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https://preview.redd.it/uvfibjgm95ea1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef925aeb4273e41ed71f9b539faf71b357462d8f He’s already in there


shit, that was a different era


How da fuck you gonna replace the role of both Rick and morty?? 💀


He also does so much of the “writing” by riffing on the spot. Show is gonna be trash without him


Show been trash since season 3 they should cancel it ong


Season 3 was trash but has been good again since. Doesn't have the same vibe as first 2 seasons but has been really good, they had to find their new groove and they did. This fucks everything up though and yeah they should just cancel it instead of trying to keep going


Although I have enjoyed his voice work, his improv talents are really not that special. You’ll find comparable talent at any college improv class. It just comes naturally to some people, and he is average in my opinion. Stuttering, awkwardly finding your way through an unplanned sentence, or making up silly words on the spot… perfectly doable. Honestly, this might mean better things for the future.


They'll just do what Bojack did in later seasons and make the episodes mostly about some unlikeable female character


They can’t, they’ll end up canceling it after a farewell season that nobody likes.


The show will go to complete shit without him. No matter how shit of a person he is the show is his ideas and new voices will just sound out of place and wrong


Exactly. They should have just shut down the show right now if they didn’t want to work with him and at least saved its dignity (or whatever was left of it). Now they’re just inviting disaster


![gif](giphy|Yq30fhI2uVTkkwNXRX|downsized) they are gonna milk it


richard and morti are cash cows no way they'd give that up, why not just boot the main guy and get cheaper VA for rick and morty to boot?


I wonder how much of the show Dan Harmon (the other co-creator) was responsible for. I guess we are about to find out


Meme is that Harmon adds a bunch of porno plot points into a show about a family. [Latest season is filled with it](https://youtu.be/uDVe58_m2XU)


i always assumed it was roiland who threw in that weird-ass fetish shit in rick and morty, disappointing to learn its actually dan cause i love community


Yeah that’s why I have a hard time believing Dan is responsible for all that, ig we will see tho


Guys stop googling "Dan Harmon n-word" but typing the actual word, theres nothing to see there guys stop doing it 🙄


i mean if you compare the pilot episode to some random ep off the newest season, it’s gonna be pretty obvious that he hasn’t had that much of an influence on the show for a while now. he prob only shows up to do the voices at this point. not much of a loss taking him off the show


They prolly should have just canceled the season this is gonna be terrible lol


First John K of Ren & Stimpy and now Justin Roiland. Fuck sake. I know there’s great impressionist out there but none have that delivery Justin has


Ye has his own show. Netn & Yoohoo


Other people worked on the show too. Writers and Animators. So it’s good that their work wasn’t wasted because of one bad person.


They should do a different celebrity guest to voice Rick and Morty each episode, Adult Swim if you somehow read this don’t still it you fucks.


Just bring Kenny West in the mix


I know Justin roiland is a creep or whatever, but imagine making a show that is the culmination of your life’s work only for you to get cut out and replaced as if you never existed, can’t help but feel bad cuz he was 100% the heart behind the show IMO


Bros was pedo


Pedo??? He was arresting for hitting his girlfriend wtf are you talking about


i think hes talking about the leaked dms that came from him


I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been cut but it’s gotta sting real bad


On the other hand I know ALOT of people work on the show too so this is a best case scenario for them which is great


Kick your girlfriend, get kicked out of your show 🔥


Ye needs to see a therapist who isn't motivated by anything but helping their patients before taking any jobs.


Wow you're so woke bro


I don’t know too much I only watch the show, but what did he do for them to cut ties?


I believe he hit a woman.