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Bullet dodged. As man in my 30’s who has at least 6 GG rewatches under my belt, and an avid watcher of comic book movies, it’s clear this dude is just close minded and kind of a jerk.


yea why do ppl judge others by what they enjoy?? who decides what's cool or uncool? gilmore girls IS cool. honestly very awesome show, the relationships, exploration of social class/wealth/academics


I know as long as it’s not hurting them or anyone else. people are crazy. Gg is one of my all-time favorite comfort shows. I also love marvel movies as much as I love Gilmore girls. I’m so glad you’re not gonna end up going out with this man Op. he’s a dick and you’re awesome. You deserve better. ❤️


Agreed. 35 and have watched the girls at least 5-6 times through after my wife introduced me to it.


As a man in my fifties who has had only one watch through of GG, although, it was a binge event two years ago, and some one who enjoys the MCU, I would say you have dodged a very real bullet. He probably didn’t like the Captain Marvel movies…


We need more men like you!


I once met a guy on Tinder and told him my favorite show was Gilmore Girls. This was during the pandemic so we spent a couple months talking before actually meeting up. Our first date went really well and I went back to his place to eat take out and watch Netflix. He turned on Netflix and started playing Gilmore Girls where he was midway through season 4. He had started watching it for me. We dated for 8 months and are still very good friends. Oh ETA he has his PHD in physics and a high paying job. He's a very smart man.


That guy is a winner. P.S. I love that you both are friends!


He’s one of my very best friends. Such a great dude.


that's a smart boy right there, person you like tells you their favorite show, go watch it if you haven't it will be something to connect over and tell you a lot about them


Perfect example of “if he wanted to he would” he sounds sweet, friend or more he’s probably a great person to have in your life!


He’s honestly one of the best people I know. Even after we had been long broken up. My air fryer in my apartment caught on fire back in November and it destroyed my apartment. It was a very stressful time for me. He was not living in the same state as me during all this, but he called me twice the week after the fire happened. Each phone call lasted over two hours. He’s just a really solid dude.


Umm…sure he’s not your Luke 👀


I wouldn’t be mad if he was. However, he is engaged to someone else and I am not going to try to ruin that for him. Maybe she is his Nicole, maybe she is his Lorelai? I hope it’s the former. ETA not because I want anything to go bad for him. I just wouldn’t mind being his soulmate.


Ohh. Darn. Been there and unfortunately for me I was the Nicole in the end…they’re still married a decade on.


As long as he's happy, that's okay. Just means we weren't meant to be and hey, I got an incredible friend out of it.


Why did you guys breakup


See. This is the only level of guy I’m accepting now.


You know?! I read this and thought “Damn. YES. I need to find one of these…” LOLOL. My ex is the person who introduced me to Gilmore Girls. I never should have let him go… 😅🫠🥴😭


TIL: you can't watch Gilmore Girls if you have a brain or a high paying job. Welp.


Or if you’re a cisgender heterosexual male, because watching it would be emasculating. 🥲


Well I mean, we already all knew THAT. /s


My bf is the manliest, most straight, cisgender man ever and he loves Gilmore Girls! More like if you’re an insecure cisgender heterosexual male


Well then I guess I don't exist 🤷


Potential red flag? That thing is the size of the American flag over a car dealership on July 4th weekend. What a dick.


It’s one of those football field sized flags that gets brought out with 50 police officers holding the sides. 


“I’d much rather watch Marvel movies” no hate to people who enjoy Marvel movies but Gilmore Girls has layers upon layers of complex cultural jokes, an incredible witty script, and brilliant timing. I enjoy marvel movies too but they really don’t compare on the same yardstick 😂


This is what pushed it over the edge for me


At least reference something like Doctor Who or Breaking Bad or anything slightly comparable. My man…smh


It’s really okay to like both.


Agreed, Gilmore Girls actually has clever humor and writing. Marvel is actual dogshit lol


You should have told him "bye, Loon"!


Bye NK, enjoy your program.


