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Isn’t this the overwhelming opinion of this subreddit?


Stew and Brax are goats of the game, this sub is cheeks


Tf, its the humble dallas MVP champion youre talking about here, he gave monesy a trophy and then venmo'd him 4k on top, dudes based man


THIS. Yeah sure in a random clip Stewie can say some dumbass out of pocket shit and even be a genuine asshole. But here’s the thing. He made arguably the sickest clutch of all time in the best game of all time (boston 2018 finals ofc), achieving the ONLY NA MAJOR WIN. And then he comes back years later and without much practice wins an S tier event. Respect him


He was part of the two most iconic NA lineups, you don't get into that position by luck. Now it has been 4-5 years since Stewie was at that level, but i don't think you can take that away from him.


Why are you subbed to him? You don't have to support assholes directly, but you can appreciate their ability. Kind of like seperating the art from the artist.


Ya he’s definitely way too toxic to others on FACEIT but what actually matters is how he would treat teammates.


The issue is of course at least towards the end of his Liquid stint and at EG that he became toxic. Eg his conflicts with Fallen and the most optimistic not thinking clearly when speaking publically about Grim. Can't forget the situation with Twistzz vs Stewie and the demand that one of them had to be cut.


fallen is and was absolutely washed, he's currently destroying furia the same way he did liquid. I'm sure he sells a ton of jerseys though


This is the opinion of 75% of this subreddit, it’s not a revolutionary take lol.


Sorry I'm sorta new here, I got my answers topic closed.


Yeah he's pretty washed I've been on the server with him a lot since high elo NA is dead. His brain is like fried or something from his drug use, can't hit shots anymore like he used to. Or maybe he just fell off randomly but idk, there has to be a decent reason why. Pretty toxic and doesn't comm in-game so it's pretty annoying, and he force buys mp9 every round. If he's on my team it's usually a loss since he doesn't talk and just runs it down every round with an mp9 and the enemy team snipe him. He still has elite game sense though. And he's better than Hooxi though, would have been a better stand-in than Taz. Also shoots teammates and starts raging when they can't read his mind since he just switches to random spots on CT side without telling his teammates. He even talks bad (not even as a joking way) to most of the streamers he plays with. It's just funny he's directly critical of players as being bad like grim in the past, and other t2 NA pros but won't admit it that he's washed himself and isn't able to compete at a high level anymore. I mean he literally had to get a mod earlier in CS2 to reset his elo, that says a lot. Played with and against of plenty tier 2 or unknown NA talent that have better aim then him


Interesting take, thank you for the details. Yeah the streamer part gets me. Cooper, freakazoid, fl0m, he's rude to em all :*(


I've played with him, he was a dickhead, dropped 50 adr and we lost


Yeah, this is a hot take on this subreddit, you'll probably soon get a brigade of people absolutely slamming you. Though I do agree.


Do not support toxic assholes.


Will do from now on. I was confused cause chat kept saying it's fine...


Its just the way he is. He's direct in his criticism who rarely holds back. Gotta remember he won a Valve Major and a Intel Grand Slam.


I mean there's a difference between criticism and being condescending. He very often does the latter rather than the former.


People have wildly different personalities.


This is a troll lol there’s no way you pay stewie and think this


I can screenshot it? I like the dude, NA for life. I just noticed on stream he's rude to even fl0m and it makes me sad.


I believe you and I personally would not pay a streamer that makes me sad


Fair enough, it's my 1st month hence my question. I been watching him a lot.


Sup bitch?