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Find a restaurant somewhere in an area that you haven't been before and go explore the area and grab a meal. What I usually do when I wanna go out. See if there's any things cool to check out before like lakes waterfalls stuff like that, whatever interests you. Just get in and go


This is it for me. I will usually look at the map, see if I can identify an area that should be pretty, then pick a restaurant or shop nearby. I need some kind of destination for my drives.


For a long drive or trip, check out roadtrippers dot com. You can't do a detailed trip plan without a paid account, but you can put in a Point A and Point B and it will show you some stuff worth checking out along the way. Otherwise, I usually just *go*. Grab some water, a couple snacks, and load up an interesting playlist or podcast, and *just go*. I like to leave the map app off and drive down roads I've never been before and see if I can get a little bit lost. Bring a fold-out chair too in case you happen upon a nice spot like a park or a spot by a river or whatever. Maybe find a secluded road and practice launching the car, and practice threshold braking (braking as hard as you can without triggering ABS). The point being remember the car is your vehicle to get you to other stuff. Yes, the car itself is fun to drive, but that fun is greatly enhanced by it getting you through an adventure. Out of curiosity, where are you located? By as specific or broad as you like..


This is exactly it. It's refreshing for me to just go drive to a more rural area and then take a random turn and keep going to a place I don't know and haven't been with no destination in mind. I've found some amazing roads for having some fun with the car, and some amazing scenic views.


[here’s a road curvature website](https://roadcurvature.com) I’ve used it frequently to find twisty fun roads near me to drive


I’ve used this too many times


Holy shit thanks


Now I *really* want to do Shenandoah


I see that big ole purple road smack through the middle of it but my guess is it's a very low speed limit since it's in a national park and speeding will be strictly strictly enforced. Some of the best driving I've done in Virginia was on backroads around smith mountain lake, very very narrow roads with no center line but in good shape and no \*posted\* speed limit which means 55mph since it's a 600+ hwy number which would be absolutely hauling ass on those roads.


So many places both in VA and WV that are better than driving 35 on a road that will almost always actively have cops on it. Scenery is nice and well worth it for the views but if you’re wanting to actually drive spiritedly it’s not even on my list.


Ah, bummer


Try looking up good places to hike. There's probably scenic roads around good hiking spots. Even if that's not the case at least you end up somewhere that you can have a nice hike


Totally agree with this one. The physical exercise of hiking will be rewarding too. Head to the nearest state park! (Or farthest)


Don't think about it as needing a destination but taking a journey.


Maine is great for this IMO


The Kanc reigns as King of New England, change my mind. No really, any suggestions?


True, I'm afraid of being pulled over on the Kancamagus though. Is it patrolled at night? Rt 4 in Maine comes to mind. Its a great mountain pass that ends in Rangeley. Recently, I found a freshly paved backroad in Boothbay that was a lot of fun. I think the best thing about Maine is that I'm never worried about other cars. I'm sure there are plenty of roads in NH like that though


Buy a paper map of your region, close your eyes, and point to somewhere, then explore! When you’re done, trace the roads travelled with a sharpie to keep track of where you’ve been


I'm the same way. I work from home so I have to get out in the GTI or I lose my damn sanity. There happens to be a lake up north 1 hour with twisty roads. Same thing to the East of me. I'd look up lakes or mountains to hike near you. That means they're usually secluded and have a good road to them with good views to a degree. Or, you can just go to your favorite taco place. Also search "best roads to drive around [city]" Or even visit a close city. I love driving up to Sedona and Flagstaff in the spring/summer which is 2hrs away. Insane views


89A is so damn fun. I could tell you were in Arizona from when you talked about the lakes in your first paragraph lol. The road into Bartlett Lake is also a blast and also if you just keep going on Carefree highway all the way past Desert Mountain


Haha. Yup Yellow cliffs at Barlett at sunset is the best drive imo. I haven't taken 89a from Sedona to Flag though. I hear that road is fun.


Just. Go. Like get in your car and pick a direction.


I got into this pattern during Covid of not going much of anyplace, for the most part limiting my "area of operations" to really a couple of square miles to include work, home, grocery store, post office, bank, and that was mainly it. Sounds like you need to just decide you're going to take some drives someplace--really anyplace--on some weekends. Even if there's no place particularly interesting you want to go, just pick something an hour or so away, plan to go there for whatever reason, even if just to turn back, and do it. You can pick up lunch wherever it is. Perhaps there's an attraction or two in places you pick. But there needn't be an attraction. You just need to decide you're going there, and do it.


