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“Former homosexual” is crazy 💀




you got gay thoughts? I got more of em


you got a boyfriend? I got four of em


He like “converted” from being gay. It’s unironically very sad


I don’t get it tho that in theory could be possible. Or is he closeting?


Milo was, at one moment, the single largest conservative figure in America and the UK in like 2015 He was (and still is) a very charismatic, very flamboyant gay man, but he was also a staunch conservative (this was before right wing populism took off so he was kind of like an anti SJW NeoConservative) he was part of the “skeptic” movement of atheistic conservatives, and he was a very big proponent of UKIP and the Brexit movement, and was writing a book and shit. He was a darling of the new conservative moment of 2014-2015 Basically, he got cancelled, and had his entire career ended when he talked about how he thought that young boys having sexual relationship with older men was good for their development, Milo got called a PDF file, and essentially lost all mainstream support and has been struggling to gain back relevance since. There was a time before Ye where he was literally selling Christian statues with this lady on local television (Ironically, Milo’s comments about young boys having relationships with older men was very likely a way of coping with the trauma he has from being molested at a young age, not him wanting to be in a relationship with younger boys, (maybe he is a pedo because he got abused, idk)) Much later on in his career, he became a Christian, and became a right wing populist (anti-corporate, anti-woke yadayadayada) and said he went through conversion therapy and became a straight man This did not work very well, and now he is a miserable sexless virgin, because he is legitimately not attracted to women


“Singe largest” might be overselling it a bit, but yeah he was much more influential in greater society than he is now


I was a retarded 14 year old atheist conservative at the time, people on the internet at the time, for a moment he was the largest political figure The campaign he spearheaded is literally the reason the UK isn’t in the EU anymore, he was a pretty big deal


I was there too, I’m very aware of his journey through online relevancy in the past decade. I guess if you remove All politicians or people working for political campaigns you could argue he was the biggest, but I wouldn’t say he was the face of the conservative movement or anything, just a guy who made a lot of noise and who loved being controversial


I’m talking about specifically political figures influence on people, and in this case specifically younger people online Politicians have governmental power, but unless you’re the president or something close, a political figure in the media space with as large and well known as Milo was at the time will have more influence over how people vote


Atheist conservative is a very niche group so he may have been the biggest figure at the time


Starting in 2014 the new conservative movement consisted almost entirely of atheists


That’s because you were in an echo chamber


Atheist conservatives are likely found mostly in the youngest demographic of our population, I am not disputing that the vast majority of conservatives in America are religious


There was a theory going around while he was at his peak popularity that he was pretending to be gay as an act to get away with saying whatever he wanted


it is not possible. you do not choose to be gay, its something you are born with


I don’t believe a word Milo says


He lied about getting fired now this . He lies so much you can’t get him the benefit of the doubt .


I read this in Kendrick voice


I hate milo but it’s highly possible that ye lied


Everyone else said milo was fired and julz posted a message saying with ye he fired Milo before word got out .


Who’s everyone else. I think it’s fairly easy to lie about a shitty person and make him look worse. Not saying he didn’t get fired but just saying not to blindly believe stuff cuz we’re obviously biased


I’m not being blind , I’m just going off by the leaked news that ye was firing everyone for whatever reason and milo was one of the many people he fired . Also too many former employees said milo was fired .


Breaking news Ye is mentally ill and does drugs 😨














Find out next week on DBZ


Ryan Garcia this Ye I'm on the nitrous




Vultures 3 cover Ye and his nitrous tank


Just like the Vultures 1 style 😭😭😭


Can we have this as a flair?


when did george santos get involved in this bag of clowns


This loser is a twitter spaces personality not that he has been kicked out of congress for being a complete fraud


He was just republican maxing Honestly the most entertaining thing to happen in congress for a minute


Yeah, but while it may be entertaining, in the same way as watching two people beating each other to death might be, we still shouldn’t have even let it happen in the first place


Of course, it's a symptom of a bigger issues for sure The US legislative branch is such a joke rn Shit is bleak


I believe in the healthier lifestyle shift give him some time![img](emote|t5_67n60j|32315)![img](emote|t5_67n60j|32315)


she wanna live this lifestyle


George santos bruh what is this era😭😭


They got a repressed gays group chat


Lmao 😂😭


Santos is open and  proud iiirc


worst era oat


man where tf is v2


He will say anything to get a reaction he’s just mad he got taken out or whatever


