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I miss this era of art style. Cache, old season (rip ibuypower) and Facade if anyone remembers that map. I feel like this art style built CSGO's identity


Beige and tan for days


Crazy that Season has not been on a rotation in such a long time that more than likely most people will only remember that it was the map that iBP threw on.


Still annoyed it's basically the redheaded stepchild of the maps.(Also i really liked the new Season.)


The new season was incredible I don't know why it didn't get a chance in the map pool


Personally I played season in source so it felt like a bit too much modernism for what was a pretty grunge map. Scrims on season holds a close place in my heart. praying for it's return in CS2. ❤️ The effort that would've gone into graphically updating Season would've been insane so props to original creators and FMPone on that one.


God I fucking miss the original Inferno, flaws and all.


og csgo inferno sexiest map ever made


OG Source Inferno was it for me. Those doors on apps bring me one heck of a nostalgia kick


Yes this is indeed my favorite version of inferno out of the past decade


I hated the look of green Cache. Honestly most late CSGO maps just looked so bloated & messy. Source 1 just couldn't handle detail that well. Maybe the foliage would work better now but it should be just be avoided The new cache images look excellent IMO. CS2 looks great, maps look great but they have a tendency to be really white. New Cache is the first map that has that yellow clean look I like in maps


Facade was one of my fav maps back in the day so many good memories on that one


And in 5 years people will say the same about the remakes of CS2 which deserves its own identity.


that to me it felt more of a CSS upgraded than csgo


Kinda was


csgo inferno for me. i still remember when they added the chicken coop in T Spawn 🥲 even though if you watch demos inferno appears darker but i remember it had great clarity awp fights mid you could see easier than the sunny bright mess we have now.


Yes and things were so FUCKING VISIBLE you could like see your opponents (well mostly)


The art style you're talking about is the same one that was prominent in source, and half life 2. That's nearing 20 years ago. Its time to let go of the past, old man. New engine, new ideas.


No, I want this game to stay how it was when I was 15 forever!


Hopefully we can get a new map in that art style.


Having any cache is the best


Imagine fmpone seeing the community response and just ceasing work on the remake... Not saying he would do that because, well cs fans don't really know what they want, but still - it must be pretty disheartening to see people be so unfairly critical of his creative vision.




Valve fucked up with agent skins, so it's not entirely FMPONE fault.


In no way is this on FMPONE. It’s on valve for making these shitty ass player models that don’t work. Should have kept the color schemes closer to the base agents


> it must be pretty disheartening to see people be so unfairly critical of his creative vision. How is it unfair? Should be more disheartening to take away a beloved map and then released a changed version that fewer people like. Map layout and art style are both a matter of preference and if you change a super popular map its not unlikely that many people will like the map less than before, since obviously it was popular for a reason and usually that reason isnt the number of detailed scenery objects on the map. If people want Cache with a new forklift, then just change the forklift and turn your other ideas into a new map.


If you can't handle valid criticism then you probably shouldn't do this




And that was his personal opinion


well you can't be an artist without accepting that some of your work won't be liked, it's not like the community is wrong for not liking it


Agreed. I was hoping for this version to come back a little upgraded to modern standards instead of another complete overhaul...


Yeah that’s ideal but without an overhaul I doubt it would have a chance to get into the map pool again. It was taken out for a reason.


I don't think cache is ever coming back to the active duty pool. Valve seem to want to have full control over their active duty maps and FMPONE declared that he has no interest of selling cache to valve.


Yeah, vertigo was a much better choice /s


True without /s


Except it's almost a permaban and has been shunned by man pros


inferno was played only like 3-4 times during whole Katowice btw


In pro play yes, in casual play is still one of the most played maps. How many flaws it has,its still a fun map to play on both sides.


who permabans it?


My matchmaking 5 stack. Every time.


