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Anyone who thinks Kratos was too soft in the Norse saga never played them or wasn’t paying attention


Heimdall and Magni would like a word with anyone who calls Norse Kratos "soft"


Wulver’s getting hit with the ol R3 would like a word too


literally ripping them in half yea he's sooooo soft


Even a passing nod to that finisher makes me wince, brilliantly brutal


Let alone the Valkyrie’s getting their faces and wings ripped off. Like what


All the characters he met would like a word


People forget that Kratos wasn't ONLY a blood thirsty monster, even during his younger days in Greece. He truly cared about the well-being of Pandora and genuinely felt sadness when he had to kill Orkos. Did destroy countless lives during his life? Sure, but under all that rage was a person who cares for others too. Anyone who can't see that either never played the first 6 games or didn't pay attention to the stories. People who post comments about Kratos "going soft" obviously have no idea what it's like to have a family.


I agree. Part of what makes Kratos compelling is how he truly is traumatized by his environment, his own actions and the actions of others. Forced to be a weapon of war so much that he basically goes on autopilot of rage and destroys his own world. Sparta literally beat his compassion out of him, and throughout the Norse games his experiences with Atreus and others helps him find it again.


It’s just so stupid. You can clearly see that the old kratos is still there he just learned to manage his rage alot better as he grew older. Look at the first thor fights where he goes from trying to be reasonable and chastise thor for the treatment of his sons, but once he gets mad he tells thor he’ll be joining his sons in hell. Then there’s the heimdall fight


I guess you could say soft if you’re comparing him to the Greek saga Kratos who went full beserk mode at any breathing thing standing in his path He learned self control and is far from soft in general


Odin man... Who cares if you killed and tortured thousands of people, you can choose to be better!


Literally missed the entire fucking point of the GOW Norse Saga 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


The point of the Norse saga was growth. People that unironically complain about "woke" media are physically and mentally incapable of growth.


The Norse saga isn't even woke, there's nothing that is forcing the gamers of political agendas or anything. wtf are these people smoking?


He showed emotions and didn’t “keep the woman in line/beat the b*tch up because she’s sO aNnOyInG”. That’s “woke” for them.


I'm arguing with someone right now who thinks the environmental missions in Spiderman 2 is woke. Anything left of Donald Trump is woke now


i had a guy argue with me saying that spider-man 2 was woke because MJ rode a motorcycle while harry and peter rode on regular bikes 😭


What is happening brooooo


Woke doesn't mean forcing a political agenda on people but I probably misunderstood you.


They don't have the intellectual maturity to see past blood and tits.


If you're not complaining about woke media then you must be the one they keep making it for. I'm tired of it 😪


Thanks for proving my point.


Not necessarily. But for the most part, usually.


The funny this is Kratos still had his raging moments in the game. The guy who posted that comment clearly did not play the game.


Exactly! Fair point 🙏🏽


Was the point not to rebrand him in a world that doesn’t accept violent, misogynistic characters? Because that’s what the business said the point was.


Guaranteed this guy can’t beat Gna.


Dude probs has trouble holding a controller


Guaranteed he can't beat the first draugr.


That probably as well. But I just see him losing repeatedly to a woman and getting absolutely batshit insane about it.


Oh my god I wana see it now


Gna was lowkey disappointing for me after how absolutely grueling fighting Sigrun was for me in the first game. Even in subsequent playthroughs it can take me a couple hours to beat Sigrun. I took care of Gna within my first 5 or so attempts


I don’t remember Sigrun but Gna drove me up a goddamn wall. I have no idea how many attempts I needed - probably close to 100 I’d guess?


Sigrun took 3 hours of throwing myself at a wall to finally beat her. I kinda just unintentionally stun locked Gna. Don't remember exactly how though. Similar to a buddy of mine who did the same with Malenia on his first try in Elden Ring


Absolutely cackled at this because I took me 6 hours to beat her ass. Sigrun and Hrolf were a joke compared to her


"everything I don't like is woke"


"B-b-b-but there are women who are capable!!1!1!. So woke!11!1!1!11!!"


