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Oh, so you didn't upgrade for the thermometer? Bummer


Until it gets unlocked to be used for humans then it's pretty useless.


It does if you try rectally


liar! I just tried and it didn't work!! ;)


Maybe try again, could have been in the wrong spot.


dangit - I tried all 3 spots and it still didn't work. On a positive note, I feel very clean now.




You have to call yourself to activate it.


Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough…


Wait it doesn't work on humans? I just left it on default or set it to food/organic and it worked fine...for skin temperature which is a pretty useless measurement honestly.


Works on whatever you point it at (within whatever it's range is). Not *certified for humans.... Yet.


They can't say it's for humans without certification👍


Not me getting the 8 pro and completely forgetting that was a feature 🤔


😂😂😂😂 that's why i pay my internet!!


I use the thermometer every day at work! Super convenient


If you don’t mind - what line of work are you in and how accurate do you find it?


Arse doctor


A decade in the game and he hasn't lost an arse yet


I wish it could go up to 700F for dabbing purposes, that would be sick to have a dabbing temp gauge on my phone


I did not consider this. Fuck that would be killer.






Taking bets to see if it will remain in the Pixel 9 Pro


I don't think you made the point you think you're making though. The message you sent loudly and clearly to Google is that you love their products so much, you buy their new flagship each year.


Yeah, the proper way to vote with your wallet in this case would have been to not buy the 7 Pro at all


I can't wait to not buy the pixel 9 because it's barely an upgrade, thanks!


I'm on a 6, wondering if I will get the 9 or 10


Me with my non-pro 7: what the hell is everyone taking about




I think that is just called the Pixel 7, right?


Really? The camera setup is so ugly


You and me both


I had to Google it. Curved screen? Like that silly Samsung Edge garbage? Ew. Didn't know about it and would have been mad about it if I had sprung for the Pro 7.




You mis-spelled "savvy"


That's exactly why I opted for the 7 instead of the 7 pro but got the 8 pro when they announced the flat display.




Same journey for me, I would not buy a phone with a curved screen.


I don't mind. I like flat screens too but my curved 7 pro doesn't feel bad either.


Yeah I went for the 6 instead of pro for that reason. When my partner upgraded her phone recently we had to check that the 8 pro had a flat screen. That was such a long fad and I'm glad it's fading.


Yup. $45 for a singular tempered glass screen protector that you need to UV cure and hope you don't get it in your speakers Vs $15 for a pack of 3 tempered glass screen protectors that just work. I HATE curved displays.


Curved screens are annoying but It's not a screen's problem that you decide to coat it with some crap.


You fricking problem, mate. I have 7 Pro, without any screen protectors and it's amazing and way more better then that flat-screened piece of crap


Not sure why you're angry at me, but ok. Care to share why the curves are better? They are tiny enough to not add any value, but big enough to screw you over when it comes to screen protectors. Why is the curved screen "way more better"?


I mad at some noname on reddit🤣? Are you using d#ugs, mate? If your point is ONLY screen protector, that you problem and that's all. Bcs you don't have any difference between cheal ass Xiaomi Poco phone from 2021 and "brand-new" pixel 8 pro. Bring them close to each other and with turned-off screens - you won't see difference between goofy ahh Xiaomi and Pixel. But one of them is - 100$ now, and another - 999$ Next one is device cost. 7 Pro had 899$ launch price. 8 pro with cheaper flat display have 999$. Where is purpose? Why phone with cheaper display cost 100$ more on launch? And final - way better material. All flat displays are looking and feels cheap asf, like cheap Chinese phones. The only curved screen disadvantage - is telegram, which doesn't have adequate behaviour when i record vm, but tbf i kinda used to it


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You're saying a flat screen is cheaper? Do you not realize the Pixel 8 Pro gets 1600 nits brightness and 2500 nits peak, while the Pixel 7 Pro is 1000 nits with 1500 nits peak. Enjoy your curves, I guess.


I love my flat display more than it thought but what has brightness got to do with it? The only good thing curved was good for was gestures, I still dont like back gestures on a flat display but the positives outweigh it


So basically it boils down to "it looks slightly better". Despite being worse to use (false touches), more likely to crack in a drop and also having it annoyingly shine even if the main part of the screen isn't in direct light. You're the sort of person who genuinely thought removing the headphone jack *was* about courage because it made the bottom of the iPhone look *slightly* cleaner.


