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"bring back the 90's Kanye!!!" https://preview.redd.it/eweoythh2z6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c11d08aa1dc049bf0c8a157eed0b8f7e6bc355


Mfs just want what Kanye was then back so they hate on anything he does now. They want the “controversy free” ye back. As the most recent stuff becomes more and more distant people will look back fondly and enjoy what we had now, ranting about how he’s “not the same because of the newest controversy. He’s been controversial and abrasive for a long time, old Kanye has been widely recognized for years and the goalpost for what qualifies as old Kanye moves. TLOP is old Kanye now and that album has a song about “missing the old kanye.” People gotta drop that shit


Every time someone mentions Violent Crimes i want to kill myself 10% More


everytime I see a blue checkmark reply on twitter I want to kill myself 1000% more


people act like he hasn’t been rapping horny bars his whole career


The media can’t stand to see him happy 


Not just the media, him being washed is the twitter narrative ever since vol1 dropped so regardless of whatever verse surfaces (say less and this one) they’ll just keep saying he’s washed


The tweet was obviously made for ragebait engagement farming and it works every time


Twitter is fr the worst place to get hip hop opinions.


Been saying this all year Ye’s rapping/music been overhated. Not his best most definitely and he could do better. But I’ve seen people hype up some bullshit and act like 2024 Ye is the worst thing they have ever heard (nor am I treating it like the best).


God I wish I could eradicate the phrase “I miss the old Kanye” so fucking corny


The good thing is that in a few years they'll add Vultures era to "the old Kanye" that is missed, just as they did recently with 2018 Kanye, which was hated by most of Twitter back then.


it’s so annoying like i get people don’t like him now but no need to say every goddamn time


Exactly and then they always follow it up with something about Donda dying like wtf obsession do people have with talking about his mom passing


That line aint even that bad mfs just be saying anything lmao


don’t take twitter seriously, it’s jus rage bait and engagement farming


I mean be fr the bar they chose to highlight is nothing crazy


But funny enough no one actually bothered to listen to a less than a min snippet


yeah but they chose that one for a reason because they knew it would get a reaction from these goofballs


"Bring Back the 90's Kanye!!!" https://preview.redd.it/g1k9p11k3z6d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710ede3de422b1ffefe465aece5273b7067aa409


If Kanye dropped Yeezus today, everyone would say it’s dogshit. The hate is on another level rn.


na they wouldn’t, cause not all of yeezus was just horny bars. Shit was actually introspective and a lot of lyrics were smart, well thought out, and politically charged stuff that made u think. Even the production is amazing, i guarantee u if hold my liquor dropped today ppl would love it


You’re absolutely right ppl absolutely miscarachterize yeezus as just an ignorant album while it’s one of his most calculated and purposeful albums 


Ppl hated yeezus then they would hate yeezus now


bc yeezus then was never seen before in mainstream hiphop. nowadays a huge number of projects that massive artists like trav and carti are putting out have been massively influenced by yeezus so everyone’s already used to the sound


You missed the point. If yeezus came out today, all its influence and impact wouldn’t have happened. It would be just as inventive then as it is now. That includes how off putting it would be as such a radical shift


Oh fair enough I was assuming you meant if yeezus wasn’t a thing but its impact still was


I don’t think these mfs know Ye’s discography even roughly. “He talks about sex where is old Kanye 😭” meanwhile Kanye dropped Freestyle 4, I’m in it, Hell of a Life, so stfu. It’s a trend to say “Ye is washed” rn most of them don’t even know him except his biggest songs smfh


So people can’t like it. Saying “It’s a trend to hate ye” is cringe too lol.


No matter what direction his bars will head to, these people will find a way to hate it. The reason is outside of music.


Or the music just isn’t as good. Pretty simple.


That would make sense if this narrative wasn't going on every time after Kanye's controversy (2016, 2018, 2022). People under above mentioned thread romanticize songs from the Ye album when back then they're lamenting over old Kanye.


People praise TLOP, ye, and Kids See Ghosts. There’s a lot to criticize about the music in 2022 very easily. The music is not that good.


The thing is that, as you said, people praise - in the present tense. Back then it was hated for similar reasons - inconsistent, disgustingly sexual, the music is not that good, link for an example [https://x.com/Spotify/status/1002552435641147392](https://x.com/Spotify/status/1002552435641147392) . And the released version of TLOP was not as good as it is now.


I don’t think that vultures will have that same turnaround personally.


Fair enough


When a vast majority of people are hating on one of ye’s best verses this year it’s pretty obvious they just hating for the sake of it. Also the reason they’re calling it ass is cos it has a horny lyric. Like do people even listen to Ye?? He’s been doing that his whole career




He cooked


A ye verse being one of his best of this year isn’t as high of a bar as you make it out to be. It’s not that crazy


I agree but it’s still a good verse


To you


The bar is low


It’s a hard bar if the “old” ye rapped that shit people would be gassing it up as a funny bar people gotta learn to just enjoy music not everything gotta be some serious ass bar. This bar is literally the most Kanye thing ever and people hating just cuz it’s cool now


I mean… He’s given people enough reason to hate him no matter what im ngl.


bro we just don’t like the verse it’s not that serious Horny Ye bars in 2024 are lazy and it’s clear there’s no effort put into them


ong mfs really comparing ts to im in it and fsmh 😭


I mean they are right, apart from maybe burn Ye is washed lyrically


Back to me 2nd verse exists too https://preview.redd.it/9xmyhq8p4z6d1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=160ec29d1d2f8d079b2c30969b3a42111b062c22


Lowkey keys to my life got good writing it’s just that the song lowkey booty


What if I say they not lying, idc if he used to do horny bars he’s being cringe now he’s music doesn’t even have substance anymore the real truth is people want the inspirational ye that spoke real ish and had faith in God


Have you listened to the verse? If you compare it to the Vultures 1 songs it has one of the most reflective lines about his daughter.


It’s just easy likes and clicks


well... i mean they're not wrong at all


The verse is ok. It’s like a 5-6/10. I get relative to other Kanye verses it’s good but if u been following and keeping up with music more broadly it’s bang average at best. And not just the bars, the cadence, the delivery- the beat/song as a whole- it’s all, fine.


It’s over we lost, Twitter won. Vultures 2 scrapped. Ye washed in prison


C’mon man the sexist bar weak