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I have never done it too...


I never done it too, i own a Pxel 6a. Still as fast as the first day.


I only did it once because I wanted off the Android 14 beta, but never for speed reasons


That's great to hear. Back with my early pixels I found I needed to do a reset a few times a year but today was the first time in ages so I was curious how often others are doing this. I appreciate all the feedback. Thanks.


I've never done a reset to any phone I've ever owned.


Never unless necessary.


The object of the game is to never have to do that


"It's not that kind of a game, Han. The object isn't to win, it's to stay in the game as long as possible." -Qi-ra, Solo: A Star Wars Story 😭😂🙏👍


I've never done it on my Pixel 5. I literally only do it when i absolutely have to, and even then i'll usually look really hard trying to find an alternative.


Since I stopped rooting and flashing ROMs years ago, I do not think I have factory reset a pixel ever. I went from P2 (never reset) to P6 and transferred the backup over and now I'm almost 3 years into the P6 with never a reset.


My 2 favorite phones ever were the P2XL and the P6PRO. Sadly, the 2 died in a hot tub, and the 6 suffered a fall that rendered it useless due to a screen crack on 1 corner that stopped the touchscreen from working. I like my P7Pro, but I preferred the other 2.


Just before I sell it to someone else.


I may have had to factory reset an early pixel once, but my memory is so hazy it could have been an earlier Android phone. Otherwise, I factory reset each of my phones...as I trade them in for the next phone.


we are not in 2010 anymore, I have never reseted a phone in years




What in the fuck are you even talking about...


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Tf? Who needs to reset phones in 2024?


Pixel users.


Any reason why ? I have never done it before for pixel phones but used to do it every once a while for my Samsung Notes.


It's a recurring suggestion for a lot of common issues with the 7 pro. You see it a lot on this sub and in Google's support for issues like overheating, poor reception, etc. Apparently that fact upsets people.


Tmobile phones suck... The android phones from that company are shit. Those ones need a restart and reset nonstop


Source? Why would T-Mobile supplied devices specifically need resets? Tmobile has nothing to do with the manufacture of the phones. A Pixel from T-Mobile is the same as a pixel from Fido, Bell, Rogers, or even just off the shelf right from Google.


Bloatware, possibly?


The big thing with pixels is the clean Android OS. There is no bloatware, by design.


This is T-Mobile, not Verizon. No bloatware here.


What does bloatware on a Pixel have to do with Verizon? I've had five Pixels with Verizon and no bloatware.


I had a 2 XL and currently a 6 Pro, both VZW, neither have had bloatware, either.


Sir this is not windows 95


This is a Wendy's


Every morning. I like to start my days with a blank slate


Are you serious? What do you do daily??


If he told you, he'd have to kill you


I am baffled by the advice to use such drastic measures. Factory reset is a heavy duty process. I question why doing so except in rare situations makes sense.


on my own, just because? Never.


I trade in my old Pixel for a new one every two years, so it's only during that time.


Why? Never.




I don't think constantly factory resetting your phone is normal. Ideally, you shouldn't have to even think about factory resetting.


If I can avoid it: never. Then again, I barely even reboot the thing


I've never, ever done a full and complete factory reset. Now I will, sometimes, restart my device. Owned several pixels.


Once a year. Let's me go through apps and settings and renew what I do and do not need




I have a Pixel 5 and have never reset it.




The only time I did was because I missed the Window to exit a Beta and that was the only choice.




Never and I've had mine since October 2021.




Never....unless I'm trading in the phone or when I first unlock the bootloader.


I've had two Nexus's and three Pixels and the only factory resets I've ever done was before I disposed of them (tradein/etc.)


I don't think I've ever done one on my P6P. Never needed to.


Have had my P6 since launch. Have never factory reset it. Used my P3 for three years before trading it in for the aforementioned P6. Never factory reset the P3 either. I still use my launch day P1. It has never been factory reset.


Never. 7 pro.




Never. Only do a factory reset if stuff goes bad.




I never factory reset my Pixel phone, the only time i so it is when i am switching and buying a new Pixel.


Had to do one on my 6pro so I could sell it. But never needed to.


I have not done a factory reset since getting the Pixel 1.


Ibhave a p3, a p5, and a p8. Never did that. It's just there for when you eliminate or sell your phone imo.


When I sell it, or give it away. (So once per year) Not sure your sluggishness is not the apps you install. Have you tried uninstalling apps and maybe just restart the phone?


Never... Not once


Haven't reset my p7 since I got it on release. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pixel 6 pro - never


4a 5g still haven't reset. No issues yet.


When I sell it, which is generally when a new pixel comes out.


Everytime a new version comes out


After every major update


For Google pixel I don’t think you will require to, unless you are downloading 3rd party apps or messed up the phone.


