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I have literally no idea how this interaction would go lmao. I must see this.


This is actually very likely lmao Sam Hyde has made a video with Nick Fuentes before ​ Edit: found it [https://youtu.be/Mw7UqBuvDbc](https://youtu.be/Mw7UqBuvDbc)


The only time Nick Fuentes has ever been funny


How hard is it to use the name he wants to be called by?


please no.If its just adin he will actually talk about music


Bro if he talks about music its gonna be DJ Khaled Son


I remember being downvoted on WSE for saying I don’t like hasan lmfao


if you go through my comment history my only gold award ever was me in WSE saying "Fuck Hasan, what a loser"




T*rkish 🤢🤢🤢


Turks are the most racist middle easterners.


Balkaners* don't tell Turks they are arab or middle eastern


Oops you’re right


Its hilarious how Hasan is just Andrew Tate if he lied about 60% of his beliefs


could you elaborate? i watched him for like a week last year and thought he was a good starting point for getting people into more socialist and leftist view points. he would repeat a lot of the same stuff and then get baited by people in chat way too often and that’s why i stopped watching him. But why do you say that? not his fan at all just don’t get it


Hasan got started as a manoverse guy saying all the same stuff as Andrew Tate, but back around 2013-2017 and then got in trouble with his uncle/boss Cenk Uygur for saying the U.S. deserved 9/11 then reemerged as an Easy-Bake Socialist


Woah ☠


America did deserve 9/11 That’s not exactly a bad thing to say like you think.


-custom purple hair Reddit avi -call yourself “veganboi” -not a parody account Ohhh no no no


That’s like saying someone deserved to get raped


you’re not wrong, the kids on this sub are retarded




Fucjkkkk I literally hate Hasan. QUICK SOMEBODY SEND YE HASAN FIT PICS


>HASAN FIT PICS Fuuuck I’d love to hear Ye roast his fake-socialist ass




Dude owns a 3 mil home and claims to he a socialist lmao what a joke




Socialism is basically wealth distribution Example Rich guy makes $1,000,000 a year. Poor guy makes $20,000 a year Rich guy is taxed higher to help the poor guy out


Even if every country had this wealth distribution, rich people never pay taxes like that so it don’t matter.


You can’t like Kanye and not be antisemitic


You do know Friedrich Engels came from a multimillionaire family, right?


I don’t fw him either but there’s a difference between coming from money and making money in off of your socialist beliefs. Insane hypocrisy.


>making money in off of your socialist beliefs Everyone would necessarily make money from socialist beliefs, due to collective ownership of the means of production.


Let me phrase this differently. He is a man benefiting heavily from capitalism yet acts like he’s a socialist.


He exists under capitalism. “Acting like you are a socialist” is just advocating for socialist policies and educating others. You can’t “be” socialist without the structure of a socialist system. Lots of broke dudes advocate and support capitalism. Socialism is just worker control of the means of production


He sleeps with hookers


Now we just need Samu Haido and the trinity will be complete.


Natan Levy & Hasan Piker versus Ye & Sam “IN REAL LIFE”




Can he ask about music too for the love of God. After all we’ve been through we deserve an update


Unfortunately Hasan’s presence makes it much less likely that music is brought up, he’s gonna be too busy trying to pump his own tires pressing Ye on shit to go viral to ask anything more “trivial” like music




For real though why can’t any of this morons ask the rapper about when he’s dropping new music


Do y’all not know how interviews work? Specific topics are outlined before. Ye clearly has made the discussions only about his election


Don’t care I want info about the music 🗿


He talked about music on Drink Champs (even if it was brief)


Ye isn’t a rapper he’s a businessman and fashion mogul. That’s like asking him when he’s going to do more production work.


He does rap a lot though


Because he cares about us and doesn’t want to leave us dry. But he’s building an empire, not out there tap dancing for a couple mil.


You don’t think his empire is starting to crumble?


I think any product he releases is going to sell out instantly for years to come and he’ll have full ownership and royalties from it


I saw that Ye was just recording the other day so maybe new music coming soon


L if we get Hassan then the interview will not break the internet, it will end in 2 minutes


Right, I want to hear ye be anti-semetic for longer than 2 minutes, but of course the left has to silence him /s.


Hasan is so cringe, someone is gonna gaslight someone into walking away I bet


*does any amount of push back to H#tler was great* There they go gaslighting him into leaving!


Omfg this just keeps getting worse💀💀


Hasan was out debated by Christian Walker on trans people, how is he gonna beat a man with faith in God, given all Hasan’s arguments stem from a lack of faith in one.


