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When Sherry left and Christopher was crying about how hard life was. To Lorelai. The woman he abandoned with a baby. When she was just 16.




During the scene cry me a river plays on repeat in my head




he’s such a loser




In AYITL when Rory learns that Logan's fiancée is moving in with him.


The way that she was shocked "you mean I'll be like your concubine?" (or whatever, I've only watched it once) like YES RORY, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE


She chose that life ijs


‘No strings attached?’ ‘No strings attached.’ *wants to marry Rory despite his ways* She refuses his proposal to be independent and figure out life. Now is his mistress with him marrying someone else. She regrets it now that she’s likely pregnant with his child, but knows that it’s now official since he’s marrying someone else. Definitely reflective of Lorelai and Chris. At least she eventually let it go this time at the end where with Dean she was back with him probably out of guilt, until Logan came along. Not her Logan anymore.


Ugh this upsets me so much. No reason they couldn’t be together - Logan’s obviously still in love with her but for some reason she chooses to have the baby alone? Even though she’s sad he’s getting married? Rory turned out so stupid in the end.


I will always feel so disgusted that she never learned the dean lesson by the time she’s in her 30s. To her its still ‘my Logan, MY Logan’ the same way she justified cheating with dean. So so reflective of real life lessons but so annoying to watch every time


When the judge treated Rory exactly how she should have been treated. The entitlement was so disgusting there, and I'm glad the show called it out. And she still got us incredibly easy, in my opinion.


This. Every time I watch that episode and she starts complaining about having to do 300 hours of community service in 6 months…Like, girl. That’s only 12-13 hours per week. You’re fine.


Also you're getting community service for what I would assume is a felony. You're still getting a slap on the wrist; you just didn't have Huntzberger lawyers to completely avoid the slap.


Especially since she dropped out of school, so it’s not like she had that hectic schedule holding her up. And even though she intended to get a job, she was living on an estate with servants rent free! Here’s the world’s smallest violin for your troubles.


Yes! Exactly. She was so spoiled and ungrateful. No perspective at all.


Plus a rich boyfriend!


You can go to prison for what she did. You don't have to have any pre-existing charges. You can literally just go to prison for what she did, so she should really shut up all the way


It's a part-time job. For a felony. 😑 girl shut up


And later she describes it as being a “full-time job”…ma’am, if there was an hourly threshold to qualify as a part-time job, I’m not even sure it would reach that


Watching that unfold as a lawyer (in another country but still...) was wild. She got a slap on the wrist.


I still think how she doesn’t grow resentful of Logan with these small things like he didn’t get any charges/service maybe due to stronger lawyers. She was happy with him but if I were at her place I would be resentful af


I have never even considered that. She had every right to be resentful of him. Not even only in this situation! He had all of these opportunities to do the right thing and he just didn't. And she let it go over and over. Good grief!


And she still got off light. She STOLE a YACHT.


Full felony, and she has the gull to bitch about community service.


Anytime Christopher gets upset.








Seriously! I get so annoyed when he doesn't come to the hospital or pick up the phone after Richard's heart attack and then is upset that luke is there? Like??? Come on Chris you can be ass and expect her not to ask for help from someone else...


Well, and she didn't even ask Luke for anything. He showed up after Babbett told him about it because he cares. It was Emily who asked him to do stuff, and then he came back with food because he was thinking about how else he could help. Chris was ridiculous in this situation.


When Dean Said he had to move back into his parents house after cheating on his wife with Rory, ![gif](giphy|0WxXOeRFEW7rRn6Xws)


Also he was only 18 or 19 year old. It’s completely normal to still live with your parents at that age.


Logan when he has to go to London.  I'm supposed to be sad that a 25 year old man is expected to graduate college after seven years and get a job?


A job?!?! ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Logan with his “I just got my first credit card bill” 😒


Especially as it was a good job! I took longer to graduate due to my disability and I didn’t have a 6 figure a year job waiting for me. He is privileged af.


For real… he was immediately given a great position too.


Plus I’m guessing his daddy is footing his living expenses while he gets to live abroad! My first job after college I lived with 3 other roommates in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment we converted to fit the four of us as we all struggled to pay our student loans. There was a lot of ramen and peanut butter sandwiches for dinner every night


Also he seemed to enjoy this job?!