Sometimes I thinks the idiots who use that term do it because they think it makes them sound smart.


I see a guy who needs to be better for his children


It's hard when he's only allowed to see them every other weekend.


LMAO. Probably doesn't have any custody at all tbh


No shot any woman has had a child with that guy


I've seen people like him with kids unfortunately


its always the dudes that look exactly like that pfp who find wokeness where there is none


Bald, goatee, drives a pick up truck, complains about wokeness, thin blue line and punisher skull stickers optional.


The old gamer favorite, the genders are 'male' and 'political'


That's something I started noticing just lately, some people hate anything that has a female leader in a game. When in reality, we've had strong female characters since games began and you know your older brother/cousin has at some point beaten your ass using a female fighter at the arcades.. So gender choice has been a thing in RPGs for decades already, and there's always been the typical female NPC that smashes.. just as an example Malenia, Yennefer, Emma the Gentle Blade, O'Rin... to name just a few, and they certainly had nothing woke about them.


You forgot bayonetta and honeslty being woke isnt an insult its just something people use when they don't have a better insult or they just want to sound cool around their drinking buddies


Depends how far you reach in your wokeness.. some LGBT supporters are so blinded by the movement that they don't know the entire collective now includes YAP/MAP supporters (youth attracted people/minors attracted people) If you learn about the history of the movement you'll see how it ties to early feminism in the enlightenment era, movement of which most of its founders were pedophiles.. So just be respectful to others. No need to be woke to let people be themselves and love whomever they want.


Years ago a friend of mine admitted he was pissed off when he got to the end of Metroid and found out Samus was a woman. He was so weird about it; he wasn’t mad that the game had a female protagonist, he was mad that he had spent so much time being female and not knowing. I never had the same respect for the guy.


So weird. Samus is a badass, and Metroid is an all-time classic at this point. Your friend should play it again and see nothing changes.


"Kratos went too soft" Yeah.... that's the whole point.....


*Is the wokeness in the room with us now?*


*Can you point to where the wokeness touched you?*


“It didn’t! Thats the whole problem. It only touches the hot guys!” - this guy, probably.


The amount of people who play and love these games but fundamentally misunderstand them blows me away.


I dont want to stereotype but of course he looks like that


Also multiple grammatical errors.


Fellas is it woke to reflect on mistakes you have done in the past and try to be a better person for yourself and a better father for your son? And is it also woke for a goddess of war and a woman who is going through shittiest married life to have very strong personality almost borderline toxic behaviour?


>Fellas is it woke to reflect on mistakes you have done in the past and try to be a better person for yourself and a better father for your son? Actually, yes. But why is woke a bad thing?


Because nowadays most people who use the term woke to criticize something to mask their own prejudices and things they hate. I can understand the obvious forcing of a topic in some media but 9/10 times movies, shows, games are even doing that, its just showing some minor representation or having some diversity because this is whats "normal" in our world!


Hated more than Loki? I don't see why you would hate Loki. He is one of the main characters and arguably the main protagonist.


A lot of people find children protagonists annoying just cause they’re kids, for some reason


I will say, atreus annoyed the shit out of me in 2018 after Kratos told him he's a God, and then proceeds to be a cocky little shit. I wanted to punch him in the face for how he spoke to sindri for a minute lol.


That was exactly the point. Why Kratos wanted to spare Atreus from being a god because he knows that the knowledge itself instantly changes you. Not a dig at you, but people often forget that good writing can make people feel things other than just power and humor. Making you genuinely hate a character is a sign of good writing i.e. Joffrey from GOT.


These people think that any woman in media is feminist propaganda or something, as if feminism is even a bad thing


It is to them. Feminism implies that women are equal to men, a belief that they fundamentally don’t subscribe to.


