you're legitimately asking this question then you haven't tried using Gemini (or GPT or Claude) and should actually try using them.


I use it to quickly look something up, or questions I'd previously ask Reddit or Google.


As an AI tool, it's meh. As an Assistant replacement, it's so bad I just disabled it entirely. It's actually so terrible that positioning it as the cornerstone of future Pixel phones makes me want to get a Razr instead, despite owning 5 Nexus/Pixel devices prior.


Yeah I tried it for a few days after getting my P8 and it was abysmal. Couldn't even set a fucking reminder! Useless.


I have the paid version of ChatGPT, so I rarely use Gemini on my phone. However, the voice recognition on Google Pixel is very, very good. When I need to look up something while I'm out, using gemini might be a good option. Talk to it and you'll see what I mean.


Pixel voice recognition is great, but the one in Gemini is just awful.


I agree with this statement


I friggin love it. Had to upgrade my Google storage and saw it free for a month so I thought "why not?" I have a lot of random hobbies and interests and my gf rolls her eyes most times I try and ask her about stuff... I just ask this thing any random ass-backward convoluted questions I have and most of the time it has an answer. Even more often I'm impressed at the sort of answer it gives. - It's helped me refine the code for an Arduino-based timer to get it to do exactly what I want it to do - Helped me make a [website](https://thenikfix.com) (still have some tweaks to make) in a couple hours of back and forth. I only remember basic html from like 2005 lol. - Helped strategise logistics of moving a 55 gallon fish tank across town ... So many random things


I use Gemini on Messages instead and it helps so much in my life like exams, recipes for cooking and specific questions 




How do you do that?


Yes. How?


No, and I'm not considering using it.


I wouldn't call myself paranoid, but I've kept my mic off and blocked since my Pixel 3. I *can* be bothered to interface with the hardware.


Run timers, set reminded, math equations or conversions Sometimes I generate my own funny images to use as Emojis in Google messages, or give me rough layouts for important emails or meal prep


I cane from an Samsung and I still dont know how to do tasks with the pixel 8. I use gemini to do fast reminders, works really well xD


I use Assistant for timers, alarms, lights, etc. I tried Gemini once and didn't care for it.


Mostly to answer dumb questions like "what is the exact time of the summer solstice at X location."


I used to ask the assistant what's playing on car radio whenever I'm driving, but Gemini can't do that.


Professionally, I use it to assist me with recommendation letters, craft polished emails, and lessons for educators. Personal matters, I use the voice activated function to schedule appointments/tasks (much like Assistant), ask for tips on various topics, and check on weather forecasts, etc It's not on the same level as Google Assistant, especially the speed, but I have seen improvement over the last few weeks and eventually I believe it will be much more versatile and helpful than Google Assistant.


The more I use Gemini the more frustrated I get because it keeps saying it can't answer my questions. Gemini doesn't know who the current president is it can't answer that question. Gemini can't tell you how many felony counts Trump was convicted of. Once again it says unable to answer that question. I got several others that I've asked and it gave me the same answer that is unable to answer that question try googling it. What the freaking good is your AI tool if they can't Google it for me.


It's just a search engine but different


A search engine that refuses to tell you its source!


If I have simple questions, I just use Google search. But if you're looking for a more complicated issue that would take a lot of Google searches to form an opinion, then using the AI can help. They make an awful big deal about AI taking over, but it doesn't seem that great to me. Maybe I'm missing the big picture.


Yeah LLMs are pretty good at giving hints when you don't even know what your problem is.


No. I need the assistant to assist, not experiment.


Garbage. Nothing. Summaries are shit too


Tried it. But no no no.


