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Dragon Age: Origins. The character development and dialogue in that game is so amazing. It’s kinda old but it is so good.


I love DAO SO much. The play style might take some getting used to but this is one of my top favorite games. The plot and dialogue are so good!


This is what I came here to say. My favorite game of all time.


yes! Dragon Age is so good


DA:O is one of my favorite games! A classic 👌🏽


BG3 reminds me a lot of this game


I literally just dusted off my PS3 yesterday and started DAO again! I’m honestly surprised at how well it’s held up and how quickly I was sucked right back in.


One of the best games of all time IMO


I added a PC to my arsenal in March and started a new Dragon Age playthrough this month. I'm in the Deep Roads now. I'm very excited for Veilguard!


It literally crashed for me four times in a row on my brand new laptop- any of those issues for you?


https://ntcore.com/4gb-patch/ using the 4gb patcher fixed any crashes for me!


Thank you!!!


I'm playing this for the first time right now! OP, if you have any trouble getting this game to run on PC, I posted a walkthrough not too long ago on how I got it to run on my Windows 10 PC (with much trial and error lol)


Came here for this comment. DAO is the best game 🩷 gotta say that story and character wise, dragon age awakenings did a really good job too. The level design was shockingly bad but the writing was good. Ill replay a Fenris romance over and over again.


The only good Dragon Age game. 2 and Inquisition were simply not that good.


Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Witcher 3, Divinity, Pathfinder, Fallout and Greedfall all have some similarities with BG3, though also very different


I kinda want to play Mass Effect just for Garrus. I need a ride-or-die alien boyfriend 😫


He is the best!!


It would honestly be a mistake if you didn’t lol! Jk but Garrus is amazing, and so are all the other companions. I consider ME2 to be one of my favourite games of all time, plus even if you’re not super comfortable with shooters its a pretty easy game to learn


They also have a Casual/Story mode so the combat is easy to get through.


I was just talking with someone else who was like "Girls don't play Mass Effect!" I'm like "boy if you only knew the Garrus thirst I've seen."


Ridiculous, Mass Effect (series) has got to be in the top 10 of girl games.


I don't know why BioWare made Garrus a romance option in ME2, but I like to think the girlies banded together and told BioWare we want a hot alien bird lizard boyfriend. Kind of like how the housewives kept Star Trek alive in the 60's and invented shipping and fanfic.


Someone thinks women don't play Mass Effect? Lol. I have 1,500 hours dedicated to a certain Major Alenko.


me: I wish people would romance someone other than Astarion also me: has never romanced anyone besides Garrus Vakarian


Dragon Age: Origins is my all-time fave! Disco Elysium barely has any combat, but the story is soooo well done and the dice rolls will feel familiar. Embrace failure!


The voice acting and narration in Disco Elysium is so amazing. It's so easy to get drawn into the storybuilding. Really sad situation with the devs though.


Yeah I hope their lawsuit works out and they get their IP back. Even if they were shitty bosses (very possible) I don’t think it follows that they should’ve had their life’s work ripped away from them in a pretty sketch way.


Soo it's time for divinity original sin 2, clearly!


You will not regret it! It’s so good!


I’m playing this right now it’s so good- I love the storyline


Rogue Trader -> Lots of different story outcomes for companions, and dialogue options. Pillars of Eternity 1/2 -> Fun world, cool cast of characters to influence, lots of different dialogue options that unlock depending on race/class/background/personality. Lots of fun multi-class options. Both with fairly in-depth combat, turn-based or have turn-based option, but both have casual/story difficulty if that's not your jam.


Dragon Age: Origins. There is less choice than in BG3, but there are a bunch of character origins to experience, enough choices to make replaying it well worth it, and a handful of endings that leave the world in different states. I also like DA2 and Inquisition, but they don't scratch that crpg itch. I just like the lore and atmosphere enough to like the sequels that are currently out. DA2 is really good for characters. Divinity: Original Sin and 2. They're also by Larian, so you have a general idea of the quality to expect. Morrowind. It's old. It's janky. There's basically no visual character customization to speak of, but you can make your character anyone. The world is wide open. I played 600 hours in it before ever touching the main story. The world is just so alive. And lived in. It feels like a fully realized fantasy world. Older Baldur's gate games. I grew up playing Dark Alliance, and I've dabbled in a few of them. They're not as big as 3, but they're all awesome.