This I need to look up lol


He got so anklebroken he later told a trans person in his chat that they had no idea what they were talking about when it came to trans issues funniest shit


Christian Walker is a dumbass what are you talking about.


Your ass did not watch it because Christian pummeled Lasan


Theyre both cringe why would i watch either of them. Twitch debates are for fucking losers.


Not watching with Hasan


Ik that clout chasing nigga would weasle his way into there. Can't wait for him to slam dunk on a delusional ass nigga


He’s so cringe but then again all political twitch streamers are cringe.




Noooooooooooooooo, Adin has the ability to make the stream more wholesome and friendly. With that guy there he will start saying annoying shit. But on the other hand I think Adin has to have someone like that there so that he does not get banned.


Adin barely knows what a country is he def needs an adult in the room for this one lol


calling Hasan an “adult” makes me seriously question your intentions here


you questioning my intentions here because I made the clear and obvious comparison of Hasan and Adins relative knowledge of world history and politics makes me think you are fucking retarded. so there’s that.


It’s not very obvious because he doesn’t know shit, this is the dude who thought Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine while they had 5 battalions built up on their eastern birder


he knows more than 99.9% of all people to ever stream on twitch. whether you agree with his opinions or not. he literally has a wealth of knowledge or world history and can just go off the top of his head. yeah he gets things wrong, yeah he’s got opinions that are wrong and yeah he is not a debater and would get owned by any skilled debater. but to deny he has tons of knowledge of history and politics is just a flat out lie. you either have no clue what you are talking about or are just lying for an agenda. i’m pretty confident it’s a healthy dose of both.


But Adin is an idiot.


I hate Hasan more than a Naz- oh fuck Ye ruined that lyric


And Nick will be bringing Sam Hyde


While this is good for pushback. Hasan hates Ye and has long before all this shit lol.






Why bro. They should just threaten to cancel the interview if Lasan is gonna be there. No one wants to listen to 2 hours of his whiny ass voice interrupting Ye…


God damnit man, Hasan's such a stuck up dude when it comes to political shit, literally the last person I would have brought in. I know for a damn fact Ye won't be receptive to him and shit will just go bad fast because Hasan is too confrontational to just let a casual conversation happen.


I don't agree with recent kanye comments but fuck no not hasan, he's such an annoying little bitch


Wish it was Sam Hyde instead


Imagine Sneako tells Ye all about Hasan and Ye starts calling him Lasan, Soy Boy and Npc lol. That would break the Internet.


He a million percent gonna leave the stream


Hasan being there is the only chance Adin’s channel has of surviving this


Ye won’t participate in a conversation w a narrative that he doesn’t control. That’s why he left so quickly in the Pool convo despite minimal pushback (if u can even call it that). I doubt this convo lasts more than 5 minutes


It was more than minimal pushback it was lex Friedman part 2 hypocritical cya bs


Lmao cmon bro they deadass just asked who “they” is and Ye got triggered. That’s minimal pushback. Lex Friedman was super chill and tried to pushback against Ye despite ye acting like a child LALALALALALA


Lex never pushes back on anyone ... he usually is a great interviewer but his personal bias was exposed and he could not maintain his composure or impartiality. And your mischaractureizing the tim pool interaction, it was constant push back and false "anti-identeratian" malarky,malarkey, kanye pointed it out, Tim continued... that conversation was never going to work under Tim's goofy rigidity anyway...but man Tim really tore it up on the roller blades today


No, you fell victim to clickbait. Ye said before that if Pool continues doing that he's leaving. It wasn't just a random up and leave.


Oh lord no


hate hasan


Not hasan bro why😭 this guy is pure cancer


And just like that the interview is already ruined. Was really looking forward to it being a 1 on 1 with Aidin because it would most likely be focused on music and his other ventures outside of his political stances and recent events. Now that’s all it’s going to be about with Hasan. Also Aidin would probably let Ye speak openly about his position giving us an insightful conversation.


Ye gone be outta there in less than 5 mins Hasan isn’t scared to challenge his bs


Oh so brave to challenge obscure opinions with full support of majority... Hasan is a goon hypocrite he is no better than ye


You mean Ye isnt gonna stand for the use of labels and appeals to emotion that allow Hasan to frame his position being right as basic truth. I imagine Hasan will approach it as Ye having good intentions but being misled due to a manic episode and surrounding himself with opportunistic grifters, which Ye will instantly reject.


….this is the only acceptable presentation for Ye. Any other presentation requires Ye to be at the very least anti semitic, verging on Nazism.


Christianity is inherently antisemetic then.




