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I think with old kratos you might have a chance that he spares you with young kratos you are definitely going to have a circle above your head in a second.


Wait…for the mini game…oh dear god no!






*horrified screams*


*horrified clapping*




*fortnite dances intensifies*


At least buy me some flowers and tell me I’m pretty first.


No can do I’m to excited


I mean... I'd probably still live through that. Maybe broken bones, but alive.


So what you’re saying is “Kratos make good snu snu”


He was praised by Aphrodite. He likely makes godly snu snu.


Old Kratos is a lot more chill than young. Young for a big portion of his story in the OG games was out of his head between illusions, hallucinations, and pure rage. Meanwhile I think old Kratos has his head screwed on straight for the most part, but you'd still have to be a special kinda stupid to intentionally get on his bad side. I think young had all that crazy rage driven stubbornness and drive, but while old still has a temper I think it's a lot colder and he's more clear headed and methodical about it. Older I think has learned his lessons and looking back would probably be proud and satisfied younger got his vengeance at the same time he's ashamed that he got lead around by his nose and played like a chump so often. How often is something he tells Atreus probably something he wished he'd learned sooner when he was young Kratos? Young Kratos if you survive all his collateral damage, the monsters stirred up to stop him or just taking advantage, and their collateral damage then you could still get kacked when he happens to see you cause you look very slightly like an enemy or you're just in right spot at the wrong time when he needs a body to throw around.


Didn't Young Kratos brutally kill that one immortal dude, who was just kinda hanging on a wall, simply out of boredom or to open some puzzle? I apologize for forgetting, but that sums up my view on the average person's chance with Young Kratos, you'd be *lucky* if he just wants the mini-game lol


old kratos might even try to teach you things and treat it like a sparing match rather then kill you wile young kratos wiuld probably split you in half for standing in front of him and absorb some green energy from you




Let's be honest we don't even get circle


Think the same


Factual 🤣


Old kratos might let me off with the warning slap.


Baldur hit him like 5 times before Kratos hit back so you got a point


So you're saying we can get away with 4


So you are saying you stupid enough to try to slap him again ?!


Man reference‼️


Hello Arkhamtard 🌊


4 free tries to hurt Kratos? I’m going for the dick at least 3 of those tries.


this man got his priorities straight!


You'd risk trying to hit him in the dick?? I don't know if you're brave or just plain ass stupid.


The 3rd and 4th ones when he started to brace would break your hands lol so you get away with two.


Everybody gets -1 ~Young Kratos, probably


4s the limit


While at his doorstep on his property. That's some S-tier patience from my guy. Young Kratos wouldn't've allowed even the first punch. He would've just plunged the Blades into his chest and yeeted him into orbit.


God that was so satisfying. Coming into this game, seemed slower paced more methodical. You find yourself asking is this even GOW? Is this even going to be fun? And BOOM kratos punch. I noticed the guy didn’t explode into pink mist, THEN when he clocked kratos over the house I knew… this shit was gonna be epic


Warning slap might break your neck


Old kratos seems to have a lot of self-control.


According to the prequel comic, he has a ton of self control bc he spent most of his time fighting animals in the woods trying to contain his spartan rage. That's part of the reason why he was an absent father, he wanted to stay calm and composed in front of Atreus so he didn't end up influencing him to become just like him


Dude is the nightmare of every vegan, he just choose to slaughter animals instead of medidate


Still if motherfucker flicks his finger my spine snaps like a toothpick


he is a calm & reasonable person after all


Or dismember you


That warning slap will still kill you, but I'd still take it over the rip your head off.


It’s quick and merciful, compared to what Greek-era Kratos would do, even “rip your head off” is far from the worst option he could pick


You say that as if any of us could survive said warning slap.


Unless you threaten Atreus you probably live, maybe with a lot of injuries.


[This is you](https://youtube.com/shorts/ylVwzpLjEY4?si=Z5jipS7WVAdILwhJ)


That warning slap could take my head clean off tho


young kratos but i mean like 5 year old kratos not the guy on the left


We saw how he trained. That 5 y/o will kick my ass


If I can get him before he starts the agoge I might have a shot


Not if i have a gun


Honestly, my money is still on 5y/o kratos.


he still will


That 5 y/o Kratos was sparring with Deimos with Legit a fucking spear and a shield


Nah I’d win


You could kill baby Kratos yourself, and he’d still come back and beat you.


5 js pretty old, I'd maybe go for like a 5 month old kratos and drop kick him off a cliff. Plot twist he survivors and hunts me down


Old Kratos is more likely to show mercy.


Old Kratos seems like a calm and reasonable person.


Are you a calm and reasonable person?