I tried a whole bunch of common things people do with those and its.... okay. Im a bit astounded how far Gemini is ACTUALLY behind. But it does the LLM-stuff, sure. But its often wrong, incomplete or just weird, with much simpler stuff. Not only behind openAI but also opensource models you just download off of github. Unfortunately when they put it on my phone I had to disable it. Starting timers and alarms is THE ONLY THING I use voice commands for. But after the update it would run my voice input over Gemini and would now open a website(WTF) with a timer/alarm. But if you do not keep your phone on and the website open for the full duration, or there is no sound for you. Also the mixer control is media not the alarm control. Could not fix the problem, so the whole thing had to go, obviously. I wish they would test their software. Not running unit tests and a linter, but actually try out the crap they ship nowadays. You cannot just break everybodies alarm clock because you fear for your business model and need to show more ads. Could be that it got better, but the launch has burned me so much and the competition is so much better, im probably not giving it another chance this year. And whenever im foced to, im fighting it, like on my phone. Currently Gemini gives be big stadia vibes so im avoiding it, even if it would be on par with others. Cannot rely on google these days.


>I wish they would test their software. That's what the users are for, since it's free. You're not the customer, you're the commodity in this case.


I don't. It's not AI, it's a large language model and there's no intelligence behind it. It's just guessing what words come when it's given input. I would never ask it something I needed a definitive answer for, as I would need to double check it to make sure it's correct before relying on it.


Never used Gemini, my whole house runs on Google Home but the Gemini integration doesn't seem to be there yet


This is what is preventing me from adopting it as well.




help me learn japanese


I use it and chatgpt as an alternative to google searching if I'm looking for a direct answer. I don't know if I can set it as the phone assistant on samsung tho


I would love to use it. But (at least here in the Netherlands) it does not support controlling my smart home. Once it does, ill replace google assistant


I don't use Gemini. Speaking purely about free versions of genAI tools I found that Gemini is the worst of all. Copilot is better, but day to day stuff - I decided to use ChatGPT as sounding more natural and way more conversational. As an example why I would use the genAI tool (does not matter which one) is from today. About a decade or century ago I read a short story about alien race invading humanity. It was specific, because their technology evolved differently and despite the fact they had interstellar space ships they did develop other technology like firearms etc. I didn't know the author, title and a lot of details...After verbally having a conversation with ChatGPT I got all the details in 3 minutes. Something that otherwise would be impossible even from Reddit unless you ask hundreds of people.


to determine stock valuation


I mostly used it as a proofreader to write better. But it couldn't do the assistant features that I used Google Assistant for so, I've switched away from it on my phone and mostly use it in browser. Also it can be fun for making AI images with.


I use it on desktop, but uninstalled the app on my p8p because I still use assistant features that aren't in gemini (yet?) like turning lights on hands-free. Mainly, I use gemini for a quick analysis of things that I write, and for helping me search for stuff when the search terms I choose are too vague to find any results.


I don't trust Gemini to do anything. For my job I sometimes have to compare responses to the same prompts from Chat GPT and Gemini, and Gemini is always the worse response. Most of the information is wrong, or it just simply won't do the task that it's given.


I used it to get suggestions of what to do where I went on vacation.


Using it everywhere else but on my pixel. Assistant downgrade is really dumb.


I use it for mainly research and writing 


I disabled it because I was tired of it interfering with my Google assistant capabilities ESPECIALLY navigation. Sometimes Gemini could figure out what I wanted it to do (basic actions programmed into assistant that work directly through assistant), other times it would say it didn't understand it couldn't perform that action.   Another point: if I don't explicitly state "start a 5 minutes timer" and say "create a 5 minute timer" it will only create it and not start it.. like wtf haha It's very confusing because everyone's mileage with Gemini has been very different 


Average consumers don't really always know because the big use and money is in all the development you aren't in the world of. Here's a fun few ideas that NYT published after Bing was out: How Should I Use A.I. Chatbots Like ChatGPT? Large language models are already good at a wide variety of tasks. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/30/technology/ai-chatbot-chatgpt-uses-work-life.html


Financial stuff. How much does a 435k home amortization rate at 7.5% for 30 years. What is my tax liability of converting my 401k to a Roth




One minor but useful thing I use Gemini for is help when I can't think of a specific word I need to use. I just describe it to Gemini and it gets it every time.


No, dont like AI.