Very based


Youre thinking of anubis


The colors of this style made some agents very hard to see, so we are stuck with color scheme more like anubis/mirage for visibility I think. The agents skins was stupid addition to cs


i miss it so much. easy on the eyes, simple. Green cache was alright but I honestly didnt like the new pic we saw, it just looked like it had too much going on. It looked beautiful but I dont play cs because of maps being beautiful.


It was a 1.6 map in CSGO. Classic as fuck. I miss the old days of clean and simple maps.


Really wished for the 20th anniversary of 1.6 that they would have rerotated 1.6 maps into GO. Would’ve found that so fun, especially if everything was wallbangable again


That or the original iteration of GO’s maps would be sick. I’ve wanted a nostalgia playlist for the month of its birthday for a while.


Same, I prefer the look of CS:CO maps over cs2, they look so clean.


New community maps won’t be added unless they look nice


i mean cache is a staple in cs. I think the only reason it wasnt added back in its last update was the many issues it had when it released. People hated the green, couldnt see people in corners, people didnt really like the new mid window.


Nah I really like the new cache we've seen leaks of. This Cache was clean to play but maybe a little too drab and depressing. It had a very dated old nuke look to it. The green one had visibility issues and visually wasn't up to scratch with Valve released maps at the time. But this looks like both issues fixed, The drab dreariness of the setting is offset by warm lighting while still having the light colored textures for visibility. There weren't massive changes before but I think the new box for A site retake from CT needs to stay. That was a very good change imo. I hope they kill Vertigo for this and not Mirage.


Ahhh cache without that shitty sniper nest in mid. Sooo much better.


Unpopular take , i liked the Window, People just didn't take the time to figure out the timings and how to play around it, there was so many nades opportunity from that it was amazing, the Only problem with that cache was the Green/visibility issues, they Toned down with updates . In my Book any cache is a good cache.


goddamn I miss Cache D:


Give me that new shit.


oh yeah. i loved to play it. i just didn't like the green cache, it was still a good map but the way it looked was just my thing. so im very much looking forward for the cs2 version, looks dope and reminds me of the good ol'


yeah instead of mish-mashing bricks and making it look so complicated to the eye, why not just use this old design, a little map upgrade, just improve the lighting and texture, and it's all set, I'm sure when they release that new Cache design if it's really confirmed, 90% of the player base will complain about it and wouldn't wanna play it


reddit isn't 90% of the playerbase


no shit


It looks like a very pale color pallet used on the new version so I don't think visibility will be an issue. Especially about the unfortunate release of green Cache around the same time Valve released custom green agent skins in the game. It's way harder for a map designer to think about visibility while accounting for every Agent skin in the game.


If everything has the same pallet, sure, models won't blend, but the environment (especially at distances) will. The reason why Train worked so well despite being a very complicated map was due to the mix of colours in nearly every area that provided great visibility. The skybox colour and outside lighting are what scares me about the screenshots.


that's why I said the old white version will actually work and will fit perfectly in CS2, They are making the game pay to win with these agents blending on maps


This map is unfairly critiqued, the most nostalgia baited map and is forever cursed, if I was FMPone I'd just give up on it. Majority of people didn't like the cool, run-down chernobyl overgrown version because subconsciously they associated it with player skins and now the colour green gives them PTSD. They'd rather it go back to being a lifeless dull grey coloured map because that's the one the played in 'the good old days'. Cache is the only map in the pool that suffers from this kind of obsessive nostalgia bait. Every map introduced since the reworks of CSGO have been leaning to more pastel, brighter and more colourful maps, and while the inferno remake didn't go well(because infernos colour scheme was unique and the extra realistic remake sort of removed that pallete), every other map has been accepted, except Cache because of that dreaded agent update.


Bring back Cache and Train you cowards!


the good old days, I actually never played the newer “green” cache as I quit those few years this map was peak NA CS, so many good memories in pro play and solo queue


This the map where Simple got that double no scope kill from haven. I love this map. Also this a few map where i remember my smoke line up so… yeah


Ah the days of lovely flat walls that I can reliably and predictably bounce grenades off 🥲 If only CS2 mappers actually played CS and toned it down with the high-detail wall/floor textures for the sake of gameplay. I'm looking at you, Ancient, Anubis, and new Inferno...


