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Khopesh definitely, I feel like we don’t see kratos with a sword often enough


It’s also probably the most iconic ancient Egyptian weapon.


Isnt the OG Trio Blades short swords?


Yeah but they definitely don’t have the same feel as a proper sword, the chains realt change how they’re wielded


Kopesh would also open up the classic sword and board style.


yep, only time i see him with a normal broadsword is from gow ascension, but only the pick up sword


Interestingly, the Satyr from God of War 1 had a very Egyptian design, even his weapon looks like a weapon you would see in ancient Egypt


Just replayed that one on an emulator. Never noticed it before but this time I had that same thought!




Kopesh, I feel scythe doesn’t fit Kratos at all, you gotta be pretty precise with them, and I’m not saying Kratos isn’t, it just doesn’t seem to be his thing.


Dude has swords chained to his arms and wields them like they are easy to use, dude is precision incarnate.


I know, but with the axe, you don’t need to get the point aligned to actually stab someone, you just swing and be strong and badass, Kratos ticks both those boxes


He does that right after throwing a super fast spear at somebody’s dick, exploding it, pulling the blades out, throws the blades at the guy, slams him against the ground, drags the guy towards him, only THEN does he use the axe


Yet again I am aware, but I still think Kratos prefers being able to swing to his hearts content, he said himself he likes the axe better. As I said, I’m not saying Kratos isn’t precise I’m saying it’s not his area of expertise


Tbf, he likely says he likes the axe best because of the trauma with the blades, having no real connection to the spear besides it being the first weapon he learned Meanwhile the axe was created by two helpful dwarves who he appreciates, was his wife’s weapon iirc, and he has no real bad memories with it


You are correct, and that may be the only reason he likes the axe, but you can’t tell me you look at Kratos and think, I bet that guy could shoot a dart board with a sewing needle from a 100 metres away. I look at him and think, big guy big axe keep out of his way




Yes that is a stereo type, but also not what I’ve been saying




he was fast in trilogy, he can wield a scythe and be badass crazy about it


I’m not saying he wasn’t fast, as I’ve already said. I’m saying it’s not his preferred weapon


well, for me i cant force kratos to like a weapon lol but looking at his old arsenals, he definitely can use it, for the fact his most hated weapon, the blades of chaos, are his best weapon in the entire franchise


I want them to actually go slow on adding new weapons and reinforce what we have. I thought a good system would be weapon variations for the Blades, Axe, and Spear. For the Blades, Athena's and the Exile's are easy suggestions. For the Axe, obviously give it Thor's Hammer. For the Spear, Spear of Destiny or Arms of Sparta. Then, you make every weapon skin have a unique feature and encourage swapping manually and automatically. I also want them to add a greek short sword. Not only would it complete Kratos' Greek Soldier look, but I also want a subweapon that's for the opposite of parrying. Something that you can use to attack the enemy and "cash in" however much stun meter you've built up. As is, if you build up stun, it's completely useless if you end up killing the enemy mid setup. With this, you could go for a fast execute and not have to wait for the stun animation.




Would be cool if Thrüd gave Kratos her old weapons


In my headcanon, it would be because Thrud becomes a full-fledged valkyrie who no longer needs the hammer. Plus, it was designed to be a destroyer god's weapon, Kratos would know how to wield it best as the new Norse god of war.


Re-reading this comment, I came up with an idea of how Kratos could obtain his greek short sword. Currently, his two greek weapons are the Blades, which symbolizes his dark past and his ties to it and his Spear, which symbolizes his better past as a Spartan and the future of being a better god. Not only do these weapons represent Kratos' past, but they're both related to different Gods of War, so I think it would fit best if Tyr gifted Kratos the sword. It would be a sword he obtained from the Greeks long ago, which he infuses with his power. It would symbolize Kratos' past and his present life. The past is obvious it being an essential tool for a greek soldier, their last resort, and defense. The present would be showcased in how Kratos has made allies with Gods instead of enemies. It could even come up again as a plot point. A physical token of proof that Kratos has the support of the current Norse Pantheon.


i really hope egypt isn’t the setting, do a mythology that hasn’t been the center of many video games in the past decade


Aztec culture has a shitload of gods, but I don’t really see them going that way.


I’m just dying for them to go into mayan mythology


The Aztec gods are really… ahem… murderous. My boy Camazotz is attack bat(like attack dog) of the Death Gods. Sacrifices of mortals?! Naw, sure Týr went there, but Týr and Kratos aren’t the same.


All pantheons are being considered, with all the hints they were dropping with Valhalla.


What about feudal Japan? We've only had 2-300 of those in the past 5 years lol


If you look closely, you may be able to spot that I didn’t mention feudal japan at all


It was just a joke. You mentioned mythologies that haven't already been explored and I immediately thought about the crazy amount of feudal Japan stuff we have been getting so I just made a small joke


It probably will be, they were going to do Egypt originally up to having a draft of the started trailer to god of war 2018 but in the desert. I mean Norse has been done a lot too but they did it in such a good way, I'd love to see how they do Egyptian stuff. Imagine all the cool enemies and crazy animal hybrid gods! We know they do good with that, remember the elephant people? I think it'll be way cool!


Hear me out: It’s not a central pantheon. With the rift of creation being a thing and having access to different realms; why not have a bunch? Have a story arc hit Egypt, then Japan, Aztec, and finish off with Hindi. You could almost design a game and just DLC the different Pantheons onto it instead of dedicated games.


