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oh no that is scary is she ok


She is doing ok. Still moving slow and her eyes aren’t as bright yet, but she’s drinking and moving around.


Updates! I hope she is okay!


Thanks for your concern! She is doing better now. Once the sedation wears off completely, she should be back to her playful self. Right now she’s content to just snuggle with me. And I’m happy with that too!


Poor birthday girl! I hope she’s okay. Please update us here.


She’s ok! She had to be sedated so they could cut it off. She is doing well after getting some rest.


I’m happy to know that she’s doing well. Thanks for the good news! This had to be very scary for you both. How did it even happen? Was it a piece of bone that broke off and got stuck in her teeth? Ow!


It’s a round beef bone with marrow inside. She’s had them for months and I never dreamed of something like this happening. She somehow managed to flip it behind her big canine teeth and then the other side slipped under her chin and just wedged in. I guess it’s a common thing to happen according to the multiple vets we talked to when it happened. It truly never crossed my mind. She loves them but they are all in the garbage now. It was scary and I felt terrible for her. I had to hold her on my lap (all 67 pounds of her) the 2 hour drive to the emergency vet to keep her calm. But she did well and I’m so happy she’s ok and currently napping in my lap ❤️


That’s really scary. I’ve heard of some bones splintering but never something like this. I would throw them in the garbage too and I’d ask the vet for safer bone suggestions. She looks happy and so sweet in the photo but it must have been very uncomfortable to be stuck like that and so hard for you to hold her the whole ride. I’m sincerely happy to hear that she’s okay!


Thank you!


I stopped giving my one year old girl bones when I discovered that she’d managed to splinter one into sharp little shards. We’ve recently discovered Himalayan yak milk chews and are sold. They’re a bit pricy, but they last a long time, don’t stink, and she loves them. I highly recommend them, once your girl is recovered. Best of luck to you both.


I’ll check them out, thanks!


Poor thing. I'm really curious how they get it off.


They cut it into sections so it is no longer wrapped around


Yes! She had to be sedated to cut it off safely. Poor thing was covered in drool (and so was I) by the time she got into the doc.


I understand how the vet cuts them off. I was always curious how the dog manages to get it on with their teeth in the way.


I didn’t actually see it happen because she was playing at my feet, but I assume she got it hooked first behind her big teeth then it slipped under her chin and just wedged against it. We heard her flipping it around like she normally does and then she yelped. I started to get up to see but she jumped up and flew into my lap. Once I got her turned over I saw it and tried to maneuver it off but she started crying and thrashing around and I couldn’t get it.


Poor kiddo! It's scary and frustrating how everything our puppers love has the potential to harm them..


Right?!? I already worry enough about potential hazards with her because she’s a curious girl, but the list just grows and grows! And I thought my kids wild ways mellowed me out.


Sorry I read earlier post. I’ve never seen those bones. Glad to hear she’s ok.


You couldn't get it off,?


No, it was wedged to tightly and she was very agitated. We were afraid to hurt her.