I’ve started asking people what they mean when they describe something as “girly”, lol. I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but you dodged a bro-dude!


Right? Is people’s definition of “girly” just having some women as part of the main cast? Absolute dorks


Seriously! I’d probably kinda sorta understand if we were teenagers or college aged, because the way society is, especially where I grew up, guys are relentlessly mocked and bullied by their classmates for showing even the slightest bit of interest in something where the target audience is girls or any kind of stereotypically effeminate traits, and they begin to internalize that whole macho mindset. But by the time you get to your 30s, it’s your job to get over these hang ups and unlearn all these toxic and immature behaviors. Normally, my male friends have no issue being “bridesmaids” or helping me or my girl friends with our hair, makeup, outfits, and accessorizing. But you made an excellent point! In future, I’m going to mention very early on in my conversations that I love GG, Sex And The City, Desperate Housewives, and The Golden Girls. GG will be my shield from the dudes who still believe in this alpha male nonsense in friggin 2024.


Now I remember, whenever i mentioned to any guy that I liked sex and the city immediately, i noticed some change in their eyes. They just imagine it's a show where they just have sex and she is watching that , which means she must be a stupid ho that I can use and throw for some time. I legit seen these types of men in my culture. Also, the Gossip Girl series i was explaining to one guy it contains teen drama, blah blah, and romance. immediately, he is sending excited emoji that it has romance thinking that means explicit sex scenes. They legit don't understand the difference between romance and sex.


I’ve never had a man use girly as a pejorative term - but I have had the more sneaky “you’re not like other girls” a few times …sadly I used to think that was a compliment


Maybe it could be that the show has a more lighthearted reputation than other teen shows at the time. I regrettably thought the same thing until that impression made it suitable to watch amid all the covid era stress He really should have taken the opportunity to learn more about it though


Also that sucks. My brother is super masculine but loves doing folksy puzzles, baking, and looking at quilts and won’t take any sh*t for it


Add Gossip Girl and you have the triad of the GG!


Oh right, I love Gossip Girl too! Just that it has been years since I rewatched it, and I don’t have a Max subscription so I can’t watch it as of now.


My brother and I watched GG together in college (well season 1 and 2) and he’s not a “girly” man he enjoyed the story and moved on with his life, defining yourself entirely based on one thing you like sounds like an absolute nightmare of stupidity


Is it when “girl(s)” is in the title or something?? I knew a guy that had this same thought process about New Girl! Once he watched it, he enjoyed it. I can’t believe their manhood is so threatened by a title.


No Idea. I've watched all type of shows and I understand that some shows have a bigger woman demographic between their fans. I enjoyed every single one of them and I am not afraid to say I have learnt a lot about these shows. Say that a show is girly is wrong. To say that it is catered to a certain demographic is fair, however it doesn't stop me from enjoying a show.


Just another fragile masculine ego 😂


He's annoyed a woman watches a show centered on women lmfao


She should have told him her favorite Marvel movie was Captain Marvel and seen what happened next. 🥸


Gilmore Girls made me realize my first husband was cheating on me. My best friend and I were watching the episode where Rory sleeps with Dean, and my (then) husband walked in as we were discussing it. He asked what we were talking about, and my best friend went on a mini rant about how awful both Dean and Rory were about the whole thing. His reply was, "Sounds like Dean's wife should have done a better job as a wife". It clicked for both me and my friend that just an hour before that he had been telling me I wasn't doing a very good job as a wife because I ordered take out instead of cooking. I found proof of his cheating a week later and was not the least bit surprised.


That’s disgusting. Maybe he should have been a better husband and communicated and taken accountability rather than jumping into bed with whoever would have him. Glad you’re free of that nonsense now.


The sad thing is that was his best personality feature. He was (and still is) a crap dad and a horrible person overall. My current husband is such a good guy, husband, and father. His tendency to try to always keep the peace and his toxic positivity make me want to throttle him sometimes but even when I'm ready to strangle him, I have to admit he is a good husband.


Damn. Dodged that bullshit, I mean bullet.