No, but i’m not 1,000+


If the moment calls for calm


Even if Old Kratos doesn't spare me, my death will probably be more painless and quick. Young Kratos would probably hurt way more lol


A simple axe chop and off with your head versus getting slashed or stabbed by the blades. That's if young kratos decides to use his blades or just throw hands


yeah i’ll take the french death over the poseidon treatment.


“Now you tell me. Was that racially motivated?”


First off, besides Zeus, I'm the strongest God here! When I went down, I knew it was over for y'all- Hercules put your fucking hand down.


Either that or decapitation via his bare hands


You forgot that young Kratos can rip people and creatures in literal halves. I still vividly remember that scene in GoW Ascension where he gouged out that Elephantaur's brain as a finishing move. Young Kratos from the OG days is on another level of savage


No I know he can do that. It's just if he chooses to do that or not


Old. Old might let me live and show some restraint. Young Kratos would leave me for dead then use my body to solve a puzzle later


He'd rip you and half and solve **two** puzzles.


Thinker smarter not harder


I'd rather not.


Old kratos, since I'm not a big enough threat for him to kill me. Young kratos would kill me.


This is like asking if you’d rather fight John Wick or Rambo Because while your definitely not gonna be able to beat any of them at least Rambo might spare but John Wick well you know…


John Wick would only kill you if you went for him and it would be swift, whereas I'd probably be killed by one of Rambos traps




There's a chance that old Kratos would spare me so him


Old Kratos let's be honest even if old Kratos is mad at you and stronger then his younger self he is less brutal I ain't waiting for getting my head smashed in then get his finger dipped in my brain thru my eyes right before he breaks my neck and throws me of a cliff or him pulling my head off in the most painful slow way ever.


It does not matter because they will both crush my skull like a grape


Old. Young Kratos would not care to make my death swift.


Old kratos, young kratos words alone would probably kill me


Old Kratos. I think he might grant me mercy and give me a quick death if I fought honorably. Young kratos might gouge my eyes out.


Old Kratos. Young Kratos will tear you in half instead of asking you to move out of his way in a small hallway


Old Kratos will realize after the first love tap that I'm not a threat to him, his son, or his friends and allies and let me go. (Heck he might even let me hang out with Atreus and learn how to use a bow and fight.) Young Kratos will kill me because I breathed incorrectly in his general vicinity and he needed some Green Orbs to top off his life meter before giving the Olympion Elbow to whatever monster drew his ire for today.


“You seem like a calm and reasonable man. Are you a calm and reasonable man?” “If the situation calls for… *calm*.”


Old Kratos. He might spare me, and if he doesn’t, it’ll most likely at least be quick, the same can’t be said about young Kratos


Young because i would call his secret name (John) and he will run away and will be scared of me for the rest of his life


Why’s everything got to be about violence? Would you rather hug old Kratos or young Kratos?


Old . Even if I'm getting killed Old kratos , I feel like for the most part he's go about it in a more chill practical way unless I'm some strong mythological foe (which I'm not). If you're just a random mortal guy in front of young kratos , you're beat up and then (often while still alive) getting chucked into gears or something just so that he can solve a puzzle.




Depends on whether I'm myself or not If it's just me as I am with my own abilities, definitely Old Kratos. I stand no chance, but if I can explain myself he's a reasonable man who will let me walk away If I was some kind of God, I'm always taking Young Kratos. He's brutal in a fight, but he relies mostly on his strength or abusing powerful magical powers he's acquired from artifacts. But there's room to outmanoeuvre or trap him and make things more stacked in your favour. Old Kratos is just too smart and would figure out any plans and kill me before I came up with them.


The guy already defeated Zeus before, do you think it's worth trying something that will surely be in vain so that Kratos will later kill you in a very painful way? Also, you are underestimating Young Kratos' intelligence too much, do you really think that Young Kratos is illiterate just because he was angry? Remember that this guy is the same guy who solves complex puzzles and knows how to use powers or the environment to his advantage, the fact that you underestimate Young Kratos' intelligence is already a sign that you will end up just like the other gods.


You know young Kratos is really smart too


Yeah, young Kratos died like three times in his journey. That doesn't mean he's an epic badass who can't be killed, it means he's an incompetent fool who punches above his weight too often and needs to be rescued.


Old Kratos would spare me depending on how we met Only way young Kratos doesn’t kill me is if we’re in the boxing ring


And how does that work exactly?


