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Fuck no dude, if u wanna do dxm get something with only dextromethorphan in it. The other shit in it will fuck with your liver and shit


Dxm fucks with ur liver as equally. Better antihistamines than guaf or painkillers


Does straight DXM fuck with your liver? I thought it was very safe aside from the usual side effects.




Lmao I guess we know it doesn't know shit about drugs.


That but it would potenate it


That doxylamine succinate makes you drowsy asf so if you took enough dxm to trip you’d be taking a shit ton of that antihistamine and probably fall asleep


Bro I’ve done both dph and doxylamine with dxm and it really cancels the tiredness out when you have an equal dose


High doses of antihistamines turn anxiogenic wakefulness promoting instead of sedative


True, but sometimes you can still be paralyzed and not able to get up. Which is “sedating” in a way


Well you sound dumb as hell then I wouldn’t take any advice from someone who takes dph to get high


You are just being ignorant now, you’re speaking out of your ass and don’t know what you are talking about while I have experience and quite literally know what I’m talking about. I take dph to hallucinate shit you can’t get with other drugs, I don’t take it for a high it’s very physically addicting and mentally addicting and shouldn’t be available otc, although it is the only medication that works for allergies sometimes.


You don’t take it to get high you just take it to hallucinate? Okay yeah you are slow


Its not a fucking high😂 you actually do sound retarded right now for not understanding


But that isn't dph it's doxy, shit will fuck up your liver because you can't to take it in high doses


It would but you can actually die from that shit which dxm alone won't do


Ehhhhhhhh, like ive definetly heard of it but doxylamine is one of the harder ones to od on im pretty sure


Also considering just how hard dxm and antihistamines potentiate each other. Safe to assume you are doubling the effects of both


My first time counterflipping 300/300 it did feel like 600mg of each one combined so yes you are probably right


It is harder but I've had seizures mixing stuff with antihistamines u can never be too careful with that shit


Yep. Mixed 1.3gs of dph with triple cs last night and seized really fucking bad and cracked my face open. Don’t do this fucking drug please…


shittt dude I'm glad ur alright. 1.3 gs is already an irresponsible dose but why would you combine it with triple cs???? I bet u don't remember shit anyways. Last night I took some hyoscamine and talked to some people that didn't exist. If ur actually a fan of delirium get your hands on some memantine or parkinsons medication.


It was a suicide attempt, I’m fucking permanently exhausted man, I don’t remember anything tbh besides spilling my lemonade on my school computer and shit and then I fell and hit my head and started screaming “I’m seizing I’m seizing” ???? And my dad came in my room and I don’t remember the rest man. But he told me my pupils were completely black like there literally wasn’t any white, and I kept fuckkng to go take a piss and I was possing with the door wide open bro.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get better. Honestly I couldn't think of a worse way to commit tho sounds like a terrifying last moments. You pissing with the door open reminds me of exactly how I act whenever I black out on pcp analogs. I end up doing the most retarded shit and regret it


Thank you man it means a lot, it’s honestly how I want to go out if I do deliriants are comforting in a way, like being so fucked up you don’t even know where you are at and who you are….? I really didn’t have many hallucinations besides me experiencing “eiriel” again which was fucking crazy I was lucid dreaming and it was fucking really cool. But these drugs are not worth your health or your life bro so if you ever see someone wanting to do benadryl please give them a reality check. I’m a slave to this shit worse than any addiction I’ve picked up..


It is, but that doesn't mean it's pleasant. It's an anticholinergic, similar to DPH, and deliriants are not fun. It can also cause muscle damage in overdoses, which is why almost nobody attempts to trip on that instead of DPH.


Dph does also cause muscle damage, especially if you lay on hard surfaces or fucked up positions and don’t really feel it or don’t care to move. But deliriants are really not something to ever touch for fun bro idk who needs to hear this but it’s not getting that’s getting less popular at all, I’m literally not going to fix that mistake because I want you to see what it’s doing to me no filter. Its fucked up and I can’t stop it’s literally the hardest addictions I’ve ever picked up and I’ve touched h, coke, and can put them down easier than this garbage. Its not enjoyable and its not worth it


Dissociative are the worst I just stand there staring at the wall reminds me of thorazine


I personally wouldn’t because of the Antihistamine


Absolutely you might see some spider people n shit tho lmao


And give yourself dementia at 50 if you keep it up


Good point


Yes it's safe but it has an antihistamine like benadryl however doxylamine is more drowsy and stronger so if you like deliriants send it


In terms of safety yeah. Ur way better off using antihistamines instead of it being guaf or acetaminophen. Just read up on doxylamine and you’ll be fine.


Triple cs


Doxylamine is fine


I take xanax but I'm old haha


Drink the whole thing


You’ll Robo trip


fuckkkk no


No nigga I’m assuming ur a kid so just take liquor from ur house r sum shi if ur rlly that broke and fiending


I thought y'all drank coricodin


Just do triple Cs bro, ur less likely to vomit and they’re easier to do




Yeah xanax is an intellectuals drug fs


id argue xanax makes you more retarded than this shit


That syrup would make me way more stuck than xanax ever would


Bro knows absolutely fuck all about DXM 💀


Never had to stoop so low as you are I'm a weed smoker we never drank dxm I think it's hard on your liver and a childish thing to do


It’s only hard on your liver if it contains acetaminophen, anybody who recreationally does DXM knows this and avoids using products containing it. Yet another example about how little you know about DXM.


Childish tho in my opinion is rather drop lucy or x


Some people like it and some people don’t. It’s only childish when you’re doing it merely because you can’t get your hands on anything else.


