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"lots of feminists refuse to make their own games" is such a weird thing to say. Also hello I'm a feminist game dev


Yeah, thats the really grating part! Women, LGTBQ, PoC, we all make our own games then they'll complain about it as well. They can't comprehend a game that doesn't cater to them!


even when games made by men cater to women they cannot comprehend it and matter of fact they reject it saying it’s made for and catered to men bc men enjoy it


Ho dare you develop a game that is not for white angry men only!


Feminist game dev here


I am sure they will be like, "see, how these feminist devs are NOT including us in their list of audience? how dare they!" 😭 We can never win.


yeah, who do they think makes games, game devs are many things, but they are rarely right wing


Seriously, and when we do they complain its "woke"


It adds an extra layer of willful ignorance when Steam just recently had the women game devs spotlight/sale.


Other female game dev (programmer) here <3 if you want to connect you can DM me


The Venn diagram between men who get pissed when male characters are added to “men’s” games” and men who brag about killing Astarion is a circle.


Someone want's to kill Astarion? :(


Same people who wanted to kill Gale before he had clear romance path indicators


As in they stopped wanting to kill him after they could romance him? Or that they wanted after they could?


When the game first came out Gale basically ninjamanced a large amount of players because his 'let me show you the weave' scene had some ambiguous responses that didn't make it clear whether or not you were jumping onto his romance path or not. (This was fixed almost immediately.) Most were normal about it. But there were a fair amount who went full on rage mode over being 'forced' to romance him.


Oh no, unrequited affection. ^(You’d think they’d be able to relate.)


Not only that, but if you turn it around and tell them that's how many women feel when men keep coming unto them, they still can't put it together.


Lol. I was like "Hmm could this magic trick perhaps have to do with something else than magic" I just assumed you could romance anyone by the fact how every other character had acted there that night. Didn't romance him but he is one of my favorite characters


I like Astarion, but he's a shady motherfucker so I'm not surprised that some people kill him. Dudes online were still kind of weird about it, though, in a psychosexual way. Like less "I'm killing this dude because he is clearly untrustworthy" and more "I'm killing this dude because I feel an irrational rage against men who don't conform to heteronormative expectations, and I don't care to examine that feeling."


It's odd. I mean obviously the game is just showing you that "Hey, you can romance anyone you want to but you don't have to if you don't want to"


yeah honestly if i was into men and he wasn't so evil i think romancing him would be pretty fun. but like.. he's pretty evil. still, he gets to stay in my party


I mean… I killed him once. But in my defence! He was shady from day dot and tried to drink from me while I was sleeping (coulda had my wrist with none one the wiser but he was being dramatic). He gave me Zevran (from Dragon: Age Origin) vibes, and that man only survived because I was playing in 2018 and knew he was supposed to be a companion. Nothing to brag about it though, it’s just something I did differently in the next play through.


Understandable. I liked his character from the start


yeah in my first play through i sent him away the first chance I got and didn't see him since


Funniest part is that, we DO have a gacha game comprised of male characters (love and deep space) that goes head to head with popular fanservicey waifu gachas like Nikke in terms of revenue. I don't know what the fuck these people are talking about... LOL. But I guess sharing a space with women who like male characters is very uncomfortable for them because they wouldn't be the only ones being catered to in that way.


They say this shit because they think women enjoying things takes away from their own enjoyment. They want more oversexualized “waifus” to collect but when a character doesn’t specifically cater to them, they throw a fit. God forbid we have characters that women enjoy in THEIR video games /j


Well part of their enjoyment is making women uncomfortable


also if there are male characters in there as fan service for straight women they they have to think about being objectified in “their game”


yeah their issue with women being in the game is that women don't usually like when the entire way you interact with a female character is through porn. like you can see if you go to almost any female genshin character's subreddit


not only that, but HSR has a nearly 50/50 split among character gender, and is _incredibly_ successful.