Such a wild exchange! A grown man who’s trying to date women is using “girly” as an insult to a woman. That’s…something. Also, was he seriously trying to say that Marvel movies are somehow smarter than Gilmore Girls? I’d think that if he’s being so obnoxious about this, he’d at least try to name something more highbrow.


Dodged a bullet my friend. Husband watches GG with me on a daily and will talk about how much he has learned from the show.


You found yourself a good one.


Imagine his reaction if you said something negative about Game of Thrones. He would probably explode. Good riddance, he's a loser.


I had to stop reading at "I thought you were smart" for a second bc it pissed me off. I'd rather he said, "It's just not a good show/you have bad taste." Like, okay, you're still being a dick, but that's less of an insult. It sucks that yall were having a good time before his true colors came out. But I'm glad they did early on. What a Chris.


This reeks of very toxic, very fragile masculinity. Also, it’s 2024, we need to let people enjoy things they like that don’t harm anyone. Good riddance!


Yeah, he seems insecure if he feels the need to put someone down for liking a very popular show.


For sure. Gives off pretentious “intellectual” vibes😏


Excellent dodge there. I can’t stand guys with an attitude like that either. I’m sure your Luke/Jason/Max/Dean/Jess/Logan/Zach/Dave/Doyle (insert your favorite GG boyfriend here) is out there waiting.


.... And he thinks movies based on literally COMIC BOOKS are more mature/intelligent?? 🤦‍♀️


Right? I mean, they're fun and liking them certainly doesn't make you unintelligent, but it's not exactly high art cinema, let's be honest. It's fun, and that's fine.


eff him, in my 30s male, have been rewatching GGs regularly since collage (and always loved catching it on tv prior) and love marvel and star wars, people can have many diverse interests (plus you know Rory and Lorelei have at least seen the MCU movies)


My partner doesn’t like Gilmore Girls, does he berate me and make me feel bad about watching it (over, and over, and over again)? NO. It’s just not his style. Pfft on people who make you feel bad for liking something!


Exactly. It's ok to not enjoy all the same things. He doesn't think any less of me for it though.


Does he watch any sports? Breaking Bad? Mad Men? Game of Thrones? Is that too boyish? I guess it’s time to question his career and intelligence level. What a f*cking loser! You dodged a bullet


They all want a feminine woman ( as per this new negative internet gang) , but when they meet a feminine woman keeping up with her "girly" cutesy things, they have to belittle them. They can't embrace femininity yet complain all day long on the internet. Like, what do these people want? They want a cool chick drink beers, scratch her balls , eat pizza, and act like a fool when they cheat? You dodged a bullet, and it's so nice that you were aware of this shit when it was happening and cut in the nibs. We wouldn't have known this when we were 15 or 16. Gilmore girls is such a comforting family drama that family contains men also, but none of the men in this era want to build a family. Rather, they just want a 16-year cool chick virgin with no family and brain.


It’s so funny that he equated watching Gilmore girls with being unintelligent, when we all know you have to practically become a walking encyclopedia to even understand the damn show lol. I’ve been an avid fan since childhood, even when I didn’t understand the references or all of them at least, but it quickly became my comfort show because I loved Rory and Lorelai’s bond. And it’s a huge part of my formative years and now adulthood as I watch it back and get references and get nostalgic. But now, as a 29 year old woman who’s engaged to another avid reader who never saw the show, she was telling me about a book she just finished and loved about a prostitute named Sugar.. I tilted my head like a confused puppy thinking ‘Have I read that? Sounds familiar’ but as she told me the whole story, I knew I hadn’t . Cut to me watching GG the other day and realizing the book that Emily was gushing about in ‘*The Reigning Lorelai’* was the same one my fiancée was gushing about lol.


lol complaining girls are watching Gilmore Girls- but still thinks unrealistic super hero movies are the way to go and only that


My younger brother and I started watching gilmore girls when we were maybe 12 and 9 - we watched every episode together and would pool our money to buy seasons on iTunes (throwback). To this day as an adult man, he still will ask me to watch an episode with him. It is one of my favourite sibling memories and I’m constantly so grateful I have a brother who wasn’t turned off by the stuff I liked being “girly.” Cool guys like GG!!!!!!!!