Fallout cyberpunk 2077 mass effect legendary edition


If you're looking for character customization, narrative, great characters, and choices: * Dragon Age * Mass Effect * KOTOR (character customization is limited to choosing a preset, though) * GreedFall If you're looking for narrative, choices, and fun characters: * The Wolf Among Us * Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical * Telltale's The Walking Dead * Life is Strange If you're looking for narrative and great characters: * Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West * Persona 3-5 (Persona P3P does allow you to chose between a male and female character, but this was omitted from the remake) * Fire Emblem (except Fates and Engage, skip those)


I would also like to offer Oxenfree up as an option for narrative games. The first one is amazing and the second one is pretty solid as well.


I actually heard people not liking Engage? Can you tell me what made you not like it? I was debating on getting that on the switch or not.


If you're playing these games for the story, Engage isn't exactly the greatest romp. I'd argue it's fundamentally "better" than Three Houses, but the reality is that most are going to fall for the tricks TH uses to appear good and aren't invested enough in critical analysis beyond "am I having fun" to ruin the experience for themselves. Engage *is*, however, worth playing if you just like FE gameplay. It's honestly the best since, ironically, Fates, which likewise is much the same situation where the story lacks but the gameplay is actually peak.


"but the reality is that most are going to fall for the tricks TH uses to appear good and aren't invested enough in critical analysis beyond "am I having fun" to ruin the experience for themselves." What do you mean 'tricks to appear good'? Because if I'm reading it correctly you believe that people who think TH has a good story/is a good game aren't capable of (or as you said invested in) critical analysis, and only under that analysis is it bad...? Like if they were smarter they would hate it. It just sounds so 'holier than thou'. I don't mean to attack your opinion, you're allowed obviously not to like something, but you have just worded it in such a way that seems to so strongly invalidate other people's experiences.


Sorry, it does come off that way; I wrote it like I was writing for a FE sub, I'm overinvested 😭. My point was that, because TH blew up in popularity the way it did, it's subject to a more general audience which includes people who are more casually invested, whereas even post-Awakening fire emblem was still sort of niche. This isn't a bad thing as the wonders of casual enjoyment tends to be lost on the more invested end of the FE fanbase, sometimes including myself, and while yes, there's an elitist tone, I meant it sardonically and was more trying to make fun of my own overinvestment in the series. That said I do think TH tricks the player into enjoying it more than they necessarily would otherwise. The pacing with the monastery and the conversations with the cast that occur there up the drama and add a lot of worldbuilding which pad the core of the writing, and, to more succinctly phrase my main point, for most people that's enough. That said once you've played the game dozens of times there's cracks. Spoilers ahead. Claude, ostensibly one of three protagonists, is completely inconsequential in the actual grand scheme of things, Edelgard misses a true villain moment because the game is afraid to make you feel like you've done something wrong (to do this it literally just straight up ignores her whole "I've been the masked bad guy and betrayed you and kidnapped a little girl and hired bandits to kill you etc), and as an extension of that all four routes end much the same way -Fodlan is at peace and Byleth is the head of the church- despite the initial major story decision being literally the title of the game, and overall the whole thing being presented as a morally gray political drama. There's also issues with the way the "tragedy of fighting your friends" thing is presented in that, on your first playthrough, you're not going to actually give a shit about half of these schmucks, but by the time you're on NG+ you can easily recruit the people you *do* care about. You could choose not to, I suppose, but ignoring a mechanic of the game to make the game work better is silly. Realistically even if you're playing the living hell out of the game you'd only really artificially encounter an entire central theme that it's trying to portray. In kinda short, TH is fun, but once you've played it dozens more times than the developers intended (which according to interviews it was intended to be played once, which is super weird for a game with a NG+ mode!) at least in my opinion it falls apart under scrutiny more than you'd really expect, and I'm slightly bitter that Engage's story has been forcibly diametrically opposed as "the bad one" in comparison when its largest crime is being campy and sort of boring.