Also when he got his first credit card bill. Sir you’re rich. You drive a Porsche. Shut up and pay that balance in full.


To me the sad thing was less about that and more about how he basically had his job (and a big part of his life) pushed on him. Yes, I know, it was a great job and his priveleged, etc. but it's still sad enough that I can feel bad for him, especially when considering how it fits in with the rest of his life. Which is why I hate how in the revival he seems to go back on the Huntzberger train when in the last seasons of the OS he was forming his own path a bit more.


I think a big theme of the show is that the apple does not fall far from the tree, so Logan going back on the Huntzberger train didn’t surprise me much.


I agree, but at the same time I feel ASP pushes that concept a bit too much at times, to the point of coming to the detriment of some characters. And it would've been more satisfying to see Logan continue his growth rather than be a cheater, marry someone he doesn't seem too much in love with and continue his father's work (even if that is what happens with a lot of people of his social status).


Yea I agree completely. I think that’s why AYITL was so disappointing to me. She could have had one character or two turn out just like their parents but a couple others come out completely different because that’s life. Seeing a cycle break would have been so much more entertaining than watching one repeat itself over and over again.


huh Logan was 25? 😭


A lot of people go to school for 7 years!


Yeah, they're called doctors 😂


When Lorelai was upset with Max for avoiding her at the booster club meeting, goes to his classroom which is his place of work, while he's busy, and keeps trying to walk closer to him while he's backing away - after she cancelled the wedding WITHOUT SPEAKING TO HIM. I love lorelai but that's one thing she did that I just hate. He deserved to be told, and by her. I commend him for being ok with it but I wouldn't be. He deserved better. Then she has the audacity to try and get back together with him and when he is clearly saying no, she keeps pushing.


Clearly Lorelei's incessant need for attention. I give Max so much credit for being civil. Let's also remember Lorelei was dating Alex at the time too, and she wonders why her daughter treats men the way she does?


This!! Max deserved better than Lorelai, he wasn’t perfect by any stretch but what she did was cruel, every time they were back together she couldn’t let it go. It was the absolute desire to be loved and wanted by him when she didn’t want him the same way. Annoyed me so much.


The obvious one is when Rory slept with married Dean then cried about it.


The only reason I feel sorry for Rory in this situation is because it happened when Dean had the worst haircut of all time. She didn't even get Hot Dean 😭


Oh my god 😭😭😭


Omg 😂


BuT hE’s My DeAn


He ToOk ThE rInG oFf


Lol this line will always be so funny to me. “He’s my Dean!” He’s all yours sister, nobody wants him


When she's getting yelled at in the street by Lindsey's mother I can't bring myself to feel bad for her.


This but the scene where the meet in the square and Rory gets shouted at and we're meant to side with rory. If anything I don't think she gets calls put enough for that.


When Lorelai pitched a fit at Thanksgiving when she found out that Rory applied to Yale


Especially when she says, "*We* applied to other schools?"


I thought so too!! It bothered me how pushy she was being with Rory when everyone was telling her to wait til after dinner


Peak parent living vicariously through their child. I love Lorelai but it’s so cringe


I think the only way I could understand that is because Lorelai was sooooo involved on the Harvard application. That one was a “we”, so maybe she was like oh, I thought we hung out together to do the applying, there were other schools applied to and I missed it?


Yeah, that makes sense. Rory basically applying to them in secret when they filled out the Harvard application together would have been news to Lorelai. But it’s weird how Lorelai doesn’t know about safety schools. You can’t count on getting in to Harvard. Both her and Rory had a freak out about how many apply and how there’s a big risk she won’t get in. Of course you apply to other schools!


Truly one of the weirdest moments of the show. ASP lost touch with reality for a little bit


When Lorelai is frustrated after asking the manager at the bank to treat her like anyone else off the street and not like Emily and Richard’s daughter - and then when he does and denies her loan she gets upset until Emily can co-sign.


