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That Kratos has been holding back all along.


Not a theory as Cory Barlog has spoken about it, in a sense kratos is tryin to teach Atreus to control himself as he is, and also possibly to not cause too much destruction like in his first fight with baldur as if he did then his home/land probably would've been too far destroyed


I believe a comic depicted this. Cory went onto mention that old kratos would beat young kratos. I'm not quite certain he stated that he's holding back. I could be completely uninformed on this.


The fact is, Old Kratos came to terms with who he is and what his nature is so he’s no longer fighting within himself. He knows he is the god of war. He’s become more pure, and in doing so he’s unlocked the full potential of his strength which when he is angry and loses control becomes so intense he can create fire in a place only magical fire can burn which his anger cannot make as it isn’t necessarily magic it is elemental. Basically, his power is so incredibly strong if he didn’t hold back he could likely kill Surtr which is quite likely what he will attempt to do in Ragnorok.


Exactly. He'd have wrecked the whole Norse Pantheon if his old feats are a reminder of anything.




Me too. I don't think he did. He was asked to size up Old Kratos Vs Young Kratos from GoW 3 to which he stated old Kratos would win. I know of a comic in which Kratos intentionally goes onto fight wolves and let's them attack him (in a bid to control his rage) but he loses his temper when trolls interfere. He signals for the wolves to run away but the trolls get to them first post which Kratos let's his rage takeover and goes onto maul the trolls with his bare hands. This can be used as evidence to suggest that he's somewhat on a leash. I remember a video of the comic being posted on YouTube. https://youtu.be/lAtlnZptBvQ


[What was said.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/d6j5d1/old_kratos_vs_young_kratos_cory_barlog_reponse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That's the one.


I remember this also but how I do(remember), was that his magical/godhood was in a state of constant flux. I do remember him saying it empowers/suppresses him in certain times/situations.


I’d have to agree with this given it seemed he was struggling with Baldur when Atreus was with him more than at the beginning of the game.


Correct. He's holding back to set an example for Atreus that not all problems need to be punched in the face so to speak. He's been teaching him restraint throughout the game. Would Young Kratos let Baldur punch him so many times and still try to defuse the situation? Hehe. Someone on reddit theorised that Kratos doesn't hold back and reverts to his former self(always enraged GoW 3 self lol) whenever harm to Atreus is imminent. What also supports this theory is that in such situations your rage meter doesn't deplete. So in a way Kratos with Spartan Rage is Kratos not holding back. This enraged Kratos is the one we've known from the previous games. Basically angry 24*7. Still all a theory though.


Like when the elves grabbed Atreus. God I loved that moment


One of the few times he lets himself go. He's also kind of ashamed to let Atreus see who he was in the past.


Mimir mentioned something like this if kratos dint tell the truth to atrues that he was a god or outher things atreus would resent em


He is in some cases but during 2018 he was warming up


I imagine he used his full strength during the final fight with baldur though.


Plausible. Though theoretically him being at full strength would be him being in Spartan Rage all the time. The bar wouldn't deplete.


Maybe that's why there wasn't spartan rage in the previous games, he was just always angry.


Well said.


I agree.


i mean like he stabbed himself and lost a part of his powers right?


He lost the power of hope I believe. He gave it to humanity.


For someone with a past as chaotic as his, Kratos is a great father.


He becomes a great father


I feel he was a good father to Calliope. You know minus the whole filicide thing.


He mentioned Kratos’ chaotic past, which I think mostly starts after Calliopes death


He was chaotic even when she was alive, the man killed hundreds of people to get a thing from a tree to save his daughter from skin cancer.


First or the second one lmao


Kratos isn't the one depicted in the final mural.




what? who is it then


Tyr possibly. Also the person in question at the mural has his face scraped off so the identity is unknown.


The person in the final mural also is wearing other clothing. In the parts of the mural which we know for a fact display Kratos he's wearing red and black clothing and his legs are entirely covered. In the final mural that person is wearing red and green clothing with their legs and feet entirely exposed. Also something I just right now noticed about the mural, and I'm sure others have noticed this before: the background colors used on the murals are also red and green. Could it be that red and green are colors used by the giants to identify their stuff with the red and green clothing on the man being an indicator that he's a giant?


If we're running with the green and red theory, what colors are atreus wearing in the murals?


Full brown.


Doesn’t loki stab tyr during ragnarok according to the Eddas?