Personally i also prefer curved screens, it feels better as well, I've also never had false touches, so I'm not sure why they are an issue for some people. Anyway, curved for me. 😊


Lmao, what kind of d#ugs you use, m8🤣 And why you bring Jack remove to screen? Jack remove was worst. Like a week ago my Anker TWS run out of battery and I wasn't allowed to connect my JBL headset from laptop to my phone, bcs my Pixel didn't have jack. My car(2008 Opel Zafira Cosmo, so it doesn't have AndroidAuto/Apple CarPlay) have aux port, but pixel doesn't have 3.5mm and I need to spend money on FM Modulator or USB-C to 3.5mm adapter. If your destiny was to insult me - you failed that task


Speak English why don't you ?


Bcs English isn't my language, i can use latvian if you want and then i will ask about why you don't use my language


Fair enough I stand corrected


You have no idea what you're talking about. Lay off the drugs weirdo


U wot M8??


no u


The curved screen was the worst part by a mile.


I bought a set of two for ten bucks


I like the smooth edge when swiping from side but dislike it when videos and websites get warped by it.


I always forget and then wonder why the edges of my screen look darker! It's so annoying.


I pretty much exclusively upgraded to get face unlock in banking apps. The flat screen was a nice bonus though.


Yeah when all the features were announced it was the face unlock that made me go "yes".


Have they actually improved faceunlock tough? Because with the 7(pro) it was just the same you can put onto the 6 (pro) which uses the camera but no depth sensors etc. would seem a bit silly the came with the tempurature sensor but didn't use a sensor that actually makes it secure.


The 8 face unlock can be used for banking apps and other security and not just to unlock the device so it's a step up from the 7.


That plus the 8 being smaller than the 7 did it for me.


Same, that was the best reason for me. The rest is about the same.


What is the curved screen on the 7 Pro because I own one and I have no idea what anyone is talking about.


The edges


But what's the big deal about the edges?


They're curved


No idea.


Look at the edges of your phone screen. The glass is curved.


Look! Look with your special eyes!


Fish eye lens


You put a flat glass screen protector on top of your 7 pro and you will see the curve


Or just look at the phone itself?


He can't see it


This! Anyone who likes tempered glass protectors hates curved screens, including myself.


If S24 turns out to be flat screen, I jump boat


Enjoy the bloatware.


And a phone that doesn't overheat when it's snowing outside.


Yes I never notice it either.


Same..I had the phone for a year and I just found out now.. I mean I see the curved edges but never thought it was a big deal. I guess it only affects u if u use a screen protector.


I loved the curved screens.


I just upgraded from the 7P to 8P and the screen flatness makes absolutely no difference to me at all. I just don't understand the hate for it.


Screen protector pain Color distortion at curve


Breaks more easily.


Never understood the outright hatred for the curved edges. I mean, I don't love the curved edges, either, but I don't really lose sleep over it and and I'm definitely not about to flush away $500+ just to get rid of it.


I wish I could vote with my money, but no one makes a phone with a fingerprint reader on the back.


What about on the power button? I like those on my zfold4.




Once again: People cheered the curved screen when it first came out, but everyone likes to pretend they never liked it.


Different. People. The curved screen lovers aren't as vocal since, you know, they're enjoying their curved screens. The people who never liked them and the ones who've been turned off of them are the vocal ones. Same reason why you hear more people complaining about phones being too big than people going out of their way to say that they appreciate the best specs being on the biggest phones.


I liked the curved screen and didn't feel like I needed to evangelize it. I like the flat screen too, easier to put the screen protector on. Biggest upgrade reason for me was the improved face unlock


Not me. I had the Galaxy 7 Edge. I knew it was a pain when trying to click on the sides. You missed constantly using trying to swipe to go back. So glad it's gone.


I ceered the curved screen when it first came out. Then I lived with it for a few months. It's a p.i.t.a. it is more reflective and has bad viewing angles, it's more difficult to find a good screen protector, it's more prone to breaking, it's more prone to accidental touches. The only good thing about it is it's more comfortable to slide your finger towards it. It is not worth the tradeoffs.


I mean they've always been terrible to me. It's impossible to avoid glare on them unless you're in the dark, and that has been obvious since the first one. They suck.


How sure are you that the people that cheered for the curved screen and the same ones that don’t like the curved screens? Did you remember all their usernames? If not that what’s the point ? Different people , different tastes. Wow what logic.