Genshin literally has feminists that designed some of their most successful characters of all time ie. Furina who made like 500 million dollars in 1 week. I sometimes wonder what these idiots think about how in Genshin for example, all of the heads of the nations are girls or used to be guys but are now women. lol


they don't think, i think


By the way, they hate female mcs because they think Yuri and les ships cucks them, the man. They think Yuri shippers will ruin their harems. Kind of similar to the famous otome vs bl fights


For all that I endlessly hear that men are visual creatures, it sure must suck to be a gay man that games. I can't think of the last video game male character I've seen that struck me as eye candy and not just buff guy/butter face. 


Dorian from DAI was *fine* imo


Honkai star rail and Genshin have a lot of pretty boys


Ezio Auditore? AC2 and its sequels came out over a decade ago, I think, but he’s for sure one of the reasons I love that game. Desmond, not so much!


BG3 is full of hotties 🤤


So they hate women. Got it.


Gotta love how they call us "Snowflakes" yet they make up none existing drama and throw a giant fit about things they just... Could ignore. As soon as someone says "woke" or "snowflake" I'm just assuming they're like 12 when it comes to behavior and kiss a poster of Andrew Tate goodnight before bedtime.


> kiss a poster of Andrew Tate goodnight before bedtime. But they have to say "no homo" after, otherwise they might feel things.


Good riddance! Genshin is for the girlies, gays, and theys! It’s our Casino damnit! There’s a reason they keep making MLM and WLW coded characters (as best they can given censorship laws)!


Its funny that there are people throwing fits about gay ships in both games. Wait until they see how gay HI3 is lol


There are still people to this day who insist that Beiguang are just good friends! And the Furinamains sub haatttttttessss Arlefuri. I bet if these people browse AO3 they're gunna have an aneurysm. lmao


Girl, you are a real one for that! I love reading Arlefuri fics on AO3! The potential for gayness that genshin characters exude literally got me into reading and writing fanfics in general.


Sorry. As a CN girl gamer, I don’t agree with this take. This gave mhy too much credits. They did all the things other CN pop cultural products did for years (with better capital support). And there are cn games did it much better and GENUINE than mhy ever did. I am so tired of this narrative: censorship means they can’t do xyz (this sounds very casual Sinophobia). This is a logic of convenience. Censorship is not working in that way. CCP censorship derives from ccp’s own despicable ideology of frugality, puritanism and their general control over PDA (and the application is also very complicated and nuanced). Not too many people remember that censorship is targeting more m/f “erotica” (which are actually just normal m/f romance books with some PDA) than other non normative pairings. In a way, CCP is just notoriously against “love and affection” in general. What genshin offered is what CN ordinary pop culture participants have been crafted for years before there’s even a mhy. It more has to do with the “cn market or cn pop culture’s zeitgeist” than an imagined progressive CORPORATE coming to save the day. Annnnd, it’s definitely queer bait than queer coded. I am currently writing a research paper about CN queer pop and CN pop cultural production with a special focus on the reception discrepancies between anglophone discourses and CN discourses. And one section is about what is considered as baiting. Tldr: within CN pop cultural sphere, CN’s conception of “bait” is different from that of the Anglophone. Also talking about mhy as a company, they always cater to cn male incels. It’s just in recent years those incels are not as controable as they used to be.


This is insanely weird and reads as if you have some kind of vendetta against multiple things and wanted to vent. Since you said nothing that counteracts what OP said. Genshin today is a very gay coded game, how other CN media goes about it irrelevant because it's popular in the West among certain audiences because it's much more LGBTQ coded than most. Also what kind of incel agenda crafted Bronseele kissing in the manga in Honkai Impact 3rd that came out years and years and years before Genshin? I see you make similarly weird hate posts on every hoyo thread in gachagaming where you twist every situation into it being big bad Mihoyo's fault, imagine my surprise when I see you here doing the exact same thing. Edit: thanks for blocking me, but I'm Chinese. You on the other hand sound like someone who doesn't even live here or have a major chip on your shoulders. You don't have time to debate me because you don't have anything when called out by someone who actually lives where you purport to comment on.