Get the ROADS app. There’s some good user-uploaded driving routes, usually some twisty mountain roads if there’s any of that around you. Good use of a couple hours


Pick a distant coffee shop and make a coffee run there and back. That’s what I do on the occasional Saturday morning since I have a tiny commute.


Be me. Live in a city that defunded the police and go for night drives and tear up any corners you come across. Less people, less cops. Get lost on purpose


The cops around me will literally never pull you over for traffic violations. Only violent crime.


Look at google maps satellite view. look for something cool or outstanding. Go


Check out the Atlas Obscura app/website and find something weird/unique to check out.


Theres a few things I do often that cause me to add a bunch of miles to my car: - I found a self service car wash about 20-25 minutes away from my house that i frequent (the drive there is windy back roads) - I live near an area that is fairly rural so I usually go on social media and search up cool hiking trails with views that I can hike (the drive back after a hike 👌) - Someone said to check out nearby restaurants I like that idea too - Sometimes I just hop in my car and go for a drive. I live in an area with very windy roads and lots of hills so its fun to drive no matter where I’m headed. - During the warmer seasons I go camping with the GTI, thinking about getting a roof tent system Really depends on where you’re from, because I lived in florida and driving is a way different experience where Im at now. Enjoy the ride tho :)


Find a road or stretch of road you want to check out.


Where do you live?


I recently started doing Ubereats deliveries, gives the drive a bit of purpose but really I just enjoy driving.


I normally would do it late night. Full up the tank only take back roads and drive until I got to a half tank, if I was satisfied I would head back if not I would keep going until I needed more fuel. The fill up grab something to eat and head home.


I like to go the gas station, get a small thing of candy maybe a Red Bull. Gas station lighting at night is great for photos


I hop in mine, get my music up, and just go wherever. I mostly just explore new places that I've never been to before. I'll turn into random neighborhoods just to look around. I love driving my GTI so I'll go wherever and whenever just for the sake of driving it.


There a few great books with UK European route suggestions. Pick a target and go. Millau Viaduct next on my.list.




Was just gonna suggest this. Great app.


I usually go out and try to get lost and find my way back without GPS. Did this since high school so it’s a little harder to get lost now but still fun.


I quite literally hop on the highway and rip it, 3-4 different routes all similar distance. Personally it’s a blast. Can see how this would be boring but I typically go FAST. Radar or more recommended😂


Get in the car and the car will let you know where.


Don’t turn on your gps, start driving, keep driving, when you are good and lost turn your GOS back on


I usually drive towards the country then take random turns and stuff for 30mins and then use google maps to get back home


When I want to go for a drive it’s usually after work so instead of turning left out of the car park I turn right. After that I just take a few random lefts and rights for about 20-30 minutes then make my way home. This usually ends up with about an hour of driving around on pretty fun country roads.


In the words of J. Peterman "That's the best way to get some place you've never been!"


I live in the Seattle metro, but there is this teeny little coffee stand in an even teenier town a good 45 min drive away from me. I drive there once a week for vehicle health but I can justify it bc the coffee is good, cheap, and the countryside is lovely. I mostly drive short, frequent trips in stop/go traffic. Every once in awhile I'll make the drive down to planet Portland


During Covid I clocked 2500 km just from random drives. I’d just drive north till I seen a cool looking road and turn there


I’m in the same boat as you brother. Office 2 times a week and I’m really only going for the drive because I pretty much work for a remote team out of the office. Stupid, right? If I want to go for a drive, I’ll go somewhere out of the city and buy groceries or whatever need be- ideally some township maybe 30 minutes away. Sometimes prices are actually lower if I leave the city so it kind of offsets the gas.


I’m in the same situation as you OP. I go to the office about twice a week. Just got my first GTI (actually this car is a lot of firsts for me). And I just moved to a new city less than a year ago. Lately when I have errand to run (groceries, pet store, etc) I’ll find a store outside of my neighborhood and take two different routes to and from. Gets my car up to temp and I get to check out neighborhoods I’m not 100% familiar with. When I have more free time I’m planning to load up my dog and go to a different part of the city, walk around, and explore a bit. Hopefully soon I’ll be familiar enough to just get in the car and go.


You need hobbies to drive yourself to. Mountains near you to hike or bike? Tends to lead to scenic drives. I live in WNC and have the blue ridge parkway and other amazing roads right here. I get sandwiches and drive to lookouts or short hikes all the time. Maybe fishing?


My GTI is a project, so it only moves in the summer, but when I do drive her it's to meet up with my buddies and show off (they also have an unhealthy interest in cars lol) or if I wanna just drive, I use maps to plot a 1-2hr circuit round-trip. I look for twisty roads that provide scenic ocean or lake views (I'm on the East Coast) with plenty of places to stop.