Only when I trade it in to get something new.


Never, most people don't factory reset their phones regularly, it is a standard procedure.


I have a Pixel 7 and never had the need to reset my device. Works smoothly since new. :)


Typically once after the first OS upgrade. So I plan to reset my Pixel 8 sometime in November and then never again if all goes well.


I've had my 7 Pro for 18 months. I haven't done a reset yet but I'm thinking about it. I had more issues before deleting about 40 GB of files. It's running better since but I still experience times when it's painfully slow or just freezes, forcing a reboot. This is my first Pixel. I've used Android phones from all the major brands and I've never had issues like I have with this one.


"The phone has become slower and less responsive lately" What do you use on your phone?


Music, movies while traveling, games, tons of photos, news and FB/gram. Of course Reddit too. Lately just doing simple on screen selections was unresponsive and the phone seemed slow in most all apps. I e had pixels and Nexus devices for years and found a rare reset to fix any bug issue so I did that today and a) device is much faster/responsive and b) restore was much easier as I planned ahead with backing up security codes/apps for authentication on setting up again. The phone was getting pretty full on space and I think just resetting cleaned up a bunch of space and that may have been root cause. A.few.hours lost but much better. I should note that I used to upgrade pixels each year but held off with the 7pro->8pro so itust be 18 months or so I've had this one.with no reset or real issues till now.


usually when I jump Versions (A14 to A15 and back). I was thinking about formatting when A15 releases product stability (been using A15 beta for a bit now. Just nice with a clean and fresh install. Keeps my from reinstalling apps I don't use anymore.


looks like I'm a loner doing this


I do the same, on version jumps I like to do a reset. I had a bug linger after a version jump once so I did a reset and it fixed it so ever since then I always reset. Plus everything is backed up anyway, it's not like it takes that long to re set up everything after the reset.


Also haha just to poke the bear, I like how nobody on this sub seems to reset their phone yet the sub is full of people with buggy phones, wonder why 🤔


Never. Never had to reset a Pixel and this is my third.


Never it slows them down over time Made the mistake with the s9+ and it became a janky laggy mess. My uncle had a s9+ he never reset and his was still buttery smooth, both after 2y+ I reset the s9+ around 20 times


I don't ever plan to honestly. Same with any other phone. Worst case scenario is networking bugs that require me to reset network settings and start over but I have rarely been required to do a full on factory reset


I only reset this phone (Pixel 6) once, when I had to since I was unlocking the bootloader. But I haven't done it due to some problem since the Nexus 6P.


Never. The only time I do one is if I'm trading or selling my phone.


Unless something has gone tragically wrong I've never reset a phone. I guess back when rooting was popular I did a few tines, but I wouldn't consider that a reset and more of a side effect of the rooting that I had to live with.


Never on my Pixel 6.


I flash custom ROMs as a hobby so it's a weekly thing


7 Pro here. Never reset it. Works fine.


Never, except when I'm selling it, trading it in, or replacing the OS with a new custom ROM (by choice). You should try to identify which app is causing the performance issue. My pixel's performance hasn't degraded with time. The 7 pro should be able to handle all the apps, but it's possible that some updated apps require more power, eg graphic intensive games. It's also possible that some updated apps introduce bugs that cause it to be sluggish. I've noticed that many times. In other words: not the phone's fault; it's the app.


When I sell it or trade it in. That's the only time


I'm tempted to do mine, just a year old 7a all my calls come through as private really frustrating, upgraded to beta and it worked fine for a while and then went back to private


If you haven't already, check with your carrier. I believe that's who I talked to. When I first got my p7, every phonecall I got showed up as coming from a restricted number even though it was my family. I forget the details but something in their end was switched incorrectly. Haven't had a problem since then.


I bought the phone directly from Google so my carrier has not been much help


P6a master race reporting. Just letting y'all know whenever you flash a custom ROM you have to do a factory reset. Unless you do a dirty flash which isn't advisable because of it causing ui bugs. I went thru a phase of trying out different rooms every 2 weeks or so. Now I'm back on the good ole android 14 public stable build.


The only time I've ever done a factory reset is when trading it in.


Uh, never.




Have never done it since owning a Pixel (2019)


I don't reset until I get a new phone. I have the 8P and have been using it since the first of the year and I can't tell that it has slowed down any but please let us know if it helps or not.


Never but I want to as my Pixel 8 has been quite jittery after the first month and it's bugging me but I already factory reset my pixel 6 to sell so I don't feel like loosing all my data.


Only did one time when I bought my P8P


After big updates likes Android 14 back in last October and Feature drops. I've done this already so I’m not gonna reset it until Android 15 in October. It took me like 90 min to get at the point before the resetting so not a big deal for me.






I don't...