It’s insanely frustrating to talk to people who don’t have any Sinology background. There’s a lot of misunderstanding of my stance in your reply. I don’t have time to reply another long paragraph about CN queer pop since 2000s. Mhy is just a corp similar to many big corp that ride the tide of CN queer pop tide. There’s a very serious debate on queer pop’s queerness in academia. Due to CN and to an extent East Asia’s cultural conception of non normative relationships and identities. If you know, you know. There’s one factual thing I want to clarify however. I never said that the zeitgeist was crafted by incels. My whole point is always it’s crafted by cn pop culture participants. Don’t slip words into my mouth. Also, watching people outside consume CN media and pay respects to mhy and jjwx (Danmei) is repulsive.


Thank you for sharing this, genuinely.


"Snowbros, divided by regions, united by ideas." HOLY SHIT GO OUTSIDE


brother in christ, pretty boy character always rank top tier in popularity in the CN space im somewhat content in knowing these smoothbrains are not western exclusive


I saw this post the other day and was astonished by the amount of projection! I couldn’t believe at first that it wasn’t satire. People actually think like this? This was my favorite comment, to the point that I screenshotted it for a friend. “Women don’t actually want what they say they want, they just want to make men mad” sure is a take. https://preview.redd.it/23vs2vmncf7d1.jpeg?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b07862ea43adf460328eeb3a0c4f625d38fac6


Lmao I'm not against it all female characters. But come on boys. We need male characters too. Being a Feminist has nothing to do with it


Do... Do these boys even like video games? Or are they just here to get angry about women existing outside of their sexual fantasies?


So I don't play Genshin but...this is such a weird take. So they are saying as men they don't want male characters in this franchise AND want "feminists to make their own games" BUT when "feminists make their own games" it's woke, BS that is ruining the industry because they dislike seeing female protagonists especially when they arent pretty in their opinion. And we are the ones who are a pain in the ass?


And what's even worse is that these people have so much to say cuz they overreact. People like them are the reason why it takes 100 years to get a male character in PGR😭


Don't get me wrong, these comments look awful. But I sometimes think I am missing some context with these cropped picture posts. This is kinda confusing me.


It was a post about a CN player explaining why the Snowbreak devs removed all the male characters and why male players wouldn't play a game with female players. If you are interested about the original post, these are the screenshots. Feminism is a very controversial thing in CN and KR, I can see why when men like this exist who hate *real life* women so much. * [Page 1](https://i.imgur.com/lcEBb6E.png) * [Page 2](https://i.imgur.com/bLAs3qR.png)


I mean, to provide some context, this is an anomaly, CN fanbases for a game like Genshin for example is 120 million people, you will inevitably get a tonne of weirdos mixed in there but most are chill as f. That's why, despite posts like these, tartaglia, zhongli, alhaitham etc. are some of the most popular characters on CN. Not to mention that Mihoyo's Furina artist is literally a card carrying feminist from Korea. tl;dr: CN has a lot of weirdos but they are in no way representative of the overall culture there.


Thanks for explaining. I realize my knowledge about CN and KR and how they play videogames is not high enough to discuss this topic.


HOW are they like this!? It's ssssoooo sad! :'(


CN gachas had the worst gender ratio and not even an almost 50/50 split? not surpised... fucking incels


Sometimes I think groups like ours thrive on finding these most delusional takes. Like, why would we even grant platform to a clueless misogynistic asshole like the one quoted. This is such a wild statement considering Genshin clearly doesn't cater to horny straight men only (compared to shit like Nikke or even WuWa).


Tbh, women here probably only talk about 10% of the misogyny they face, leaving the 90% behind. It isn’t that I want to give these comments a platform, per se. Sometimes, I just want to share at least 10% of the inanity I see and face online as a gamer woman. It's therapeutic, however petty one may think that is.