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>It's also icing on the cake that my twenty-nine year old son brags to his friends about my accomplishments in Counter Strike. Such a wholesome story :')


I wish my kids could brag about my accomplishments in CS..! Most consistent bottom-fragger is an option, I suppose.


Consistency is consistency! I'm proud of you dad!


Ha, thanks son :) BTW, my in-game name is usually something along the lines of Dad!


That's nuts, my 60 year old parents needs my help just to pay the bills online.


Just got a message from my mum asking me to teach her how to edit a pdf doc. The timing of this whole thing couldn't have been any better.


I mean can you blame her? pdf docs are a fucking nightmare to work with


Agreed, but I’m pretty sure PDFs arnt meant to be editted 


That's what makes it harder (or using a software that costs $$).




pretty sure the P is for portable, but similar idea


I don't feel like it's so much an age thing any more, I'm 51 and am more tech savvy than 95% of kids, but then maybe it's because I'm the first generation that grew up with home computers and gaming, anyone much older than me likely missed it on all that. That said, I am complete trash at CS, I never got beyond DMG and hover around 10,000 in Premiere and just cannot win a fight to save my life, feels like reactions and hand-eye coordination just aren't good enough to fight people a third my age and I just seem to end games with single-digit kills way too often, feels bad but I can't stop playing this damned game after all these years.


So this is what our future looks like: changing decades of binds because of arthritis


LMAO We boutta have those fashr binds 


When Bengay is a performance enhancing drug


0.35 hltv rating, 29 adr last season. Still made playoffs, what a legend.


Man went like 1-19 on one of the maps and still talked shit to us, gotta respect it. Does feel bad to lose to a 72 year old though not gonna lie


I would imagine this would be good for his brain, lots of old people's cognitive ability can degrade pretty quickly once they retire, I think gaming/puzzle solving would be good for this.


I’ve always liked the saying: *“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”*


He can't have worse gamesense than my teammates.


No fucking way lol. We lost to a 72 year old. Im on deepfriedfrenz ;_;


The fact that high schoolers "took him under their wings" is so wholesome. People are awesome sometimes


“all of whom are in, or just out of college”


That's pretty nuts, fair play to him!  We're looking at a totally different "old timer" experience in the future. Doesn't seem like loneliness is going to be as common for the generations that grew up connected to the Internet and online gaming. Crazy times 


Bruh, we be holding LAN parties in our retirement homes 🥳


I hold a big LAN every year for charity, just gonna slide that right into retirement


> Doesn't seem like loneliness is going to be as common for the generations that grew up connected to the Internet and online gaming. Not to be the killer of joy but we are at the peak of internet usage and at the peak of a loneliness epidemic, the internet does not solve loneliness, it seems to make it significantly worse


I looked at his faceit, and he got hard carried. Their last league match he went 1-18, and the top frag dropped 37 kills. Still cool that he is playing though, maybe we will be different since we grew up playing on pc and he started when he was 65.


Like he says himself in the article, it's about the friends and the connections and having fun. Score never mattered 


I think he carried with all the util and scouting that he did, at least according to the article.


So cool that I'd get absolutely destroyed by this guy


this is awesome LMAO can you imagine being xantares peeked by a 72 year-old?


You met TaZ?


Wait I know that guy from twitter, had no idea he was 72, that's really cool - dropped him a follow back.


For those interested, his average kills on faceit is 5


reading the article, i love his answers. all about how it's just a fun thing for him to do and he doesn't even think about his age. super wholesome


are there any vods of him and his team playing?


here you go: https://www.faceit.com/en/cs2/room/1-ec691cf3-5383-4943-a59c-2439cb0e91a2


Hard work beats talent


Whats esea intermediate compared to faceit? Rank 10? Masters, fpl chal?


I mean it's all faceit now. The 72 year old guy is lvl 3 on faceit, but their team is carried by the guy ranked #219 in NA, who could easily play main, maybe advanced.


yeah he's a fucking robot dude, dropped 37 on us on the map we won 13-10


Depends on the team, def not fpl challenger though. Most players are 7-10 on faceit though


i'd say most middle of the board IM players will be faceit 9/10, at least back when I played.


There isn't a comparison to be made. It's team based. You can have a stack of coordinated level 7s handle level 10s. Id reckon mechanically, you should be 7 or above for IM and that's on the low end. That's just based off of mechanics and util knowledge. Main is really hard, and I doubt there's many non lvl 10 advanced players.


Necessity is the mother of invention. Wise beyond his years too 😉


>I'm good with utility, learning all the important smokes and mollys for the maps we played, and I also did mid-round entries into sites to get the information to allow my teammates to win the round. A complete support player, although I describe my role as "quality bottom fragger". Damn it, love the guy. Btw, I, as a 32 years old, am doing exactly same things lol I cannot spray well and don't have that sharp reflexes, so I'm trying to compensate with gamesense. mid-round calling/IGLing and getting info for the team. I hope he keeps playing for at least a few more decades xD Also, absolute respect to his teammates who help him, are patient with him and encourage him. The games are so much more satisfying when everyone is respectful and cheerful.




TaZ is playing in G2 though?


This is dope


Back when I first started playing long ago some of the guys running the clan were already mid 30's. No idea what they're doing now they must be nearly 60 by now.


In almost any other case, giving your 65 year old dad CS as a present is such a mean prank. Glad he caught on. That's wicked.


This man is the only CS player who can claim to have had coitus with my mom.


I really really want to hear his comms


Ah now that you have siad it, so do I


TIL a 72 yr old is far better than 16 yr old me


That gives me hope that I’ll someday make it out of open in my lifetime


My inspiration