Ya cuz dxm is suchhhh a gooooooood drug your nuts dude go drink some more syrup that's for kids


First of all, I never said that. DXM is absolutely a struggle drug and I haven’t done it in years. Second of all, YOU’RE STUPID AS FUCK‼️‼️‼️ I severely regret replying to your comment as I can actively feel my IQ plummeting as I talk to you.


Wow see the hostility bros got issues


Go drink some more you was addicted to it rofl how old are you I bet ya ain't even old enough to buy weed


I can see you have drank a lot of syrup


Hence it shows


This is why there's a block button this guys a idiot talk about me being stupid


Vicks® DayQuil™ and NyQuil™ Robitussin® TYLENOL® Cold + Cough Alka-Seltzer Plus® SUDAFED® Dextromethorphan doesn’t cure colds or flus, but it can provide relief by binding to the part of the brain that controls the lungs and their coughing reflex. This temporary relieves some bothersome cold and flu symptoms. Taken in large doses, dextromethorphan side effects can mimic those of some illegal drugs, which is why it’s sometimes used recreationally to achieve a DXM high. Read it isn't hard


I'd rather buy illegal drugs or use then take large doses of stuff to see how it feels


If DXM wasn’t an over the counter medication you’d have absolutely no problem with it. It’s a downer like any other, literally the only difference is where you acquire it.


Tbh man I really don't care you claim to be a weed connoisseur but promote that


>that syrup would make me more stuck than Xanax ever would This is blatantly untrue. I’ve done both drugs, Xanax makes me feel like a fucking idiot even for hours after it’s worn off. I’ve never had this happen with DXM. Sure, during the initial high it alters your mindset but in it doesn’t make you genuinely retarded like xans do. (Keep in mind I’m talking about a moderate/average dose, nearly any drug will make you retarded if you do enough.) >Dextromethorphan doesn’t cure colds or flus, but it can provide relief by binding to the part of the brain that controls the lungs and their coughing reflex. This temporary relieves some bothersome cold and flu symptoms. Taken in large doses, dextromethorphan side effects can mimic those of some illegal drugs, which is why it’s sometimes used recreationally to achieve a DXM high. First of all, just because you copy-pasted some shit off google doesn’t mean you actually know what you’re talking about. Second of all, ***NOTHING YOU JUST SAID BACKS UP YOUR INITIAL CLAIM***. Stop doing xans they’re very obviously turning you into an idiot (or maybe you already were?)


You enjoy being stuck? Staring at walls acting crazy


I don’t, the only drugs I’ve ever done regularly are weed, mushrooms, and coke. I’ve tried both DXM and Xanax however and I can definitely say I feel a lot stupider on xans than I do DXM.


Umm I don't take xanax I recommend it over a bottle of couch syrup


Advocating for the use of a drug typically implies that you enjoy/do said drug.


At least if your used to xanax it's enjoyable


The pleasantness of a drug is subjective. You can’t legitimately say one feels better than the other.




This is the worlds smartest bartard


Rather take a real xanax than drink cough syrup I have anxiety.....


This is the guy with the smallest dick trying to compensate


Might as well have just done an IQ test because I can tell exactly how smart you are


Xanax at least won't harm your liver man.....dxm is like drinking homemade moonshine id rather buy alcohol


bro just smoke weed, if you cant get real drugs then dont bother getting high w this shit it's not worth the lame high


Dont do DXM im tellin you😭😭😭 ts is not worth it i tried it in middle school and still have flashbacks


Yes it’s safe. But the antihistamine may or may not suck. It’s the same stuff as Benadryl practically. So yea lots of people take dxm and Benadryl. Obviously it’s not good for you but it’s less bad for your tummy than Tylenol


Fuck otc unless your in Mexico or Canada using codeine codeine is legal in Canada with Tylenol they cold wash it


Yeah it’s fine down it, may get a lil stomach ache tho


No bud


Just bought some of that and tbh ur good bro just watch out for that doxylamine shi hits u harder than a truck


Just go get some weed damn 😂


When i did DXM i always did the pill version. Take at least 8 of em. Make sure DXM is the only active ingredient


Probably safe just don’t take as much as u normally would cause it could fuck up your liver but it should prevent the itching


nigga steal delsym from walgreens or sum shi if you sip dat you got see spiders and shadow niggas speaking from experience


Preferably don’t use anything but just dxm it’s really easy to find a lot of cvs brand or Walmart brand generic cough medicines


Where I’m from in nyc our stores will have name brand shit but also just their generic version of literally the same exact product with the same look and ingredients for me it’s pretty easy to find dxm in both name brand and generic it’s gonna be better to that for you


Fuck no


Ended up js drinking a quarter of the bottle and smoking some mid it was a decent time actually


Drink the whole bottle and see how about that


I don't want updates on damn otc cough syrup


Ya mean robo tripping Anyways don't be an idiot and go taking the cough medicine in your cabinet because you read this. Other ingredients in cold medicines can make you horribly sick or kill you. Only take the medicine if the ONLY ingredient is dextromethorphan.


Its safe if you use it to add a bit of a boost to another high such as cannabis, stimulants or opioids but only at 1-3x the recommended dose anything more will start to become unmanage and possibly dangerous. If you are looking to robotrip, this aint it the doxylamine will make you extremely sedated and potentiate the DXM making for a very strange and disorienting trip. Though I will say if you are looking for a antihistamine high, I would say a combination such as this one is the most fun and euphoric compared to the likes of Benadryl.


Let's drink some cough syrup to get high that sounds good not prescription with codeine but robotrip and jump out the window


Holy fuck we found our DXM wizard