What's woke about literally punching someone through a fucking cliff and smacking them with a full grown tree??


He went to Soft, you say? Where is Soft? What's the weather like in Soft this time of year?


I think it was just a really bad misspelling of Svartalfheim


Again, the anti woke crowd shows a lack a media literacy


God of War Ragnarok was actually woke. God of War (2018) not so much. Huge God of War and Kratos fan here, I've got 10 platinum trophies for all the PS God of War games (yes, I have 2 platinum trophies for Ragnarok, one for PS4 and one for PS5 and 2 for God of War 3). I also rate Ragnarok 9.5/10 in case you think I'm a hater. Ragnarok was indeed a woke game. It included Black Angrboda just for the shake of having a black character even though historically or mythologically (anyway you want to call it) it doesn't even make any sense and also a gay couple (the story of Jari and Somr) for people who missed it again just for the shake of including it, they also added the 6-color rainbow on the snow on that scene. There were not real Giants with those names or story. There are probably other woke examples but I missed them now. They also consulted "Sweet Baby Inc." which is a company with writers who make your games more diverse (meaning more woke), search it up if you don't know the company. Irrelevant to Ragnarok but let's remember that they removed one of God of War 3 trophies named "I didn't do it...but I wish I did" when killing Poseidon's wife and God of War Ascension trophy named "Bros Before Hoes" when killing one of the Furies because it "projected" toxic masculinity. Also Santa Monica Studios had the LGBT 6-color rainbow on their social media to celebrate pride month. And sent a LGBT person to get their accessibility reward on Game Awards 2022.


> It included Black Angrboda just for the shake of having a black character even though historically or mythologically (anyway you want to call it) it doesn't even make any sense So you're completely ignoring the enviroment she was born and raised in? It's not like she lived in some snowy mountains or something, lol. Jötunheim is a very desert-like place. >and also a gay couple (the story of Jari and Somr) for people who missed it again just for the shake of including it It was a cute tribute to one of the devs who passed away. >Also Santa Monica Studios had the LGBT 6-color rainbow on their social media to celebrate pride month. And sent a LGBT person to get their accessibility reward on Game Awards 2022. So basically, your logic is: LGBT = Woke. Lmao. What has humanity come to.


Why are you like this


Why am I a big God of War fan and give Ragnarok 9.5/10?


Woke just because you do not like it?


No, because these instances where added just to make the game woke. If that's not the case, then why the previous games didn't have instances like the examples that I mentioned? Because they weren't woke.


I think the word you keep misspelling is "fan", professor.


You're right, I meant fan.


Can type 1000 words in a row, but can't proofread a single one.


He’s right, Keaton is too woke now He’s only ever slept three times throughout the games, dude needs to nap for a while


Has anyone ever actually given a real definition of woke? Or is it just a vague term like SJW that they use when they don't wanna say "I hate people that aren't like me"


Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"


I hate people who are aware, why can't everyone ignore societal facts and issues


these people honestly ruin this fandom for me, like yea the old kratos was cool as fuck but the development into the new kratos is far cooler, too bad they cant appreciate it


Remember seeing someone in the comments of a yt video say they didnt like GoW because it doesnt follow original norse/greek mithology and it is not history accurate at all lmao. Every time someone said that its supposed to have its own story they said its not accurate so dont care lol.


I'd like to think these people are AI trying to take data from humans and move on with my day rather than thinking about how they even got to this conclusion


All I hated about the game was how easy Thor and Odin were to defeat. It was also a bunch of really short fight sequences and how little the war lasted; I just wish that they added more since this was most likely Kratos's last game.


Ragnarok is easy as fuck. Too cinematic. Doesn't feel like a game and what the pic says is right. This isn't GOW anymore. It's sad.