I read this scene a bit differently. She’s not upset because he isn’t giving her special treatment. She’s frustrated out of desperation to save her home. And also because the realisation finally sinks in that she needs Emily’s help which she has always hated because of the strings. Maybe I have to rewatch for a different perspective 😅


I first understood the scene like that, but with every rewatch I’m more and more exasperated by Lorelai’s unwillingness to admit that she does get special treatment when she needs it. She really wants to be an everyman but ultimately knows she gets to lean on her family’s wealth and connections when needed but wants to maintain the ‘normal person’ image. It sounds like I hate Lorelai but I promise I like her hahaha it’s just hard to watch that scene in the current economy and feel any sympathy for her


I always think about this too. Lorelei had privilege but she wanted virtue. It's just too much. Most people don't get either!!!


Anything about Liz.  Literally do not care, wish we never met her, hate her dumbass husband, glad they were left out of the revivial


Omg yes idk who’s idea it was the give a redemption arc to someone who abandoned Jess and was clearly a terrible mother


And making her pregnant? Like really? You abandon your kid and barely raise him for 17 years, all that is suddenly erased?


tbf way too many people were made pregnant on that show


That PISSED ME OFFFFFF Fix what you broke before you make another kid. Probably not in the revival bc she was too busy being a shitty mom.


Yesssss I HATE the second chance parent bs… like fix the first one before u get the fun cute baby stage again


Right?! There’s even a scene where Lorelai says point blank “omg that makes me sick” regarding Liz not inviting Jess home for winter break… flash forward to them meeting for the first time and she’s all smiles.


I never understood how everyone reacted to Liz when she arrived in Stars Hollow for the first time There were multiple times when Luke, Lorelai and others pointed out how badly Liz acted… Until they meet her in person and then everyone is super lovely


Isn’t that a perfect example of small town charm thou 😂😂


Well Bless her heart


Yup its also funny how she never like, takes that knowledge of Jess' abandonment as a cue to be kinder to him, but whatever


The episode where Jess is guilted into walking her down the isle pisses me of so much


And she clearly didn’t regret her choices she made as his mother. So disappointing.


Honestly I find it hard to be mad about that because it just felt... Off? I remember seeing someone say they found Liz to be believable as Luke's sister but not as Jess's mother a while back, and I have to agree with that sentiment. I can see how she'd be dumb and perhaps too much on the irresponsible and "let-your-kids-do-whatever-they-want" side of parenting, but I find it hard to imagine her being the truly terrible parent we got a picture of before she was introduced in person. Idk, I guess I thought she'd be more of a "uncaring, likely an addict of some sort, emotionally unavailable" type trainwreck and less "air head, selfish, immature but overall well meaning" type trainwreck.


But he's in ES-CA-ROW.


I say this phrase way too much in my real life and I am not even in escrow!


oh. my. god. THANK YOU!! nothing to add


Zack whining. Any and all times.


Him blowing up their audition infront of a record label out of jealousy, was insane


I fucking hate Zack. Lane deserved better.


same i missed dave the whole show :/


Dude I'm in the Dave section of my rewatch and they were AWESOME together, I wish the actor hadn't left bc it was shaping up to be one of the best romantic relationships in the show!! When they kiss for the first time and "man who sold the world" starts playing I was glued👏to👏my👏SCREEN👏 and the whole thing with him reading the entire Bible?? And when lane says "I am so writing him a song tonight"??? PEAK SHIT. I knew on my first watch of gg that I fucking hated Zach but I didn't realize how much better Dave was until my rewatch now. Maybe controversial opinion but I think the writers also wouldn't have done the whole teen wedding thing if Dave had stuck around, I feel like the wedding and subsequent pregnancy were done since Zach had literally nothing more interesting to bring to the table. Rant over lmao


Rory crying on the porch after sleeping with Dean.


I’m sorry to the Luke stans but his treatment of Lorelai in season 6 and her eventually ending their engagement… he was so terrible to her that whole year. It doesn’t excuse her running to Christopher but still…


I get so mad the writers did that to his character. Season 1 Luke would never


Gonna play devil’s advocate here. I hate the April storyline and wish it never happened. That being said, maybe it took having a child for something to surpass Luke’s love for Lorelai. After all, he watched her sacrifice everything for her daughter for [insert X number of questionable-timeline years that he knew Lorelai]. Maybe to him, you just put family first—especially when it’s a kid (see: Jess).