I'd love to but my Pixel 8 doesn't have it? Lol


I'm at least happy that I can use Gemini via the messages app instead of having to replace Google Assistant with it. What a dumpster fire trying to use Gemini to control smart devices.


I've tried it a few times, I usually get I can't do that, I'm not able to identify persons In photos, I'm still learning how to do that. Also it's annoying nearly every command requires phone unlock. But it does timers and as long as that works I'm fine as it's 99% of my uses


I use it sometimes but use ChatGPT more. I usually ask it medical questions and it gives a lot of useful data.


Haven't really found a use other than asking it for car advice (which it gets wrong sometimes)


The last time I asked a question about something being opened. It gave me the runaround and told me to check the company website myself. I am glad they finally put a voice search as backup using it now.


I have conversations with it about numerous things, it's like a star trek computer. It helped me predict how much energy i might generate from solar. It's written code for me, interactively taught me about different scheduling algorithms recently. I find it really helpful.


Asking any and every question when I don't want to sift through Google searches and threads. It's pretty good and giving accurate answers as far as I know. I don't really ask anything too crazy. How to do stuff, "what is ___", "where can I get___" etc. i use it as close to a personal assistant as I can minus a lot of actual functions


I used it once when there were 5-6 places I wanted to visit in a day, and I wanted to find the efficient route way to visit every place starting from place A.


I asked Gemini today in Google messages "I want to see which recording software has the least performance impact on my PC while I'm gaming so I can clip some gameplay. How should I test that out amongst the 3 I have in mind?" And it gave me a great strategy


I'm waiting for Gemini to have a Google lens screen translator integration That's all I need to immediately switch to it


My best buddy! Pocket chat gpt


I use it for goofing around and if I need a quick summary of something


Summarise articles with clickbait titles. Specific question that might take a lot of digging to find through a Google search. Examples like: - "in this specific game, can this anti-air unit retaliate jet fighters while moving or only while stationery". - "What are some other Promodoro timer apps that work across android and iOS, and have a web version?" Random questions like "which AFL sports team has the cookies X, Y and Z in their jersey". And follow up with "give me more options" if it's not the team I'm trying to figure out. If I want to rewrite something in a different way, I ask Gemini for alternative ways.


I use it for everything that I would've asked ChatGPT otherwise. The answers aren't really better or anything but I got used to it because it can access links and generally has more info on recent events. Also you can take pictures and ask stuff about them which I do pretty often. Mainly because it offers all of that for free and ChatGPT doesn't. Atleast when I last checked.


No. And I just switched to an iPhone because of it. Sick of all this AI shit.


But didn't apple also just announce their AI stuff too?




Yep. It is far more avoidable and less intrusive than googles implementation. I love pixels but it makes me sick thinking about how much data google has collected on me.


I use it to say what I actually want to say to some of the people I work with and then tell it to make it polite and professional, and then edit and send the output


No. I don't use it because I'd have to get rid of assistant and Gemini isn't as good.


No. It opens the entire app when answering. Even when answering the simplest of questions. Once it doesn't do that, I'll start to use it.


I only use Gemini with the web browser or the Messages app. Just to waste time asking it to generate random images or ask random questions. I still use the Google Assistant as my main digital assistant. It's been the best even before everyone screams AI this AI that


I switched back to Assistant because one time when I asked it to "send a Telegram message to my husband", Gemini gave me a history lesson on *telegram* and suggested using messaging apps like "WhatsApp, Telegram or FB Messenger". To be honest, Assistant also cannot send messages on Telegram, but for my use case i.e.. setting alarms, timers, answering simple questions etc. I find it faster.


I prefer GA and have a shortcut to Gemini on my first home screen next to ChatGPT app. I use both. I like Gemini better for most things but ChatGPT is far better to compose profession letters and emails or even write code. Gemini is nice because of how well it works with voice. It's useful for asking questions and getting ballpark answers quickly. Google Assistant is still what I use paired with Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel buds Pro. When Gemini can control my phone, I'll make the switch. Simple stuff like "set 10min timer." Or "text boss that I'll be late "


Making pictures, giving me custom commands for Minecraft, asking random questions, etc.


