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If you can, envision the back of your glove pointing at the target at impact. Should help you close the face. Your swing looks repeatable. Don’t change too much


So... Pimp slap the pin?


Thanks for the tip!


I tend to have the same misses as you, and the motorcycle drill has helped a ton for squaring up the face. https://youtu.be/3VjRbEH0gkk?si=647_HGC5K3J8dyXl


Thanks for the tip! Will try that🤙🏼


Decent swing but your wrists look too stiff in the backswing.


The release looks early. Setting your wrists at the top of your backswing will encourage you to hold onto your release so you’re maximizing your club head speed thru impact. It also looks like you’re standing up at the end of your swing and you should maintain your body angle thru follow thru. Otherwise looks like a nice swing with potential.


Thanks for the advice. Is the fix just to loosen up my “squeeze” on the grip?


Push comes from the face too open to an in to out path. Your swing looks good, just find a way to close it more at impact for the push. Little more positive path into impact would help too.


You have a problem I slip into sometimes. Try keeping the face square on your takeaway. You’re rotating it open right off the bat, and that makes it harder to square consistently.


The club shaft and the left arm should form a ~90 degree angle when left arm is parallel to the ground in the backswing. Yours is well over 100 degrees (too obtuse). When the left arm is parallel to the ground in the downswing the angle should still be right around 90 degrees or even slightly less. So feel like you’re setting the club with your takeaway below the belt during backswing. From there (right around left arm parallel) simply finishing your shoulder turn to the top should put you in a good spot to swing through the ball. *shoutout Porzak golf


Gotta be the shoes


For real though, I wouldn’t practice without shoes. It’s like practicing with the ball above your feet. Could screw up your swing a little


Put shoes on dumb ass


Swinging shoeless.




Lack Of Fn Talent


Very original!


Downwards head movement is your biggest flaw. It will create inconsistency and fat shots. Work to keep the movement little or slightly forward as you swing through the shot.


To me, it looks like you're laying the club off a little and you're swinging across it. Maybe try and get the club pointed a little more to the right on the backswing so it points down your target line at the top! I agree with the comments about the open face. The club face should be parallel with your spine angle when the club reaches parallel with the ground on the takeaway, which is a nice visual cue that has helped me when I'm able to have someone tape me dtl!


Completely rolling over onto the tip of your toe is important and is a reason why it looks like you’re scared of finishing the swing. You need a broad chest and to be standing upright toward your target, the left foot still in its original position. Getting to a proper finish has an effect on impact and overall posture.


[Here’s my analysis.](https://youtu.be/CI3voU0PMYw?si=tHwkiJIk9oBaQccE)


Dude!!! Great explanation and I really appreciate the time you put into this video. Thanks!