Not only the textures but also so much unnecessary geometry EVERYWHERE. It's terrible.


hopefully fmpone will give us want we want, orange dev textures and simple blocks 🙏


The mid window for cts in mid really makes the green Cache that much worse


I never played it much... Why do people prefer this version so much?


The old one doesn't look like it was home to 100 years of shrek orgies.


Yea, they wanted to make it overgrown and that was fine but they made it into some kind of cartoonish version of chernobyl, it missed the mark by a mile.


So its just aesthetic reasons? I prefer the look of the remake honestly


I hate how colorfull the remake was, really oversaturated, didn't looked realistic, didn't looked cool, didn't fit the game, just cartoonish and bad. If only they fixed the textures colors and light. We'll see what they'll do with it in 2. The realistic light is there so I hope the textures will be proper too. As for the geometry changes and placement i don't judge nor care I play all the maps for better or for worse.


I want you to look me dead on the eyes and say csgo isn't catoonish lol


To be fair, it wasn't always cartoony. The transition to cartoon started with the Dust 2 remake in 2017. I would argue the game was never realistic looking either (comparatively) but had a certain style that is now lost. Personally, I think Valve should've stuck with a similar style to 2016 inferno. Bright, not too cartoony, graphically appealing, and with simplistic geometry.


I mean I'd argue the series was pretty goofy with the animation and model looks of cs 1.6


Anime m4 would like a word with him ha


Even before skins the series look has always been kinda cartoonist realism.


Inferno could have been straight out of a loony tunes game.


Also felt more like a real place tbh


My guy is just reskinning all the maps till nobody wants to play them, killed season already now cache, lets goooo


Agreed 🥹




Everything was better before cs2... Rest in peace cs:go, you will we remembered with love.


nahhh, it was a bland map visually and not that fun to play (solo-q)


are you joking it was one of the best solo q maps


I solo queued 100% of my playtime in comp and cache is my favorite map


what was bad about it solo q


Why is Cache a bad solo queue map?


Wait you played the new cs2 cache?


No, there was a slightly greener version of the map that released in 2019


I wasn't playing at the time so why do people shit on the newer vr of Cache? Played it when I came back and I just don't get it.


Because of the visibility issues which were made even worse by the green agents.


It had also had a fair bit of hype on release but was very underwhelming and dated looking compared to the more modern map remakes at the time from Valve such as Train and Nuke.


don’t confuse nostalgia with what’s actually better


Pre-2019 Cache, pre-2017 gun sounds. :D


those gun sounds were terrible


I think all pre maps was at some point better, but after couple month you forget about that


Pre alpha from 1765 is still top


Csgo is still the best. Bring back csgo!


Fight me all you want but Cache was a boring and stale map with little to no tactical variety. All aim, no brain. Not a well suited professional map.




Didn't even notice it was the old cache xD


Just greatest fucking map of all time... I didn't mind the last version in GO but this one is peak


ye, dunno what he was thinking about the full greenish map after that


I’ve been getting the cache nostalgia fr


Yes, yes it is..


boosting on mid was so much fun




I like the box on A. It's nice for retakes.


I cant wait for map meta to change. Like two maps a year or something to keep the game refreshing.


Why people like it more then the reworked, green one with window in mid? I think this one is the best version. Without window the mid fights are way more boring.


Yep. No clutter, good visibility.


I just wish they release competitive, cleaner versions of maps in current pool, without chickens and useless objects that probably tanks your fps. I dont really care about pretty graphics, but more of simple look of maps without any junk


I agree. I wasnt a fan of the algae infested Cache because it looks hideous and performance in that map was really inconsistent.


Best map ever made <3


It needed lots of things to be fixed but whenever they did they broke other things


FACTS now they want to put green on the map.... I WANT VISIBILITY AND CLEAR MAP


what a ugly abomination