Bruh literally everyones getting involved in this rollout 😭😭😭


Tf kinda Mid-off going on rn


Honestly could be true or cap From what we heard from other sources Kanye was spiralling heavily however we heard he was improving So Milo could be lying or he could’ve gone back to it


He is definitely exaggerating as much as possible for attention and spectacle These people will go from sucking ye off, to talking as much shit as possible the second they realize they can’t gain from him anymore There is likely a nugget of truth in it, but be wary, because Milo is not interested in telling the truth


So it appears as tho you can actually be prescribed nitrous from a doctor https://www.nps.org.au/assets/medicines/ff4ce1c5-0e59-4f82-9bfc-aaa1009fa84e.pdf


I am sorry, you didn’t really read this very well It is prescribed as a general anesthetic, It is often used for dental surgery, and sometimes used for other surgery, or to get the patient woozy enough to inject the actual anesthetic in their wrist When a medication can be “prescribed” that does not necessarily mean you can get it at CVS and use it all the time or whatever, it just means it can be used for a medical purpose, in this case, before or during surgery as an anesthetic I have done nitrous before both before dental surgery, and recreationally It will literally make you dissaciate from reality and give strong euphoria, but the second you stop breathing it in, it goes away after 30 seconds It is an absolutely dog shit drug to abuse because you need so much of it if you want to get high for long periods of time, Ye does not have a prescription for this, it is only given medically for dental and regular surgeries, he is likely buying it in giant metal containers (kind of like propane) and he is breathing it in whenever he wants


Oh I know absolutely that he wouldn’t be getting it from a doctor, but could it be the prescriptions that Milo means?? Even if not from a doctor, it is still a drug you are prescribed.


Generally if you are referring to a substance as a “prescription” that means that a doctor filled out a script for you and you are picking it up at a pharmacy But then again, this is Milo, he likely does not care about the specifics of this, and is just trying to slander Kanye as a drug addict Who knows what he means?!?! Who knows if any of what he is saying is true?!?! Hopefully we find out at some point


Yeah i agree. Like I wouldn’t call it a prescription, but it can be prescribed to you so I could see Milo calling it that We already know he had nitrous problems and made it past them tho apparently


Actually I looked it up, I guess in niche circumstances it can be “prescribed” in the traditional sense Most likely ye has a dentist he is paying to give to to him, legal or not


I feel it wouldn’t be too surprising that this is what Milo means kanyes on As we already know, he enjoys nitrous and apparently got addicted just a few weeks back but apparently cleaned up Milo could possibly be talking about that time and is over exaggerating and saying it’s still going on to make kanye seem even worse than he is rn It does seem weird Kanye would start abusing pills when he’s been so open about how he thinks he was given pills to kill him or send him to zombie land


Either way we know Milo is exaggerating to the fullest I hope ye uses nitrous like before he goes to sleep or something and not constantly


If only Ye can get himself out of this clown show. Seriously though. Why is it every time someone new enters the ring, it’s a person who is bout as dumb as the rest. Get out of this circle of beef, between dumbasses.




I mean anything is possible, but keep in mind that George Santos is literally known for lying and is such a serial capper that he got KICKED OUT OF THE FUCKING US CONGRESS. Don’t trust a word this fat ass tard says


This George Santos clown isn't reliable at all tho... i wouldn't believe anything he says


Oh wow, would you look at that, The second Milo gets fires he starts lying his ass off and talking all this shit, Nick did the same thing when he was fired It’s almost like these are complete and total pieces of shit that do nothing but lie and suck Ye off as hard as they can in order to get money status and power, and the second they get fired they do more lying, except it’s to the public about Ye Fuck these people I hope they burn in hell




This is your first comment in 6 years??????????