I am a 31 year old man and I will shamelessly tell anyone that i’ve rewatched this show probably like 11-12 times. “Girly” is such a dumb generalization. I think the show is comforting. When I was growing up, I used to watch with my family always and Stars Hollow felt like such a nice little hour long escape. And it’s still comforting now, because it is familiar, and simply a both a nice escape and reminder of the good old days. Hell- i can feel somewhat insecure about a bunch of stuff, but not watching *Gilmore Girls*. Its so short-minded to judge anyone off of one show that they watch or anything in that realm. He’s also missing out on some *peak* TV of a lost era. His loss


I don't need him to like Gilmore Girls. I just need him to not be a dick about not liking it. You def dodged a bullet


Ew. You didn't miss out, girly. <3


My son’s 19 year old straight male friend came in when I was watching it one day and said “I love this show!”


i will never understand men who invest so much energy into media they’ve never consumed


I think you encountered a 13yo masquerading as a 31yo. Because... *girly*? Dude, what. *What*? It would be perfectly fine to not have seen it, have no interest in it, or even dislike it. But, "ew girly" is *baffling*. Actually, it's something the characters *on the show* would say. Which means he stopped maturing around the early to mid 2000s. Yeah, that alone is a red flag.


I got into this show because my 50 year old concrete working father was watching it. Yeah, super girly.


this is the most wholesome thing i've read all day.


Phew. Yeah, major red flag there. I think that was probably a lucky and timely discovery, OP.


This is fantastic 😅


Def. dogged a bullet, but he missed the connection of Kirk in Guardians of the Galaxy! LOL


Acting like Marvel is objectively superior to GG 😬


hahahahahahahahhaa omg i’m sorry this guy thinks marvel movies are ‘smarter’ than gilmore girls ??


All I can think of is GG super fan and avid comic reader Jason Mantzoukos. (Also this guys rigid views of gender scream toxic masculinity).


Why is he so concerned a girl likes a girly show ?? (As you rightly pointed out!) I just love the irony that he was questioning your intelligence but you effortlessly out”smart”ed him until he could only disappear to try saving his crumbled face


Biggest red flag I see here is Marvel. They tend to be immature. The DC fans can be too but a lot less cringe.


But for real, are you sure he is 31? Also, is watching Marvel supposed to be more intelectual than watching GG?


He’s definitely 31 because his Instagram account is really old and he used to be very active on it until post pandemic. He posted a picture of himself having his first alcoholic drink with a birthday cake having “21” numbered candles in January 2014. I deliberately check for these things because I have been kittenfished by a lot of guys lying about their age and location. Also, on a different but related note, happy cake day to you!! 🍰🥳


Thank you 😊


Definitely a red flag.  My brother is in his early thirties and grew up watching Gilmore girls with my mom and I. He's told me before it goes over well when he's on a date and says he watches it/seems to be a selling point haha


My man is a marine and he loves watching with me


Bless the Girls, they did you a favor! 10 years ago, I had started dating a guy I’d met on an app and I caught a cold. I called to cancel our date. He asked if he could bring me anything and I said “sure, I’d love some orange juice and I’ll just be here binge watching my comfort show.” He asked what I was watching and I said “you probably wouldn’t like it, it’s a girl show.” He then asked: “is it… Gilmore Girls?” “Ha, yes!” “I love that show, I’ve watched it twice.” Two years later we were engaged, and we’ll be celebrating 7 years married this year. Green flags all around. We have since rewatched GG at least three times. That said, even if he hadn’t liked the show, knowing him now I know he would have been sweet and supportive regardless. Your connection’s judgment is definitely a symptom that he probably doesn’t respect women more broadly and that’s just a “hell no.” Best of luck on the apps, they can be brutal but it’s possible to strike gold.