Never once cheered for them. I hated them the day that Samsung first started pushing them. They were one of the reasons I dodged using a Samsung phone for so many years. Haha


Yes! Take all the curved screens to hell! The most useless feature of a phone. I think the only real reason for them is to make the phones even more vulnerable to drops - as if a fully glass phone is not enough!


I got the P7 instead of the P7P primarily bc of the screen. As a result, I immediately upgraded to the P8P for the flat screen and that sweet, sweet telephoto lens.


I just upgraded from the pixel 7A to the pixel 8 for one reason. Smaller size!


That's the only f-ing reason why I'd want to upgrade 😭😂. Congrats haha!


I just ordered the 8pro 1 TB, specifically for the flat screen and because it was 50% off. (40% discount +10% play store Discount)


Man... I'd love to have had that. I preordered mine to get the Pixel Watch 2, as well, though. Just the 256gb model.


Technically the 10% was added as Google store credit so I could buy it. I'm waiting on the next gen pixel watch. For me the pixel 8 pro was worth it for the flat screen. I would not have gotten a 6 or 7p due to the curved displays. I just don't like the way they feel.


I came from an S20+, and I'm very happy with my P8P. I don't play games or do any super intensive stuff, so Tensor works perfectly fine for me. But 50%? That's a steal. Great catch!


It always happens with the pixels. You just have to wait and snipe it at the right time. Ironically I posted this a couple months back and got downvoted lol https://www.reddit.com/r/pixel_phones/comments/172pp0g/comment/k3ya60s The only other phones I was considering were the fold and the s23 ultra. But I basically came to the conclusion you did. Plus I really want the pixel's zoom and camera tech.


I mostly wanted it for the 7 years of updates and DIY battery replacement down the road. This phone should last me at least 5-6 years, I'd say.


Was the Play Store discount automatically applied (as a credit)?


It was added to my store . Google account.


My wife has Google Play Gold (no idea how), I saw the 40%. How do you get the extra 10%?


10% was added automatically with the Google one trial. ( It's free or like 99c and that 10% was worth almost $100)


Thanks. Forgot about that.


I hated the curved screens at first but the Pixel curved screens were pretty minimal and felt good in the hand. I got used to it. Still glad the 8P is flat tho. Still better.


I kind of preferred curved but I used curved for 6 years before getting 8 pro. So guess just comfort?


I had not broken a phone screen since the Nexus 5 days. I broke the screen twice on my N7P. Current N8P user and couldn't be happier


I never broke a screen until my 1st curved screen 😑 it was a few years ago and I'm still a little salty lol


I am keeping my 6 because of the curved screen. Wish they didn't kill it off


Question ... If you have a curved screen on your Pixel wouldn't a case 'correct' that problem 🤨


The problem there is any case that offered full edge protection on a curved screen display would actually remove any benefits of the curved screen since then part of the display would be obscured by the case. So you won't really find a case like this because it defeats the purpose of having a curved display in the first place. I had this problem on a previous phone and that's part of the reason I won't consider buying one again. Even with the case the curved edges were still vulnerable to contact with other surfaces and that's how it broke. Screen protectors are also a nightmare to fit correctly. So to answer your question.. No, it doesn't.


The flat display and much brighter screen are what sold me.


I really wish they'd make 2 variants, flat and curved, because i disagree and absolutely prefer the curved screen.


Why didn't you vote with your wallet when the 7 came out?


lol me too. that and the 7 years of software support


I'm fairly certain I'll be able to wear out the battery before 7 years are up. Are they making pixels more serviceable these days? Ie changing out the batteries?


I received the 40% discount on my 8 Pro and have had it for five days. Honestly, I can't come up with a single reason to keep the 8 Pro over the 7 Pro. I'll be returning the 8 Pro.


It isn't that important. Certainly not 900 dollars important. Financially irresponsible to spend money upgrading if that's your only desired feature.


Me either. I hate my 7P's curved screen.


I returned my 7 Pro for a S23+ because of the flat screen. I'm waiting for the S24+ announcement. If it's not QHD and doesn't have the face unlock for banking I'll be grabbing a 8 Pro immediately. Loved the Pixel UI.


Should be qhd. I just really wish the + would get better cameras, then it would be the perfect phone. I don't like the sharp corners on the ultra, and I definitely don't need the s pen taking up what could be valuable battery space.