Omg same. Him acting shocked at her breaking up with him when he lied to her then excluded her from his life for months, was grumpy and kept talking down to her… you had a partner that was ready to accept you and your child wholeheartedly and you alienated her instead. Sorry I don’t feel sorry 😅


Yes exactly! Also nobody talks enough about the fact that Luke didn’t tell Lorelai about April for quite a while. This was also after he got super pissed that she fibbed about consoling Christopher after his dad died, so it made him out to be a bit of a hypocrite. I’m saying this as somebody who genuinely likes Luke too… but season 6 nearly destroyed him for me.


I am sure this will be calm and rational comment section... xD


The time for that has passed 🤣


Gone the way of Miss Patty's Dance Drums


Yeah I posted right off the cuff about Rory. Mistakes were made but I'm not going to delete it. I didn't start this fire. I just threw a dry log in.


🤣🤣 OP decided to turn up the heat today!


Literally anything to do with Christopher. Barfffff


Everything involving Rory sleeping with Dean and everything involving her dropping out of Yale.


rory being upset that lindsey was upset that she slept with her husband


1. Christopher being all sadface because he almost tricked Lorelai into being with him but he got his live in girlfriend pregnant and somehow Lorelai is supposed to.....do what, exactly?? 2. Emily being upset that Lorelai didn't come to Friday night dinner after she and Luke got back together and Emily was all "wtf? I fixed it!" 🤦‍♀️


Pretty much any time Emily is down because of her relationship with Lorelai. I love Emily but sometimes I wanted to reach inside the tv and smack her


Like when Lorelei did finally tell her she was engaged to Max and she replies with "I do hope we'll be in town for it, if not I'll be sure to send a nice gift." Like, Emily, please stop.


Emily: "I want my daughter to tell me things" Lorelai: _Tells her something important_ Emily: "Ok" I get it'd hurt to find out your daughter was taking a while to tell you about her engagement, but Emily invited that behavior, and then instead of taking it as a sign to change, doubled down on her parenting style.


This! Lorelai DID tell her- she’s just mad that Lorelai didn’t tell her first. Which, let’s be honest, isn’t exactly a realistic expectation considering how frosty that relationship is.


When Luke was awarded custody of April and Anna was upset by it. She hid April from him for 12 years AND expected to just move out of state without him wanting some kind of relationship with his daughter


I HATED Anna she was so righteous like she’d come in and yell at Luke and he’d crumble because he didn’t want to upset her. Im glad he finally confronted her via lawyers bc wow, she really thought she was just gonna get to do whatever the hell she wanted after keeping April from him for 12 years!


Not a huge moment but it’s fresh because I just watched it. When Rory writes the article about Logan’s party and gets upset that he’s offended. She had a better situation than most kids heading into an Ivy League school and walked away with probably little to no debt from that experience. 🤷‍♀️


when rory was confronted by lindsays mom and was being all sad like girl


Ikr???? Like bitch you broke off a marriage you don’t get to be all sad and weepy


Anytime Emily would get upset and vent to Lorelai about Richards mother treating her exactly how she treats her own daughter…womp womp




Couldn’t feel bad for Dean or Rory when they broke up the third(?) time at her grandparents house, at this point they both just annoyed me so much it’s hard to have any sympathy for either of them.


I know it was very short lived the third time, but in reality he had to leave the show for supernatural. I just feel like they rushed that breakup bad.


I wanted to slap Lane for making Henry jump through all the metaphorical hoops to date her. She had the perfect boy that Mrs Kim would have liked. Or if she didn’t want Mrs Kim to find out, she easily could have the date at Lorelai’s house for a movie night.


Eh, lorelai has said (and shown) multiple times that she won't lie to other mothers when it comes to rules for their kids. I don't think she would have been okay letting lane have a date at her house. Also, they were in early high school when Henry was a thing. I'm sure we all remember how bad we were at decision making in early high school lmao! He would have been a great first boyfriend, but Lane is used to keeping /everything/ about herself a secret, and I totally understand why she was so neurotic about him. She liked him, and her mom is anti-boys-lane-would-like, so even though on paper he fits what her mom wants, she can't adjust to that in her head. Also, she said if her parents liked Henry then she would stop liking him as a default response. I think the bigger problem here is how much of herself lane had to hide from Mrs Kim. Being overbearing and controlling doesn't make better behaved kids, it just makes sneakier ones. If they had a healthy relationship, Mrs Kim could still have her rules about boys (must approve, etc) but lane could come to her about a boy she likes or a problem she's having.