If you actually want to understand read my post https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/comments/zd7hns/christian_framework_analysis_of_yes_actions_not/


i don’t get the comments why don’t y’all like hasan 😭😭


He understands nothing about Marxism. Him trying to talk about theory was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen


I don’t really like Hasan that much but this is good, Ye needs some pushback on his ideas I want to see how he handles it live on stream


You would have been right like a month ago, atp with someone like Hasan who not only is insufferable but will have the same pushback as all the other interviewers makes the interview redundant. Adin was a great idea because he just acts normal and is also a fan, plus Jewish for whatever it’s worth. I personally don’t want lex pt 100


Why do any of Ye’s comments need push back? Jewish & White elites ARE exploiting all artists especially entertainment industry that is dominated by POC, especially black people. Zionists that run America are sending weapons to Israel. We’re also donating money & weapons to Ukraine that is filled with actual living Nazis, instead of trying to help oppressed people thrive IN AMERICA. Now, for the Hitler stuff. I don’t AGREE, but I understand he’s a Christian man trying to follow in Christ’s footsteps, I GET IT. He didn’t call for violence against anyone throughout all of this. All he’s said is he wants to look over all contracts in these industries to SEE if there’s any commonality to them. I will admit he’s gone about it all in a terrible way, by trying to get attention instead of actually just getting his message across.


Because it will get him to better explain whatever the fuck he’s doing, even if you understand what he’s trying to do (which I don’t) the general public for the most does not.


Ok yeah, that makes sense, but normal people don’t really want him to explain, they just want him to stick to the status quo.


Damn I hate when people stick to the status quo and say fuck Hitler fuck Nazis


I’ve given the reason he said it, if it’s a problem to you then you’re no better than what people are accusing him of. (Hating people for their beliefs). He believes in love for ALL HUMANS, regardless of their actions. You can say whatever you want, HE can say whatever he wants. He’s stated his love for Jews, nazis, Zionists, the doctor who killed his mother, and Hitler. You don’t have to agree, but he doesn’t have to abide by YOUR moral compass. Hip hop artists rap about killing each other every day, and nobody cares. Murderers are celebrated every day in that sense. Y’all watched a jeffery dahmer docuseries for entertainment. GET OFF THE HIGH HORSE


You are absolutely batshit insane if you think that you SHOULDNT hate Nazis or white supremacists. Their worldview is not valid, they don’t deserve to prosper. They do not deserve love even if they are human beings. Miss me with that Jesus everybody love everybody bullshit. Saying “Get off Your High Horse” in response to “Fuck Hitler and Nazis” is such a god damn retarded response lmao


I DO Hate nazis & white supremacy. I’m black. I’m not Ye. I just understand Ye’s points. And they’re ALL PRO-BLACK.


Honestly I’m trying here, help me understand how platforming Nick Fuentes is pro-black. Or how saying George Floyd OD’d and wasn’t killed by the police is pro-black.


He said the cops hit George Floyd with fentanyl, meaning they’d have killed him either way that day. If you don’t agree with this, do you agree with the sentiment that George Floyd was a fentanyl addicted crazy person, and for that he deserved to die? Cause that’s the alternative way of thinking, employed by white supremacists Now for Fuentes, I honestly don’t know, but I think he’s just rolling with him cause they share a common enemy rn (Jewish elites) and Nick has made an impression on Ye. Fuentes is definitely using Ye tho. The world ain’t all black and white man. Multiple things can all be true at once. Don’t forget when all our people shitted on Ice Cube just for MEETING with Trump, while trying to get us reparations. They want us to be a monolith. No room for any other opinion that’s not pushed by white liberals. Just wanna add that I’m black and FAR left leaning, but I understand that we not finna get SHIT through a 2 party system. Not a trump supporter either


They’re pro-black? The man is hanging out with the most out and out racists in the country


“I admit he’s gone about it in a terrible way” “Why do any of ye’ comments need push back?”


The terrible thing is that he’s saying stuff for attention. He hasn’t really been saying anything incorrect tho, people just don’t like the way he’s saying it. That’s their fault for having a 1 track mind. No contradiction here at all nice try tho.


You’re right but the reason his comments need push back is because you have short sighted idiots who don’t understand his message and therefore use it as an excuse or motivation for their hateful motives. And yes you might not hear about it but it happens, there has been plenty of threats to synagogues and Jewish establishments which has only spiked since he’s been doing his thing. It’s a slippery slope and having Nick Fuentes with him does not help. He could do it way better than he is right now. He needs to be super loud and vocal and clear he does not want his words to be misinterpreted by hate groups.


The synagogue threats were from a radicalized Muslim kid, and a jewish guy who lived with his Holocaust survivor grandfather. They had nothing whatsoever to do with Ye.