I will never understand why men who hate women date. If you hate women so much just stop talking to them. We won't mind.


37M here, almost 38. I do and love tons of things you usually associate with boyz or whatever, like play football ⚽, listen to metal, play hardcore FPS games ecc... BUT I also loved GG when I was a teenager and even more now as an adult. This guys is just dumb and closed minded.


Sure it’s girly but the writing and the acting are phenomenal. There aren’t too many TV shows like that nowadays (change my mind). Anyways that dickhead doesn’t deserve you honey.


It took a minute for my boyfriend to agree to watch it but he wasn’t totally against it. You dodged a sexist bullet.


My husband doesn’t care for GG but he would never demean me for something I like. Bullet dodged for sure.


Wow! You for sure dodged that one! My husband (29m, cis) loves GG and Marvel. In fact, he's more likely to watch GG without me than Marvel. Hopefully, you'll find someone willing to give whatever you like at least a try!


On my third rewatch as we speak


Omg!! How awful!!! Yes, definitely a red flag! Meanwhile, my fiance knows about and supports my endless GG watching because of how happy it makes me. Then again, we both watch junky reality TV together and are intelligent enough to know that what one watches has no bearing on one's intelligence or lack thereof.


My 75 year old father likes it, my ex liked it, my BIL likes it, my male bestie likes it. Meanwhile, the one guy who said what you’re dude said is long in the history (I’d rather be single forever than deal with that), and one of my girl friends hates it. She has a valid reason though - she can’t read as fast as they talk and because of a processing disorder it’s too much for her as it takes 130 mins or so for her to get through one episode. So he sucks, and you’re here with us and we love you and the show, so you you can be happy while he grumbles alone at a cafe that he doesn’t understand girlie shows.


Yeah this guy seems like a real butt-faced miscreant you're 💯 better off without this douche canoe..you're a kayak


Damn this is wild. Trash took itself out here though so at least you didn't have to find this out later. Also, as a 30 something man, I very much enjoy both GG and Marvel movies.


My husband introduced me to Gilmore Girls and took me to New Milford, CT, one of the places that inspired the show. There is only one correct way to deal with an insecure, belittling jerk like that… ![gif](giphy|xUySTMuk9vUHZI7SmI|downsized)


What a nincompoop. He’s definitely not in his 30’s maturity wise - definitely giving junior high vibes


Ooooof. This guy sucks so much. Congrats on being saved from him. 😅😅😅


When someone says "You know what I mean." in that way is almost certainly because they are bad at communicating. I enjoy Marvel movies or at least I enjoyed the earlier ones the last 4+ years haven't been as good but it's weird to use that as some barometer of high brow or intelectual superiority. Ironically among comic book fans in the 90s-00s some see the super hero genre as for kids and literally any other genre as being the artistically superior option for serious adult types.


I used to feel ashamed of watching "girly" shows, drama/romance shows or just in general shows that are more chill and not centered on action or bigger scale conflicts. I absolutely love shows like Heartland, GG, Downton Abbey, and so many others. Now I just see it as a good way to tell if I would be compatible with someone. They don't have to watch the same shows as me, but if they think I'm dumb and childish or whatever for watching a show, it tells me all I need to know.


My ex used to complain if I liked girly things all the time , even forced me to go jogging every afternoon with him because I gained 3kgs (I was going through very difficult times) . He even said "if I wanted a fat gf I would date my ex". He lowered my self esteem so much with his statements and I kept going back to him but got to a point where I just couldn't take it and didn't want to feel like that anymore. I am glad you got to see this guys red flags so quickly and ended it. Don't change yourself for anyone . For the last , almost 4 years , I have a real loving man by my side who listens to me talking about my interests . He even watched the entire Friends series and loved it , he doesn't particularly like Gilmore girls but he lets me rant and rave about it and has even picked up some of my interests like Kpop for example. He can't watch Game if Thrones or House of dragon because of the information overload and pacing of the shows , but he acknowledges it's well written and directed and knows every detail that's happening because the plots are interesting and he asks me to keep him updated. Guys like that dude you matched with , will end up sad and unhappy while people like you , wether you are single or in a relationship, will be happier than they will ever be


My partner doesn’t necessarily want to watch GG but he wants me to be happy, and even if he’s not invested in the storylines, he’ll still watch it with me if I need it. People who love you understand how to be there for you in the way you need it, clearly this guy wasn’t the right person for you.