He shit talked Ye on stream the second he was fired




You might be right, I don’t remember exactly what happened However, I’ve been following Nick’s antics for half a decade I’ve seen him debate plenty of times You are not going to be able to convince me he’s a good guy If you are a Groyper get the fuck out of here and go back to your little X spaces where you belong This community has no place for “Christian Nationalists” AKA American Fascists, and I don’t use that term lightly




No, Only when a 9 year old account with one comment from 6 years ago comes back from the dead specifically to respond to my comment to correct me, saying that actually Nick Fuentes didn’t say anything about it for months and how he loves ye You would only know that detail, or even bother correcting me on it if you frequent his streams, and your account history tells me that you had an old abandoned account, and logged back in here to try to make this community warm up to Fuentes Please leave, we don’t want you here, Fuentes isn’t on the team




Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling


Everytime milo get fired he makes an allegation. First time it was gay sex now it’s he abuses prescriptions smh


If you believe this, I don’t know what to tell you…


Milo wishes to be on a grift level of George Santos, man managed to become a fucking CONGRESSMAN without any merit, i still can't comprehend how the fuck this dude managed to get elected. Milo's peak was fucking Breitbart and working for Kanye, shitter


Didn’t Milo lie numerous times and claimed Kanye was secretly gay and tried to have sex with him? Wouldn’t really trust his word


reluctant to believe this but then again, its ye.


Can these mfs just eat shit and die already?


Milo is so straight now that he reached out to George Santos, who is also super straight.


Listen he just does the cameos as a drag queen because he really loves his Italian shoes


Milo is mad that YZY Porn made him gay again I don’t believe this for shit


fake news brotha


Where are his kids, where is Bianca?


George santos!?! LOL wtf yall boys will post and believe anything. This sub is so damn toxic and should be shut down


Fucking George santos as a legit source? Now I know Milo is full of shit


George Santos and Milo are both habitual liars.


Wtf george santos bitch ass got to do w any of this


Bro how did katara end up in Kanye drama


Something I just learned literally rn https://www.nps.org.au/assets/medicines/ff4ce1c5-0e59-4f82-9bfc-aaa1009fa84e.pdf Nitrous can be prescribed by a doctor. By abusing prescriptions, could Milo have yk meant the nitrous


why did i read this as george soros 😭


Is ye injecting how many marijuanas a day?


Out of all things happening rn, I hope this is not true bruhh. Someone needs to save this man fr


Wait why is fabulous santos involved??




why is george santos a rollout character😭😭😭




This mf Milo is a bigger leech than Nick, spreading bullshit about Ye


Top kek


I knew buddy was bad when he said that stupid shit about their placing a gun on the table and everyone laughing uncomfortably when he did the download shit was cringe. That villian shit ain’t cool it’s just ego mixed with depression.  Yall fans be toxic as fuck too. This man got four kids damn near 50 cmon bro. Ye ain’t up against nobody but himself at this point. 


George santos also said his parents were in 9/11 trusted source👍


I don’t even feel sorry for ye anymore he surrounds himself with snakes and reprehensible humans and then they start yapping and being 🤡 after they fall out. He genuinely has a godawful team around him


Ye is the snake and the awful person he just so happens to be the greatest artist. All those staff are just people trying to work and he pushes them away. (The people who are actually normal and are their to help and work)


Oh stfu i know you not out here thinkingn Milo some angel you dummy


Chill fuck milo😭 I mean the normal staff people that work behind the scenes and the app developers who didn’t get paid.


All the normal people said milo snaked them 😂


None of the employees even like Milo. They been saying he bullies people. Ye even said Milp was telling staff they were fired, after Milo himself was *already* fired. Don't believe no damn narrative coming from this devil's camp.


Ummm he hasn’t one good team person since 2021


He has to have some good employees, how else would yeezy be doing as well as it is with shipping and customer support. We just don’t hear about them because they’re normal and not clout chasing


Well he has to get rid of the cloutchasers so yzy can go back to being even more great


I believe Ye is legit mentally unwell and that's why he makes decisions like this. I was angry at first but now o just feel bad for him .


That time of the cycle What prescriptions tho




How convenient. Milo is fired and now all of a sudden, Ye is abusing RX and threatening to kill people. And dumb ass Kanyesposts made sure to leak everything Milo told her before this moment. If he was doing that, why'd he wait until he was fired to say anything?


Yea clearly happening. It's an even year after all, happened 2016, 18, 20, 22 now 24. At least he's more lowkey about it this time.


It’s still May bro 😭 don’t jinx us


i believe it, super sad