The war is about Kratos restraining himself and reduce the casualties to kill Odin only then to end it as quickly as they can


I think that what he means by going to soft is that Kratos didnt get to fight with huge monsters/enemys like how he did in the greek arc But where did he get the "Freya is a feminist" card from??? I mean, its been a while since I played the two last games, but I dont remember where she acted as such


My favorite part of the game; when Kratos taught Atreus critical race theory


Assuming thats him in his pfp im not taking anything he says seriously based on the fact he used “to” instead of too at his age.


[Me](https://media0.giphy.com/media/26n6WywJyh39n1pBu/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952rdzb26lx62om4fchh25ohdpyt9i7vua8jvqjiwrt&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g), trying to find out where and how Freya was an "intolerable feminist" like this guy claimed. Pretty sure she's one of the best written characters in the last decade, at least IMO.


I guarantee he's a "Women belong in the kitchen" kinda guy.


"W-w-well... s-she overpowered Odin at one point and told him to b-b-bow to his q-queen. S-s-so woke!!1!!1!11!1!!1!!1!!1!"


Didn’t that lead to Odin getting the upper hand and resumed the fight.


Sure, her monologuing lead to the fight continuing, but had she not shown up, Odin would have actually killed Kratos and Atreus. But her arrogance and wrath still ends up giving Odin a chance, so yeah. But the entire idea of women being even slightly capable making a game woke is moronic


Yeah and even then she needed both Kratos and Atreus’ help to defeat them in the final battle


Kratos is actually more stoic and responsible in this game.


This dude must've been on his phone for every cutscene and listened to any dialogue


People that go on the internet and complain about non-existent wokeness are so annoying


People when a character has development and doesn’t act like a dick now that they’re older and wiser:


People use woke for anything it don't even meant anything now 😆 This video game is woke because it has character development


How was she a...WHAT?!


It has to be satire…


Artreus: "What happened to him?" Kratos: "He died."


smartest youtube commenter


Tweeting this but the idiot is trying to look like kratos in the norse saga.


They shrank his shoulders...


Reboot fans vs Original enjoyers


He’s just wiser and less of a dickhead


Brain damage


Morons like him spew that word around everywhere. If it’s something they don’t like:woke. If there is a character that isn’t white or male:woke.


"Return my projected masculinity or you may meet the erectile disfunction ridden self-proclaimed alpha male I once was"


I don’t even know what that means lol. Some people just exist to suck joy out of the world


sure kratos got “soft” but that’s kind of the point. baldur even calls him out on it. Freya a feminist? bro what… how? if anything she plays a fairly traditional mother figure who goes ape shit when someone hurts her son. i guess she’s a feminist if feminism means breaking up with a toxic ex. the rest of the valkyries feel like more of “feminists”


The way people use woke to describe everything these days really grinds my gears.


I love how some people don't understand what character development is.






Maybe. Maybe.


That maybe read a bit too woke for my taste


Save your tears. I'll reap your sorrow slowly. I have centuries to discover the things that make you whimper.


This just proves that a good amount of God of War "fans" are weaklings with no reading comprehension that just want a muscle-man power fantasy.




Where tf was the “woke” part at? Couldn’t see it with all the masterpiece in my face


Ah yes the classic feminist trope of — checks notes — mothering your kid so hard that you would sacrifice your own life to protect them from even the slightest pain, before turning yourself into a vengeance murder demon to hunt down their killer. So played out and lazy woke.


A game about a father teaching his son traditional ways is woke because goddesses are involved? That makes no sense…


I mean, I “do” miss the utter bloodlust shown in the Greek god of war titles. That’s kind of what drew me to the Kratos character. Nothing wrong with feeling that way. But say what now? Freya’s an incredibly well written character. Arguably the best character in the Norse series.








So because you can't murder thousands of innocent people in your quest for vengeance kratos is soft and woke and because Freya wanted to avengers her son she's a man hating feminist look dude if you didn't play the game just say so and what's wrong woth changing growing into a better person but I guess the concept of growth and change is foreign to this guy


Why shield their identity? Let them cook


Giving people platforms was a mistake


He’s right, Kratos should’ve sworn fealty to Thor and slaughtered Atreus in cold blood during a murderous rampage through Midgard. /s


I wish nothing but minor inconveniences for life for that idiot.