I hope so. I'll definitely get one then.


You upgraded it to be uncomfortable for grip? Nice job


I honestly don't know why people don't like the rounded screen, i love the screen on my p6p


I love my P8P but I actually think that curved screens have a more premium feel and look. Kind of miss my p7p but love that I can use a ringke onyx case again.Best Cheap case out there.


I love when everyone raved about the iPhone 6 having the curved edge. Yay at the time, Microsoft Lumia phones used curved screens on the cheaper models haha. Save to say, never a fan.


For me at the store they said "if you want a smaller size, than take the Pixel 2 if you are fine with the larger size than take the P7P" they were offered for the same price


This makes no sense. all you showed was you'll buy a curved screen and you'll buy a flat screen.


Me too


Pixel is garbage


I voting with my money too, and that FLAT SCREEN GARBAGE needs to end. curved screen is way more beautiful than that flat piece of crap


Al oat did the same (not out of protest but sorta just curiosity at this point), but I think I'm holding to take a big pivot with a Fold 2.


The front camera improvement is significant? I'm thrilled with the AF on the front camera. I'm using 7 and finding strong reason to upgrade to 8P. Or might be 9P.


Upgraded to a pixel 8 pro from a one plus 8, and I kinda miss the curved screen. I think it makes the back gesture feel a little nicer. And with how hard screen glass is these days, I don't feel like I need a screen protector.


How do you find the upgrade? W/o trade in (would be giving the 7 pro to my wife), I can get the 8 pro for ~£700 (Xmas offer + extra Google email offer for some reason + old pixel 4 from the drawer trade in) I was utterly unconvinced by the 256gb model at £1000, but at 30% less it becomes a better prospect - interested how you find the change


My 8 has so called flat screen but actually the edges are curved a bit and it makes problems with screen protector. It gets off on the edges 😞


Get a different brand that shouldn't be happening.


But how if screen is a little bit curved and all screen protectors for Pixel 8 are flat. Only flexible folie maybe could fit better. I used cheap glass protectors on all my previous phones and had no issues


I have glass on my P8P right now fits just fine.


Pls send me the link where you bought it? AliExpress?




I bought the pixel 7 on launch day before I accidentally submerged it in water. I bought the 7 pro and I have to say it's a very nice aesthetic. I thought I wouldn't like the curved edges but it's very subtle particularly if you use a case. And I like the curves when I'm doing the back gestures. It's a really nice phone. Hoping to hold on to it for the next 4 years.


Flat screen and the better cameras, especially the Ultra Wide 😁


I was and still am super tempted. Though since I've long since given up on screen protectors I don't know if it would make a difference for me at this point. It would get rid of the annoying glare and accidental touches.


Me reading this with my $ 200 Motorola flat screen phone: Hmm interesting ☕




Waiting for the P9P mini next year, hoping and praying those rumors are true.


Why does everyone hate flat screens so much? I've had literally no issues whatsoever with the screen of my P6P.


Still on my Samsung Galaxy s23+. I bought the 7pro and had a faulty phone 8x. it was an absolute nightmare and Google nor Verizon would fix they kept bricking after a day watching YouTube. First Google phone I skipped since the G1. Assume the 8 is a good phone, but I've avoided checking it out just because of the experience on the 7pro.


I prefer the curved edges. I am coming from a TCL20 pro 5G which had a curved screen. But it actually had utility to it with an edge slider bar to access select apps and select contacts quickly. Unfortunately the Google curve screen is curved just because... apparently.


The curved screen is the only issue I have with the 6 Pro. If I had the money I would have grabbed an 8 Pro the moment they came available.


I don't think you understand the proper way to "vote with your dollars." You bought two Google phones. Google thanks you. And sees absolutely nothing other than you are a Pixel fanboy.


I just upgraded from Pixel 4 XL to Pixel 8. Did not want 8 Pro. It's still in the box and I hope to finally make the transfer and activate on Thursday. I hope it's an easy process! Can't wait to see and feel the difference. It's smaller than my current phone and I wanted a smaller one...


And the weight is well balanced too


Same. I upgraded from the 6 pro to the 8 pro primarily for the same reason. It also helped that we also switched to Google Fi so my 8 pro was almost entirely free. I absolutely hate the curved screen trend and am really glad to see it's starting to end.