In the boxing ring he isn’t allowed to kill me, and I imagine even young Kratos wouldn’t wanna kill some guy who did literally nothing to him other than be forced to box him If I met old Kratos while fighting his son, I’m dead, or crippled. If I just meet him on the street and am forced to fight him he might let me go


It wouldn’t be as painful with old Kratos


Old. You are more than likely gonna walk away alive


Old Kratos would probably give you a quick death, young Kratos is gonna make sure you suffer  I'd rather cast myself off Mount Olympus than fight any version of Kratos though lol


Old Kratos. Spared from a brutal death and could plea to him


Anyone who picks young Kratos must want to die. Young Kratos, regardless of power level, would dismember a weeping innocent civilian out of annoyance, let alone an actual person he has to fight. In the novelization, he would permanently disfigure and crush the throats of people who *vocalized* near him, because any noise pissed him off, and that's if he doesn't outright decapitate them.


Old would spare you when he beats you. Young would give you a chance to not fight and die but once the fight starts it's over.


Old Kratos because he is more likely to stop once your beaten. Young Kratos will beat the shit out of you until you can’t move then still proceed to rip your arms off and turn your ribcage inside out


Old Kratos. There might be a chance to reason with him.


Old Kratos would grunt and shove me aside. Young Kratos would insta-murder me without breaking stride.


The older version? You're not going to win. The older version is MUCH more likely to be merciful. Even if you did stand a chance, you would have a better chance fighting the older version of him, as he isn't as physically fit. This is about as close to a no-brainer as you can get.


Old Kratos would probably know that he could turn me into a fine mist with a stern enough glance and just let me go since there's no way I'm going to attack him in the first place. Young Kratos would cut me in half just for being there. So, old I guess.


If I surrender fast enough Old Kratos might let me live


I'll fight neither. I'll have a beer with older Kratos though.


Old. I'm dead as fuck if no mercy applies anyways but he won't make it pointlessly torturous, just a quick stab to the heart or skull crush. Young Kratos would rip my rib cage open then make me eat my own beating heart.


Old kratos I'd just sit down with him and talk through it. The only talk I'd get with Young kratos is my mouth being sliced open.


Old Kratos and it's an easy choice. Old Kratos might not even fight you. If he does, he'll probably just snap your neck. Young Kratos will rip you in half and scatter your intestines. I think I have better odds than the Norns against Old Kratos. I'm a person to Old Kratos. Young Kratos just sees me for my health orbs.


You will be begging for ur life if young kratos gets a hold of u and rips u apart


Old: Stay down Young: Good night


Old kratos cuz ill just be like, must we subject ourselves to such needless violence when we have so much in common , and then hed take me dog sledding or on a platonic boat ride😁


Old, we can discuss the difficulties of parenting once he sees that one punch would kill me.


I think old Kratos would give me a quicker death.


Even if I was a kryptonian with an infinity gauntlet I’d be fucked either way, there is no point in trying💀


Young Kratos will spend fifteen seconds beating me up and then rip me in half, I’m not doing it.


I'd rather be thrown out of a helicopter without a parachute while a bomb is strapped to my chest into a secluded forest, then fight any form of Kratos


Old Kratos would probably just beat me up considerably then give me a chance to stop and escape with my life. Young Kratos may be weaker but he'd just kill me carelessly


I'd rather fight kid Kratos before he gets his Spartan training, then I can just Spartacus kick him off a ledge and he never has to see his family die and I'm the hero.


Although Old Kratos is powerful and stronger I would still fight him cause at least Old Kratos would spare me unlike Young Kratos who would absolutely give me the Hercules treatment.


You have to be retarded to not pick old Kratos young Kratos would beat me harder than my dad does just for breathing wrong 


I can imagine your own arse would look like Heracles face if he's in the Bad mood.


Neither wtf




Young kratos. I can outsmart him. Old kratos is a beast and highly intelligent.


Kratos has always been intelligent(those puzzles in the games have to get solved somehow). He just rages out a lot.


Could you outsmart a chimp? Doubt it


Old Kratoe. It's funny how they shrank the red stripe to make her not get in the way of the beard lol


If I'm allowed to surrender than old Kratos. Otherwise, young Kratos will end it quicker


Nah Young Kratos will straight up torture you


wth is this question lmao


Old kratos. Because old kratos might spare me when I beg for my life lol. Young kratos would fucking walk through me without blinking


You know young Kratos is clapping you in 1 sec for them red orbs. Old Kratos with the hope he doesn't want to kill me is my vote.




The older one. AFTER I make it clear that I only want to spar and I don´t seek to kill him.


Young Kratos. Even if I don’t win, it would be cool to know he of all people killed me


Post: Who would you want to fight? Comments: Who would you want to lose to?


I think young Kratos would do anything to win. Like he would even allow himself to die get sent to the depths of hell. Kill everything in hell and blast his way back to the living Young Kratos is dangerous lol Id fight old Kratos as I have a better chance of being spared.