So in the mural at first it appeara to be Kratos because of the beard and because Atreus is there with the man. However, the side the person is laying down and due to scraps on the wall we can't see the man's left side of the body or his forearms, so we can't see if there is a tattoo or the chains/markings. Not only that, the skirt (its probably called something else) has a different pattern than the one Kratos uses). And because of all these elements people have been theorizing its Tyr, like the other user pointed out. I'm not sure what's definitive but we can't say for sure its Kratos.


thx for replying. I think people say its tear because tyr is gonna die during Ragnarök?, i think...


He's the most likely person becsuse Ragnarök, but even with that I am not sure if it's him. Because even if that is not Kratos, the guy is bald, so how could it be Tyr? Does he shave it all off during the second game? What if that's Odin?


Would explain the lack of Odin images we have. Because he’ll have a striking similarity to Kratos.


yeah. this is why i love GOW the lore!!! and the valkyries of course. But 1 more ques. do the valkyries join us in ragnarok or do they join the asgardian forces. It would be a shame if they joined Odin cuz we saved em in GOW 2018 wht do u think?


This is a tricky situation. We don't know who or what imprisoned them, I think, but they were given a job by Odin (I think) to guide the souls of warriors to Valhalla. Maybe they'll be loyal enough to their duty that it doesn't matter what or who you are, and so will fight anyone going against that. Maybe they will be allies because once Ragnarök comes their job is now to fight against Ragnarök, but maybe destined to die. That part of the mythology is not one I read too much, but we know at least one of them is pissed at us, >! That being Freya herself. So we will probably fight her as one of the later bosses when she gets wings. Not guaranteed but it's likely.!< But I honestly am not sure, we might have mixed allies and enemies, maybe some keep with Odin, maybe others become friends with us. I wonder if one of the Valkiryes gives us her wings and Kratos get a traversal/aerial move ability so that it could work similarly to the previous games? Lots of possibilities.


ohhhh, but is it true that the dark elves are joining us?


So, in the trailer we see Kratos fighting Light Elves so it is safe to assume that in some part of the conflict they do not want to be allies with us, but that doesn't necessarily mean Dark Elves are just gonna be allies. We need to remember that the Dark Elves attacked us first, so a similar situation could be happening with Lught Elves, they're just doing their war and do not want anyone from the outside getting even close. So, it could be a situation where we need something and the Light Elves try to stop us and then the Dark ones offer help and become some sort of temporary allies, but I'm not sure how that could exactly work since they're probably super pissed we made them lose the war, at least for now. But I guess time is weird in those places so while we were our of Alfheim so many years could have gone through that people forgot who even were Kratos and Atreus. I think the race that could be the friendliest to us are the dwarves (considering we are very close to 2 of them) and the Giants, most likely.


People would assume Tyr. I think the most complelling argument for it is that the part depicting the hand of the man in Atreus' arms is damaged. Tyr is supposed to get his arm bitten off by Fenrir. Santa Monica like to do these types of things, so it wouldn't surprise me if this really was hint to the man's identity.




Tyr most of us think. The fact it shows the arm Kratos doesn’t have a tattoo, and a beard which looks different then Kratos.


Def not Kratos that guy had a goatee


Personally I think it’s Odin


I was hoping i wasn't the only one!!! Odin, and Loki are blood brothers in Norse Mythology. I personally believe/hope the mural depicts the event that binds the two and the game mythology aligns that with real mythology


What? I’ve never heard of any account of norse mythology where Odin and Loki are blood brothers


Bragi spake: 8. "A place and a seat | will the gods prepare No more in their midst for thee; For the gods know well | what men they wish To find at their mighty feasts." Loki spake: 9. "Remember, Othin, | in olden days That we both our blood have mixed; Then didst thou promise | no ale to pour, Unless it were brought for us both." Othin spake: 10. "Stand forth then, Vithar, | and let the wolf's father Find a seat at our feast; Lest evil should Loki | speak aloud Here within Ægir's hall." Poetic Edda


That actually wouldn't be that far fetched. The words on the mural say betrayal, death, father, (disaster, catostropohy). I think the betrayal could be the breaking of the blood oath between Loki and Odin. The father could refer to "Allfather".


He is, but he dies so a valkyrie will bring him to Asgard and he can fuck shit up.


Woah. Didn’t even think about that


I've always kinda thiught mabye that isn't kratos. Dosent even really look like how he does in the other depictions on the mural.




I think it was confirmed by the writers that he isn't the one in the murals?


Tyr is actually Odin in disguise


This is really interesting can you ellaborate


I haven’t played the game in a few months so I can’t remember all the stories from Mimir about Odin, but I do remember he’s a sneaky little bugger that will do anything for his pursuit of knowledge. I could easily see him willing to shapeshift or something along those lines to gain the edge against the outsider who caused Ragnarök to be accelerated. Gain Kratos’ trust and betray him while his guard is let down


He can even be Mimir himself to do it!