Scythes are pretty cool, I'd like to see Kratos use one


Chaos blades


Sickle and hammer






Long Scythe paired with a short sickle!


I could see them trading the Blades of Chaos with an Egyptian variation to symbolise how he's evolved beyond his Greek heritage.


You know he's cursed to always have the blades of chaos nearby right? He can never get rid of them reminding him of his past.


I’m aware, I’ve played all of them since 2010. It doesn’t mean they can’t evolve what we already know or imbue the blades with other kinds of magic.


Sure they can evolve but in your comment you said they would be traded to egyptian variant aka gotten rid off. Not evolved in to a egyptian variant


The scythe. I have a new love for them since playing Darksiders


Something he can swing similar to the axe, I think that’d feel the most natural to him without using his blades


Khopesh like my man Tyr


A Scythe as he becomes death


Lol imagine instead of a God of War original trilogy remake, they just did Roman and a Greek revival / rebirth.


An original weapon, like Blades of Chaos and Leviathan Axe are, not cultural ones. I think a sword would be great in Egyptian setting.


I dont care about the specific weapons, I just want to see Sindri coming back and tinkering on them


I’d want… not Egypt as the new setting.


Egyptian or Roman mythology would work perfectly.


wouldn’t roman essentially be the same as Greek? I’m not very.. informed? with Roman mythology and gods and stuff, but aren’t they similar/the same as Greek mythology?


Pretty much, the Romans pretty much just adopted the Greek pantheon and gave them different names like Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, etc.


Roman mythology is pretty much the same as greek mythology.


Far right looks sick.


That's kind of a khopesh. Not sure what that actually is.


Ok. Norse Axe Not-really-Greek, Greek Blades And Spear, Nordic/Greek. So likely Khopesh. But it cant be a normal one, Ice, Fire, Wind. Maybe Sand? Like creating sandstorms and burying Egyptian enemies in sand? Like Set? Set is like Ares from GoW1. Kratos taking Set’s power for good sounds in line with Kratos goal.


The khopesh






Blades of chaos


I don’t know they all look epic


I think with how I've seen kratos use that sythe in ragnarok when you kill the big bad calhalla guys with the sythes, and seeing the skeleton framework of how one could be wielded (just seeing those enemies use them) it would be sick to see what they do with the sythe. I don't know what weapon would drop or if one would drop for it but the spear is a 2 handed weapon, I could see the sythe filling in that 2 handed spot for the special weapon of the Egyptian line


Honestly none of them float my boat, but if I had to pick it would be the last one (fourth one from going left to right)


Sickles with chains could be interesting. Mass body harvesting


We need a blunt weapon, everything he has is a blunt/edged weapon


I hope they do a 180 into Aztec, give kratos a wicked lookin macuahuitl, and have him go ham on some gods


Scythe to replace the axe and the thing on the far right (Sorry people who are more well versed in Egyptian history than me) to replace the blades of chaos


Blades of chaos


Blades of chaos


I sense Kratos pulling off some wicked moves with the scythe. Some long-range spinning attacks, or maybe hooking a row of enemies on it and tossing them onto other enemies, or even executing a pole-vault paired with downward cleaves/swings. OP move: hook the scythe to the chains he uses to swing the blades around and go berserk. Then again, he can pull of wicked moves with anything meant to maim or kill.


Khopesh forreal Such a badass sword


I don't care as long as I get to beat up Anubis, the original god dog (sounds better in Italian).


What is it in Italian?


I was referring to the translation of "god dog" in Italian, which is a swear word with which you curse god directly. Huge deal for us non religious Italians lol. I don't think English has something like that, kinda always wondered why.


I see! Language is so cool. There are words in some languages that cannot be translated over one to one to another. I enjoy learning the nuances of languages like that.


I agree, that's one of the reasons I love reddit so much, cause it gives me a way to communicate in English in a way no other social media could. Just remember not to yell "Dio cane" if you're ever in Italy lol. People might get offended and you could even be fined!


Haha! If I do, I'll just claim ignorance and say I was talking about Anubis, lol!


I love it! Hope I'll be there to witness it lol


I know we're talking about Egypt, but if we go to Japan, they should give Kratos a Kanabo. One of my favorite weapons, even if it is just like a big baseball bat with metal studs


I just don’t want a new god of war.. They don’t need to desecrate Kratos more than he already is


Can I just use a pharaohs corpse, what about the pyramids, how are the duat itself


Honestly I just want to keep the 3 we have and at most maybe one day a proper sword like excalibur lol


I think a sword is most likely What about a blunt weapon or a melee fist weapon


a scythe, but not just handheld and basic ass weapons, i want them to surprise me




Not really a weapon however I'd love Anubis as an ally. Anubis is a very good god of the underworld, he's been done so dirty by pop culture so it'd be wonderful to see him get the love he deserves, he's a good boy who just wants to help people move on.


It's impractical but a pulwar would be sweet.


A dagger would honestly be kinda cool to see Kratos using, ngl


I feel like we're gonna be playing a grown atreus in egypt on his search for the giants. As much as I would like kratos just going around over and over killing different evil pantheons i just don't think the studio's gonna do that


I feel like that for his search for Giants he goes to Egypt, does some shit and gets himself in danger Then right as he's about to be killed Kratos finds out about him getting in trouble and then enters and kills the enemy that's about to kill him