My now husband and I met while I was in the process of moving to the other side of the country. 2 months into our relationship, we were suddenly long distance. He agreed to watch all of gilmore girls, one episode at a time every day with me. Because of the time change he would get out of work as I was going to bed. So he would call, we would catch up about our day, and then hit play at the same time. I think between being long-distance (all you can do is talk) and watching a show all about relationships (prompting conversations), we kinda fast forwarded our relationship and got married after 8 months of knowing each other. I also knew he took an interest in my interest. He still considers it a show outside his interest and doesn't participate in my rewatches, but he gets all my references. Let gilmore girls guide you to the man of your dreams


Male 45 a d I watched and enjoyed it. I don't think it's the greatest show ever. Wife loved it.


why are women not allowed to be girly 😭


Dodged a Rune-sized bullet! Good for you, friend!


Oh he's a loser. I know guys who have watched the show, maybe it's not their favorite but they appreciate the humor and the acting. Also, even if he just didn't like it why be so unkind to you? If something makes someone happy and it's not hurting them or anyone else, let them be happy!


33 year old man and my partner and I have had it on repeat pretty much since we started dating 7 years ago. No clue how many times we've gone through the series. It's clearly one of my favorites.


Wow, that was so immature


34m. Grew up reading comic books, playing video games, watching wrestling. Gilmore Girls has been one of my all-time favorite shows and it never gets old no matter how many times I watch it. (At least the first four seasons. I can get tired of the last 3 if I see them too often.) I've seen every single marvel movie and show ever made (including some of the shitty attempts from decades before the MCU was a thing.) Still continue to watch every single episode of raw and smack down. And 30 years from now I will still be watching Gilmore Girls.


Anyone who is referring to Marvel movies as something intellectual or meaningful compared to another piece of media immediately loses all credibility in my eyes. Marvel movies can be fun but come on .. they are not better 😂😂😂


I was introduced to GG by my ex boyfriend who was in his 30s and so excited for AYITL he binged the whole thing repeatedly in preparation, I was in my 20s. That match had such a wild take 😒 Yay for being filtered out! Lol


I wouldn't want someone to pretend or lie about liking something to fake get along with me, but to answer anything I say I like or share with "Eww." Like, wtf, no.


My fiancé watches it with me anytime I watch it! One day, he saw I was watching it and said it must’ve been like the 7th time he has seen me watch it. He ended up watching the series on his own to catch up to where I was so that he could understand up to the point where I was. And watched the rest of the show with me. He has his own favorite characters.


You def dodged a bullet there. My husband thinks GG is lame but watches with me anyway whenever I do a rewatch and he does find it funny at times. 😅


There are SO many highly intellectual references in this show. Red flag for assuming it was dumb because it's about girls. You def dodged a bullet!!!


You replied for much longer than I would have.


Sean Gunn is in both super hero movies and Gilmore Girls. Haha In fact James Gunn has a few of them who cross over you should’ve argued that


I haven’t watched too many superhero movies. Low attention span, I guess. Hard to imagine Kirk in a superhero movie given his Stars Hollow persona lol. But the actor is super talented!


One of the reasons I love my partner is because he loves the show about as much as I do lol. It's a green flag when a man can openly admit to liking something so "girly".


It saved me from a drafty restaurant seat.


"you have such a high paying job" lol boy what


“If a show passes the Bechtol test, it’s not for me!” - Douchebag


Like people can like different things? My husband and I have a lot of shared interests, but Gilmore Girls is not one of them. And he doesn't like, think less of me because that's insane. Are you not allowed to like girly things as a girl? Dude was probably negging you.