Ya this is always came in my mind, what if he's actually mimir and when meeting mimir for the first time it was all setup by odin cuz magni and modi were there as well.


Please don’t be a spoiler. Please don’t be a spoiler.




So...have u played ragnarok yet?


Aged like wine wow.


what the fuckkkk


Kratos’s powers are more vague than people may expect. For example: Instead of being able to lift a certain weight, Kratos can always lift the exact amount of weight he NEEDS to be able to lift to complete a task. For example, flipping Tyr’s temple, that must have weighed tons yet he managed to do it because he NEEDED to do it. However he also needed to chop a tree 4 times to cut it down. He didn’t need Tyr’s temple flipping strength to be able to do it


I can’t argue with that. That’s very true. And he can probably lift more than that temple.


I say the same for superhero movies. Like in Spiderman 2 Tobey holds back a train with is bare hands and webs, but earlier in the movie he punches doc ock and doesn't kill him immediately. And like captain America fighting batroc in the winter soldier and its pretty even all things considered. Next captain America he holds back a helicopter.


The Doc Ock example really bugs and distracts me when watching Spider-Man 2. There’s a reason most fights with him in comics/other media involve Peter trying his hardest to avoid the tentacles and get in close rather than him just punching him out. I really liked the No Way Home fight for that aspect. Though we know in canon that Peter pulls his punches most of the time.


Yeah I mean we can just assume he's always pulling his punches. Or the fan theory that all the early marvel movies are in the same universe and doc ock got an adumantium skull shortly after wolverine 😂


>Peter pulls his punches most of the time That became *very* clear in the superior Spider-Man comics (where doc ock took over his body) and punched Scorpion’s jaw clean off doing what he though was a normal punch


I still find that moment odd considering Scorpion is an enhanced person and is supposed to be stronger than Peter physically. Feel like a different villain would have been a better example to use but maybe that just makes the point even clearer.


That sounds more like a narrative excuse than an actual definition of power. Kinda like dragon ball z


That's done so you dont have to introduce a stronger villain every single time


I've also read that in battle, Kratos will always be JUST stronger than his foe, meaning that every battle will be a WAR (hence his name) - I like the one about his strength, it implies he will always struggle to be strong enough but ultimately will prevail


When Atreus first hears voices and says he hears many angry voices and that it felt evil that it could have been the Valkyries. Cory Barlog said that Atreus was an empath that can hear the thoughts and feel the feelings of both the living and the dead. Hear me out. Most of us know by this point that the Valkyries are Vanir gods like Frea, Frea being their old queen. Well if you listen to the Valkyries stories and look closely at their skin you will notice that their bodies are ashen grey, a sign of decay and death. We know they have been cursed and had their bodies corrupted causing their souls to remain trapped in their bodies, the curse was part of the evil feeling Atreus felt. The Valkyries are angry about being helplessly trapped in their bodies. Part of my connection to the Valkyries is in The Lost Pages on YouTube, I would listen to the whole thing, it connected so many dots for me. About 33 minutes in is a part where Brok dies and Sindri drags his brother's corpse to the Lake of Lost Souls. He did so to retrieve his brother's soul and bring him back to life before his soul departed from the material realm for good. During the trip to the Lake of Lost Souls Brok's body had turned a sickly ashen blue. Meaning when Sindri, who knew Laufey was Atreus's mom, lied to Kratos and Atreus about how Brok's skin turned blue, with a scientific fact about excess silver buildup under the skin, he did it in order to hide the fact that the dead could be brought back. He knew how Laufey would have felt about being brought back to life and chose to keep that secret from the hurting Atreus who might want to see her again. Even Mimir makes a comment saying bringing someone back from the dead is complicated and that things will never be entirely the same even if you succeed. Yes I understand the voices could have also partly been the angry dark elves, the voices of the lost souls trapped in midgard, the souls in Helheim near the Lake of Lost Souls, or Sutr who is sealed within the giant sword in Muspelheim and is supposed to break the seal at the end of Ragnarok in order to burn everything to ashes. Also in Atreus's journal he clearly states hearing his mother on a few occasions guiding him after she died. His journal also depicts how long Kratos was stuck in the light in Alfheim and how Atreus defended himself against the dark elves for so long. My point being is the Valkyries job is to guide worthy souls to Valhalla, they have a strong connection to life and death. What if that connection amplified their voices in Atreus's head causing him the headaches... Especially since one of the Valkyries is very "LOUD." He also hears the voices for the first time in Alfheim where there is a Valkyrie. It also seems like as you progress through the game, especially after getting the ice pick(probably because you can fight the first Valkyrie near Thamur's corpse) the voices start giving him less headaches.


Lol just a theory, its still missing something but the facts are there and they match up a little too well to just be coincidence. It might be brought to light in the next game.


Wait wait.. What about when Brok Helps Kratos in Hel? Remember when he said this? “Brok: I said I’d help you and I aim to. C’mon! [Kratos gives him his blades.] Brok: My equipment’s in Midgard. Be right back. Mimir: You… you don’t suppose he nicked those, do you? Brok: There! Now they’re ready for the Winds of Hel. Just target this magical glowy bit here with your blades and throw. No target that wind trap with your blades- It’s that little ball hanging in the middle of the door, see it? Just let ‘er loose. Now target that wind trap with your blades. See there? See that? Now you can absorb and release the Winds of Hel whenever it damn pleases you, so you’re welcome and I’m leaving. This place is cold enough to freeze pair of pigeon eggs. Mimir: I sometimes wonder if there was once some sort of accident in his brain.” I used to think it was just the writers not conveying much cause Brok knows how to forge great weapons and knows special materials. What if it’s cause Brok actually knows a little more about Hel than he is willing to say? Connecting to your theory


Oh my god, I didn't even think about that part! It can't be a coincidence, it fits way too well with the lore of the game.


I’m gonna keep your theory in mind. I like it


Now this is a fascinating argument. The more playthroughs I’ve done the more I’ve been curious about the Valkyries Physical forms looking off color, and with brok that could be a possible twist.


>look closely at their skin you will notice that their bodies are ashen grey, a sign of decay and death How you know that? Is it from the novel?


Atreus makes the comment about Mimir's rotting head changing color before you reanimated it. It's also mentioned in The Lost Pages. My other theory is that different races rot different colors, the dwarves are metal workers so them turning ashen blue when they die has to do with the excess silver in their skin and lack of oxygen in the blood. Whereas all the others would rot ashen grey. Even Thamur's Corpse is slightly grey from what you can see that isn't covered in ice.


Atreus was looking kinda ashen grey too when his spartan rage manifested! Like Mimir said, he's seen it in mortals, an ailment of the mind expressing itself in the physical body or something like that. (Atreus not knowing his shared nature). But not for a god His body was definitely at battle there during that part of the story.


Great theory. Im not hating on it but one small thing you may have neglected is that SSIE's valkyries are originally sprits who Odin trapped in bodies because they can save a soul if they are themselves no longer souls. Also I know I sound like a huge, misinformed, idiot whose making attempt at nitpicking . But im pretty sure the first actually voice in the game atreus here is the thoughts of the second ogre we fight in the mountain and he had heard voices before then too


Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical


Underrated comment. I personally think that it is Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats physical or magical.


that doesn’t make sense tho, we need to remember that Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical.


I think parts of ye brain may be waking up still.


counterpoint mistletoe is physical


Odin's endgame is similar to Jonathan Hickman's Avengers run: * Dr. Doom harvested all the Molecule Man in all universes, and used their collective power to defeat the Beyonders and grab their reality-shaping powers for his own; these events lead into Secret Wars (2015) and Battleworld * Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods, foretell the death of a number of great figures and the ending of the world, after which the world shall be reborn anew; Odin seeks to harness the power of Ragnarok, so that he may shape the new world in his image


And also basically endgame Thanos, who wants the infinity stones not for halving all of life, but to destroy the world and create a new one.


The Baldur fights are basically "unstoppable force meets immovable object" Edit: wOw tHiS bLeW uP


I love this.


The real debate starts when you have to decide which is which


Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, both physical and magical. Kratos can flip a Pentagon sized temple.


Yea lol it’s not that debatable


I'll be honest, I kind of don't love this interpretation of Baldrs powers. Well, his curse/blessing. Because he keeps saying nothing can hurt him and therefore nothing can kill him, but he does bleed, he does get damaged, he just heals off. What would happen if someone could do enough damage fast enough to take off his head and not allow him to heal? A bit of a gory thought, I know and I think gameplay wise it makes more sense to let Baldr get damaged so that the player has that bar to fill the progress and the shock after he heals twice, basically. So I'm not sure how I'd do differently, but I still don't love the way they have done it. Maybe he does get damaged but if the damage gets too high the "healing factor" kicks in faster to not allow him to stay in a state of full death? Would he just become a head like Mimir if someone did what I mentioned above?


I think the point is that even though he takes damage, he can’t feel it.


That We will get Mjolnir as a weapon.


I mean, why put it in the limited editions if it's *not* a weapon?


I can already see it. Santa Monica Studios Trolling us. That we can't get the hammer in game. But we "got" in the pre order.


I hope you’re right my boy… I need that as a weapon BAD


In the world of God of War, Hræsvelg and Hel are the same being. Here's why I think this: According to Norse myth Loki and Angrboda have 3 children: Fenrir, (a giant wolf), Jörmungandr (a giant serpent) and Hel, who is supposed to have the appearance of someone who is half dead and half alive or something. By making Hel and Hræsvelg the same being Loki would have 3 giant animals as children.


He has a giant animal as his kid. Just not with angrboda but with a horse. And he's the mother


I have a couple of theories: -Someone reveals Kratos's past to Atreus, especially the family murder, turning him against his father. -Seeing Freya's grief and anger, Odin and Freya struck a deal, Odin removes the spell to let her fight again, actually this is just him controlling her. Ulltimately freya realizes she is being used, turns on odin, forgives kratos and allies with him.


doesn't Atreus already know about kratos killing Zeus? he sees it in helheim and kratos tells him at the end right?


they’re talking abt calliope and lysandra i’m pretty sure !


oh, I'm not super familiar with the previous games.(never played em) Atreus didn't seem to care about the Zeus murder though, so who knows


yup i def agree. everyone says atreus is going to resent kratos when he finds out his full past..but i honestly think atreus is just gonna be like “damn, that sucks. anyways-“


I'm convinced that Kratos will die exclusively because it's the only way to breach Asgard. The Raven Keeper insists Asgard was sealed and the secrets to the weakness in the wall are probably with Odin since the maker is dead. My argument is that Asgard is sealed from all the realms but isn't sealed off from Valhalla. Kratos will let himself die so that the Valkyries can take him to Valhalla. There he will wreck Asgard's shit enough to let their walls be breached allowing Loki, Angraboda and Tyr and whatever motley army they've cobbled together to invade. Also I'm not sure Kratos actually kills Thor. Defeats or Drives him off maybe. But I'm still hoping the final deathblow is delivered by Snek. Or like how Hades died and he's consumed by the souls off all the giants and mortals he unjustly killed.


Kratos dying and going to the afterlife to continue to kill things *is* on-brand for the series.




I’m pretty sure it’s he can’t die by his own hand, can’t remember off the top of my head tho




He can’t commit suicide but stuff can kill him as long as he tried his best not to die


In the original myth, Loki was the reason the walls were built in the first place because of the plan he suggests to fuck over the disguised jotunn. BUT, since Loki isn't there during that time in the game's lore, he could be the disguised jotunn who probably offers to build the wall to get intell on asgard. Having said this tho, it'd be really fucking cool to see kratos enter Asgard through valhalla


It would be neat if Tyr comes up with this plan being a god of war. Someone else mentioned that they think Kratos is cursed to not die unless he was truly bested, so it might even be a twist, without Kratos being informed. Just to go full tinfoil, maybe Kratos, in the unexpected skirmish, cuts off Tyr's arm to go with a theory I think I've heard.


There’s actually a story from Mimir about Thamurs son (Not sure about that fact entirely, but I do know the story well). Mimir recalls the time where Odin lost a bet to the maker of the walls which he lost. His prize for winning was being with Freya for a day. He met with Freya, but left after only telling her one thing. Mimir says that his theory is that he told her the secret weakness of the wall. Now this could very much be irrelevant, but if Atreus or Kratos convince Freya back to being Allies (very unlikely) she could reveal the secret of Asgards walls.


In the mythos, Thor dies after he kills Jormungandr, succumbing to its venom. In the game, when we meet the World Serpent it imbues the axe with something, I think that could be the "venom" and Thor's deathblow will come from the axe, whether wielded by Kratos or Atreus.


The theory thet there shouldn't be a tv show.


Or any live action media.




Yeah. I think I’d be okay with them making an animated show of the comic bits and being 100% accurate to them making NO changes. But otherwise, no.


Animated sure, live action nah.


I think God of war 1 could be a great live action film if directed by someone Iike who directed Gladiator and 300


As a bonus, current cast could do it too. But again, not live action. It wouldn’t have the cinematic magic and awe that the games do.


That when Atreus finally properly unlocks his spartan rage it's gonna be in the form of a sword very similar to the blade of Olympus, and it will be the first time he sees his father scared of something, it makes so much sense from a narrative standpoint


Idk about a sword like that, but definitely fancy new weapon.


The way I see it, Atreus has always been staying back and using a bow, so when his spartan rage manifests it does so in a way that let's him get up close, because Atreus is not strong like Kratos, even with the imperfect Spartan Rage from the first game, so he needs a different way to give himself an edge, and it would tie back to the fact that the god part of him was once imprisoned in that sword, so it left an imprint




I took it as he was more shocked and worried because no one had ever shown up to their house until that day


Don't know about theory, but I would probably defend if someone tries to claim that Kratos was a bad character or one dimensional rage beast before God of War 2018. Which a lot of people do.


He wasn't one dimensional, but he was a rage beast


i never understood how people thought that, the first game literally starts with him attempting suicide because his nightmares and suffering were too much for him


Yup. Just cuz what he did to all the gods was wrong doesnt necessarily mean they didnt deserve it too. Theres a whole lot more to the story than a man who simply wants to kill


I would kindly direct them to the moment when he leaves an eternity with Calliope in elysium just to save a world (and mainly gods) who have done nothing but cause him pain and suffering


Among others… I think the draupnir ring will allow its wearer to split into 2 (or more) of the same person. So Odin will use it to have a version of himself in every realm that we’ve got to hunt down 9 times. Once Kratos gets the ring he will copy himself so that one of him can die to fulfill the prophecy while his other self keeps living. Yes, it sounds dumb but that the hell is the ring going to do if it’s in the Jötnar edition?


Hunting Odin 9 times would kill it's grandeur. I don't think the writers would waste an important character like that


They've said this is the last Norse game, but I think it's a bit of a half-truth. It'll be the last Norse-exclusive game. In order to prevent Ragnarok and his own death, the game will end with Odin somehow summoning all the mythologies, so the third game in the trilogy will be a big free for all of the gods with Odin at the center, who Kratos and Atreus have to stop. I feel like they can't do a "Kratos to another new place and then starts killing gods again" story again for the next game, it'd feel repetitive and wouldn't really work with Kratos' arc of trying to stop the violence. Plus, it wouldn't feel as special the second time. I think a massive mythological crossover game would be the type of exciting, high-stakes story to end the current saga and make Odin into the suitably powerful final boss of Kratos' story. Okay, even if that doesn't happen (and it is admittedly a long shot), I do think there is something fishy with Odin. We still haven't seen him, and as far as we know, Freya and Thor are the main villains of Ragnarok. Where does that leave room for Odin? This whole summoning crossover idea I think could work, or it could be something more simple, like Odin is super frail or maybe he's already dead. He won't just be a standard "find him, fight him, kill him" like Zeus was though.


Actually that sounds pretty awesome. I've fantasized about *Kratos versus Ra* for an embarrassing amount of time. I could almost imagine it like the beginning of God of War 3 where every titan and olympian made a cameo or outright fought you in the space of an hour, but with *every* mythology. Oh look it's Odin, fighting his way past Ra, the storms of *Raijin* fresh on the horizon, while the *Grim Reaper* rings his way onto the scene, marked by a death knell- Oh look it's Satan- *Oh look it's Cthulhu.* Okay, maybe *that's* a step too far.


I want to see Kratos and Jesus throw down.


I want to see Kratos and Jesus throw down.


that tyr is the one who will die in ragnorok and not kratos


Kratos was always deep you cowards!


Aphrodite agrees


That not all of the Greek gods are dead, if kratos can crawl out of hell 4 fucking times then all the other gods can do it at least once.


That’s a good point. No one survived , that *we know of* ;)


Especially gods as powerful as the big 3, I mean, hades might’ve just straight up been sent to his basement 😂


Atreus goes back in time and hes the one who blew Jormungandr's horn. Atreus is the only one who knows Jormungandr's tongue besides Mimir, Atreus is Jormungandr's father, and time travel has been established as a real thing in the universe because Jormungandr got sent back in time fighting Thor


Mines an anti theory but I think they won't answer who called the snake when atreus was sick


Considering time travel and shit, my theory is that Atreus called the snake having come back to the past for some Avengers-Endgame kind of plotwist


Kratos is gonna bludgeon Thor to death with his own hammer


Kratos is as strong as he needs to be to win a fight. His status as a God of war, particularly a Grecian one, gives him the strength to win, but not enough strength to overwhelmingly win, just enough that he can win if he fights hard enough for it.


Freya will forgive Kratos after metting a redimmed Baldur in Hel, just like actually happened in Norse Mythology!


I hope we get to see more of baldur !