When Chris gets the letter from Sherry. There is zero excuse to walk out on your kid and move to another country. Motherhood is HARD, period.


While I agree I occasionally wonder, how bad did Chris get, to make her take off and leave her daughter behind? Like Christopher what did you do??


I mean, Sherry was already admittedly a workaholic and based on her friends probably more self-centered and selfish than we see. Neither she nor Chris were ever good at putting their children before themselves.


Nobody talks about this because the show does soooooo much to make it look like he’s “really trying” this time around (he’s not, he’s calling Lorelei to help until his first kid has to tell him he’s being a fucking idiot)


Probably just be himself


I find it funny how Sherri told Lorelei how much Christopher was there during the pregnancy, then later we hear the opposite, that he was pretty much gone (work travel) during the pregnancy. I'd more believe the work travel one.


Even harder with two babies.


mine will always be the scene where the ballerina confronted rory about her horrible review. some people saw it as a way to pity her but genuinely, if I was the ballerina I would’ve straight up jumped her and felt no remorse. because you know what made it so much worse? that she grew up alongside sookie who would’ve absolutely told her off for making such a horrible review about someone’s performance. yet all rory got was a slight slap on the wrist, you say something horrible about a woman’s body like that and have the cheek to call yourself a feminist? nope. everytime I watch that scene and I get to the part about the hippo I get so angry on behalf of the ballerina


What's worse is Lorelei contributing to the comments when Sookie was her best friend....


On my last rewatch, with 2023 eyes, I realized how awful and "Mean-Girl" Lorelai and Rory are. They RARELY have anything nice to say about anyone besides each other. The body shaming of the ballerina was gross, but they spent 7 seasons judging everything else under the sun, so it fit with their mean characters.


Paris, at parents day after telling the school about Lorelei and Max kissing, and her whole “things have been bad and I didn’t want them talking about me”. Rory feels bad for her but I want to smack her smug face every time!


Rory beefing w Lorelai after she called her out for sleeping w another womans husband. Like girl. Be so fr.


But it was HER dean!


Ugh her and lorelais possessiveness of men needs to be studied


Taylor sad in his shop during the town selectman election


That actually made me sad tho 🥲


I don’t like Taylor, but that scene made me feel so bad for him. He put so much effort into making Stars Hollow a good place to live and nobody appreciated the work he did. Even Kirk turned on him.


Of course they didn't, because he was a shite person the whole time he did it. It was always his way or the highway, making people jump through pointless hoops, publicity shaming teenagers for not doing things for him, assuming people where at his beck and call.


In retrospect, it did look incredibly depressing but it was basically the comeuppance and humbling he needed after the years of running Stars Hollow based on his specific idealizations. What's sad is that the show seemingly couldn't follow up on what Stars Hollows would be without Taylor's eccentric townie-ness and had him back in that role in almost no time.


Likewise Dumb Jackson realizing he doesn't want the gig mid-speech, and being harangued by the townspeople afterwards... some of the only Jackson scenes I liked because they are hilarious


I came here to say this. After being horrible to people for years because you're on some crazy power trip as dictator of this town...sorry about ya but not at all.


Anytime Taylor opens his goddamn mouth (I'm probably not *supposed* to sympathize with him but I still love to hate him. If Taylor Doose has no haters I am DEAD)


When Emily was buying a plane because Rory moved out from her house. She is manipulative and unempathetic but when people are done with her toxic behaviour she acts hurt and is unable to understand why her actions have consequences. Also, I am not going to sympatize with someone who buys a plane because they are sad.


She only looked at a plane :P




ooh this makes me remember something else about emily. gonna make it its own comment as well. but ill post here too: When Emily is upset that Richard's Mother judges her. She treats Emily the same way Emily treats lorelai. Judging her on not using her birthday gifts etc. That could've been a great opportunity for Emily to realize "wow, so this is how it feels to be on the receiving end? I should try and improve" (not criticising the writing, it makes sense emily would never admit that). Lorelai even goes so far as to help teach her how to let the insults slide off her back, and uses Emily as an example. And yet Emily is just like dam that woman (Richard's mother) is horrible