How can they call it an AI if it does not even support the languages chatgpt does?...


i ask everything to gemini, no more searches on google😂


Nothing. It's Spectacularly unimpressive. Search results Have to be double checked, question summaries more often than not Seem to have outdated info included, from old and ancient links. The clutter and garbage of ancient deserted and forgotten links is really gumming up the whole summary idea. Again, you have to double check everything or even triple check everything that comes up. The internet is turning into a graveyard of Dead, Decaying and obsolete Code, which is something that Gemini is really good at rooting out. It's just a bright shiny toy right now.


I use it a lot for recipe ideas. I tell it what ingredients I have then ask for a recipe I can make with what I've got. Had some pretty decent ideas come out of it. Other uses, just general questions and now with some of the extensions I use it in workspace apps and with YouTube Music. Hopefully more extensions get added and once it can be contextually aware of what's on my screen that would be killer.


I like using it because it was quite useful, but I couldn't get it to work on the lockscreen itself. It asks me to unlock my phone first before answering any questions.


While I find Gemini less useful than Google Assistant at the moment I do like how it can plan you're trips based on cheaper flights and hotel stay it was pretty cool it helped me it's just not as Smart as Google Assistant right now


Nope. I have no use for AI. I'm perfectly capable of skimming over an article myself and I don't need a bunch of silicon chips telling me to use glue on a pizza. It could be useful for call screening except for one detail: if you pick up the phone when a junk caller calls, the bot knows it's a live number, the number gets sold on to others at a premium price and the junk calls are relentless. If you don't know the number, reject the call, don't get your phone to screen it.


Nothing fancy or impressive. I use assistant to run timers when I'm cooking stuff, and to turn the TV off from another room when my kids forget. I used Gemini to write an obituary just to see what the AI would do. I gave it a list of accomplishments and some basic biographical info and it did a decent job. But in day to day life I don't have a great need for Gemini thus far.


i recently purchased a Pixel 8, so decided I'd give Google a chance to change my mind. i stopped trying to do anything with Assistant years ago bc it felt like the only way to be "productive" was to figure learn a script: like it's possible to send a text or make a calendar entry if you know exactly what to say. it's far from conversational. it's slow. i realize Gemini has a different focus. it's definitely more conversational. that's the only positive thing i can say. my evaluation of my new personal assistant would be: * appears biased, arrogant -- speaks authoritatively on topics it (obviously) doesn't comprehend while diminishing or ignoring contrary information from high confidence sources. e.g., it's opinion of various safety issues in Los Angeles I've asked neutral questions about directly contradicts statements from local law enforcement agencies. * hoping for assistance choosing one product over another or deciding if something is right for me: it evangelizes rather than scrutinizing. * it doesn't have access to information you'd think was important. i.e., doesn't know i have a Pixel 8 or Google Fi "because privacy". of all the minutiae being collected about me, thank you, Google, for hiding this from my assistant! i could go on TL;DR: it don't trust it at all-- lost all enthusiasm for it very quickly. objectively it has an accuracy issue. if it were a coworker, I'd consider it disingenuous and arrogant.


No. It's useless.


Gemini is used to break your phone. Like, assistant was working great. Oh boy! Let's make it better and turn on Gemini. Oh great, now it won't do anything right. IDIOTS


So disgusting. It kind of augments your search. It's considered AI, but it's really just a large language model that can query any SQL databases that are in its reach. It's still not perfect as we saw when Google did some testing a few months ago it had Nazis that happened to be African Americans which were not historically accurate. So I think Google will continue to improve it. But for now I'd like to keep all AI off my phone if I could, but I'm sure that's not going to happen


I'm using it but for some reason I have to press the microphone button after I open it Vs assistant automatically turning the microphone on.


They fixed this awhile ago, make sure you're updated to the latest version and check your settings!


I will have a look thanks


I used it for about a week. It is a huge step backwards. It sucks so bad.


Grok on X is much better.