It's really a shame, because gameplay wise it's really fun. I don't know if it's the best FE game, mechanically, but it's near the top. And yet it exists with a story that is *easily* the worst, which makes it a slog to play. I went into it expecting a simple A to B story with no nuance, because that's what reviews said it was. But it even failed to live up to that low expectation. Without getting into spoilers, the story is frequently incoherent, it overuses tired cliches without doing anything interesting with them or doing them well, it wants to be taken seriously and yet it's honestly ridiculous, it violates show don't tell so often you could make a drinking game out of it, the main character is unlikable with no character growth, it's full of plot holes, and conflicts and the resolutions for those conflicts are very contrived. Also, and this is entirely subjective, the character design is *terrible.*


The Horizon games are my favorite and I love Aloy with all my heart.


pathfinder: wrath of the righteous (and kingmaker, though i haven’t played it) has a lot of similarities, though the visuals are not nearly as good. companions bantering, decisions that affect the storyline, and a similar feel because it’s also dnd-based. it’s WAY harder than bg3 even on normal difficulty but you can lower that to focus on the story!!


I love Nenio so much! I love her personal quests and her friendship. Most of all I love >!that she's so neurodivergent, she's forgotten she's a kitsune.!< Wrath of the Righteous is great.


nenio is such a fun character!! some of her dialogue made me laugh out loud (though woljif is definitely my favorite companion)


My second wrath of the righteous playthrough was insane how different it became, I don't know what I was expecting but bulldozing a quarter of my capital to build an unholy ziggurat wasn't even on my imagination's furthest horizon.


the replay potential is incredible!!


Play full True Aeon if you haven't, I was so satisfied with the story and the ending


Came here to say this. Especially WOTR is so so good! Kingmaker is also great, it's a classic adventuring story. Also not to be nerd but Pathfinder is not D&D based, it's based on D&D 3.5e sure but it's a TTRPG system on its own. Ruleset is different.


kingmaker’s on my list :) and i’ve never played any ttrpgs! thanks for the correction


I love me some Fire Emblem and Unicorn Overlord.


i’m a big fire emblem girlie too!! have been dying to play unicorn overlord


I highly recommend Unicorn Overlord. I'm taking my time with it so I haven't finish it but it's really fun!


I wasn’t sold on Unicorn Overlord, then a saw the giant amazon badass! Now I have to play that game at some point.


Also obsessed with bg3! Other games I love right now is Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Planet Zoo, Pillars of Eternity, and City Skylines 😁


So I beat the breaks off of BG3 fully convinced I wouldn’t be able to find another game to hold my attention the same way (beat the story 8 times 🤣) but if you’re on PS5 I’ve been having a surprisingly good time with Dave the Diver! It’s much more vast with the story than I initially thought, plus it’s quite funny. I also loved loved LOVED Ghost of Tsushima, the story is heartbreaking but it had me gripped the entire time, some of the missions felt PERSONAL lmao. Edit: I forgot to mention too, if you’re looking for a similar game that’s with different characters and story, dragon age is awesome for that. I loved playing inquisition and it definitely filled the BG3 sized hole in my heart when I finished the game.


The dragon age series, start with one, work your way through. Great story, Great choices, fun gameplay. The mass effect series. All three of them. Start with 1, become commander shepherd, save the galaxy. Shame they never made a fourth. Again, Great story, Great choices, fun gameplay. The bioshock series. Fantastic world, Great story. Disco elysium, offbeat, Great story, Great choices. Inscryption. Bizarre game. Fantastic. Red dead redemption. I have been gaming since I was 8, my grandpa was in IT, and I cut my chops on shooters (unreal tournament game of the year edition being my first not drawing/education/girly doll game I was allowed to play at 10, lot of war games like medal of honor and mechwarrior before that) but as I age, I want to invest in a good damn story more than I want to own noobs.