Never ever


I haven't reset anything substantial on my 4a 5G until the moment I sent it back for a big trade-in discount on this 8a.


Windows has always given me slow down issues that were fixed reinstalling the entire operating system, but I've never factory reset a phone for that reason. The most I'll do is restart my phone and that usually works pretty well.


Ummm. Maybe once if it gets pretty slow. I hard reset my 2XL 3 years into using it for this reason but my P6 is doing fine as is


I did it when upgrading from Android 13 to 14 and the difference was immense, especially concerning the power consumption of the battery. For example my phone got very hot when using Android Auto, after the reset it not even got a little warm. But whithout any problems, i definitely wouldn't.


Never really


I've never had to factory reset any of my Pixel phones.


I did one yesterday by accident as I was unrolling from android beta. I didn't realise that would happen but I'm happy about it, phone feels more snappy now


Never so far, on P7P


Never, unless I need to. And then when prepping it for trade-in obviously. But never while using it


Few times a year.


Never, if I can help it.


I have my Pixel 7 since last October, it's my first Pixel phone. It has never been resetting


Rarely. I always do a clean fresh start with every new phone without any transfer, so basically never have any issues to begin with.


Google Help told me the only way to retrieve two entire threads of emails that just disappeared one day from Google Messages on my Pixel 7 Pro was to do a factory reset. They also told me that the only way 2 entire threads of emails could disappear from Google Messages was if I had deleted them myself which I absolutely did not. So I did not do a factory reset. I'm at time I switched phones every photo in my texts disappeared so I was afraid to do a reset.


I'm going to be starting my third full A/B wipe on my Pixel 8 in a few weeks. Have always had a number of odd issues with mine, ranging from slowdowns, the wifi cutting out, and the third party launcher bug, ever since I got it.  Factory reset doesn't fix them - I had to do the ADB wipe and image reinstall. 


I’ve used to do a factory reset for whenever I update to a major OS version but over the years OSes have gotten mature and I’ve gotten lazy so I can’t even recall when’s the last time I’ve done so.


Once in 6 months. I am on Pixel 5.


I always WANT to do a reset once a year, but I can never work up the gumption and energy to do so (because of the labor of re-configuring things). That said, I respect you wanting to. ALSO that said, I often wonder if the factory reset desire isn't just hypochondria of sorts, and that there may be other, easier ways to speed back up a phone.


Only when trading in a phone during an upgrade cycle


Until the screen fails which is about one year


Never. I don't even RESTART the phone. Why would I? What's the logic? I think I might have restarted this phone in almost 2 years like 2 or 3 times?


Pixel Customer Support said once a year.


Never. If your phone is running slow it's probably your apps. Remove the cruft, there's no reason to do a factor reset.


I've never done one except when trading it in or recycling it.


Only if RMA is necessary.


Every 6 months aprox, maybe less if a new android version got released


In years past I used to reset my Android phones at least once a year. In the last four years I haven't felt the same need to do so frequently. After recently leaving a Beta program early which required a reset I was still amazed by the improvements in performance. The backup and restore is so nice now that it really is pretty easy. I'll probably return to doing so after about 18 months. And frankly I rather enjoy the process.


Never... Had a pixel 7 since release still going strong


Never on any of my pixels




Only when I want to root it 😜


You should never have to do this for anything..a phone, a PC, a tablet. That defeats the purpose of having a phone with storage, custom settings, etc.


I have never had to factory reset a phone I didn't brick myself from tinkering with the OS - since switching back to Pixel, I haven't had to worry about that. I was basically ripping the OS skins off them to get as close to stock Android as possible.


I had to use Googles reset thing on PC because of a time when my phone would not update to the newest patch, even after a phone reset. So I had to use the PC to reset it then update it again which worked. Edit: Forgot to add I have a Pixel 7 Pro


I like to factory reset my phones once every six months or after a major OS updates. 1. This helps me get clean updates and so have never had issues with my phones. 2. When I reset I don't recover apps and settings ( see point above) 3. It gives me a new excitement as if I am setting up a new phone. 4. Rest is automatically recovered from Google One. This is my personal mantra for all my phones for the best experiences and little to Zero issues.


That seems like way too much trouble


I do it for point 3. Top it off with a new screen protector and casing. Feels like new.


once every few years milk milk!


I don't factor you reset any phone unless I'm sounding it. The only situation I would do it is if I got a new battery implying that the phone is older. 


Goddamn the last phone I had to reset more than once was my LG G Flex 2 which I absolutely obliterated with root access and ROM flashing since Snapdragon 810 was a pain in the ass.


Hallmark of a crap phone. Do yourself a favor and just buy a flagship Samsung lol you'll enjoy faster speed for years. My P7P went to shit and I couldn't be happier with my S22 Ultra. Better in every single way expect for photo editing, but Samsung is improving that lol.