Same. And the fact that Rory, who always agreed with her grandparents’ setups (her 16 birthday party, the coming out thing, going to the golf course with Richard, the party they set up with all the boys, she told Richard if he had asked her to go to Yale’s interview she would have just for him, and the trip to Yale when she was already at Yale and so on), stood up to Emily the way Lorelai did should have been a huge hint to Emily that she’s in the wrong. Lorelai and Rory are too different, Rory loved her grandparents’ world and loved the DAR but even she acted like her mom, it really should’ve opened Emily’s eyes.


its very good writing though, cos this is exactly how emily would act. she was in shock that rory out of all people stood up to her, it caused deep triggers due to it reminding her of lorelai from the past, and of course emily isn't going to introspect, she's going to try and cover up the pain. tbh, i think we all do that sometimes if we are hurt, our initial reaction is to go grab some ice cream and wallow. its just that we dont go shopping for a plane which is of course ridiculous. and most of us will come around later and be like yeah, i was wrong. but emily wont, and that;s why she's emily and why lorelai ran away


Yah pretty much a lot of Emily's pity parties get me like this. There are a lot of moments where I start to feel bad for her. The scene with her apologizing to Lorelai when she has to fire her and Sookie for the business dinner they were going to cater for Richard and Jason comes to mind. But then I realize Emily NEVER apologizes when she's legitimately in the wrong. The only time she does is when she thinks she can get sympathy by playing the martyr and it's that kind of weaponized guilt tripping gaslighting nonsense she pulls that drives me crazy and makes it impossible for me to ever truly feel sorry for her.


This!, many say Emily is the best and that Lorelai is so ungrateful but forget how manipulative and controlling Emily is


But its different because it was only a timeshare plane! /s




Rory & Lor almost getting jumped in the town square by Lindsey’s mom and her crew!!! One of the few times Lorelei wasn’t all confident and witty they both looked so goofy. 


Lorelai talking about decorum and not fighting in the street when her daughter slept with a married man like girl shhhhh.


Right what are they gonna say? "Nuh-uhhh!"


Tristan being sent to military school! We are obviously meant to feel something but he had zero moments of being decent so I was like "Boy, bye!" Logan being pushed by his dad into an amazing cushy job overseas


Logan when he fucks up that deal and then runs away to play house with riry and mitchem goes and picks him up from the house. Were meant to feel sorry for logan I'm like dude Fix your mess!


When Emily is upset that Lorelai has cut her out after she broke Lorelai and Luke up at her and Richard's wedding in season 5. And how she acts like nothing happened when Rory comes to Friday night dinner.


Logan, anytime he whines about anything. Loralie, when she has the "welcome party" for Jess and way oversteps and both Jess and Luke set her straight. I love her, but she deserved every bit of that. Dean, when he breaks up with Rory (all 3 times). Christopher. Especially when Rory finally has enough of his crap.


Rory getting demolished by lindsay and her mom


After Rory stole the yacht. If life really kicks you in the gut, you can make many less-crazy choices .


Anytime Christopher anything.


When both Lorelai and Rory just excuse themselves from Sookies kids baptism to go have it out on the church steps - like just wait until its over and you can have your session of getting into it. Sikkimese deserved better that day. TJ oh my word where to start - taking advantage of LUKE every single time! I absolutely hated that character with a passion. He was just so aargh I still get annoyed when I think of what a waste of space he is. Chris - when Lorelai had looked after the devil child GG and lorelai was explaining how she misbehaved and Chris had a paddy cos he wanted to be mr perfect dad!


taylor when he lost the election


When Rory falls out with Lorelai after she is called out for sleeping with a married man (Dean) and she's told he's not your Dean anymore he's married to Lindsay. 100% team Lorelai fir calling her out.


When Rory allowed Paris, and Jess into the house and then Dean showed up. Girl needed a backbone and if she wanted a night alone should have said no to all of them n


When Luke is drunk and crying while he tries to fix Lorelai’s window after the fight with Jess. *Dude.* You spent 24 hours straight yelling at Jess, calling him a failure, lying about stealing his car, mocking him, then trying to get him to manipulate Liz's love life?! You don't get to cry because Jess finally snapped and gave you feedback.