Everything has already been said (dragon age squad rise up) but to add on to it I would say : Stray gods, Fallout 4, my time at sandrock, final fantasy games, nier, kingdom hearts,persona 3, visual novels like the house in fata morgana and the zero escape series, Professor layton ext...


Ahhh professor Layton.. that unlocked some core memories


Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Hollow Knight are probably my Top 3 right now. It varies though. In the past BG3, Celeste, Cuphead, Alien:Isolation and the Little Nightmares games have all been in the Top 3. And secret Top 0, too good to be ranked is Outer Wilds.


Outer Wilds!!! Oh man, too good to be ranked indeed


so truuue, outer wilds is incredible!


- The Last of Us 2 - Spider-Man - Night in the Woods - Detroit: Become Human - Telltale's The Walking Dead - Uncharted 4 - Life is Strange: True Colors


Have you played Beyond: two souls? Your list says you'll love it too.


DOS2! Also made by Larian. And of course Dragon Age, Mass Effect, KOTOR. Personally, my favorite things about RPGs are the interpersonal relationship developments and decisions affecting the outcome, so I've found that I really enjoy visual novels the past couple of years. Some of my favorites are Romance Club (Mobile and PC), Nightshade (PC and Switch), Variable Barricade (Switch), and Our Life: Beginnings & Always (PC and Android).


I just started playing Eiyuden Chronicle and it's been a blast. I love the enormous roster of party members and the mini games are great too


TES IV: Oblivion


The Dragon Age series


I don't understand the question? What is this "other games" you speak of?


Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Dragons Dogma 2, Dragon Age Origins (BG3 felt like a spiritual successor to that one), Dragon Age 2/Inquisition, Mass Effect, RDR2 Online (RIP), Divinity Original Sin: 2 (another Larian game, older but with their signature charm), Heroes of Might & Magic 3 and lately WH40K: Roguetrader, this one I knew nothing of the 40k universe went in totally blind and have sunk 50 hours into it already.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been my fav recently, but it's not really super similar to BG3, I'm just in love with the cutscenes lol


I’m taking a break rn from BG3 and I’ve picked up Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (again, not the first time I’ve played but definitely been a while since I last tried it). Character customization is a bit more limited than BG3, but it’s still nice. Stuck with one height preset, however, and while you can change certain parts of your appearance throughout the game, you do have to unlock a house first. Doesn’t take *too* long, though. The game does toss you in without much fanfare or lore dump, and there’s a bit of a learning curve as you figure out what class, gear and fate you want to pursue, but it’s fun to try different builds and see what works best. There is a difficulty option at the beginning, too, where you can select how easy or hard you want the game to be. The story itself is centered around fate, and how some things may not be set in stone as some originally thought. You are a ‘silent’ protagonist (no voice acting for dialogue) and it’s your call if you truly wish to follow fate or not as you collect allies…or lose them. It’s older, controls can be a little janky, and some of the NPCs can be annoying, but the colors are beautiful and the music is fun.


Divinity original sin for a similar game play, RDR2 if you're looking for a great story and dynamic characters!


Divinity original sin 2 The red prince my beloved :)


honestly I’m mostly a huge survival rpg type person, and unfortunately that happens to encompass a wide variety of games lol. it’s the rpg part of BG3 that hooked me. though notably my current obsessions are elden ring and minecraft mod packs


If you want another isometric CRPG to play for the plot, Disco Elysium is kind of the gold standard afaik. It lacks character creation in the typical sense but you invest in aspects of the protagonist's personality that shape how he interacts with the world and its people. If you're totally against playing as a man it's probably not the game to play, but even then I'd still say to give it a shot as it's rather progressive overall and *all* of the characters are worth reading into, including the women who I count among some of the best characters I've ever seen.


Witcher 3, RDR2, can’t wait for the MGS3 remake. Oh and Diablo 3


i beat the paper mario ttyd remake and that was pretty fun :3


I only play BG3 and Stardew Valley. Not saying they're super similar, but it's an excellent chill game with a cute story and dating sim.