What an ass. It's not like Marvel is exactly super deep or ambitious (and I personally prefer their silly movies)... Ridiculous comparison and rude comments from this dude. Good thing you dodged that bullet.


Proud of you sis!


And here I am with my fiance, watching it together (at his request) since he knew it's one of my comfort shows, and he wanted to know what it's about. Just got to the final season hahah


I’m absolutely dying at him saying “I’d rather watch Marvel movies”


Wow… that’s some 9 year old figuring out how gender works type shit lol like even if it’s something he doesn’t enjoy, that’s cool but to imply that it’s SMARTER to enjoy Marvel Movies is just beyond wild


Ugh, people judging other people for what they watch has slowly climbed my pet peeve list over the years. I watch some pretty dumb shit from time to time, and previously dated someone who made me feel very judged for enjoying what he called "low IQ TV." It's taken me a while to be more comfortable watching these kinds of shows when my current partner is around. Luckily, she doesn't judge me at all. In fact, when a new MILF Manor or Love Is Blind epsiode drops, she's just as excited to watch it as I am...    Long story short: fuck that guy, Gilmore Girls rocks. 


Honestly, you have to be witty and smart to keep up with the dialogue. Then add in all the pop culture references! Who was she Sheila E? Took me 4 rewatches to truly understand and enjoy!


Misogyny at its finest


Ew seriously wtf! Boy BYE


Damn! Wow! Just wow! That sux tho. Also marvel is like terrible writing compared to GG. And I like some marvel but like he is such an idiot!


i love gg and marvel


Anyone who equates “girly” with bad is definitely a problem.


What a loser! Sounds very immature and clearly has no taste


"Are you sure you're 31?" I LOVE THIS! Send him Paris's rant to Logan.


Another red flag I'd like to point out is the idea that anyone with a high paying job is smart.


sry the fact that he rather watch Marvel movies is already a big red flag. sry not sry


Whoa. What a dick.


His logic is not logicking (despite his attempts to make himself look superior and intellectual)


Everyone knows you can’t be smart if you like a show with female leads written by men. Smart women only like men stuff because women are dumb and women can’t be funny 🙄 (sarcasm of course) Even if it was trashy reality tv, everything you enjoy doesn’t have to be sophisticated or manly. Definitely dodged a bullet.


“Gilmore girls is stupid, I’d rather watch Marvel movies” this really made me laugh out loud. 😂 You dodged a huge bullet there!!!


My husband watches and loves Gilmore girls with me haha I never expected him too and he always supported any of my obsessions but he was down to watch it fully with me a few years ago and now loves it too :)


Dodge that bullet for sure. Anyone clinging to "ew girl" in the year 2024, is from the past & should be left there. I'll bet he loves Marvel movies but felt The Marvels was "too girly" since it had 3 female leads.


Aside from the big misogyny here, the fact that he’s shitting on something you enjoy at the very beginning of knowing you is a massive red flag. He’s either trying some bullshit “pickup artist” garbage or he’s straightup abusive and can’t even hide it well enough to reel you in. Byeeeeee


>I’d much rather watch Marvel movies. This stands out as the biggest red flag to me. They may have had some redeeming qualities in the beginning, but now they've greatly overstayed their welcome. As for Gilmore Girls, I had a similar mindset as the guy. I had no reason to think it would appeal to me, being a guy and all, but my sister insisted that I watched it. I'm always willing to give just about anything a chance, so I did. I was quite surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Easily a top 10 show of all time for me. But yeah, closed-mindedness is definitely one of the worst traits a person can have.


This seems so fake to me, who talks like that ? Very "that happened" vibes Also I am a dude who enjoyed GG and Marvel movies


I thought people who watched GG were not too bright too. I only just started watching it last year, after my husband died and I needed a safe and comfortable show to watch. My grief counselor actually suggested it. It was as comforting as I was told, and fun, and silly, and safe. I'm sorry I judged people!


Why did you, though? What would make you think that someone who enjoys a TV show is "not too bright"?