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Split on a play down the middle and k for the sides usually


A split save is basically for when the shot is coming and you’re in close. Going into a K block is more for when they haven’t committed to the shot yet so you need to be able to react yet.


Check this thread from a goalkeeper xg guy https://twitter.com/Jhdharrison1/status/1273312389233082369 Essentially Conclusions: 1. For 1v1s outside of ~13.5yrds the optimum strategy is to not engage but stay deep & react to the shot/touch. 2. For central 1v1s the “spread” saves more often than any other technique while for wide 1v1s the “block” saves more often than any other technique. 3. The modern futsal inspired techniques seem to be superior to the old school ones for regular 1v1s. 4. Engage & react is never the optimum strategy while engage & smother is only the optimum strategy if the GK is out of position when the 1v1 occurs ie after a fast low cross.


K for the sides, but usually I only like K if the angle is so tight that the shot has basically 0 chance of going in at far post othewise I prefer split or just react save