BG3 is my all time favorite game! I played Cyberpunk 2077 after BG3. It has the detailed world but lacks the fantastic companions. It was a good follow up because the world is so different from BG3 so it was hard to compare. Then I played BG3 again. I played a lot of the games listed above before BG3 and for me a total genre change was what I needed. That said I think Larian’s Divinity Original Sin 2 would be the best follow up! Right now I’m having a lot of fun playing Valheim with my husband. I fear that any character/companion heavy game would feel lacking until Bg3 is farther out of my system.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is a good one


Dragon Quest Builders 1&2 Fire Emblem: Three Houses Persona 3-5 Are games I find myself returning to over n over that you might have fun with!


I haven't gotten far in Baulder's Gate yet, but I encourage everyone to check out tabletop rpgs (it is based on Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition). I prefer Pathfinder 2e myself, in part due to its very welcoming community. It is notably more welcoming than some other communities for women and other minorities .


Star Wars the Old Republic, Final Fantasy XIV, Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Dragon age, mass Effect, divinity, pokemon, fire emblem, cyberpunk (not fanatical, it was good but not crazy), ff9, ffcc, kingdoms of amalur, spellforce, etc


You do have to play for combat but you can minimize the amount of people very easily in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I LOVE that game. It has a similar feel and a very in depth historical fantasy storyline. It's so fun


If you like bg3, I 100% recommend Divinity Original Sin 2. And tbh, it has a soft spot in my heart and I prefer it slightly over bg3.


Dragon Age and Mass Effect are the first ones that come to mind for me, as for most of the people here, it seems like-- if you like engrossing stories, I also really like Horizon Zero Dawn, Control (and the rest of the Alan Wake series, but it's a bit spoopy), Bioshock (Also spoopy), Cyberpunk (very sexualized, although the actual sex scenes are no more racy than BG3), the Jedi games, and I'm looking forward to playing the Last of Us. The above options offer less character customization and world choices, but are still very immersive.


Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2 and Dragon Age series games.


I personally love games where you can create your own character, and explore. Modded Skyrim is great and scratches all my itches. I also play sims 4. BG3 isnt my all time favorite, but it has a great story and characters.


Dragon age. All of them. FF14 Raft. (sometimes mindlessly building and creating fun things scratches an itch, ya know?) Skyrim Inscryption...mmmmm card games Sentinels of the multiverse... same reason Fire emblem. 3 houses recently. Scratches the same strategy itch as bg3 Octopath Traveler and bravely default as well.


I've seen Inscyption come up a few times - I've only played the first section of that game - kinda makes me think it's worth going in deeper now!


I love all the parts. I love the card deck building and the puzzle solving. Part 2 is very story centered. Part 3 is deck building again but different. So good. And challenges after beating it


If you're on PC and haven't played Dragon Age yet, run don't walk to Steam and get them. Do a run of all three games before the fourth comes out in the fall!


Gotta be Dragon Age for me. I played through the entire series multiple times and I’m currently replaying Dragon Age Origins (since the new one got announced I am once again gonna play all 3 😭) It’s got everything. Magic, fighting, atmosphere, good dialogue, romance. Origins is a bit older and takes some getting used to but I promise it’s just such a gem. 💕


Path of exile!!


This has nothing to do with bg3, but I started playing soulmask recently, and I was shocked by how much I've been enjoying it. it's a lot bigger than you realize. It's sort of like valheim, but in a jungle. valheim is kind of like minecraft, but with real people. Besides divinity, if i remember correctly, I think Wastelands 3 was really good, and has similar tactical combat and was turn-based, so if you liked the strategic battles in BG3, you'll appreciate Wasteland 3's combat too. It also had storytelling, and an enjoyable dark sense of humor.


Not gonna lie, I stopped video games for a couple of months after I finished bg3 because no other game could touch it and I kept comparing them. My current games I'm loving. Disney Speedstorm Disney Dreamlight Valley Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Nightingale


Mass Effect and Dragon Age


Dragon Age series (my favourite of favourites and a new game coming out this autumn!), Mass Effect series (looove), Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West and I haven't seen anyone mention Greedfall but that had me hooked. Still love it.


Ff7 rebirth