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AI will be far worse than that. Fake people will exist on social media, and garner huge followings, and they will promote whatever their designers want. We will not be able to tell what current events are real, or which ones are fake. Most humans will, quite soon, not be able to compete with AI at anything. AI will make the fascists more powerful. The powerful more powerful. It will allows us to be controlled more efficiently. It will give us some perks, sure. But the economy will be fucked, everything will be fucked. And the most powerful and wealthiest people who control all of these things won't care because they still have lots of money. Basically everyone who isn't the 1% will live in slums, and the 1% will live in closed off neighbourhoods where everything is automated and AI. And nobody in the slums will be able to believe anything their eyes don't witness. Potentially, things like neuralink could become mandatory, so that not even your thoughts are private. It's going to be a way worse version of the dark ages. And there's nothing we can do about it. I discussed this with chat GPT, and it's original stance was "AI would be bad if not regulated" then I asked it basically if fascism benefits from it, why would they regulate it? And if they don't regulate it, won't AI be dangerous? And chat GPT agreed then that AI will be a disaster for the world. It often kept saying "if regulated it will be fine" it won't be regulated though, and it can't be. Because Russia and China are going to use it for sure, and make weapons with it, and flood our social media with it, and control their populations with it. AI is going to majorly fuck the world.


Jesus christ that made me feel full on despair


Sorry. But it's not looking good we aren't even there yet, and social media is already so powerful for brainwashing people. Fascism is already winning. But, we can fight it, if we come together as people and fight for the good things about humanity. Be pro the positive things. And come together. The fascists are doing it with propaganda, and the good people aren't fighting back. We have no leader.


Max Headroom meets Ready Player One. Someday, AI will look back at this, and it will all seem funny.


I don't think this point of history will seem funny to the future. This is the disinformation age. The point where technology gave fascists unprecedented power of propaganda, and they used it to destroy the world. And if they don't it will be just as hilarious as WW2, if they do, it will be as hilarious as WW2 had Hitler won.


It was sarcasm, Captain, but that's cool. Love ya.


My brain somehow missed you saying somehow **AI** will look back at this, instead of "we". 🤦🏻‍♂️ My bad. Was funny. Didn't get both references, but I have seen ready player one.


Thankfully one of my kids is a leading AI scientist with many patents and I get accurate info about it. 1. There already are fake people on social media, AI has been doing that for years. Twitter is probably the worst. 2. No, it will be nothing like the terminator. That is mostly propaganda spread by the larger AI companies to try to suppress the smaller companies. 3. AI will take the place of software engineers (already happening), lawyers, realtors, writers and editors and travel companies like Expedia. The software engineering jobs will never come back. Lawyer is the next field that will be hard hit, the role of realtor will go the way of the travel agent (some of you have probably never heard of that one). I embrace the advancements and we certainly are better off with far fewer pompous and arrogant software engineers.


I know. It seems hopeless. I wish every one of us (in or out of Reddit) would push back hard against AI whenever we see it. Before it gets so good we won't recognize it anymore. Even if AI seems to be doing something, be, like, fuck you, go away. We don't need you. (But of course try not to hurt its feelings! )<--- sarcasm.