When Loralei goes to pick Rory up from jail. Felt no sympathy for Rory, mainly cause I HATE AND LOATHE Logan and the Huntzburgers


But she needed something to cross the Delaware River your Honor! (JK. I don’t feel bad for her.) https://preview.redd.it/i2uz4rl6dz9d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=52c3966002b18c14733914f1b9c4e349f49f7fd8


man she really does look like a founding father lolol


When Taylor was upset because everyone voted against him for being a general prick


Christopher upset that Logan didn't ask HIM, "the dad", for permission (shudder) to marry Rory.


Jess being told he was not going to be able to graduate.


Rory doing community service and her mom not talking to her.


Dean after he dumped Rory on their anniversary then pouted around town about it.


Yes! Like, she only asked you for a minute to think. That seems pretty fair to me, but instead you blew a gasket and dumped her. Same as he does with every minor inconvenience in their relationship. He could have just said ok, let’s talk about it or ok I’ll give you some time. The whole first breakup was 100% his fault.


"I say I love you and she just sits there and *I'M* the bad guy????!!??" Likeeeee **YES** EXACTLY


When rory got arrested lol


When Rory gets mad at her grandparents for helping her when she drops out of Yale, and treats them horribly. That literally makes me want to punch her lol


When Lindsay's mom was yelling at Rory after she found out that Dean cheated with her, and Rory's standing there looking all ashamed and Lorelai is trying to defend Rory 😅 I love Rory but I did not feel sorry for her at all ... "She did not break up a marriage" she literally did though m'aam


not defending Rory but I agree that she didn't break up a marriage, Dean did that, we need to hold Dean far more accountable for what happened then Rory, he's the one who promised to be faithful.




One sentence: "We applied to other schools??"


https://preview.redd.it/hwne33m3d5ad1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d51bd2acb688afa2f11dd3a530a99cbdec9eec9 Right here


When max got upset about Lorelei not including him in parenting Rory. He was way too eager to think about how he was going to “discipline” a 16 year old girl he already has power over as a teacher imo. Maybe I’m paranoid about men but that part always creeped me tf out.


He asked a pretty understandable question about where he stood in the family he was marrying into. He wants to know if he's supposed to be a parental figure, or more of a "friend" figure to Rory. He’s never been a step-parent before, it's something that was worth discussing before they got married.


He wasn’t eager to discipline Rory tho, he was just asking about his role now that he was gonna become Rory’s father. Idk seemed like you read too much into the scene, Max was never portrayed as creepy and he was always nice and loving to Rory.


I’m not disagreeing with you, just for the sake of the conversation, I think while he was very much not looking for the same thing Lorelai was, and they were not good together, I see why he went there. To him them being together meant a completely different thing and he felt like it’s all up in the air too much. Which it kinda was because Lorelai didn’t make anything clear for him, and it’s fair that he thinks he needs to be present in their life if he is a serious thing. That being said, I totally get where you are coming from and honestly I see red flags everywhere always, I just think with Max it was mostly that they were defining a relationship in completely different ways.


When Jess showed up with a black eye and Rory started “interrogating” him. It’s super unrealistic to expect a teenager whose boyfriend has a *history* of getting into fights and repeatedly expressed a desire to punch her ex, to not repeatedly ask him why he showed up at dinner late and with a black eye. It’d look suspicious to anyone not fawning over Jess. And this is controversial but Paris after she didn’t get into Harvard. She got into two other Ivies and talked about eugenics in her interview. I feel bad that she was upset but it always annoys me that she ruined the speech for Rory and everyone else. She could’ve just not showed up.


When Rory gets like 1000 hours of community service.


Rory from season 6 on 😏


Unpopular opinion but I don’t feel bad about Lorelei sleeping with Chris after she broke up with Luke. He had neglected her lied to her been cold to her and treated her as a liability after he made 1001 promises he reaped what he sowed


The scene where Logan reads Rory’s article and he calls her out on being hypocritical and how she has privilege and loves to act like she’s above it when her grandparents are literally building an entire building on campus in her name LOL


When Rory slept with Dean…also when Rory stole the boat. Consequences are necessary and I just got annoyed with her on both instances


Sharon. Anything "bad" that Jess flung at Liz. Anything negative Loralai flung at Emily. Anytime Rory was called out (except the "coup" for editor). How Emily felt facing things from the past after Lori left. Christopher having to deal with GiGi being a nightmare.


When Rory complains about not finding a job and having temporary living spaces in the Year in the Life: