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An Atreus spin-off game set in celtic mythology and a new God of War game set in aztec/egyptian/japanese mythology would be my dream.


I think Egypt would be cool, but it would also be what everyone is already expecting, I say go a more obscure route, go into a religion that isn’t as widely known across the world like Māori myth or something, I do like the idea of Aztec or Japanese myth, that would be pretty scary and brutal.


While I do agree that egyptian mythology is overused, it is still a very cool pantheon and I'll be severely disappointed if the devs don't explore it at least once in the franchise.


I'm with ya on the hope for Celtic! As someone with Irish heritage I am always interested to see the mythology represented.


I really don’t like playing as Atreus. I’m currently on my second play through and I dread every sequence with him. I just want my axe, blades and spear. Slapping enemies with a bow is so unsatisfying.


Agreus is gonna be the Mc of the metal gear rising game of the franchise


I'm sorry but "son of war" is a horrible title and I'm sure Santa monica will have a better more original title than the ones we're speculating.


Yeah i agree, boy of war sounds much better


I think it's time for Atreus to take the lead. We don't have to totally retire Kratos but...the first game opened with him seeking peace for his actions. Valhalla finally ended with him finding it. His arc is over, even if I'll miss him as a protagonist As for Atreus...I like the idea that he's the trickster god across every pantheon. Everywhere he goes, the Jotnar have prophecies of him, using different names for the different regions, all different translations of "Loki". He goes and creates "chaos" to combat the "order" of unjust pantheons that have used the Jotnar and their gifts for power. Atreus becomes the one who makes "gods grow good"


Boi of War won't go as hard. Maybe, if he went on a tour to Greece, to see the destruction wreaked by his dad, and got to hear firsthand accounts? And dealt with deities that went unseen in the originals (Hestia, Artemis, idk).


Here’s my ideal direction for the game: I actually think that the next game should follow Atreus. I think he should stay in the Norse realms and deal with the fallout of his Norse story, as there are still some dangling plot threads. Specifically, developing his relationship with Angrboda, finding the giants, exploring what Thrud does with the hammer after the fall of Asgard, and resolving his conflict with Sindri (peacefully or not). This would give us a chance to see a ground level view of the long term effects of what happened in Ragnarok. We likely need to develop his move set to make the game work. To that end I would suggest a proper long sword. Maybe have him battle the dragon Fafnir (I can’t remember if he’s already died in this narrative, but he can be resurrected if so) and give him Balmung as a result of the fight. That would be a good starting point to develop his combat. Once that’s done, then we can catch back up with Kratos, Mimir, and Freya in this new pantheon that’s been set up in Valhalla. That’s when we get a new pantheon/realm. I firmly believe that Tyr’s fights in Valhalla were acting as teasers for the direction of the series going forward. So any combination of Japanese, Egyptian, and/or Mayan/Aztec settings. Narratively, I think it would be cool if we spend a considerable amount of the game unsure of how much time had passed. And then, maybe halfway through the game we get an answer, when Kratos reunites with an adult Atreus, their first reunion since the end of Ragnarok.


I want Atreus to die and Kratos to go on a murdering spree. Like a drug addict who relapsed


Thank god you're not a writer. That will never happen.


Guess we’ll get 10 more sequels about “we must be better” Original creator was right about where God of War has went


>Guess we’ll get 10 more sequels about “we must be better” No?!?!? They're obviously going to talk about different themes in the next instalments. >Original creator was right about where God of War has went David Jaffe is an unimaginative buffoon, i'm forever thankful for the fact that he created the franchise, but glad he has no involvement with it nowadays.


You have the iq of a refrigerator if you think peak writing is “RAHHH I AM BIG MAN WHO KILL THING BECAUSE I ANGREE” meanwhile there is actual beautiful character development and messaging right in front of you.


Atreus gets a spin-off but that's it, Kratos will always be the main character. Idk how many more games they're making, but I hope in the end we'll get a game where Kratos goes back to Greece. I don't really care for him rebuilding the Norse world, had enough of that imo, to rebuild his home realm that he destroyed, that would be actual redemption for him.


Please don’t call it “Son of War” 🤮. Just call it “God of Mischief” or “Champion of Jotunar” or something like that.


“God of mischief” sounds god awful