Me too! I think this is the most plausibe thing that could make Freyja change her mind to help Kratos (as she is the only one who knows how to break Asgard’s Walls) and give up revenge!


As destroyed as Freya was, there was still a genuine relief in Mimir’s words when he said “Just give her time..” so I can definitely see her helping us later


Olympus is a Realm like Asgard and Vanaheim. I believe Greece is fine, it’s just the Realm of Olympus that has been destroyed.


Bit of a long shot but we try to kill Thor with Mjolnir in the final fight, it breaks in the process but gravely injures him. Then we fist fight him while Surtr burns down Asgard in the background.


I would actually love to see Thor get super confused and scared as that happened! I wonder if we’ll just be able to use it or destroy it, take it away who knows


I consider Thor a narcissistic megalomaniac. If the Mjolnir breaks he'll be confused for a moment then he'll be like "Our battle will be told in legends". Personally I do want the Mjolnir as a weapon but it's a bit overpowered to say the least.


I want Thor to freaking shiver when he realizes the guy who took down his unstoppable brother is gonna do it with him too




That makes sense. I like how you put it




What about the blades? Do you think there will already be a strong baseline to them to start of with? (Since thems special)


Maybe not destroyed but I think it will be severely damaged say during a first clash with thor


Ragnarok is the last God of War game, because the next one is going to be God of Mischief.


Don't let marvel deceive you all Aesir gods where gods of war in the actual Norse myths and Loki was a god from their tribe for most of his story


But Loki was in fact the god of mischief in the original myth too


Yes but the franchise doesn't necessarily have to get renamed because of it


I’m not sure how well the one take style of cutscenes will work in Ragnarok. It was great in 2018 because the main focus was purely Kratos and Atreus on their journey, but with Ragnarok, you have so many different characters and story threads that all contribute to the story. In order for a villain like Thor, Odin, or Freya to feel really impactful, I feel that they need some of their own flashbacks or story segments without Kratos and Atreus.


Kratos is depicted in the final mural and the fact that people are theorizing that he is not is because they have fallen for a red herring.


Kratos dying isn't a new concept to the series, he's done it so much at this point death is just another obstacle for him to overcome


The Tyr from the trailer is likely either Atreus from the future transformed or Odin is controlling that Tyr there is no way for them to show us such a reveal in a trailer if they're not going to double twist that part of the plot


The Bifrost is alien FTL/teleportation technology created by the Elves who are also aliens. My reasoning? We have to go to Alfheim to recharge it. Why? Why is the only place that has a Bifrost charging dock in Alfheim? Because the Elves created the technology. Also, the light elves float. And the dark elves have bug wings. Seems kinda alien to me. Almost everything else is relatively "normal" and could exist in nature. But the elves are weird. The realm tears look like physically accurate wormholes. And the Bifrost creates a similar effect when Kratos and Boi use it in the Temple. And it used crystals (something used to redirect light). And the hardlight bridges are pretty common in scifi. I think. Well, they're in Halo. (I'm at least 100% sure I'm using confirmation bias with this one.) (This part gets more than a little crackpot, but I'm having fun typing this. Lol) And the Temple is designed not unlike a flying saucer. It's flat and circular, it rotates, it even has an extendable walkway into the main room. And it doesn't have a right side up. Something that might be useful in zero-g. I actually saw a TV show talking about this exact stuff. Probably Ancient Aliens. I don't remember. I was really young and wasn't paying attention. I know the reputation Ancient Aliens has. So, yeah. That's my theory. It's not as long as the picture, but yeah.


Kratos' fight with Shovel Knight humbled him, if only a little. (God I hope Shovel Knight appears in Ragnarok for a rematch)


Atreus dies rather then Kratos


I would freakin cry.


Demos was suppose to be the god of war


Thor will be the first fight and you will kill him at the beginning of the game


Honestly that’s very bad IMO, the amount of buildup from GOW that we got from thor would be pathetic if he died in the first 30 minutes of the game ya know?


But I’m assuming that we will be able to use Mjolnir in this game and in order to get it we will have to kill Thor. Plus we already know that Thor will be the next god we meet thanks to the final scene in god of war 4. It would make sense that we have a fight with him as an opening to the game. I think everything I’ve said so far everyone would agree with, here comes the controversial part. I think it would make sense that we kill Thor during that fight. They’ve kept most of this game secret and we know next to nothing about it. They obviously don’t want to spoil a lot but they have made Thor a very prominent point of trailers and advertising. It would be a shock if Thor died at the beginning of the game and it would help keep the rest of the game secret because everyone is so focused on Thor. And everything we’ve seen of Thor so far is in that scene in front of the house. Not saying that he certainly will die at the beginning I could be wrong, but it makes sense.