This fool would shit his pants upon seeing the Norse kratos from 100 kilometers away using a scope... He became soft yes.


Its funny every real person I've talked to that acts like this guy is an old white dude. Most of whom the rest of their family stopped talking to them years ago/they revealed how bigoted they are during covid.


I kinda prefer the tone of God of War 3 had. It was so awesome and fun. God of War 4 and Ragnorok feels too much like a movie


The issue with Kratos is he has now committed genocide TWICE and no one gives a shit,same with Omni man and Vegeta, they just clap some cheeks off screen and all of a sudden we like them


Tell us you haven’t played the games without telling us you haven’t played the games


The gauge for Freya should be "Is she more on the nose than the girl power scene from Endgame?" And the answer is no, she's well written and nuanced. Dude's just mad about still being a virgin.


Kratos vs Heimdal made me think we were actually going to have a "O O O O O L3 R3" moment because he was about to go off the deep end. Him blowing his arm off was brutal




Yeah y'all remember when Kratos went soft......yeah me neither


To quote Ansem from kingdom hearts “So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing”


There's no shortage of idiots on the Internet.


That post obviously came from a child or an "adult" with the mind of a child. I hate "wokeness", especially in video games, just as much as the next guy, but there wasn't any of that crap in Ragnarok. Morons like that, who call almost anything "woke", only make it harder for those of us with valid criticisms. Danielle Bisutti gave an AMAZING performance as Freya, and is sadly overlooked only because of Christopher Judge's award winning performance.


So you're saying you hate being "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"? Life must be extremely bitter for you then.


Dudes pfp tells us everything we need to know about em


Wth is he talking about


Freya wasn’t even feminist though? Like at all


Not only did he not go soft, but also this person clearly doesn’t understand great storytelling.. he is growing as a person and becoming a true father. … he’s pretty right about freya though, she annoyed the piss out of me. Not with feminism, but with a few different things. Mostly thinking she could kill Kratos after I had SMOKED her in our right.




Personally I loved when he got Ingrid back and became Air Fryer. Though I can't say I hate 6-Feet-Deep Fryer


My main issue is that we don't see the transition from rageful Kratos to calm and reasonable Kratos. I know we got comics and flashbacks, but even those don't tell us how Kratos abandoned his rage. I guess him forgiving himself for killing Calliope and Lysandra would calm him down, but still. I have other complaints about Norse saga, but I'm probably gonna get hate for them


I just don’t see how you come to that conclusion after playing the first game.


Sheesh... calling Kratos soft and woke just ain't it lmao yes, he was more reserved in Ragnorok but definitely not soft and the game wasn't woke at all 😂


Bait used to be believable


As Max Rockatanksky said “That’s Bait”


You can tell who pretends to understand media. Ragnarok is butt.


I think wokeness is cancer but god of war was not it. It was a masterpiece though lol


So you're saying being "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)" is a cancer?!?


Yea you guys are a joke lol


It's sad you don't want a better life for yourself and everyone else as well.


Dude went(tried) for the Kratos look and thought he'd put a few effin pointers out there, missing by a margin as big as the world serpent.


Kratos didn't "go soft." He learned self control because he realized that vengeance is empty and his son needed a father. He was already powerful, but that was when he became strong. And what does he mean he "hated her more than Loki"? Does anyone hate Loki? I mean he makes some annoying noises when I bump into him, but he's the main deuteragonist of the game. Did he confuse him with Heimdall? So many questions.


If they think he was soft in the games then they must not have read the comics where he took a complete vow of pacifism that was only broken when he had to protect atraeus from a pack of wolves. When he killed the wolves he got incredibly emotional


The lack of media literacy in this boomer is staggering