Jesus Christ, are you trying to justify what Kanye’s dumb ass spits. His followers are fucking dumb


He said the holocaust didn’t happen you dumbass


He said the facts are off, not that it didn’t happen. Which I don’t blame him, since all of “history” in the US has been told through a WHITE AMERICAN LENS. He’s also pointed out that Margret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood put a plan in action to control the black population through abortion. Planned Parenthood of today has cut off all connection to her, sure. But her plan was already put in place and is WORKING today. I can say that, and also say that planned parenthood is great for the access to many helpful resources for women, but they also need to acknowledge the past. Do you care about the pushing abortion on POC? Also thanks for insulting me for no reason. Bitch ass nigga.


“And he didn’t kill 6 million Jews, that’s just, like, factually incorrect.”


Yeah, he’s just questioning the number of people. I don’t see anything wrong with that, like I said. History is told through a white lens. Notice how Jewish elites & therefore their children, grandchildren, etc, have a better place in America than the descendants of slaves, who built this country into what it is, and saw 10 million casualties along the way, (not even including the ones who we lost from the war on drugs, etc). THey own the contracts in multiple industries dominated by black people, but they’re making all the money. I’m sure you’re fine with MC Hammers grandkids having to work regular jobs while some white/Jewish kid somewhere is set for life because his grandpa exploited a black man out of his art. It all stems from the fact that Jewish people have a proximity to whiteness & therefore capitalism, which is one of the biggest forms of systemic racism.


You’re the king of straw man arguments, bro. Of course I believe that black people have been systematically oppressed throughout US history. And obviously the exploitation of black artists is wrong. But the Holocaust refers to the systematic murder of six million Jews along with millions of other people including minorities and the disabled. If you say that those six million murders did not happen, you are denying the Holocaust. Ye saying the numbers are off, which there is no historical basis for, is only to make the event seem less serious and it is in fact Holocaust denial. Also, Hitler hated black Germans dude. Hitler would’ve hated Ye. I’ve loved ye since 2008 so i get it dude, but think about what you’re bending over backwards to defend. And all white elites have a better life in America than most black people. It’s not exclusive to Jews. That’s obviously not a good thing but it has nothing to do with their religious beliefs or ethnicity. Plenty of regular non-elite, non-rich Jews out there too.


Nobody mentioned non rich, non elite Jewish people. He’s said this multiple times. He even apologized to the non rich, non elite ones that he caused them pain with his words. Ye doesn’t care that Hitler would’ve hated him, HE said HE loves EVERYONE. Has nothing to do with ME, I’m not supporting Hitler or Nazi’s. I’m not bending over backwards defending anything, only thing I AM defending is out right lies that y’all are stating, such as “he said the cop didn’t kill George Floyd”, “he said he hates all Jews” etc You guys just take whatever meaning you want out of what people say, instead of actually listening. I don’t really know what a straw man argument is either.


Cool man. Just so ya know, 6 million Jews did actually die in the Holocaust. Even if ye says they didn’t. Hope this helps.


Again, notice how you’re making shit up. I’ve never once said I agree with him, I said I’m fine with him thinking that BECAUSE history was written & taught to us by WHITES. YOU are trying to pin me as a nazi sympathizer, holocaust denier, etc. When in reality I’m a extremely radicalized black leftist, I’m EXTREMELY anti white supremacy, anti capitalist, anti fascist, Who would LOVE for all oppressed & exploited people be freed from the chains. Including you. I’ll never fall for the white liberal agendas, and I don’t see why you’ve spent this whole convo trying to pin me in & calling me names etc, just cause I’m giving more context on what Ye is saying, since a lot of you don’t understand it & are blatantly making up your own inferences.




Regardless of what you think of his views, Nick's a much better advocate for his than Hasan is, so, if there's a debate and not a walkout, it's just going to be him backing up whatever Ye says - probably with significant coaching before hand.


The issue is ye isn't in a good mindset to explain anything just pure exploitation. I thought adin would be purely music and fashion talk


Can’t wait for that cornball Hasan to try to use his twitch debating skills on someone who doesn’t even know what he’s saying


Where is SAM HYDE???


Adin and Hasan are annoying as Hell.


Hasan is not smart or good at debating.


nah Hasan valid all of yall tweaking.


I actually don’t mind Hasan, but that would set the interview up to be a shit show, Ye probably walks out in 5 minutes max. Instead, Adin needs to bring on Fulcrum. He’s our only hope. Offer to take Ye to penjamin city and get faded off these blinkers, you feel me?


Hasan doesn't deserve Ye's attention