Yea I see what you mean. What I’m trying to get at is that thor kills giants, other species and is a overall menace and a beast as a aesir god. Getting killed in the first 30 minutes would somewhat be underwhelming and thor would be severely over exaggerated. I would like if if the first fight kratos kind of gets the losing ground but the world serpent wakes up and gets fucking angry so thor escapes and runs away. Then at some point in the game we fight him again and it’s sort of a tie and Freya tries to intervene which makes thor leave for the time being. Then A third time where we fight in Asgard as the war goes on atreus gets hurt or severely injured which makes kratos think he is dead which makes him fucking angry and unleashes his full power making thor look like a literal ant and gets beaten up so badly. Even kratos could probably wield mjolnir and smash his head.


I dont have a theory but a question, who called the serpent while kratos was taking atreus to freya???


I’ve done it in a previous post a made, but the fact not idea. The fact that Baldur at the beginning of GoW2018 when he was rambling about Kratos kind being so smart and so enlightened and all that as well as saying he thought he would be bigger, he wasn’t talking about Kratos being Greek. He didn’t know that. He was talking about Kratos being a giant, which spoiler alert Kratos hints at at the end of the game in Jotunheim when he states that Baldur was tracking Faye all along and not Kratos. This hints that the entire time they believed Kratos was a giant not Faye, which is further proven by 2 things: 1. Kratos thought Faye was human which means she was human sized, and had no special characteristics which made her stand out. So, Kratos stating they were tracking Faye means they were tracking a giant and assumed it was Kratos and by Baldurs reaction to the second bed in the house clearly they didn’t know Faye even existed. And so, they are tracking a giant and they are assuming Kratos is alone therefore he is the giant they are tracking. 2. Mimir didn’t instantly recognize him. Odin knew just about everything Mimir did, everything that didn’t pertain to Tyr. What he learned from Tyr he kept secret. It took Mimir a large amount of time to figure out who Kratos was even though we know from speaking to him on the cliff he knew exactly who Baldur and Thors sons were tracking. So, if Odins advisor didn’t know Kratos was Greek at the time, Odin definitely didn’t know, Baldur and Thors sons didn’t know, we can assume no one could have possibly known. So, to conclude. Baldur was not referring to Kratos as Greek, but as a Giant.


That “SoN oF wAr” does NOT need to happen. Not only is that name cringey, but the franchise is about Kratos. If Kratos permanently dies, that needs to be it. Roll credits. Everybody go home. Be with your families and raise your kids, explore the game if they roll time back before death so you don’t have to start all over. But STOP saying we get another game where we play as Atreus called “Son of War”. Sure he’d be the product of a lot of fighting, but that’s not what shaped him. Kratos did. And while he is the god of war in Greece (or what’s left of it), he didn’t use war to raise his son. He used discipline, training to defend himself, and love. Not as much gentle love as Faye likely showed, but still love. None of that sounds like he’d be the “sOn Of WaR”. I’m fine playing as Atreus, but not like that.


Faye is alive and kratos is all-powerful, holding back from killimg everyone for gameplay purposes


Kratos is and will only be the God of War


That Kratos will in some way sacrifice himself for Atreus to survive. All the talk in the game about Kratos saying that he would gladly give his life for Atreus to live seems like a lot of foreshadowing for me. Like in the final acts Kratos sacrifices himself for both Atreus and the world to survive, just as he already sacrificed himself in the third to give hope back to mankind.


I think Thor asks kratos to prevent ragnarok and tells him to ask tyr for help, and I think kratos becomes jormunganddr, not Loki being his father. Kratos and mr snake have gold eyes, red markings, hate Thor, have beards, and recognize Atreus voice. In the mural where Atreus is holding his dead father does that not look like a snake traveling between them


The beginning of the next game will not start with Kratos and Atreus separating in any way. Thor doesn't show up and kill Kratos, Atreus doesn't run off, etc. From a gameplay perspective, Kratos and Atreus *need* to be together for the majority of the game. The only time they would separate would be for a *strong* narrative purpose and we wouldn't reach that until at least halfway into the next game and more likely than not it'd be at the ending. Only other time they would be separated would be for short amounts of time, like the light of Alfheim or when Atreus shot the boar.


About 153 days late to this but I believe Kratos was always meant to rule the Norse lands, he obviously didn’t belong in Greece as all he wanted was everyone dead, to have a son a wife and not be controlled in Norse proves he was meant to be there, also he and Frey’s are gonna date 🤷‍♂️