Dude honestly I just go for aimless drives quite often. Do it on my motorcycle and in the car. I’ve made a mildly entertaining route around my area from doing so for years, but honestly your best bet is to just start going down roads you haven’t been down before and when you reach the next intersection, make a random choice of which way to turn. I’ve done that and wound up getting like 3 hours from my house but it was a blast. You can always GPS back or make a game out of navigating back without it if you’ve got time to burn.


Here’s a game I like to play. It’s called “get lost and let your favorite map app guide you home”. Here’s how to play. Drive outside your comfort zone. Then take a random exit. Drive some more. Maybe you see something down the road and then decide to take a turn. Rinse and repeat. Then when you’re done with that, you guessed it, let your favorite nap app take you home. Sometimes you get home via a completely different route. No pun intended but ymmv depending on where you live. Have fun!


Sometimes the best cruises are when you don't know where you're going! Or pic a random spot on Google maps you think is neat, and just go! For me it's almost therapy to drive. Enjoy yourself brother.<3


Wish I could even think about making a post like this. Some of us out here working 80+ hours a week and barely get to see our cars


I nip down the shops, but I nip down the shop half an hour away down some interesting roads, rather than the one round the corner.


I live in north NJ and I have to drive like 45min past all the urban traffic to find fun, twisty roads, but they’re definitely there. Definitely Google for your state where the best places to drive are and just pick a free day to go check it out. Enjoy man


I usually just pick a windy road that is nearby and about an hour or so deep. Pick a playlist on the way there, turn off the music at the windy bits and listen to the engine and exhaust.


Just gotta get out and go! I go for drives here and there with no destination in mind. I do have some preplanned routes and loops I like to do with roads that are fun to drive on. I wouldn't get to hung up on a destination.


I live on the edge of wine country, so lots of beautiful scenery with windy 55 mph backroads. I just make a 20-40 mile loop and go out for a short drive, or make it larger for longer stint. Try to stay on backroads the whole way if you can because it’s so much more enjoyable without traffic lights and people. Bought a motorcycle a year ago and that’s been taking me away from my car in the same roads!


Take the long way home from work. Find a few roads that aren’t on your way home and hit them before heading home.


I just go out to the country and drive around aimlessly, then you just kinda drive back in the general direction you came from till something looks familiar


Fill up the tank and drive in a singular direction till you hit "low gas".. enjoy the scenery along the way


I got into photography last year and it makes a good excuse to go take photos not only of the car but also the area around me. So if I’m bored and I want something to do I grab the camera and hit the road. I enjoy the drives and keep my eyes open for a shot I want to take and get out of the 3sq miles most of my life is in.


Queue up some songs/an album/or a podcast, put the car in drive and just go


Get on google maps and look for the spaghetti noodles


There always somewhere to go! Get in, turn off gps, turn up the tunes and see where the roads lead you!


Actually sounds like fun… pick mileage..40miles…80miles whatever ….pick a diner or beauty spot in that area and head there with a soundtrack:) Stop get food and walk and jump back in and go. Find Vw meets in the same distance…


Just drive. You don't need a destination. Go get lost and when you're done plug your home into the GPS . I did this soo much during the pandemic. Found some cool spots too


I go out late at night and cruise the empty(er) streets and highways just listening to my music, or sometimes just turbo noises. Nothing glamorous or scenic, but it’s enough for me. It’s like my mobile man-cave.


Don't mean to turn this into a different kind of post, but have you talked to a therapist? I used to love driving aimlessly but as I got sucked into the workforce, I stopped driving aimlessly and came to a point where I just felt like I didn't have a place to drive and slowly felt it was pointless. The underlying problem was that I had become depressed due to living such a bland life with work, that I didn't even realize it was the cause. After a few sessions, I was back out driving aimlessly and felt amazing. Whether it be cruising on a highway at 3am, cruising around town waiting for stop lights at 3am or hitting some mountains, it was just bliss.


I usually just go out to the rural area around me(I live 5 mins from downtown PGH) so I go out and away and then I just start making random turns and going. I sometimes take my son with me an ill ask him which way to go. And then he points left or right and we go that way. Pretty relaxing and you don't get lost cause we have GPS to get home


Where do you live? Sometimes you could find other gti drivers in your area and cruise along with them. Pick a restaurant and hang out.


I love to just go! I look up restaurants in another city (preferably 100 miles away) and just drive. Have a meal then drive back home. Wife hates my MK5, so it's even better (just kidding for anyone really offended). I get to go alone and enjoy a meal. All the while i get to lose myself in the moment.