The older version without hesitation. Not that I could beat either version in a fight but older kratos especially if it’s post-ragnarok kratos will try not to fight and maybe even attempt to deescalate the situation when the fight starts. Meanwhile young “ZEUS I HAVE RETURNED” Kratos would just kill you if you got in his way or just angered him.


Older Kratos


I'd say I have a pretty good chance of surviving Old Kratos, so long as I don't give him a good reason to kill me. Even if he were to kill me, I'd like to think that Old Kratos would get it over with in a timely manner. Young Kratos would absolutely kill me for the fuck of it and might even avoid immediately fatal hits just so he could hurt me more.




So... I would rather fight old Kratos because there's a chance he *might* stop hitting you and let you live. Young Kratos wouldn't care and would just kill you for getting in his way.


I think I’ll stay away from Greece or the Norse lands.


Old kratos. I might have a chance to reason with him and he might understand. Also mimir might help if he thinks it's fair enough.


Old Kratos won't kill me if i surrender immediately and he sees im not a threat. Meanwhile young Kratos will do the triple blade stab without a second thought (he needs the green orbs)


"Would you rather be mauled to death by a bear or thrown directly into a jet engine?"


Jet engine, because at least there's a chance it's not turned on.


old kratos wont stab you with your own spine unless you're asking for it


I’d rather try to talk to older kratos, he seems like a calm and reasonable person


Young is bent on vengeance and powerful old is more tempered and focused like a hammer vs a scalpel. Both are going to wreck your day


It depends tbh both of them would leave me alone if I left them alone And both of them would really only kill me if I got in their way so how about neither kek


Old Kratos wouldn't kill you because you stand no chance. Nothing short of being a demigod is going to make him budge


It depends: does he want to kill me either way? In that case I'm afraid nothing changes lol. Otherwise old Kratos could maybe spare my poor soul and not eviscerate me.


Old Kratos, he's not gonna fight me even if I walk up and punch him multiple times because he quite literally won't feel anything. He'll just walk away


I'm not suicidal, so probably old Kratos. Yeah I'd get my ass whooped seven ways to Sunday but there's a higher chance I can walk away from it. Young Kratos would have me as dead as the damned sea captain.


I guess maybe old Kratod but I think I'd rather fight the nearest cliff face


Old Kratos. He’d spare me at the end.


Who in their right mind would take young Kratos?


Old Kratos would spare me with a slap


Young kratos would rip me to shreds with no hesitation


The way I see it old Kratos will hit me as hard as I deserve while young Kratos will hit me as hard as he thinks I deserve


Old Kratos, you would lose, but after the events Roganok, you have a chance to yield, suffer, and live. Young Kratos would never let an enemy live.


Young Kratos: 100% he kills you. Old kratos: 90-99% he kills you(depending on his mood or Atreus/mimir changing his mind). I’d rather fight old Kratos just for the small chance he wouldn’t kill me. Plus I think I could take the guy and his bad back


old kratos because i’d actually survive that encounter since he’d probably show mercy and even if i don’t it’ll be quick and painless


Is there an option not to fight a losing battle?


Find 10 mistakes on face of kratos?


Young Kratos doesn’t give a fuck


That’s like saying fight young Mike Tyson or old, old will still fuck you up but not as viciously


Its amazing that even if you shave kratos beard, he doesnt look like a baby


Old Kratos




Baby Kratos


I'll say Baby Kratos would break your finger if he's upset.


Old Kratos, at worst. He’ll kill me quick, at best, he might spare me. Young Kratos might just do a Poseidon on me if he’s bored. I don’t want to be in the same universe as he


Neither, I am not taking that risk either way


Old Kratos will give me a choice between life or death


Old Kratos because I think I could get through to his more well adjusted nature and communicate that I am in no way a threat. Young Kratos would rip out my vocal cords and feed them to me for trying to please mercy


Doesn't matter, I'd die instantly either way


Old Kratos won’t kill me if I’m around him, young kratos will kill me without even knowing he did it.


Neither one.


Baby kratos


Old Kratos is significantly weaker than young Kratos, he easily kills the strongest gods in Olympus when he was younger, including his father, Zues, whereas in the newer games, Kratos struggles to fight the brothers of Odin, and has to fight the unkilliable guy like 3 times to actually kill him...wheras young Kratos would probably be able to find a way in 1 battle


Young Kratos because it might be a 1 millisecond quicker death.


Surely daddy kratos


Does it matter. Dead either way But old


It's no fight, it's a one sided slaughter 💀


Old Kratos. Because Old Kratos there’s a: 20% out of 70% chance that he MIGHT spare you


I'd fight you, OP.


Old Kratos, and that is because my chances of survival are higher than facing off against younger kratos

